Tourist Behavior Patterns

• Japanese
more than 12 million travelers a year
less than 3% visit the Philippines
travel in package tours
More repeaters than first timers
Speak very little English
Wants Japanese food
4 to 5 days program only
Average age of travelers in their early 40’s
Cont.. Japanese
Tipping is not practiced in Japan
Considers Philippines value for money
Loves Philippines seafood
Very safety-conscious (peace and order)
Time and health conscious
Office ladies newest travel trend setter
Workaholics, bath-consciousness, groupism,
consensus mindedness, face-consciousness
Epicurean dependency, ceremonial animal,
defenseless Japanese, modest people
More are now traveling
Usually on multi-destination packages
More male than female travelers
Travel in package tours
Speak very little English
Wants Korean food
4 to 5 days program only
Average age of travelers in their 50’s
Tipping is not practiced in Korea
Loves Philippine seafood
Very safety, time and health conscious
– More are traveling every year with their fast economic
– More male than female travelers
– Travel on package tours
– Speak very little English
– Wants Chinese food
– 4 to 5 days program only
– Tipping practiced and pre-oriented
– Loves Philippine seafood
– Very safety, time and health conscious
– Love to shop for Philippine specialties/delicacies
Hong Kong
– Travel in cheap package tours with high hotel
– Count every centavo
– Very meticulous with Chinese food without
coconut oil
– Up to 6 days program
– Average age of travelers in their 30’s
– Tipping is pre-oriented in Hong Kong
Cont…Hong Kong
– Considers Philippines value for money
– Loves Philippine seafood
– Very safety, time and health conscious
– Go shopping in big department stores
– Travel in cheap package tours with high hotel
– Count every centavo
– Speak English
– Love to eat hot and spicy foods – check no
beef or pork?
– Up to 5 days tour program
– Average age of travelers in their 40’s
– Conscious in tipping
Cont… Singapore
– Loves Philippine seafood
– Very safety conscious ( peace and order)
– Time and health conscious
– Go shopping in big department stores
– Buys a lot of Philippine specialties & delicacies
– Always compare host country with home
Malaysian, Indonesians
– Love to travel in package tours if ethnic
– Speak English
– Love chilies and spicy foods – no pork?
– Up to 6 days program
– Average age of travelers in their 40’s
– Knows how to tip
– Considers Philippines value for money
Cont… Malaysians, Indonesians
– Love Philippine seafood
– Very safety, time and health conscious
– Go shopping in big department stores
– Buy lots of Philippine specialties and delicacies
– Do not speak English
– Travel on multi-destination package tour
– Chilies & spicy food is their main concern in
dining – no beef?
– Tipping is pre-oriented
– Travelers basically ethnic than Chinese
– Travelers in their 50’s
Central Asia & China
• Mainland Chinese
– Travel in package tours with regular hotel standards
but expect amenities in 3 stars hotel rooms like what
they have in China
– Count every centavos
– Speak very little English
– Very meticulous with Chinese food
– Up to 6 days program
– Average age of travelers in their 50’s
Cont… Mainland Chinese
– Tipping is pre-oriented
– Considers Philippines value for money
– love Philippine seafood
– Very safety, time and health conscious
– Usually have local Chinese contacts or
association for their activities
– Travel in cheap package tours with high hotel
– Count every centavo
– Speak very accented English
– Very meticulous with food – chilies & curries –
no beef?
– Up to 6 days program
– Average age of travelers in their 40’s
Cont… Indians
– Tipping is on a case-to-case basis
– Considers Philippine value for money
– Love Philippine seafood
– Very safety, time and health conscious
– Go shopping under the bridge (Quiapo)
• British
Travel in package tours with high hotel standards
Count every centavo
Up to 15 days
Average age of travelers in their 50’s
Knows how to tip
Considers Philippines value for money
Love Philippines seafood
– Very safety, time and health conscious
– Go for beach holidays and love the sun
– Lager drinkers
– Quite eccentric (odd behavior)
– Love to play with words in speaking
– Travel in package tours with high hotel
– Up to 15 days program
– Nationalistic – speak French even if they know
how to speak English
– Average age of travelers in their 40’s
– Knows how to tip
– Considers Philippines value for money
Cont… French
– Very safety, time and health conscious
– Go for beach holidays & love the sun
– Gastronome
– Wine should always be available in their meals
– Travel in package tours
– Knows very little English
– Wants to do what the locals do
– Up to 3 weeks program
– Average age of travelers in their 50’s
– Knows how to tip
– Make sure everything mentioned in the
brochure is included in the package
Cont… Germans
– Considers Philippines value for money
– Love Philippine beer and more on meat than
– Very time conscious
– Go for more cultural aspect of the tour
– Travel in package tours
– Knows very little English
– Wants to do what the locals do
– Up to 3 weeks program
– Average age of travelers in their 50’s
– Knows how to tip
– Considers Philippines value for money
Cont… Italians
– Love Philippine beer and prefer more meat
than seafood
– Very time conscious
– Sun lovers
– Go for more cultural aspect of the tour
– Be sure to include every detail of a tour as per
– Filthy rich to those who can afford to travel
– Very particular about their shopping
– Like most Germans – beer is their water
– Very time conscious of other people but not
– Speak English
Middle East
• Arabs
– Travel individually
– Speak English
– Accommodations with cooking facilities
– Very generous with tips but only while supply
– Average age of travelers value for money
– Love Philippines seafood
Cont… Arabs
– Considers Philippines value for money
– Love Philippine seafood
– Very safety ( peace & order)
– Time is relative, they’re on vacation
– Be sure to arrange payment before service
– Many have not seen rain at all
– Travel in groups
– Very daring ( safety if an important concern)
– Very particular about the food they eat
– Do not expect to give any tip
– Be prepared to haggle up to the last cent on
optional tours
– Time conscious
– Always looking for a bargain and business
– Travel individually
– Stays in pension and 3 star-hotel
– Very daring with safety concern
– Very particular about the food they eat
– Don’t expect to give any tip
– Haggling for the cheapest price for optional
– Always looking for a bargain & business
– More senior travelers
– Travel in package tours
– More repeaters than first timers/war
– Wants continental food/mcdonald’s & diners
type of food or classy
– 4 to 5 days program only
– Tipping is 19-15% by practice
– Considers Philippine value for money
– Love Philippine seafood
– Very, safety, time & health conscious
– Wants everything like home, - hot & cold
showers, aircon rooms, no pests or insects in
the room, everything must work
South America
– More couples as travelers
– Travel in package tours
– More first timers
– Speak Spanish or Portuguese
– Wants meat as main course
– 4 to 5 days program only
– Average age of travelers in their 50’s
Cont… South America
– Generous in tipping
– Considers Philippine value for money
– Very safety, time and health conscious
Central America
More couple travelers
Travel in package tours
More first timers
Speak Spanish or Portuguese
Wants meat as main course
4 to 5 days program only
Average age of travelers in their 50’s
Generous in tipping
Very safety, time & health conscious
Australians & New Zealanders
– FIT travelers
– Wants to do what the locals do
– Tips are given based on service rendered
– Beer drinkers
– Considers Philippines value for money
– Shoppers of essential goods and very few
– Good, clean beds in rooms are ok
Pacific Islanders
– Looks very much like us
– Go for cosmopolitan lifestyle
– Island type of cuisine will do ( fish &
– Shopping for essentials – go for big
department stores
– Look for value accommodation
Big tippers
Easier to relate with
Happy go lucky
Fun lover
Go for good accommodations, low-end budget
Loves good food
Music lover
Afraid of getting tan – hates the sun
Love to be pampered, love bargains