SUBJECT: Health Science 1 CLINTON HIGH SCHOOL CAREER COMPLEX WEEKLY LESSON PLAN OVERVIEW TEACHER: Lora Little DATE: September 23-27, 2013 UNIT THEME: MEDICAL/ LEGAL / ETHICAL OBJECTIVE(S): Unit 3: Medical, Legal, and Ethical Responsibility 1. Demonstrate behavior that maintains the patient’s rights according to the Patients’ Bill of Rights. (DOK 2) HSF5, HSF6 a. Value the client’s independence and determination. b. Provide patients assistance in participating in group activities. c. Confirm patient’s identity. d. Maintain care and security of patient’s personal possessions. e. Provide care that ensures the patient is free from abuse, mistreatment, and neglect; report any instances of such treatment to appropriate personnel. f. Discuss the use of restraints in accordance with current professional standards. 2. Assess the legal responsibilities, limitations, and implications of health-care workers’ actions within the health-care delivery setting. (DOK 3) HSF5 a. Differentiate legal responsibilities, limitations, and implications of actions; use problemsolving techniques when confronted with legal dilemmas or issues. b. Compare and contrast behaviors and practices that could result in malpractice, liability, or negligence. c. Defend policies related to documentation and record keeping. d. Explain reasons for practice within licensure, certification, registration, and legislated scope of practice. e. Evaluate the role of HIPAA, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability DATE OF EVALUATION:(TEST) Unit Test – legal, ethical, medical concepts Act. MONDAY: TUESDAY: WEDNESDAY: THURSDAY: METHODOLOGY : SUMMARY OF DAILY ASSIGNEMENTS BELLWORK: question of day and word of the day IN NOTEBOOK CW: class discussion of legal terminology, patient rights, ethical dilemmas, Form groups of 2-3 students, find a medical ethical dilemma that made national news in the last five years. Write in your group journal the date, circumstances and conclusion of the ethical dilemma. Be prepared to tell the class about your findings. BELLWORK: question of day and word of the day IN NOTEBOOK CW: discuss the group project on ethical dilemmas Pass out scrubs. If scrubs have not been paid for, student will be on fee list and not able to take exams until paid in full. Review clinical dress code BELLWORK: question of day and word of the day IN NOTEBOOK Medical abbreviations and root words Review for test BELLWORK: question of day and word of the day IN NOTEBOOK Test for medical, legal, ethical FRIDAY BELLWORK: question of day and word of the day IN NOTEBOOK Medical abbreviations, rootwords TECHNOLOGY Mac books for and classjump Flashcards are posted on quizlet and resource information on