High Frequency Words: yellow, blue, green

Unit 5 Week 1 Max Takes the Train
Unit Theme: How do people get from here to there?
ELL Planning Sheet
High Frequency Words: yellow, blue, green
New Phonics Skills: Jj /j/ , Ww /w/
Grammar: Question Sentences
Amazing Vocabulary: plane, jetway, subway, tunnel, ferryboat, sidecar
Story Vocabulary: transportation
(Amazing Words
Story Vocabulary
Tier II and III)
Activate Prior
Develop Vocabulary:
Poster 25 Day 2
Poster 25
Two, Four, More
Poster Talk-Through
Poster activities Day 1
Video: Away We Go:
All About
Talk with me/Sing with
me Chart 25 A/B:
plane, jetway,
subway, tunnel,
ferryboat, sidecar
Read: Max Takes a
Talk with me Chart 25
plane, jetway, subway,
tunnel, ferryboat,
Talk with me Chart 25
plane, jetway, subway,
tunnel, ferryboat,
Story Vocabulary:
Re-read: Max Takes a
Realism/Fantasy pg 15
Re-read: Max Takes a
T-chart real
Re-read: Max Takes a
T-chart real in
book/make believe in
book (pg15)
Students speak and
write question would
ask a new friend
Student speak
Teacher model write
Students Speak and
write question what is
your favorite color?
Max Takes a Train
narrative text
graphic organizer
Unit Connection
Practice Workbook
pg. 10
Unit 5 Week 1 Max Takes the Train
Unit Theme: How do people get from here to there?
High Frequency
yellow, blue, green
Say Sentences
Flash Cards
Jj /j/ , Ww /w/
Phonemic Awareness
pictures initial sort
(jam, wet, jellyfish,
jump, Jack, walrus,
wig, wagon )
segment/ blend (jam,
jug, win, wag)
yellow, blue, green
Find HF words in
Phonics Reader: Jen
and Will (blue)
Flash Cards
Jj /j/ , Ww /w/
Phonics Discriminate initial
sound (jam, wet,
jellyfish, jump, Jack,
walrus, wig, wagon )
Blend (jet, job, Will)
yellow, blue, green
Flash Cards
Phonic Reader: Jen
and Will
(keep to re-read on
Day 3)
Re-read Phonics
Reader: Jen and Will
Jj /j/ , Ww /w/
Phonics Workbook pg
119 & 124
yellow, blue, green
Flash Cards
Find HF words in
Decodable Reader:
On a Jet
Jj /j/ , Ww /w/
Phonics - spelling
(Jim, Jem, jar, at)
yellow, blue, green
Flash Cards
Decodable Reader:
On a Jet
(keep to re-read on
Day 5)
Decodable Reader
On a Jet
Jj /j/ , Ww /w/
Phonics- spelling
(jet, wet, win, wig)
blend (grin, Wes, fast)
Unit 1 Proposed Assessment Plan
High frequency words
Classroom teacher
Verbal retell
Classroom teacher
Writing CBM
ELL tutor
Unit 5 Week 1 Max Takes the Train
Unit Theme: How do people get from here to there?
Day 1
High Frequency Words: yellow, blue, green
New Phonics Skills: Jj /j/ , Ww /w/
Grammar: Question Sentences
Amazing Vocabulary: plane, jetway, subway, tunnel, ferryboat, sidecar
Story Vocabulary:
Poster 25
 Poster Talk-through – read aloud and point as you describe the poster. Have
students repeat the underlined words in the script, after you say them and
identify on the poster.
 Students need to respond to the following questions with one of the embedded
answer choices or complete sentence as modeled.
 Error Corrections: If needed, model, test, and ask the same question at the end
of this section to retest.
o Are people or animals in this town? Animals are in this town.
o Are monkeys or bears driving the green car? Monkeys are driving the
green car.
o Are cats or bears waiting to get on the blue bus? Bears are waiting to
get on the blue bus.
o Is a dog or a lion driving the train with the yellow lights? A lion is driving
the train with the yellow lights.
o Is this poster about real or fantasy things? This poster is about fantasy
o Does the motorcycle have four or two wheels? The motorcycle has two
o What other things in this poster have two wheels? Scooter
o How many wheels does the ambulance have? The ambulance has 4
o What other things in this poster have four wheels? Red truck.
Skateboard, stroller, roller blades, bus
o These animals are using lots of different ways to travel around the city.
Name some things people are using to get from one place to another.
Train, bus, scooter, truck, car, ambulance, motorcycle, skateboard….
o All of these things are “forms of transportation”. All of these things are
ways that people get from one place to another.
o What does transportation mean? getting from one place to another
o What is the word for using something to get from one place to another?
Forms of transportation
o A bus is a type of transportation. Say it with me…. A bus is a type of
 Continue with other transportation items on the poster.
Video: Away We Go: All About Transportation
Display Talk with Me Chart 25 A
“This week we will be talking about the ways people travel around the world.”
 (Point to the middle picture in right column.) This is a plane.
o What is this called? A plane
Unit 5 Week 1 Max Takes the Train
Unit Theme: How do people get from here to there?
Tier II and III)
A plane is a kind of transportation that travels in the sky.
What is a plane? A plane is a type of transportation that travels in the
o What do we call a form of transportation that travels in the sky? A plane
o Can you see another plane on this chart?
 This plane is still on the ground.
o (Point to the part of the airport.) This is part of the airport.
o (Point to the jetway.) This is called a jetway. People walk in the jetway
to get to the plane.
o What do people walk on to leave the airport and get to the plane? A
o What would you walk on to leave the plane and get to the airport? A
o A jetway connects the plane to the airport.
o What does a jetway do? Connects the plane and the airport
 This train is called a subway.
o A subway is a type of transportation that travels underground.
o What is a subway? A type of transportation that travels underground
o What do we call a type of transportation that is a train and travels
underground? A subway
 This is a picture of a tunnel .
o A tunnel is an underground road .
o What is a tunnel? An underground road
 What do we call an underground road? A tunnelThis is a ferryboat.
o A ferryboat is a type of transportation that travels on water.
o What is a ferryboat? A type of transportation that travels on water.
o A ferryboat can carry people, cars and things across the water.
o What does a ferryboat carry across the water? People, cars and things
 This motorcycle has a sidecar on it.
o A sidecar is a small car on the side of a motorcycle.
o What is a sidecar? a small car on the side of a motorcycle.
o What do we call a small car on the side of a motorcycle? A sidecar
Display Max Takes the Train.
 Think Aloud: I see a bunny standing in front of a train. I think the story is about
Max the bunny taking a train to somewhere exciting. The title of this book is
Max Takes the Train. Where do you think Max is going? What do you think this
story is about?
 Read Max Takes the Train
Grammar and
High Frequency yellow, blue, green
 Here are this week’s high frequency words.
o This word is yellow. What word? yellow
o A sentence with the word yellow is….”The sun is yellow. ”
o Ask students to use yellow in a sentence.
 This word is blue. What word? blue
o A sentence with the word blue is….”The sky is blue. ”
o Ask students to use blue in a sentence.
Unit 5 Week 1 Max Takes the Train
Unit Theme: How do people get from here to there?
This word is green. What word? green
o A sentence with the word green is….”The grass is green. ”
o Ask students to use green in a sentence.
Second Time
When I touch under the word, say the word in your head.
When I tap under the word, everyone will say the word aloud.
Practice the word list until they read the list without errors.
Unpredictable individual turns (Not everyone will have an individual turn.)
Jj /j/ , Ww /w/
Today we will learn a new sound. Listen and watch as I say the sound: /j/, /j/, /j/.
o Please say the /j/ sound……/j/ /j/ /j/
 Say jam…. jam. What sound do you hear at the beginning of
jam? /j/
o Listen and watch as I say the sound: /w/, /w/, /w/.
 Please say the /j/ sound……/w/ /w/ /w/
 Say wet … wet. What sound do you hear at the beginning of
wet? /w/
Show the wet and jam T-chart.
o Have students say the words with you as you point to the pictures.
o Show the other picture cards one at a time.
 Say the word and have students repeat.
 Have students identify the beginning sound.
 Pass out pictures and have students sort on the jam and wet Tchart. (jellyfish, jump, Jack, walrus, wig, wagon )
Use three fingers to help children see the number of sounds you say while
segmenting a word. Model then have students repeat.
o Segment the word jam. Hold up fingers as you say the individual sounds.
“jam j - a - m”
o Say it with me. jam j - a - m
o You (Students) do it. jam j - a - m
 Repeat with the following words: jug, win, wag
Unit 5 Week 1 Max Takes the Train
Unit Theme: How do people get from here to there?
Unit 5 Week 1 Max Takes the Train
Unit Theme: How do people get from here to there?
Unit 5 Week 1 Max Takes the Train
Unit Theme: How do people get from here to there?
Day 2
High Frequency Words: yellow, blue, green
New Phonics Skills: Jj /j/ , Ww /w/
Grammar: Question Sentences
Amazing Vocabulary: plane, jetway, subway, tunnel, ferryboat, sidecar
Story Vocabulary:
Develop Vocabulary
Poster 25 Day 2: Follow instructions for activity: Two, Four, More
(use word cards at end of day 2)
Display Talk with Me Chart 25 A
“This week we will be talking about the ways people travel around the world.”
 (Point to the middle picture in right column.) This is a plane.
o A plane is a kind of transportation that travels in the sky.
o What is a plane? A plane is a type of transportation that travels in the
Tier II and III)
o What do we call a form of transportation that travels in the sky? A plane
 (Point to the jetway.) This is called a jetway. People walk in the jetway to get
to the plane.
o A jetway connects the plane to the airport.
o What does a jetway do? Connects the plane and the airport
 This train is called a subway.
o A subway is a type of transportation that travels underground.
o What is a subway? A type of transportation that travels underground
o What do we call a type of transportation that is a train and travels
underground? A subway
o Why would people ride on a subway? People ride on a subway to get
from one place to another?
 This is a picture of a tunnel .
o A tunnel is an underground road .
o What is a tunnel? An underground road
o What do we call an underground road? A tunnel
o A subway and cars can travel in tunnels.
o What can travel in a tunnel? Subways and cars
 What do we call an underground road? A tunnelThis is a ferryboat.
o A ferryboat is a type of transportation that travels on water.
o What is a ferryboat? A type of transportation that travels on water.
o A ferryboat can carry people, cars and things across the water.
o What does a ferryboat carry across the water? People, cars and things
 This motorcycle has a sidecar on it.
o A sidecar is a small car on the side of a motorcycle.
o What is a sidecar? a small car on the side of a motorcycle.
o What do we call a small car on the side of a motorcycle? A sidecar
Display Max Takes the Train.
 Some stories tell about things that could happen in real life. These stories are
called realistic stories.
o What are realistic stories? Stories that could really happen.
o What do we call stories that could really happen? Realistic stories
o Is the story If You Could go to Antarctica a realistic story? Yes
Unit 5 Week 1 Max Takes the Train
Unit Theme: How do people get from here to there?
Grammar and
High Frequency
Some stories tell about things that could not happen in real life. These stories
are called fantasy stories.
o What are fantasy stories? Stories that could not happen in real life.
o What do we call stories that could not happen in real life? Fantasy
o Bunnies don’t take a train in real life.
o Is the story Makes Takes the Train a fantasy story? yes
Read Max Takes the Train
 A sentence that asks something is called a question?
o What is a question? A sentence that asks something
o What do we call a sentence that asks something? A question
o (Use the question page at the end of Day 2)
o I am going to ask you a question.
 What color is your shirt?
 I am asking you the color of your shirt.
 What do we call a sentence that asks you something? A
 A question sentence ends with a question mark.
 What did you eat for breakfast?
 I am asking you what you ate for breakfast.
 What do we call a sentence that asks you something? A
 A question sentence ends with a question mark.
 What is your name?
 I am asking you what you ate for breakfast.
 What do we call a sentence that asks you something? A
 A question sentence ends with a question mark.
o Review with students that all questions start with a capital letter, spaces
between words and a question mark at the end.
yellow, blue, green
This word is yellow. What word? yellow
Repeat with the words: blue, green
Second Time
When I touch under the word, say the word in your head.
When I tap under the word, everyone will say the word aloud.
Practice the word list until they read the list without errors.
Unpredictable individual turns (Not everyone will have an individual turn.)
Find High Frequency words blue in Phonics Reader: Jen and Will
Jj /j/ , Ww /w/
 Hold up a J letter card. This is the letter J. It makes the /j/ sound.
o Give each student a J letter card.
Unit 5 Week 1 Max Takes the Train
Unit Theme: How do people get from here to there?
o Trace the letter J on your card and say /j/.
o What sound does this letter make? /j/
o What is the name of this letter? J
Hold up a W letter card. This is the letter W. It makes the /w/ sound.
o Give each student a W letter card.
o Trace the letter W on your card and say /w/.
o What sound does this letter make? /w/
o What is the name of this letter? W
I am going to say some words and show the pictures if they start with the /j/
sound, hold up the letter J card. If the words start with a /w/ sound hold up the
letter W. (jam, wet, jellyfish, jump, Jack, walrus, wig, wagon)
Use the page with arrows and blocks to practice blending words together.
o With students slowly sound out each letter while pointing to the letter
with finger.
o With students repeat sounding out and pointing at a faster speed.
o With students repeat reading and pointing at a normal speed.
Phonics Reader : Jen and Will
Keep reader to re-read on Day 3
Unit 5 Week 1 Max Takes the Train
Unit Theme: How do people get from here to there?
Unit 5 Week 1 Max Takes the Train
Unit Theme: How do people get from here to there?
Unit 5 Week 1 Max Takes the Train
Unit Theme: How do people get from here to there?
Unit 5 Week 1 Max Takes the Train
Unit Theme: How do people get from here to there?
Unit 5 Week 1 Max Takes the Train
Unit Theme: How do people get from here to there?
Day 3
High Frequency Words: yellow, blue, green
New Phonics Skills: Jj /j/ , Ww /w/
Grammar: Question Sentences
Amazing Vocabulary: plane, jetway, subway, tunnel, ferryboat, sidecar
Story Vocabulary:
Display Talk with Me Chart 25 A
“This week we will be talking about the ways people travel around the world.”
 (Point to the middle picture in right column.) This is a plane.
o A plane is a kind of transportation that travels in the sky.
o What is a plane? A plane is a type of transportation that travels in the
Tier II and III)
o What do we call a form of transportation that travels in the sky? A plane
 (Point to the jetway.) This is called a jetway. People walk in the jetway to get
to the plane.
o A jetway connects the plane to the airport.
o What does a jetway do? Connects the plane and the airport
 This train is called a subway.
o A subway is a type of transportation that travels underground.
o What is a subway? A type of transportation that travels underground
o What do we call a type of transportation that is a train and travels
underground? A subway
 This is a picture of a tunnel .
o A tunnel is an underground road .
o What is a tunnel? An underground road
o What do we call an underground road? A tunnel
 This is a ferryboat.
o A ferryboat is a type of transportation that travels on water.
o What is a ferryboat? A type of transportation that travels on water.
o A ferryboat can carry people, cars and things across the water.
o What does a ferryboat carry across the water? People, cars and things
o Cars and trucks drive right on to the empty space and park.
o People ride on the second floor.
o What transportation can carry people and cars over the water? A
 This motorcycle has a sidecar on it.
o Who is riding in the sidecar? A dog is riding in the sidecar.
o A sidecar is a small car on the side of a motorcycle.
o What is a sidecar? a small car on the side of a motorcycle.
o What do we call a small car on the side of a motorcycle? A sidecar
o Who traveled in the sidecar on the way home from Zeke’s Palace of Icecream? Max traveled in the sidecar.
Display Max Takes the Train.
 Some stories tell about things that could happen in real life. These stories are
called realistic stories.
o What are realistic stories? Stories that could really happen.
o What do we call stories that could really happen? Realistic stories
 Some stories tell about things that could not happen in real life. These stories
Unit 5 Week 1 Max Takes the Train
Unit Theme: How do people get from here to there?
Grammar and
High Frequency
are called fantasy stories.
o What are fantasy stories? Stories that could not happen in real life.
o What do we call stories that could not happen in real life? Fantasy
 Display the real bunny/fantasy bunny T chart.
o We are going to use this T-chart to help us tell the differences between
real bunnies and Max.
o Have students tell about real bunnies or things that real bunnies do. List
students’ answers.
o Have student ell about Max and things that Max did. List answers.
 Real Bunnies: hop, have fur…
 Fantasy Bunnies: talk, wear clothes, eat ice-cream, eat at
tables, ride trains, planes, ferryboats….
Read Max Takes the Train
 A sentence that asks something is called a question?
o What is a question? A sentence that asks something
o What do we call a sentence that asks something? A question
 Pair students together. They will take turns asking each other “What color do
you like?” and answering, “I like the color _____.”
 Pass out writing paper. Assist students as needed to write, “What color do you
o Review with students that all questions start with a capital letter, spaces
between words and a question mark at the end.
yellow, blue, green
This is the word yellow. What word? Yellow
Spell the word yellow. Y – e – l – l - o – w
What is the word? Yellow
Repeat for the words: green, blue
Second Time
When I touch under the word, say the word in your head.
When I tap under the word, everyone will say the word aloud.
Practice the word list until they read the list without errors.
Unpredictable individual turns (Not everyone will have an individual turn.)
Jj /j/ , Ww /w/
 Hold up a J letter card. This is the letter J. It makes the /j/ sound.
o Give each student a J letter card.
o Trace the letter J on your card and say /j/.
o What sound does this letter make? /j/
o What is the name of this letter? J
 Hold up a W letter card. This is the letter W. It makes the /w/ sound.
o Give each student a W letter card.
o Trace the letter W on your card and say /w/.
o What sound does this letter make? /w/
o What is the name of this letter? W
 Phonics Workbook page 119 & 124
 Use the page with arrows and blocks to practice blending words together.
Unit 5 Week 1 Max Takes the Train
Unit Theme: How do people get from here to there?
With students slowly sound out each letter while pointing to the letter
with finger.
o With students repeat sounding out and pointing at a faster speed.
o With students repeat reading and pointing at a normal speed.
Re-read Phonics Reader : Jen and Will
Unit 5 Week 1 Max Takes the Train
Unit Theme: How do people get from here to there?
Unit 5 Week 1 Max Takes the Train
Unit Theme: How do people get from here to there?
Unit 5 Week 1 Max Takes the Train
Unit Theme: How do people get from here to there?
Day 4
High Frequency Words: yellow, blue, green
New Phonics Skills: Jj /j/ , Ww /w/
Grammar: Question Sentences
Amazing Vocabulary: plane, jetway, subway, tunnel, ferryboat, sidecar
Story Vocabulary:
Tier II and III)
Story Vocabulary: transportation
 Transportation are the things we use to get from one place to another.
o What is transportation? things we use to get from one place to another.
o What is the word for things we use to get from one place to another?
o Can you tell me one thing Max used to get from his house to Zeke’s
Palace of ice-cream?
o Use student answer in a complete sentence.
 Example: student says bus.
 Teacher says: A bus is a type of transportation.
 Have students repeat the teacher modeled sentence – A bus is a
type of transportation.
o Repeat with several other examples of transportation.
Display Max Takes the Train.
 Some stories tell about things that could happen in real life. These stories are
called realistic stories.
o What are realistic stories? Stories that could really happen.
o What do we call stories that could really happen? Realistic stories
 Some stories tell about things that could not happen in real life. These stories
are called fantasy stories.
o What are fantasy stories? Stories that could not happen in real life.
o What do we call stories that could not happen in real life? Fantasy
 Display the real / fantasy T chart.
o We are going to use this T-chart to help us list things in the story that
are real and then list things in the story that are fantasy.
o Do a picture walk through the story to help students ID real items in a
the story and fantasy parts of the story. Write students’ responses.
 Real: train, car, ice-cream…..
 Fantasy: bunny talking on phone, bunny riding a bike…..
Read Max Takes the Train
Grammar and Questions
 A sentence that asks something is called a question?
o What is a question? A sentence that asks something
o What do we call a sentence that asks something? A question
 Let’s pretend that a new friend is coming to our class. What question would you
like to ask a new friend?
 Have each student say a question they would like to ask a new friend.
 Pass out writing paper. Assist students as needed to write the question they
would like to ask a new friend.
Unit 5 Week 1 Max Takes the Train
Unit Theme: How do people get from here to there?
High Frequency
Review with students that all questions start with a capital letter, spaces
between words and a question mark at the end.
yellow, blue, green
First Time
When I touch under the word, say the word in your head.
When I tap under the word, everyone will say the word aloud.
Practice the word list until they read the list without errors.
Unpredictable individual turns (Not everyone will have an individual turn.)
Second Time
Pass out Decodable Reader - On a Jet
Have students find and underline the sight words yellow, blue, green
in the story.
Jj /j/ Ww /w/
Display a J letter card. This is the letter J. It makes the /j/ sound.
What is the name of this letter? J
What sound does this letter make? /j/
Have students air write the letter J while saying the /j/ sound.
Display a W letter card. This is the letter W. It makes the /w/ sound.
What is the name of this letter? W
What sound does this letter make? /w/
Have students air write the letter W while saying the /w/ sound
We are going to spell some words. Pass out writing materials. If a word is a proper
noun, remind students to begin that word with a capital letter.
 Teacher say “Jim”
 Students say “Jim”
 Teacher and students segment word. Hold up one finger for each letter sound.
J - i - m
 Students write the word.
Repeat for the following words: Jem, jar, at
Decodable Reader: On a Jet
Keep reader to re-read on Day 5
Unit 5 Week 1 Max Takes the Train
Unit Theme: How do people get from here to there?
Day 5
High Frequency Words: yellow, blue, green
New Phonics Skills: Jj /j/ , Ww /w/
Grammar: Question Sentences
Amazing Vocabulary: plane, jetway, subway, tunnel, ferryboat, sidecar
Story Vocabulary:
Tier II and III)
Display Max Takes the Train
 Use narrative text graphic organizer to have students retell the story.
Grammar and
High Frequency
 How did Max get to Zeke’s Palace of Ice-cream?
 Practice Book pg 10
yellow, blue, green
When I touch under the word, say the word in your head.
When I tap under the word, everyone will say the word aloud.
Practice the word list until they read the list without errors.
Unpredictable individual turns (Not everyone will have an individual turn.)
Ee /e/
Jj /j/ Ww /w/
Display a J letter card. This is the letter J. It makes the /j/ sound.
What is the name of this letter? J
What sound does this letter make? /j/
Have students air write the letter J while saying the /j/ sound.
Display a W letter card. This is the letter W. It makes the /w/ sound.
What is the name of this letter? W
What sound does this letter make? /w/
Have students air write the letter W while saying the /w/ sound
We are going to spell some words. Pass out writing materials. If a word is a proper
noun, remind students to begin that word with a capital letter.
 Teacher say “jet”
 Students say “jet”
 Teacher and students segment word. Hold up one finger for each letter sound.
j - e - t
 Students write the word.
 Repeat for the following words: wet, win, wig
Decodable Reader : On a Jet