Equal Opportunities Policy Created: Oct 2013 1 Introduction This Union seeks to enable all members to have equal opportunities and shall seek to protect the rights and opportunities of its members. This Union recognises that certain groups and individuals in society are discriminated against and is committed to challenging and removing discrimination and barriers. This Union will not tolerate prejudice or discriminate against its members or others. 1.1 1.2 2 Clarification of Terms: 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 3 This Union shall act without discrimination in respect of: Gender, Racial Origin, Nationality, Sexual Orientation, Religious Belief, Political Belief, Disabilities, Age, Marital Status, Spent Criminal Convictions, Health, HIV and AIDS status, Language, Appearance, Class. This list is not exhaustive. Falmouth & Exeter Students’ Union Senior Management Team has the responsibility for ensuring compliance with relevant legislation and promotion of good practice in Equal Opportunities matters. “Discriminatory behaviour” may be overt, covert or a combination of both and may be displayed as hostile remarks innuendo, written abuse, physical assault, intimidation, threatening gestures or other ways. It is not the intention of the perpetrator, but the impact on the recipient that determines what constitutes harassment. In this policy, “direct discrimination” means behaviour whereby a person is treated less favourably than another on the grounds of belonging to any group in society, such as those defined above. In this policy, “Indirect discrimination” means when there are rules, regulations or procedures operating, which have the effect of discriminating against certain groups of people. This may happen in subtle ways. The Union is committed to a comprehensive programme of action to ensure that this policy be fully effective. In this policy, the term ‘this Union’ includes Falmouth & Exeter Students’ Union, any Union Officer, Member or FXU Employee who acts on behalf of, or in association with the Union, or any visitor to the Union. This also refers to Union activities and policies. FXU staff on Falmouth University contracted employees may follow this Policy but are ultimately bound by the Falmouth University Equal Opportunities Policy, which would supersede this Policy. Union responsibility 3.1 This Union recognises the right of students to take an active role in Union democracy and, as such, will regularly review provisions and actions to ensure that this is possible. 1 Facilities/provisions are to be upgraded/introduced where feasible, to ensure that full participation is possible. 4 Access 4.1 4.2 5 Health and Safety 5.1 6 7.2 7.3 All Clubs and Societies will be invited to take up an Equal Opportunities Policy as part of the FXU Code of Conduct. The conduct and activities of Clubs and Societies shall be monitored to ensure that they are in keeping with the ethos and provisions of this Policy. Breaches of the FXU Code of Conduct will be addressed in accordance with the FXU complaints and grievances process. Religious Facilities 8.1 9 Services shall be regularly reviewed to ensure that, where possible, they include the needs of all groups of the student population. Clubs and Societies 7.1 8 This Union shall ensure FX Plus maintain adequate levels of lighting, emergency accesses, for the safety of users or visitors to Union premises. Services 6.1 7 In accordance with the Disability Discrimination Act (2005) this Union shall make every effort to ensure that all areas are accessible, regardless of mobility. Wherever necessary and possible, aids will be installed to ensure full access (e.g. Handrails, clear signpost, ramps etc). Access to racks, counters notice boards etc. shall be reviewed and relocated where applicable. Any alterations or new developments to Union premises should be made with the requirements of people with diverse needs in mind. This Union recognises that a large number of religious faiths is represented across the campus and will seek to ensure the accessibility to available facilities and opportunities for students who adhere to a recognised faith. Posters and Publications 9.1 All posters and publications displayed or distributed through this Union should include a fair representation of the student body. Care should be taken to avoid stereotypical, sexist, racist, ageist, heterosexist or otherwise discriminatory images or language. Positive images should be used wherever possible. 2 10 Language 10.1 11 12 Employment 11.1 The employment of FXU personnel will comply with this FXU Equal Opportunity Policy, as the Students’ Union aims to be an Equal Opportunities employer. 11.2 The employment of FXU personnel on a Falmouth University contract may follow this FXU Equal Opportunity Policy but must comply with the Falmouth University Equal Opportunities Policy 11.3 All Union job advertisements and recruitment drives shall be aimed at as wide a group of suitable qualified and experienced people as possible and shall include a statement of commitment to equal opportunities. Training 12.1 13 All Union officers and staff who have regular contact with students/outside parties, will have equal opportunity training, and will receive relevant notes of guidance. Monitoring 13.1 13.2 14 This Union recognises the role of language in the shaping and definition of attitudes and behaviour. This Union endorses the use of non-discriminatory language in all Union literature, and by both students and staff. This Union should investigate procedures to allow the monitoring of services and activities within the Union under the provision of this policy. The Monitoring of statistics should be considered by the Senior Management Team on an annual basis. If there are any indications that members of any group have received less favourable treatment than members of others, the situation must be investigated and appropriate action taken. Complaints 14.1 14.2 14.3 Any complaints of unfair treatment in accordance with this policy should be referred to the Students’ Union senior staff member, President(s) or VP Welfare for investigation and appropriate action. An annual report on complaints received should be kept. Complaints concerning the possible breach by students shall result in a full investigation in accordance with Bye-law 10: Complaints & Appeals (incorporating the Grievance Procedure) Complaints concerning the possible breach by staff shall result in an investigation in accordance with either the Falmouth University or the Students’ Union Code of Conduct, depending on the contract of employment, with possible disciplinary action. 3 15 Harassment 15.1 16 Disciplinary Procedures 16.1 17 This union recognises the right of all individuals to live free from harassment and victimisation. This Union will fully support those who have been subject to harassment. Perpetrators of harassment will be liable to disciplinary or legal action. The Union’s disciplinary procedures are to be reviewed to ensure that they comply with the Falmouth & Exeter Students’ Union Equal Opportunities Policy. General 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 The Union must satisfy itself that all agencies within the Union are operating in accordance with his policy, through an annual review carried out by the Senior Management Team. All outside organisations which operate with the Union should be made aware as to the Union’s Equal Opportunities Policy and Code of Practice, and encouraged to act in accordance with them. Copies of these should be available for all students/staff/visitors to the Union. Falmouth & Exeter Students’ Union will continue to be active members of any University Equality and Diversity Committees and will campaign to raise awareness on Equal Opportunities issues. This Union will strive to represent the needs of individuals/groups of students through appropriate channels, to the relevant bodies, to ensure that their needs are meet. Our commitment We are committed to: • • • • • • • Creating an environment in which individual differences and the contributions of all our workers are recognised and valued; Providing a working environment that promotes dignity and respect to all. No form of intimidation, bullying or harassment will be tolerated; Making training, development and progression opportunities available to all workers; Ensuring that employment within our organisation is open to all and that decisions on recruitment are based on the best candidate for the role; Reviewing our employment practices and procedures to ensure fairness; Taking action if this policy is breached. Breaches will be regarded as misconduct and could lead to disciplinary proceedings. Serious breaches will be treated as gross misconduct which, depending on the circumstances, could result in dismissal without notice and without any money in lieu of notice; and Monitoring and reviewing this policy annually. 4 Implementation The Chief Executive Officer is responsible for the effective implementation of this policy. However, we all have an individual responsibility to abide by and support the policy. To implement this policy we will take reasonable steps to: • Effectively communicate the policy to all of our workers, [for example through induction training, management training, [team briefings,] displays on notice-boards, including it in our staff handbook/putting it on the intranet and making it known to job applicants]; • Make managers and supervisors and those involved in recruitment aware of their responsibilities [through appropriate and regular training on equality issues]; • Design advertisements and recruitment drives to effectively implement this policy; • Consult with [insert name of trade union]/employee representatives on the implementation of this policy and any amendments to practice; and • Carry out appropriate monitoring of job applicants and, where appropriate, our workforce to assess how effective this policy is. 5