4th Grade TCAP Review Reporting Category1: Language SPI 401.1.1- Correct use of nouns and pronouns It’s an amazing how fast the loafes go in one end and come out the other end looking very different. 1. Choose the correct way to write the underlined word in the sentence. A. B. C. D. loafs loavs loaves correct as is 2. Which underlined word in this sentence is a noun? They talked to family members about it. A. talked B. to C. members D. about Mrs. Thompson asked to rake her yard. 3. Choose the correct phrase to complete the sentence. A. Joe and me B. Joe and I C. me and him D. I and him SPI 401.1.2- Correct use of verbs Our class had an enjoyable time and learn many interesting things. 4. What is the correct way to write the underlined word? A. B. C. D. learned learning will learn had learn Page 1 5. Read the sentence. Kim and Akia was best friends. What is the correct way to write this sentence? A. Kim and Akia being best friends. B. Kim and Akia were best friends. C. Kim and Akia will be best friends. D. Kim and Akia is best friends. 6. Read this sentence. Kim listened for Akia’s answer, but there was only silence. Which of these words is a linking verb? A. B. C. D. there listened answer was SPI 401.1.3- Correct use of adjectives and adverbs I thought the slicing and bagging machines were the moistest interesting part. 7. What is the correct way to write the underlined word in the sentence. A. B. C. D. most moster more most correct as is 8. Read this sentence. She takes dance, and this makes her move gracefullier than her other people. What is the correct way to write the underlined part of the sentence? A. B. C. D. gracefuller more graceful most gracefully correct as is Page 2 9. Read the sentence. He always wears a shirt and an tie. What is the correct way to write the underlined part of the sentence? A. B. C. D. a the un correct as is SPI 401.1.4- Sentence types by recognizing appropriate end marks 10. Read this sentence. Watch out for the car What is the best punctuation mark to put at the end of the sentence? A. B. C. D. comma (,) a semicolon (;) question mark (?) exclamation point (!) 11. . Read this sentence. Why are you standing in the char What is the best punctuation mark to put at the end of the sentence? A. B. C. D. comma (,) a semicolon (;) question mark (?) exclamation point (!) 12. . Read this sentence. We went to my aunt’s house for Christmas What is the best punctuation mark to put at the end of the sentence? A. B. C. D. comma (,) a period (.) question mark (?) exclamation point (!) Page 3 SPI 401.1.5- Correct incomplete sentences 13. Which sentence is written correctly? A. B. C. D. Will you please point out the correct answer? Will you please pointing out the correct answer? Will you please pointed out the correct answer? Will you please to point out the correct answer? 14. Which of the following sentences is a compound sentence? A. B. C. D. Emily filled the jar with baby oil, and Morgan added a bit of glitter. Mrs. Young was sad because she missed the snow. The Young family left Maine and moved to San Diego, California. A snow globe is a glass container with a winter scene inside it. 15. Read the sentence. Today they are. What is the correct way to write this sentence? A. B. C. D. Today, they is. Today, they be. Today, they was. correct as is SPI 401.1.6- Correct use of commas 16. Read the greeting from a letter. Dear Ms. Roberts. What is the correct way to write the greeting? A. Dear Ms. Roberts! B. Dear Ms Roberts, C. Dear Ms. Roberts, D. correct as is 17. Which sentence uses commas correctly. A. Micheal Sydney, and Jamal walked home together. B. Micheal, Sydney, and Jamal walked home together. Page 4 C. Micheal, Sydney, and Jamal, walked home together. D. Micheal, Sydney, and, Jamal walked home together. 18. Which sentence uses commas correctly. A. B. C. D. My friend, Kevin, was born July, 6 1975. My friend, Kevin, was born July 6 1975. My friend, Kevin, was born July 6, 1975. Correct as is SPI 401.1.7- Usage errors 19. Read this sentence. Tyler said he could not never work there. Which is the correct way to revise the underlined part of the sentence. A. B. C. D. could never work couldn’t never work could never not work couldn’t never not work 20. Read this sentence. They teased him and didn’t not accept him. What is the correct way to revise the underlined part of the sentence. A. B. C. D. did not accept did n’ accept did accept correct as is 21. Read this sentence. Go straight to the store and do not never stop on the way there and back. What is the correct way to revise the underlined part of the sentence? A. B. C. D. do not stop don’t never stop do no stop correct as is Page 5 SPI 401.1.8- Correctly or incorrectly spelled words 22. Read this sentence. This morning we discussed the unusual things we discovered about your dilicious bread. Which of the underlined words is not spelled correctly? A. B. C. D. discussed unusual discovered delicious 23. Read the sentence. John could not imagine what happened to his football. What is the correct way to spell the contraction? A. B. C. D. couldnt’ could’nt couldn’t couldn’t 24. Read this sentence. James restled with the thought of receiving a precent that he didn’t like for his burthday. Which of the underlined words is spelled correctly? A. B. C. D. restled thought precent burthday SPI 401.1.9- Correct formation of plurals, contractions, and possessives 25. Which sentence is correctly written? A. The playground design used the childrens ideas. B. The playground design used the children's ideas. C. The playground design used the childrens ideas. D. The playground design used the childrens' ideas. Page 6 26. Which of the following sentences is correct? A. B. C. D. The nurses' station is empty. The familys house is for sale. The mouse'ses nest is ready. The deers antlers are sharp. 27. Read the following sentences: It was raining. We went outside anyway. Which sentence combines the two sentences correctly? A. B. C. D. It was raining, but we went outside anyway. It was raining outside anyway. It was raining or we went outside anyway. It was raining, we went outside anyway. SPI 401.1.10- Correct use quotation marks and commas in direct quotations 28. Which sentence uses quotation marks correctly? A. B. C. D. "Grab your boots and hat," said Mom, "Or you'll get wet if it rains." "Grab your boots and hat," said Mom, "or you'll get wet if it rains." "Grab your boots and hat," said mom, "Or you'll get wet if it rains." "Grab your boots and hat, Said Mom, "or you'll get wet if it rains." 29. Which sentence uses quotation marks correctly? A. B. C. D. "Are you ready for the field trip on Friday, asked Mrs. Wilder." "Are you ready for the field trip on Friday," asked Mrs. Wilder. "Are you ready for the field trip on Friday?" asked Mrs. Wilder. Are you ready for the field trip on Friday? asked Mrs. Wilder. 30. Which sentence uses quotation marks correctly? A. B. C. D. I can't wait," said Mom. I can't wait. I can't wait, said Mom. "I can't wait," said Mom. Page 7 SPI 401.1.11- Correct subject-verb agreement 31. Which of the following sentences is written correctly? A. B. C. D. Houses is fun to visit. Decorating cents am a good program. Mother loves to watch television. Home and Garden TV is mother's favorite programs. 32. Which sentence is written correctly? A. B. C. D. The puppy chase the ball into the street. He visit his grandfather each Saturday. My sister pulls me in the wagon. That horse run away every time. 33. Which sentence is written correctly? A. B. C. D. Next Thursday, we did elect a new mayor. In the past, we elected a male candidate. Last week, we votes for a new president. For centuries, voters will elect a proper candidate. SPI 401.1.15- Compound words, contractions, and abbreviations 34. Read the date of this letter. October 14, 2011 Which is the correct abbreviation for the underlined word? A. Octob. B. Oct. C. Ocbr D. Octo. 35. Choose the correct contraction for the underlined words. Sara will not share her toys with Max. A. B. C. D. wont' wouldn't won't willn't Page 8 36. Every year Janice and Carol go to visit their grandmother for summer vacation. Their grandmother lives in Williamsburg, Virginia. It's a wonderful place to visit because of its fourth of july events. Choose the answer that shows the correct capitalization of the part of the sentence in bold print. A. B. C. D. Fourth of july fourth of July Fourth Of July Fourth of July Reporting Category 2: Vocabulary SPI 401.1.12- Appropriate antonyms, synonyms, and homonyms 37. Choose the word that is means almost the same for the underlined word. The ant colony grew over time as the ants multiplied and needed more space to live and grow. A. dispute B. community C. country D. school 38. Foe has the same meaning as . A. enemy B. pal C. pirate D. thief 39. Choose the word that means the opposite of the word hurry . A. rush B. arrive C. finish D. stroll SPI 40101.13- Grade appropriate vocabulary 40. Choose the correct meaning of the underlined idiom. Chava shed crocodile tears when her mom told her she could not attend the game. A. got rid of her crocodile B. fell in the water C. pretended to cry D. has a fear of crocodiles Page 9 41. Choose the sentence that will correctly replace the underlined word with the word weak. A. Todd said he has been running every day so his muscles would be strong. B. I have been sick for so long that I have become frail. C. I knew George was going to be a strong candidate. D. Samuel had told us that he would be gone all week. 42. Read the following passage. The Cyclone Dorothy lived in the midst of the great Kansas prairies, with Uncle Henry, who was a farmer, and Aunt Em, who was the farmer's wife. Their house was small, for the lumber to build it had to be carried by wagon many miles. There were four walls, a floor and a roof, which made one room; and this room contained a rusty looking cookstove, a cupboard for the dishes, a table, three or four chairs, and the beds. Uncle Henry and Aunt Em had a big bed in one corner, and Dorothy a little bed in another corner. There was no garret at all, and no cellar--except a small hole dug in the ground, called a cyclone cellar, where the family could go in case one of those great whirlwinds arose, mighty enough to crush any building in its path. It was reached by a trap door in the middle of the floor, from which a ladder led down into the small, dark hole. What is a cyclone? A. a whirlwind B. a cellar C. a small hole D. a ladder SPI401.1.14-Prefixes, suffixes, and root words 43. Which word has the prefix that means to do again. A. unimportant B. remake C. disregard D. comfortable Page 10 It is a thrilling treat to watch the large, white egret as it flies overhead showing its tufts of long, lacy feathers. As you stand on the high banks of the canal during flood season, you can watch as the egret retreats to the water. 44. What is an egret? A. B. C. D. a desert bird a type of canal a type of lace a water bird 45. Read the following passage and answer the question below. Andre worked over the summer to afford the basketball shoes he wanted. He was so excited to buy them before the season started. His excitement, however, turned to disappointment because the first time he wore them at practice the new shoes rubbed against his skin and caused a painful to form. What word would best complete the sentence. A. B. C. D. blister blubber billow bow SPI 401.1.16- Unfamiliar words using context clues, dictionaries, and glossaries 46. Pepe's mom looked through photo albums, showed him pictures, and told him stories about family members. She said the memories and stories meant a lot to her and were more to her than gold. What would best complete the sentence? A. B. C. D. victory worthless valuable elated Page 11 47. Look at the part of a dictionary page. Which of these words is used as a descriptive word? A. fasten B. fisherman C. fortunate D. furnish petal: PEH-tuhl A thin, bright-colored part of a flower surrounding the reproductive organs. pistil: PIH-stil The seed-bearing part of a flower. sepal: SEE-pull A green outer part of a flower. stamen: STAY-men The pollen-bearing part of a flower. 48. The entries above are from the glossary of a science book. What is the meaning of pistil? A. seed-bearing part B. bright colored part C. outer part D. pollen-bearing Page 12 SPI 401.3.2- Audience Put the glove on the hand you do not use to throw. Pick up the ball with the non-glove hand. Point the glove at the target, and step with the glove-side foot. Throw the ball and follow through with your arm. Point, step, and throw. 49. Who would be the audience and what would be the purpose of this paragraph? A. B. C. D. older football players getting ready to throw a ball younger football players learning to kick a ball older baseball players getting ready to throw a ball younger baseball players learning to throw a ball 50. Who would be the best audience for a presentation on lake water safety? A. B. C. D. people who own boats people who live on farms people who have aquariums people who eat sea food Page 13 Alan will give an informational talk about the moon to his classmates. 51. What should he include in this talk? A. B. C. D. A cartoon about a mouse on the moon Information about how stars are formed Facts and true information about the moon. A make-believe story about going to the moon. SPI 401.3.3- Topic Sentence Libraries are very helpful places to find research. At a library, people of all ages can locate information about a wide variety of subjects. Libraries have books, online databases, and even some movies about different topics. People can use the information at libraries to understand something better or simply to learn more information. 52. What is the topic of this paragraph? A. researching B. movies C. databases D. libraries Sequoia trees are some of the tallest and oldest trees in the world. The largest recorded Sequoia is 26 feet in diameter and 379 feet tall. The oldest Sequoia was around 2,200 years old. Most other trees around the world are less than 300 years old and shorter than 150 feet tall. 53. What is the topic of this paragraph? A. B. C. D. The regular diameter of trees is different in continents around the world. Trees in North America have different lifespans. Sequoia trees are some of the tallest and oldest trees in the world. The average height of most trees is very short. 54. Which sentence would be best to add to the paragraph as the topic sentence. To get all that milk, dairy farms use machines to milk the cows. These machines send the milk into large refrigerated tanks. Refrigerated tanker trucks take the milk to a dairy. The milk is heated to kill germs. Then the milk is put into cartons and bottles and shipped to stores. A. B. C. D. Cows live on farms and eat grass. Milk has many vitamins and minerals to help you grow. One cow can produce 950 gallons of milk in a year. A baby cow is called a calf. Page 14 SPI 401.3.4- Details to support a topic sentence (Introduction) Crows are fairly common birds. They are not known for their flashy colors or pretty songs. They are so easy to spot that people hardly ever think about them. They may not seem like it, but crows are very interesting creatures. (Paragraph 1) Crows are pure black, including their bill and legs. They do not sing. Instead, they caw, usually loudly. When they fly, they spread out some of their wing feathers. This makes the feathers look like long, black fingers. If you see a crow flying, it will most likely be flapping its wings. Unlike other birds, crows hardly ever glide on the air. (Paragraph 2) If you want to find a crow, you can look almost anywhere. They are found in all 50 states. Unlike many other animals, crows can live in all different kinds of habitats. You might find them in busy areas filled with people or a completely empty field. Crows do not fly south for the winter. You can just as easily spot a crow on a hot summer day as in the middle of winter. They are usually found in flocks (a large group of birds). (Paragraph 3) No matter where a crow lives, it will probably fly to the ground when it is hungry. Crows are not picky about what they eat. They enjoy insects, seeds, worms, and fruit. You might also spot them nibbling at a piece of litter on the ground or food from a tipped-over garbage can. Since they often live around people, it is very easy for crows to find their next meal. 55. Where should the following sentence be placed in the report above? You will also spot them along the road, in forests, on beaches, and hiding in the treetops. A. Paragraph 2 B. Paragraph 1 C. Introduction D. Paragraph 3 56. Which detail best supports the ideas to develop this topic sentence? Recess is my favorite time of the school day. A. B. C. D. Art is so much fun because we get to paint Sometimes we have to stay inside and play games. We get to run, play, and talk to everyone. Math is a fun time too, because we get to solve fun problems. Page 17 Use this story to answer questions 60-62. The Lighthouse Keeper 1 The town held a parade to celebrate its birthday every year. Samuel always helped his father a float for the parade. He had been trying to think of an idea for this year. However, he had not been able to come up with anything yet. “No,” He replied. “I’ll try to think of something this week.” 2 Later that day Samuel went for a walk on the nearby beach. It was getting dark. Samuel saw the lighthouse at the end of the beach, with light blinking. 3 “Do you have any ideas for the float, Samuel?” his father asked. 4 That’s it, he thought. We can make a lighthouse float! Samuel ran home quickly to tell his father about the idea. 5 Samuel explained the idea to his father “We can have a lighthouse, with a real light and everything,” he said. “We can even make a miniature harbor with boats in it.” 6 Samuel’s father liked the idea immediately. “I also have an idea to go along with that, son,” he said. “Mr. Garza, the lighthouse keeper, is retiring this year. He’s been running the lighthouse for over 40 years. This will be a great way to thank him for his hard work.” 7 “There’s just one thing missing,” his father said. He attached a chair to the back of the float. “Now Mr. Garza can watch over the harbor like he always has.” 8 Samuel and his father started to work on the float. With the parade only two weeks away. His father made a wooden structure for the lighthouse, and Samuel covered it with paper-maché. They used blue clay to make the ocean. Samuel borrowed toy boats from his friend to use in the fake harbor. 9 “It’s almost finished,” his father said. “Now we have to paint it.” 10 Samuel and his father worked together to paint the float. Samuel’s favorite color was green. When they were finished, they stepped back to look at their work. 11 “It looks great,” Samuel said. “Let’s see if the lighthouse works.” His father flipped a switch on the lighthouse. The light at the top turned on and began to spin. 57. Which sentence would best fit in paragraph 2? A. B. C. D. Samuel participated in many other activities at school. Samuel enjoyed creating the floats with his father. Walking usually helped Samuel come up with ideas. His father had often told Samuel stories about the town. Page 18 SPI 401.3.5- Rearrange sentences? Look at should be sentences and not paragraphs 58. Which paragraph should be moved to the end of the passage? A. B. C. D. paragraph 7 paragraph 8 paragraph 9 paragraph 10 59. Which paragraph should be moved to the beginning of the passage? A. B. C. D. paragraph 2 paragraph 3 paragraph 4 paragraph 5 The Mixed-Up Picture 1 In art class, Stephanie asked Jenna if she would hold still while Stephanie drew her portrait. Jenna agreed. She was that Stephanie wanted to draw her picture. She held very still as Stephanie worked. 2 “But Jenna,” Stephanie said. “Can’t you tell that the person in the drawing has your ears? And see, she has Tabitha’s eyes, Maura’s chin, Drew’s hair, and Suzanne’s nose! It's a mixture of several girls features.” 3 After a little while, Stephanie announced that she was finished. Jenna moved around the table to see the drawing. She was excited to see how Stephanie’s picture of her had turned out. She was shocked. Jenna said, “That looks nothing like me!” 60. What is the best order for the paragraphs? A. B. C. D. 3, 2, 1 2, 1, 3 1, 3, 2 2, 3, 1 Page 19 SPI 401.3.6- Supporting sentence 61. Which of the following sentences should come FIRST in a paragraph? A. Kevin started working at Windham Publishing House last fall. B. At the company Christmas party, Kevin won a $100 gift card. C. After working together on a project, Kevin and Jamie became friends. D. Kevin shares an office with Travis Maynard and Christina Harrison 62. Use the paragraph below to answer this question. 1 There were many people swimming and having fun. 2 It was a hot, summer afternoon, so the water was just the right temperature. 3 I felt like I could swim forever. 4 It was a great day, and I can't wait to go back. Which sentence would BEST fit before sentence 1 in the paragraph above? A. Swimming is a school sport. B. The way I get exercise in the summer is to go swimming. C. I always remember to bring sunscreen when I swim. D. One of my favorite summer activities was swimming. 63. Which sentence below is a detail sentence that might BEST be added to the paragraph below? Some snakes and lizards have forked tongues. The tongues are harmless and are used to taste the air. Flicking the tongue is a way of smelling the air and ground. A. Snakes' eyes are always open. B. Some snakes have pits in their head that sense heat. C. A chameleon's tongue can be as long as its body. D. Many snakes use their tongues to find food. SPI 401.3.7- Irrelevant Sentences (1) A man named J. S. Morton founded Arbor Day. (2) He planted many trees and bushes on his land in Nebraska. (3) He encouraged tree planting because it has many benefits. (4) Then, he came up with the idea of a tree-planting holiday. (5) The first Arbor Day was held on April 10, 1872. (6) Around a million trees were planted in Nebraska that day. (7) The state tree of Nebraska is the cottonwood. (8) Arbor Day became a state holiday in 1885. (9) Soon after, other states also began to celebrate the holiday. (10) In 1970, Arbor Day became a national holiday. (11) Today, holidays like Arbor Day are common around the world because of Morton. 64. Which sentence from the passage above should be removed? A. 7 B. 11 C. 9 D. 2 Page 20 (1) Elmo is a beloved character from Sesame Street. (2) Elmo first made his appearance on the show in 1979. (3) However, he was known as "Little Monster" then. (4) He did not become the Elmo everybody knows and loves until 1984. (5) That year, Kevin Clash made the puppet what it is today. (6) Kevin made his very first puppet when he was ten years old. (7) Elmo is now a superstar who is loved by children and grown-ups. 65. Which sentence from the paragraph above does not support the main idea? A. 4 B. 7 C. 5 D. 6 Luanda gave a speech about dinosaurs. She talked about where the dinosaurs lived. She talked about how big the dinosaurs were compared to humans. She ate lunch at a fast-food restaurant. She finished her speech and showed pictures of the dinosaur bones. 66. Which sentence from the above paragraph does NOT belong in this paragraph? A. She talked about where the dinosaurs lived. B. She talked about how big the dinosaurs were compared to humans. C. She ate lunch at a fast-food restaurant. D. She finished her speech and showed pictures of the dinosaur bones. SPI 401.3.8- Transition Words Peanut Butter Marshmallow Toast How about a new twist on the old peanut butter and jelly sandwich? Try peanut butter marshmallow toast. It's quick and delicious. Be sure to ask an adult to handle the stove. First, lay out what you need: peanut butter marshmallows one slice of bread baking sheet table knife Page 21 Open peanut butter jar. Dip the knife in the peanut butter. Scoop some out and spread it on the bread. Cover the bread to the edges. Be careful not to tear it. Next, cover the peanut butter with marshmallows. Place the bread on the baking sheet. Set the oven to broil. Put the baking sheet on the center rack of the oven. Leave the oven door open about two inches. Broil the toast in the oven until the marshmallows are a light golden brown. It will only take a few minutes. Let the toast cool for a minute. Remember to turn off the oven. Enjoy! 67. What word should be added to the last sentence in the instructions? A. B. C. D. Then, Finally, First, Next Linda was the first to arrive at the birthday party. Then the door opened and Jay came in carrying a large box. Next, Susie followed with a big teddy bear. _, Joey arrived and we could eat cake and ice cream. 68. Which word would best complete the flow of the paragraph. A. B. C. D. When Finally So Suddenly You should brush your teeth each morning when you get up. First, get out the toothbrush and toothpaste. squeeze a small amount of toothpaste on your toothbrush. After that, wet the toothpaste on your toothbrush. Next, place the bristle end of your toothbrush in your mouth. Begin brushing. When finished brushing, rinse your mouth and toothbrush with water. Finally, put your toothpaste and toothbursh away. 69. Which word should complete the sentence? A. B. C. D. In conclusion Then, Because of that, Once and for all, Page 22 SPI 401.3.9- Appropriate title Saint John's Hospital has added a new staff member to help take care of the sick. This new addition has four legs and a shiny, brown coat. Happy, as she's called, is a border collie. She makes her rounds each week, bringing giggles and smiles to all she meets. Children and adults light up when they see Happy coming. A border collie is the best pet a person can have. "Happy brings a special kind of love to the patients. That helps them feel better," said Doctor Anna Black. "I've seen very sick people perk up when she walks into the room. I even think some patients have gotten well faster because of Happy's visits." 70. What is the best title for this story. A. B. C. D. Happy Helps Heal the Sick Happy Loves a Treat Dogs Make Good Pets Hard-Working Dogs Play Dusty, Meagan, Kimberly, and Chaz were sitting in class. They were working very hard. Suddenly, it started! It was not too bad at first but soon it began to worsen. They could not even complete their work. Everyone knew something big was about to happen. Indeed, the sun was shining, the day was beautiful, but there was the sound of rain falling. The sound was right there in the classroom. There seemed to be no answer to this mystery. Where was this drip, drip, drip coming from? The suspense was electrifying! 71. What is the best title for this story. A. B. C. D. The Teacher is Missing The Mystery of the Sudden Drip Students Who Can't Study A Busy Day at School A few blocks from my city neighborhood, there's a tree that I love to visit. Whenever I ride my bike closer to the woods, I can see the tree towering above the others. I can smell the moss and ferns growing under its branches. Last Tuesday, I invited Danny over to climb my favorite oak tree. My tree's trunk is so wide around, I can't reach my arms around it! I often sit under this tree, watching squirrels and listening to the birds. I love my tree. 72. What is the best title for this story? A. B. C. D. Trees Tree Sizes My Special Tree Shady Afternoon Page 23 SPI 401.4.1- Appropriate sources Suppose your research project topic was large cats living in North America. You choose a book on tigers because they are your favorite large cat. As you read, you discover that tigers do not live in the wild in North America. 73. Which source would be best to use to complete the research? A. B. C. D. Do an internet search for "large cats + North America." Change the topic to lions. Write the report on tigers anyway. Check out a book on North America. Dear Mr. Taylor, Our adventure was very exciting. I was not frightened because I knew my father would rescue me. The thieves came right out into the river to take our canoe. However, they were not happy with just the canoe. They took us also. As we were being led through the woods, I broke branches and left small pieces of cloth. I knew our rescuers would be looking for signs that we had passed through. My father later said that I could not have done better if I had drawn a map for him. He came right to the campground and rescued us with no one harmed. Your friend, Jemima Boone 74. What type of information source is this? A. B. C. D. an article a diary entry an internet site a letter Hibernation is the act of animals sleeping through the winter. Bears and snakes are examples of animals that sleep throughout the winter months. 75. If you wanted to read more about animals that hibernate and why they hibernate, which book title listed below would be the best source of information? A. B. C. D. Animals Like Naps Animal Homes Animals That Hibernate How do Animals use Camouflage? Page 24 SPI 401.4.2- Rank the reliability 76. Kacie is writing a science report about Asian elephants. Which source would provide the most reliable information about Asian elephants? A. B. C. D. a story about three famous elephants a student web page about a herd of elephants in the wild an encyclopedia article about elephants a booklet about the different elephants from a local zoo 77. Where would be the best place to find which important Civil War battle happened on a specific day? A. B. C. D. an almanac a thesaurus an encyclopedia a science book 78. You would be MOST LIKELY to find information about farming in A. B. C. D. a thesaurus an atlas a dictionary an agricultural textbook Page 25 SPI 401.4.3- Graphic organizer 79. Which city is closest to Oak Ridge? A. Chattanooga B. Kingsport C. Knoxville D . Shelbyvile Page 26 from The Walrus and the Carpenter by Lewis Carroll The sea was wet as wet could be, The sands were dry as dry. You could not see a cloud, because No cloud was in the sky: No birds were flying overhead-- There were no birds to fly. The Walrus and the Carpenter Were walking close at hand; They wept like anything to see Such quantities of sand: "If this were only cleared away," They said, "it would be grand!" "If seven maids with seven mops Swept it for half a year. Do you suppose," the Walrus said, "That they could get it clear?" "I doubt it," said the Carpenter, And shed a bitter tear. 80. What belongs in the second box? A. B. C. D. They wept like anything to see Such quantities of sand: The Walrus and the Carpenter No birds were flying overhead-There were no birds to fly. Were walking close at hand; The sea was wet as wet could be, The sands were dry as dry. Page 20 Dorothy ate a hearty supper and was waited upon by the rich Munchkin himself, whose name was Boq. Then she sat upon a settee and watched the people dance. When Boq saw her silver shoes he said, "You must be a great sorceress." "Why?" asked the girl. "Because you wear silver shoes and have killed the Wicked Witch. Besides, you have white in your frock, and only witches and sorceresses wear white." "My dress is blue and white checked," said Dorothy, smoothing out the wrinkles in it. "It is kind of you to wear that," said Boq. "Blue is the color of the Munchkins, and white is the witch color. So we know you are a friendly witch." Dorothy did not know what to say to this, for all the people seemed to think her a witch, and she knew very well she was only an ordinary little girl who had come by the chance of a cyclone into a strange land. Taken from The Wizard of Oz by Frank L. Baum 81. Which word should be placed in the middle of this web? A. B. C. D. Alice Dorothy Boq Witch Page 21 SPI 401.2.1- Main Idea and supporting details of a speech Steve Irwin was a good man. He was born in Australia. Animals were his life. Steve grew up studying and caring for animals at his parents' wildlife park. This taught him to be fearless. He could handle anything from crocodiles to snakes. Steve's love for animals supported him in creating organizations that rescued and protected animals. Steve died while snorkeling. He was stung in the chest by a stingray. This caused him to have a heart attack. We are so sad this has happened to such a caring man. The next few paragraphs are written as a tribute to Steve for his good work and specialness as a person. Adapted Speech: Russell Crowe Tribute speech for Steve Irwin Good morning everybody. First, to Terri and all of Steve's family, we are so very sorry for you loss. I think this memorial should be a happy one and not sad one. We have to keep in mind that we are here to celebrate. It would have been what he wanted. I hope somebody will talk about the things Steve did as a zookeeper. All I can do today is talk to my friend Steven. Your passing has greatly upset all of us. It was way too soon and completely unfair. I know as humble as you always were that you would still be pleased to know that the world sends its love. Also, people all over this planet have been grieving. We have all lost a friend and a successful man. It will take some time to adjust to this. I am in New York, the big city, and you have been headline news on CNN for a week. There are not many zookeepers who would get that attention. All that means is that you got your message across to the world. You got the word out there. You were heard. You will be remembered. 82. What is this speech mainly about? A. B. C. D. A man has been lost, but his message has been heard. A man has been lost who protected all kinds of animals. The audience should work to find the cause of Steven's death. People should never try to snorkel with stingrays. 83. Which of the following is a main reason for the speech? A. B. C. D. Stingrays are bad. Zookeepers like crocodiles. Steve Irwin was well-loved. Snorkeling is fun. Page 22 Lou Gehrig was told he had a very serious disease. It was not expected that he would live more than 3-5 years. This disease would cause him to lose all use of his muscles. Once he was given this news, baseball was no longer part of his life. Lou Gehrig gave this speech soon after he was diagnosed with this deadly disease. Adapted Speech: Lou Gehrig Speech - Farewell to Baseball Address Fans, I know you are aware of the bad news I have been given. Yet I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth. I have been in ballparks for many years and have always been treated with kindness and encouragement from you fans. Look at these grand men. Which of you would not think of this as the best part of his career? Just knowing them for even one day is very exciting. Sure, I am lucky. Who would not see it as an honor to have known Jacob Ruppert? Also, the builder of baseball, Ed Barrow? To have spent six years with Miller Huggins? Then to have spent the next nine years with the best manager in baseball today, Joe McCarthy? Sure, I am lucky. When the Giants send you a gift - that is something. When everybody down to the workers of the field and those boys in white coats remember you with awards -- that is something. When you have a mother-in-law who takes sides with you in arguments with her own daughter -- that is something. When you have a father and a mother who work all their lives so you can have an education -- it is a blessing. When you have a wife who has been stronger than you could dream -- that is the best I know. I close in saying that I might have been given bad news, but I have a lot to live for. 84. What is this speech mainly about? A. Mr. Gehrig is making a speech about why he likes baseball. B. Mr. Gehrig is making a speech about some of baseball’s greatest players and how they will not be forgotten. C. Mr. Gehrig is making a speech about the best times he has had and the people he has known during his baseball career. D. Mr. Gehrig is telling people why they should feel sorry for him. Page 23 SPI 401.2.2- Appropriate group activities 85. Which of the following is a rude behavior to use when participating in a group discussion? A. B. C. D. telling a person in the group he is not smart looking at the person who is speaking not responding to someone, after they have spoken laughing at a funny thing someone in the group said 86. A(n) A. B. C. D. voice is good to use when participating in a group discussion. loud angry soft serious 87. A. B. C. D. is a kind behavior to use when participating in a group discussion. Pointing your finger at someone Talking above others Turning your back to the group Looking at the person who is speaking SPI 401.2.3- Summary of Speech Adapted Speech: We Choose to go to the Moon By John F. Kennedy We meet at a college known for knowledge. It was in a city known for progress, in a state known for strength. We meet in an hour of change and challenge, in a decade of hope and fear. We have most of the scientists in the world alive and working today. This Nation's own scientific power is increasing every year. Our large stretches of the unknown and the unanswered still go beyond our understandings. No one can understand how far and how fast we have come in the last 50 years. We know very little about the first 40 years. We know that man learned to use the skins of animals as clothing. Ten years ago, man came from caves and made other kinds of shelter. Five years ago, man learned to write and use a cart with wheels. Christianity started about two years ago. The printing press came this year. During this 50 year time, the steam engine gave us power. Last month, lights, telephones, cars and planes became available. Only last week did we have television. Now, America's new spaceship will have reached the stars before the end of the night. This is an amazing pace. A pace cannot help but create new problems and new dangers. The opening areas of space promise high costs and hardships, as well as high reward. So, it is not surprising that some would have us stay where we are a little longer to rest and wait. But this city was not built by those who waited and rested and wished to look behind them. This country was conquered by those who moved forward and so will space. Page 24 88. Which is the best summary of this speech? A. The trip to outer space is a waste of time. It has caused more problems that cannot be solved. B. The trip to outer space is something that no one wanted to happen. They were very angry and disappointed that it would be allowed to happen. C. No one had any concerns about the trip to outer space. Everything was perfect and there were no possible problems. D. The trip to outer space has opened up so many possibilities. Even though good things came out of it, troubles will also arise. Helen Keller was an amazing woman. She was born blind, deaf, and dumb. Helen was not able to see, hear or speak. She was able to overcome these challenges and become an outstanding person. This speech shows her anger against war. Adapted Speech: Strike Against War By: Helen Keller To begin with, I have a word to say to my good friends and others who feel sorry for me. Some people are sad because they think I am being tricked to do things for people that are not good. Let explain, I do not want their pity. I would not change places with one of them. I know what I am talking about. I am doing the right thing by supporting the people I am supporting. I have faithful friends helping me to make good decisions. I have papers and magazines from many countries that I can read myself. Not all people can do that. A number of them have to have someone interpret these other languages. All I ask, men, is to give me no favors. I have entered the fight against the economic system under which we live. It is to be a fight to the finish. The future of the world rests in the hands of America. The future of America rests on the backs of 80,000,000 working men and women and their children. We are facing a crisis in our life. The few who profit from the labor of the masses want to create an army, which will protect the rich. You are asked to add to the hardships you already have a larger army and many warships. It is in your power to refuse to carry the weapons and not to buy things like limousines or yachts. You do not need to make a big deal about it. All you need to do straighten up and fold your arms. 89. Which of the following is the best summary of this speech? A. Helen Keller was giving a speech about how she believed the war was a good thing for the United States. She thought that a war could give more freedom to Americans. B. Helen Keller wanted people to know that her decision to stand against war was her decision. People were not taking advantage of her challenges to persuade her to do the wrong thing. C. Helen Keller gave a speech about how she was against the war. She said that people were telling her not to be against the war, so she decided to do the opposite of what they said to do. D. Helen Keller was giving a speech about how she knew how to read in more than two languages. She thinks everyone should learn to do this. Page 25 Adapted Speech: The light on the hill By: Ben Chiefly I have been so lucky to lead the Labor Party for four years. They have not been easy times. It has not been an easy job. It is a very hard job and would be hopeless if it were not for the help of my fellow workers. No leader ever has an easy job. The hurry behind the movement always means that the people can never have an easy job. Because of luck, your leader and I have gained some ground in the movement. However, the strength of the movement cannot come from us. We may make plans to help and direct the country. But the job of getting the things the people of the country want comes from the people who support it. I sat at a Labor meeting and I talked with a man sitting beside me who had been working in the movement for over fifty years. I know many of you have been doing the same. You are not hoping for any personal gain. You believe in a movement to bring better conditions to the people. As you know, the success of the Party depends on the people who work. I know this is not about putting extra money in somebody's pocket. I think of it as a way of bringing better things to the people. There will be better ways of living and more happiness for the people. We have a great goal, the light on the hill. We want to reach that light by working for the goodness of humans. If it were not for that, the movement would not be worth fighting for. 90. Which of the following is the best summary of this speech? A. Labor workers have a very hard job. They have to work hard to get others to work as hard as they do to improve the rights of the people. B. Labor workers do not feel people deserve good things. They feel that people should be thankful for what they have and not ask for more. C. Labor workers have a pretty easy job. They ask people to help them protect the rights of others. This goes smoothly most of the time. D. Labor workers feel that their job is unimportant. They do not feel that they can help people, so they often give up. Page 26 SPI 401.7.2- Main idea of visual image 91. What is the main reason for this picture? A. B. C. D. trees during the summer trees during the autumn trees during the spring trees during the winter 92. What is the main reason for this picture? A. B. C. D. a family taking a portrait during the spring a family taking a portrait during the winter a family taking a portrait during autumn a family taking a portrait during the summer Page 27 93. What is the main reason for this picture? A. B. C. D. young boy and mom trying hard to get out of the pool young boy and mom getting ready to eat young boy and mom looking for someone young boy and mom having fun swimming SPI 401.5.1- Support opinions, predictions, and conclusions Maurice always gets mosquito bites. There are more mosquitoes out when it is dark. Maurice is going to an outside pool party on Saturday. The party starts at 6 o'clock in the evening. Maurice doesn't want to get bitten. 94. What will Maurice do? A. B. C. D. He will not go to the party. He will stay inside during the party. He will use bug spray. He will not do anything. Page 28 1 The weirdest thing in the world, Darrel thought, was to come all the way from Fresno, California, to Circle, Alaska, and find Amy Johnson, the biggest pain in the fifth grade, setting up a telescope in the campground next to theirs. 2 "Darrel!" Amy said, as if she owned the place. "What are you doing here?" 3 "I came with my mom," Darrel said. "We're here to observe the transit of Venus, whatever that is." 4 "Well," Amy sniffed. "How could you possibly not know that?" 5 Darrel saw license plates from all over the United States. His mother had found two astronomer friends of hers. There was a troop of Boy Scouts from Philadelphia and a couple all the way from Argentina. That evening at supper, Darrel asked his mother, not for the first time, "What's the big deal about this transit-of-Venus thing?" 6 His mother replied, "Once, the greatest problem in astronomy was that no one knew the distance from the Earth to the Sun. One way to measure it is by observing Venus's path when it crosses the face of the Sun. That's why we all came here, but we're doing this for fun. Scientists have developed better ways to measure the distance since earlier transits, such as those in 1769 and 1874." 7 "If you wanted me to have fun, you should've let me bring my video games," Darrel responded. 8 The campground was noisy that night because it never got dark and because everyone was excited. In the morning, after breakfast, Darrel went out to find Amy puttering around her telescope. "Hey," he said to her. "Are we having fun yet?" 9 "Sure," she said. "You're enjoying this, aren't you?" 10 "Not really. I miss my video games. Mom wouldn't let me bring them." 11 "I brought some of mine," she said. "Maybe we'll play later. Do you want to watch a mother eagle feed her chicks? I've got my telescope focused on their nest." 12 Darrel looked through Amy's telescope. The eagles were upside down until he properly adjusted the equipment to see them right side up. "This is neat," he said, feeling better about the trip. "Baby eagles." 13 "Just think," Amy said. "There'll be another transit of Venus eight years from now. After that, it won't happen again until 2117. Maybe our grandchildren will see it." 14 "Maybe," Darrel said. 15 That evening Darrel watched as Amy attached a special filter to the telescope to protect their eyes. Then he looked through the telescope as a black dot slowly moved across the Sun. 16 "Whatever you do," warned Amy, "never look directly at the Sun, especially through a telescope!" 17 Amy, Darrel, his mom, and her friends stayed awake all night as the Sun lightly touched the horizon and came Page 29 right back up. The transit was over by five in the morning, but then people began calling friends in South Africa and Madagascar and punching numbers into their computers. When they had all figured out the distance from the Earth to the Sun—no two answers were the same. Darrel finally decided to call it a day, thinking that his mother's friends were weird but fun, and that he might try talking to Amy Johnson again. 18 He had learned one thing for sure: astronomy made you sleepy. 95. Based on this selection, which information would be most important to include in the instructions for how to use a telescope? A. B. C. D. Details about the next transit of Venus Tips on how to interest friends in astronomy A warning about looking directly at the Sun A chart that shows the location of the planets The Last of the Spirits The Phantom slowly, gravely, silently approached. When it came, Scrooge bent down upon his knee for in the very air through which this Spirit moved it seemed to scatter gloom and mystery. It was shrouded in a deep black garment which concealed its head, its face, its form, and left nothing of it visible save one outstretched hand. But for this, it would have been difficult to detach its figure from the night and separate it from the darkness by which it was surrounded. He felt that it was tall and stately when it came beside him and that its mysterious presence filled him with a solemn dread. He knew no more for the Spirit neither spoke nor moved. Source: A Christmas Carol By: Charles Dickens 96. A. B. C. D. Which word best describes how Scrooge feels about this Spirit? happy sad mad afraid SPI 401.5.2- Cause and effect Peanut Butter Marshmallow Toast How about a new twist on the old peanut butter and jelly sandwich? Try peanut butter marshmallow toast. It's quick and delicious. Be sure to ask an adult to handle the stove. First, lay out what you need: peanut butter marshmallows one slice of bread baking sheet Page 30 table knife Open peanut butter jar. Dip the knife in the peanut butter. Scoop some out and spread it on the bread. Cover the bread to the edges. Be careful not to tear it. Next, cover the peanut butter with marshmallows. Place the bread on the baking sheet. Set the oven to broil. Put the baking sheet on the center rack of the oven. Leave the oven door open about two inches. Broil the toast in the oven until the marshmallows are a light golden brown. It will only take a few minutes. Let the toast cool for a minute. Remember to turn off the oven. Enjoy! 97. What would be the cause of burning your Peanut Butter Marshmallow Toast? A. Putting too much peanut butter on the bread B. Setting the oven on broil C. Leaving the oven door open 1 inch D. Broiling the toast for more than a few minute It was a stormy night when the basketball game was to start. Pedro was looking forward to seeing his son, Miguel, play in his first game. He arrived at the edge of town just as the storm hit, causing him to pull off to the side of the road. It rained so hard that the police had blocked the main road leading to the gym. Pedro had to take another road, which made him an hour late for the game. Luckily, Miguel did not start the game and Pedro was there when the coach put him in. 98. Based on the paragraph above, what was the effect of the storm? A. B. C. D. Pedro was an hour late. Pedro did not get to see Miguel play. Miguel did not start the game. Miguel was late to the game. Jenny's Pet Jenny has wanted a pet for as long as she could remember. In first grade, she asked her mother for a pet lizard. "Aaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrggggghhhhh! Put that thing back in its cage!" her mother cried. A lizard would not work. In second grade, Jenny brought home a pet camel. "We won't even have to give it much water," Jenny pleaded. "How did you get that thing in the elevator?" her mom asked. They lived in an apartment on the third floor. Jenny's room was not really big enough for a camel anyway. In the third grade, her mother liked the turtle that Jenny bought from John Henry for $2.14. She liked it until it bit her finger. "He's a snapping turtle," Jenny said. The turtle had to go. In the fourth grade, Jenny's mother burned the cake that she was baking for Jenny's birthday. She left the windows open to get the smell out of the apartment. A small kitten wandered in from the fire escape through the window. It pranced across the room and curled up beside Jenny who was asleep on the couch. Jenny awoke to the sounds of Page 31 purring. "Oh thank you, Mother!" Jenny squealed as she held the kitten tight against her cheek. "This is the best birthday present ever!" The kitten had to stay. 99. What words belong in the empty box? A. B. C. D. Jenny's mother would not allow her to have a lizard. Jenny's mother burned the birthday cake. The camel needed more room. Jenny needed more sleep. Page 32 SPI 401.5.4- Analogy 100. Read the analogy. Open is to closed as bare is to _. What word best completes the comparison? A. coat B. snow C. naked D. covered 101. Read the analogy. Bread is to bake as ice cream is to . What word best completes the comparison? A. B. C. D. freeze fry boil simmer 102. Read the analogy. Donkey is to burro as pair is to . mule? What word best completes the comparison? A. one B. shoes C. couple D. animals Page 33 SPI 401.5.5- Inference and Conclusions Owls are raptors. This means that like eagles, hawks and falcons, owls are birds of prey. They hunt other animals for food. Owls are nocturnal. They hunt mostly in the evenings and at night when their prey are active. Owls are not fussy eaters. They catch voles, mice, rats, snakes, birds, rabbits, and other small creatures for food. Owls have often been called the "Lords of the Night." They deserve this title because of their adaptations to hunting after dark. Adaptations are features animals have that enable them to survive. Owls have several adaptations that make them great hunters- day or night. One adaptation owls use in hunting is their great eyesight. Owls have the best night vision of any creature on earth. And, because their eyes are in the front of their heads, they have good depth perception. This enables them to snatch prey even while in flight. 103. Why are owls not fussy eaters? A. B. C. D. They eat a variety of prey. They are nocturnal. They have good eyesight. They have adaptations. The Last of the Spirits The Phantom slowly, gravely, silently approached. When it came, Scrooge bent down upon his knee for in the very air through which this Spirit moved it seemed to scatter gloom and mystery. It was shrouded in a deep black garment, which concealed its head, its face, its form, and left nothing of it visible save one outstretched hand. But for this, it would have been difficult to detach its figure from the night and separate it from the darkness by which it was surrounded. He felt that it was tall and stately when it came beside him and that its mysterious presence filled him with a solemn dread. He knew no more for the Spirit neither spoke nor moved. Source: A Christmas Carol By: Charles Dickens 104. Which word best describes how Scrooge feels about this Spirit? A. B. C. D. happy sad mad afraid Page 34 Marvin and Max were best friends who loved to play basketball. They were both on the basketball team at Watson Junior High. It was the middle of ball season and Marvin hurt a muscle in his ankle. The doctor said it would take six weeks to get better. This put him out for the season. His younger brother, T.J., was the next person to take his place. T.J. was not as good as his brother, but he tried hard. T.J. began to spend more time with Max at ball practice and after ballgames. They became great friends. They even practiced basketball together on the weekends. Marvin was jealous of the friendship Max and T.J. had. Marvin stopped talking to both of them. One Saturday morning, while eating breakfast, Marvin's mother asked him how Max was doing. Marvin just shook his head. T.J. spoke up and said that Max was doing great and that they were planning on seeing a movie later that afternoon. Marvin's mother asked T.J. if he would take out the trash. She did not want it to begin to smell. T.J. did as his mother told him, and Marvin's mother sat at the table with her other son. 105. If Max gets hurt in the future, what do you think will happen? A. B. C. D. Max will realize how hard it must have been for Marvin. Max will never play basketball again. T.J. will not be friends with either Max or Marvin. The ball team will have a losing season. There was a time in history when the Great Plains of the U.S. was called the Great Dust Bowl. Very little rain fell which caused a great drought. The land was extremely arid and the grass became brown and died. Where the massive fields of corn and wheat once grew, heavy winds prevailed and blew across the arid, dry land. This caused the sky to completely fill with dust. The once beautiful green trees were now ugly. The trees were eaten bare by thousands of grasshoppers searching for food. Many people left the homes where they had raised their families and went west. With them they took only what would fit in their old cars. The families needed better land to plant crops and make a new life. They settled in many different states. Many families that left actually found better lives. The drought was over after that growing season. Things eventually began to look up for that area. 106. The conclusion you can draw from this paragraph is that the families who did not leave because of the drought . A. B. C. D. found life to be very hard and food to be scarce found life to be easy and were not worried grew many healthy crops had plenty of water for themselves and their animals Page 35 SPI 401.5.6- Sequence 107. Choose the sequence that best describes how to give a dog a bath. 1. Check the temperature of the water in the tub. 2. Put the dog in the tub of water. 3. Get soap, washcloth, and water prepared. 4. Rinse the soap off the dog. A. B. C. D. 3,1,2,4 4,3,2,1 3,2,1,4 1,2,3,4 108. What was the very first thing that Nolan had to do before he could make the brownies? A. B. C. D. read the recipe beat the eggs get everything out they needed ask if he could help Page 36 Bell was a very smart young lady. She lived in Salem, Germany. She worked in the family business refurbishing telephones to help provide for the family. This did not interest Bell in the very least. She was amazed by airplanes and wanted to learn more about them. She dreamed of going to school to build airplane parts. She began looking up information about schools. One day she decided to make a phone call to a school in Boston, Massachusetts. She applied and was accepted into college in Boston. Bell moved to the United States to attend college. After she graduated, she worked with a group of her fellow classmates. They worked together and invented parts for airplanes. These parts are used in airplanes all over the world. The diagram shows some events from Bell's life. 109. Which information belongs in the empty box? A. B. C. D. Opens a school in Boston Builds kites in Canada Teaches speech in Scotland Moves to the United States Page 37 SPI 401.6.1- Clarify questions 110. Choose the answer that would best predict what might happen next. The principal had talked about a surprise for days. It seemed as if the whole school would get to participate in the surprise. What could it be? The principal had said that he had noticed how hard everyone had been working. He had noticed the students were really trying their best. Right after lunch, someone saw a truck pull up outside. On the side of the truck were the words Party Time. A. B. C. D. the cafeteria would offer extra fruit after lunch the principal had planned an afternoon of fun for the students the principal was planning a spelling bee each teacher was planning to assign extra homework In 1912, the Titanic was the largest ship that had ever been built. The boat was capable of holding about 3,500 passengers. Titanic set sail on April 10, 1912 for its maiden voyage. Only a few days later, the Titanic hit a large piece of ice which created a hole in its side. Water poured into the side of the ship through this opening. The Titanic was beginning to sink. The passengers ran for the lifeboats, but only 700 people were able to find a space in one of them. 111. What question should the reader ask in order to determine how many people did not make it into the lifeboats? A. B. C. D. Where was the boat heading? How many people were on the boat? How many people can fit in a boat today? How big was the ice? This was the night everyone had been waiting for. It was the final football game of the season for the Jones High School Lions. The score was tied 10 to 10 in the final quarter with only minutes to play. The Lions had the football. Everyone was so excited that the Lions had won. They were declared the State Champions. 112. What major part of this story had been left out? A. B. C. D. The name of the team they were playing How the Lions won the game Who coached the Lions Where the final game was played Page 38 SPI 401.6.2- Stated main idea and supporting details The playground had eight swings, two slides, and one sandbox. It used to have a water slide, but it was turned off during the winter. 113. What is the main idea? A. The playground is only fun during the summertime. B. The water slide could freeze in the winter. C. The playground has several things to play on. Franco was earnest in watching for the post woman. He sat for two whole hours waiting. The fact was that today may or may not be the day a postcard would be delivered from his brother. Still he sat hoping. When he saw the post woman, he ran outside and to his joy he was handed a postcard from New York City. 114. What is the main idea? A. A boy is excited to hear from his brother. B. It is very exciting to get any kind of mail. C. The boy's brother was having a great trip. Page 39 115. What do all of the games have in common? A. B. C. D. They involve pumpkins. Most carnivals have them. There are a lot of them. Winners get nice prizes. Page 40 SPI 401.6.3- Table of contents, title page, and glossary 116. To find the meaning of groundkeeper, you should use the A. table of contents B. index C. glossary D. headings Read the table of contents in the box below. Table of Contents Page Hobbies………………………………1 Sports…………………………………14 Board Games…………………….36 Video Games…………………….82 117. Which chapter would the passage about football be found in? A. B. C. D. Hobbies Sports Board Games Video Games 118. Using the table of contents, on which pages would you most likely find information about how to choose the best flowers for your garden? A. B. C. D. 1-4 5-7 8-9 10-11 Page 41 SPI 401.6.4- Headings, graphics, and captions The Wonderful World of Gum Something to Chew On 1 People have been chewing gum for thousands of years. For most of this time, people have chewed natural gum. This comes from trees. Ancient Greeks chewed mastiche. This was made from the mastic tree. Ancient Mayans chewed chicle. This was made from the sap of the sapodilla tree. North American Indians chewed the sap from spruce trees. They shared this with the early settlers. The settlers enjoyed chewing gum. They used sap and beeswax to make their own gum. Chewing Gum Changes 2 For many years, natural chewing gum saw no major changes. The settlers who added wax to the sap made the first change to gum in thousands of years. The biggest change for chewing gum took place in 1869, when the Mexican general Santa Anna told Thomas Adams about chicle. He suggested Adams make a new kind of rubber using the chicle. Adams tried to make the rubber, but he was not successful. Still, he did not want to waste all of the tons of chicle he had bought. He used the chicle to make his own gum. This first modern chewing gum had no flavor. He called it "Adams New York No. 1." The gum sticks were sold at drugstores. The public was amazed by the gum sticks, and they were a huge sensation. Flavors, Bubbles, and More 3 Adams made one of the first gums with flavor in the 1870s. Soon, many new gums were made. William Wrigley's flavored gums came in the late 1800s. Different shapes of gum were also made. There were tiny pieces. There were small balls of gum, called gumballs, too. The public loved the new gums! Many gum makers tried to make bubble gum. It was a flop. It was too sticky and weak to blow bubbles. Then, Walter Diemer made a better bubble gum in 1928. It could stretch without breaking when filled with air. This was a big improvement for gum. Then, sugarless gum was made in the 1950s. Gum had gone through many changes since "Adams New York No. 1." Gum Today 4 Today, gum is more popular than ever. There are over a thousand kinds of gum. The flavors, shapes, sizes, and colors seem to be endless. There is some kind of gum for everyone! 119. Based on the headings, which of these does the author think is most important? A. whether chewing gum can be good for you B. what kind of chewing gum is most popular C. who started the first chewing gum company D. how chewing gum has changed over the years In Chapter 11, you will find these headings. Stamp Act tax on the colonists Paul Revere warns the colonists The Boston Tea Party supports no taxes Shots fired at Lexington and Concord begin the battle 120. Under which heading would you read about a war beginning? A. B. C. D. Stamp Act tax on the colonists Paul Revere warns the colonists The Boston Tea Party supports no taxes Shots fired at Lexington and Concord begin the battle Page 42 SPI 401.6.5- Interpret chart, map, or timeline 121. Which area of mathematics has the largest number of students? A. B. C. D. algebra geometry physics trigonometry 122. What column would this sentence go under in this Character Chart? Amy is a very kind and giving person. A. Where does the character live? B. What is the age of the character? C. What are the character's traits? D. Does the character have brothers and/or sisters? Use the time line below to answer the question below. 123. In what year did the United States sign a document asking for their freedom from Great Britain? Page 43 A. B. C. D. 1754 1773 1775 1776 SPI 401.6.6- Text Features 124. This picture is from a science book. What is the page probably about? A. B. C. D. all kinds of science human cells the human body dinosaurs Page 44 Ms. Cox asked the class to read three pages in the science textbook. The following words appeared in bold print in those pages. planets stars galaxy orbit 125. What is the purpose of putting the words in bold print? A. B. C. D. to highlight key ideas to show the spelling to explain graphs to add illustrations SPI 401.6.7- Sequence instructions Instructions for Microwave Pizza 1. Take the pizza out of the freezer. 2. Remove the box and the plastic bag. 3. Place the pizza on a paper plate. 4. Put this in the microwave oven. 5. Take the pizza out of the microwave. 6. Cut it into smaller pieces, and it is ready to eat. 126. Which step is missing from the instructions? A. B. C. D. Cook the pizza for two minutes. Remove the pizza from the oven. Slice the pizza. Next, place the pizza on a paper plate Page 45 SPI 401.8.3- Story problem and solution One of the characters in the book you read told a lie to his mother. 127. How do you think the mother felt when she found out the truth? A. B. C. D. happy that the character lied to her scared when she heard the truth disappointed because the character told a lie not interested in whether the character lies or not It was just another summer day. I woke up, cleaned up my room, and got dressed. "It's time to do your chores," Mom called. I went outside to feed the dogs. As I carried their feed, I felt the wind pick up. I noticed the sky turning dark. I quickly poured out their food. Next, it was time to feed the pigs and the chickens. As I climbed over the fence, I felt sweat running down my face. I decided I needed a break. I saddled up my pony and went for a ride. All of a sudden my pony started to jerk. I couldn't figure out what was wrong. All of a sudden, big drops of rain began hitting me. The wind was getting stronger. I heard a roaring sound off in the distance. "Peter," Mom screamed, "get to the cellar." I hopped off my pony, and I ran fast as I could to the cellar. Mom was waiting for me. Mom tried closing the door, but it was too hard. My brother and I grabbed it with her, and we yanked the door closed. After several minutes, the world became quiet. Mom opened the cellar door and the sunlight beamed down on us. I looked out and my pony was standing waiting for me. 128. In what way does the problem in the story develop? A. B. C. D. A summer day turns very dangerous. One of the children is fears the rain. The sky goes dark and snow begins to fall. Mom is easily frightened by storms. Page 46 Jenny's Pet Jenny has wanted a pet for as long as she could remember. In first grade, she asked her mother for a pet lizard. "Aaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrggggghhhhh! Put that thing back in its cage!" her mother cried. A lizard would not work. In second grade, Jenny brought home a pet camel. "We won't even have to give it much water," Jenny pleaded. "How did you get that thing in the elevator?" her mom asked. They lived in an apartment on the third floor. Jenny's room was not really big enough for a camel anyway. In the third grade, her mother liked the turtle that Jenny bought from John Henry for $2.14. She liked it until it bit her finger. "He's a snapping turtle," Jenny said. The turtle had to go. In the fourth grade, Jenny's mother burned the cake that she was baking for Jenny's birthday. She left the windows open to get the smell out of the apartment. A small kitten wandered in from the fire escape through the window. It pranced across the room and curled up beside Jenny who was asleep on the couch. Jenny awoke to the sounds of purring. "Oh thank you, Mother!" Jenny squealed as she held the kitten tight against her cheek. "This is the best birthday present ever!" The kitten had to stay. 129. Which statement correctly identifies Jenny's main problem in the story? A. B. C. D. Jenny's mother had to leave the windows open to get the smell out of the apartment. Jenny could not fit the camel into the elevator. Jenny and her mother were having trouble agreeing on a good pet. The snapping turtle bit Jenny's finger. Page 60 SPI 401.8.5- Forms of text 130. What form of writing is the following probably from? Kennedy, John (1917-1963) was born in... A. B. C. D. biography autobiography drama poem Jack Buck was a baseball legend. He worked with some of the best sports radio people in the world. He is in the Radio Hall of Fame, as well as the Baseball Hall of Fame. He was the voice of the Cardinals for over forty years. 131. Based on the paragraph above, what kind of book would this be located in? A. B. C. D. poetry drama fiction biography 1 Wilma Glodean Rudolph is a hero to many people. She is famous because she won three gold medals in the Olympics. She was the first American woman to do this. That is only a small part of why she is a hero, though. 2 Winning gold medals would be very special to anyone, but it was even more special to Wilma and her family. Wilma was very sick as a child. She did not think she was ever going to be able to walk. She certainly did not realize she would do so well in sports. 3 Wilma was born in Tennessee in 1940. She was born too early, so she was very small. She also had a disease called polio. The disease caused her left leg and foot to be weak. The doctors told her family that there was no hope for improvement. Wilma wore a leg support from the time she was 6 until she was 11 years old. She had to go to the hospital every week for extra care. 4 There was something else special about Wilma. She had 21 brothers and sisters. Her large family worked to help her to get better. The family learned how to help her do special exercises for her leg. Wilma could finally walk normally at the age of 11. 5 Wilma decided she wanted to play sports. She played basketball in high school and became a star. Wilma also wanted to run track. She always seemed to be "buzzing around," so her coach gave her the nickname of "Skeeter." Page 48 6 Wilma went to her first Olympic games at the age of 16. She won a bronze medal for third place in the 4 × 100 meter relay. 7 Four years later, Wilma won three gold medals at the Rome Olympics. She won both the 100-meter dash and the 200-meter dash. She also won the 400-meter relay. She was the anchor of the successful relay team which means she was the last of four runners. The anchor is a very important role. 8 The gold medals made Wilma very famous. Her town wanted to celebrate her victory. The people wanted to give her a parade to welcome her home. Before then, black and white people in her town had not gone to celebrations together. Wilma insisted that her parade would be for all people. It was the first event in the town where black and white people celebrated together. This event was very special to her. 9 Soon after the Olympics, Wilma went to college at Tennessee State University. She became a teacher and a coach. She got married and had four children. She liked to give speeches at worldwide track events. She also spoke to students about her life. Wilma worked on sports television and radio shows. She started a program that gave free coaching in all sports to children in need. 10 In 1993, the President of the United States gave Wilma a special award. She was the first woman ever to receive the National Sports Award. She died only one year later at the age of 54. 11 Wilma Rudolph is still a hero today. She had to work much harder than most to follow her dreams. During her life, she earned many awards. She is a member of the Black Sports Hall of Fame and the National Track and Field Hall of Fame. Her name can also be found in the hall of fame for United States Olympic athletes. 132. How is this selection best described? A. B. C. D. Biography Historical fiction Realistic fiction Folktale 0401.8.8- Sounds of language Read lines 1 through 4. Click Clack Click Clack 133. These words are an example of A. B. C. D. rhyme simile metaphor onomatopoeia Page 49 134. Read lines 8 through 11. And the name of the secret is Love! For I think it is Love, For I feel it is Love, For I’m sure it is nothing but Love! These words are an example of A. rhyme B. simile C. repetition D. alliteration 135. Which pair of words rhyme? A. B. C. D. grass, pass dew, wall eyes, head seam, swim Page 50 4TH Grade TCAP Review Answer 1. C 2. C 3. A 4. A 5. B 6. D 7. A 8. B 9. A 10. D 11. C 12. B 13. A 14. A 15. D 16. C 17. B 18. C 19. A 20. A 21. A 22. D 23. C 24. B 25. B 26. A 27. A 28. B 29. C 30. D 31. C 32. C 33. B 133. D 34. B 35. C 36. D 37. B 38. A 39. D 40. C 41. B 42. C 43. B 44. D 45. A 46. C 47. C 48. A 49. D 50. A 51. C 52. D 53. C 54. B 55. A 56. C 57. C 58. A 59. B 60. C 61. A 62. D 63. D 64. A 65. D 66. C 134. C 67. D 68. B 69. B 70. A 71. B 72. C 73. A 74. D 75. C 76. C 77. C 78. D 79. C 80. A 81. B 82. A 83. C 84. C 85. A 86. C 87. D 88. D 89. B 90. A 91. D 92. A 93. D 94. C 95. C 96. D 97. D 98. A 99. B 135. 100. D 101. A 102. C 103. A 104. D 105. A 106. A 107. A 108. D 109. D 110. B 111. B 112. B 113. C 114. A 115. A 116. C 117. B 118. C 119. D 120. D 121. A 122. C 123. D 124. C 125. A 126. A 127. C 128. A 129. C 130. A 131. D 132. A Page 51 Page 52