Early Years Handbook - Stamford Hill Primary School

Stamford Hill Early Years
Welcome to Early Years at Stamford Hill
“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn” - Benjamin Franklin
The Early Years at Stamford Hill caters for children from 2 – 5 years old and is a special place
full of learning, laughter and friendship and where all children are happy, feel safe and are
Our approach in the Early Years is truly child centred and based upon giving each child a happy and
enriching learning experience every day. We are committed to giving children the best start possible,
enabling them to thrive and equipping them with the skills they need to become lifelong learners.
Children learn best when they are happy; all staff work tirelessly to ensure that each child is safe,
physically healthy and emotionally secure. With a strong emphasis on social skills, we ensure that
everybody is included, respected and valued so that they grow in self-esteem and are able to reach
their full potential, both during their time in the Early Years and beyond.
Our Vision
We strive to provide a truly happy, inclusive and engaging place of learning, where children
and adults thrive. Children are actively involved in and drive their own learning, guided by
responsive adults who have an in depth knowledge of each child and their needs. We aim to
spark a curiosity and love of learning that will last a lifetime.
Our Guiding Principles
A Unique Child - Every child is a unique child who is constantly learning and can be resilient, capable,
confident and self-assured.
Every child is different and we work in unison with parents and carers to understand each child’s
individual needs, interests and starting points. With these in mind, staff carefully plan lessons, small
group work and a wide range of child-initiated activities which will help children to develop their
knowledge, understanding and skills. A very broad range of challenge is catered for.
Positive Relationships - Children learn to be strong and independent through positive relationships.
A great emphasis is placed upon relationships and we strive to foster strong links with parents and
carers in order to get a picture of ‘the whole child’ – home visits and parent workshops are just some
of the ways in which we foster and develop these links. Staff get to know the children exceptionally
well as they progress through the Early Years and this enables them to provide the most appropriate
activities to help them progress and to recognise each child’s emotional needs. We are a one form
entry school, and there is a friendly ‘family feel’ in our dedicated Early Years building.
Enabling Environments - Children learn and develop well in enabling environments, in which their
experiences respond to their individual needs and there is a strong partnership between practitioners
and parents and carers.
Inspired by the international and highly regarded Reggio Emilia approach, our beautiful environment
is designed to provoke children’s curiosity, give them hands-on learning opportunities and inspire
them to find out more. Every day we provide a wide, balanced range of fun and inviting learning
experiences which enable children to progress in all areas of learning and to be excited and
enthused about coming to school. Learning takes place both indoors and out, and on both a large
and small scale!
The classes – practical information
Two year old provision
Stamford Hill Two Year Old Provision offers both funded and paid for places. We offer part time
sessions in both the morning and the afternoon, and full time places.
The Two Year Old Provision runs from Monday – Friday, term time only.
Morning sessions run from 8:30am to 11:30am
Afternoon sessions run from 12:30pm – 3:30pm
Full days run from 8.30 – 4pm
Funded places: These places are funded places for 2 year olds, dependent on families meeting
specific eligibility criteria. For more information about eligibility and to apply for a funded place,
visit: www.haringey.gov.uk/freeearlyeducation or enquire at the school office. Families eligible
for a funded place may also choose to ‘top up’ their hours by paying for additional hours.
Paid for places: paid for places are available at a rate of £35 per day. Please call or visit the
school office to enquire about availability.
We aim to be flexible and work with the needs of families – if there are specific days required to
enable families to pursue work or study then we will do our best to accommodate this but
please note that all places are subject to availability and the maintenance of the appropriate
adult to child ratios.
Nursery class
We provide funded part time places in both the morning and the afternoon, Monday to Friday,
during term time only.
Morning sessions run from 8:30am to 11:30am and afternoon sessions from 12:30pm –
There is an option to top up to a full time place at a rate of £50 per week. For more information,
please call or enquire at the school office.
Reception class
Reception class runs full time, from 8.55am – 3.15pm Monday to Friday. If you would like more
information about how to apply for a Reception place at Stamford Hill then please contact the
school office. We run parental workshops every November for parents who would like
assistance with the application process.
Enrolling your child
We warmly invite you to visit our provision before enrolling your child. Please telephone the
school to arrange a convenient time to meet with a member of our Senior Leadership Team who
will show you around and answer any questions you may have.
Listed below are the staff working in Early Years at Stamford Hill
For a full school staff list please refer to the school website at: www.
Leadership and management
Assistant Headteacher for Early Years: Sam Edwards
Two Year Old Provision
Room Leader: Deniz
Key worker: Leila
Early Years Apprentice: Stavroula
Nursery Class
Teacher: Florentina
Nursery Nurse: Janet
Reception Class
Teacher: Beth
Early Years Apprentice: Cydney
Despite working in different classes, all members of staff work closely as a team across the
whole Early Years to ensure the best possible outcomes for children.
Staff are friendly and happy to help so if you have any questions or queries then please do
not hesitate to speak to somebody. The end of the school day is the best time to approach
staff – at other times they are very busy with the children.
Settling In
We want every child to feel safe and confident at Stamford Hill and recognise that for some
children and parents, starting a new setting can be a worrying time. For this reason, we have
developed and follow a specific settling in and Key Person Policy (available on request).
Home visits – staff undertake home visits in all classes. These enable children to become
acquainted and comfortable with their new teachers and key workers, and enable staff and
parents/carers to have valuable one-to-one time to discuss individual, needs, hopes and
aspirations for each child.
Two Year Old Provision and Nursery
The settling in process is intended to provide an appropriate amount of supported time for you
and your child to become acquainted with the provision. This is also an opportunity for you and
your child to begin forming a relationship with your child’s key person.
Settling in for two year olds and nursery children will take a minimum of one or two sessions but
we are aware that some children may need more support than others throughout this process.
The following sessions are compulsory:
Settling in session one – up to half a day for you and your child to spend time within your child’s
new provision. You will both be supported by your child’s key person who will give you both a
tour of the room and introduce you to room staff. You will spend some time during this session
discussing your child’s needs and routines with their key person to ensure that we are able to
care for them in the best possible way.
Settling in session two – up to half a day in your child’s provision, you will begin this session with
your child in their room. At some point during the session you will be encouraged to leave your
child for a short period of time. You will be able to use the facilities within the provision for
making drinks. Some parents end up being out of the room for nearly the whole session so we
suggest you bring yourself something to read!
If it is felt that your child is confident in the environment after these two sessions then you are
able to drop off and collect your child at their allotted session times. If it is felt that your child
needs longer to settle in, this will be negotiated with yourselves and your child’s key person.
Most children entering our Reception class will have attended Nursery at Stamford Hill and will
therefore be familiar with the setting and have gone through a carefully planned transition
period to prepare them for a flying start in Reception.
For children unfamiliar with the setting, a settling in period for reception can be arranged with
the class teacher to ensure a happy and relaxed transition into school life at Stamford Hill.
As in most Early Years settings around the country, our curriculum is based around the
Department for Education’s ‘Development Matters’ framework, which is based upon child
development from birth to 5. It informs our planning, teaching and assessment.
Development matters is split into seven areas of learning, all of which are given coverage
throughout the school day via taught sessions, group work and child initiated activities
(activities children choose for themselves) set out each day.
The seven areas of learning are split into ‘prime’ and ‘specific’ areas and are as follows:
The ‘prime areas’
(these cover crucial skills which form the foundation for all future learning)
• Personal Social and Emotional Development
• Communication and language
• Physical development
The ‘specific areas’
• Literacy
• Maths
• Understanding the world
• Expressive art and design
We also continually promote the ‘Characteristics of effective learning’ as outlined in
development matters which are:
• playing and exploring
• active learning
• creating and thinking critically
The full development matters framework can be accessed via the following link:
Children each have their own ‘special book’ where staff record significant achievements and
moments of progress through work samples, photographs and written observations.
If you have any questions or would like more information about the curriculum and how to
support your child with their learning then please do not hesitate to speak to your child’s
class teacher who will be happy to help.
The school day
For children in Nursery and Reception class the day is divided into
- ‘Carpet time’ – taught, teacher-led sessions which take place at various points across
the day. These are age appropriate, interactive and fun. They cover the seven areas
of learning as set out in Development Matters.
- Child initiated time – during this time children are free to select from the exciting
range of activities set out each day both indoors and outdoors. During this time the
children can choose to learn in the classroom, hall or garden and staff take great
care to plan and provide activities in each of these areas which link to each area of
learning and many of which will be linked to learning done at carpet time. This gives
children the opportunity to try out new skills they have learned at carpet time as
well as to use their imagination and initiative by trying something different!
- Group work – during child initiated time, small group sessions take place which are
linked to each child’s ‘next steps’ in each area of learning.
Our two year olds are free to select from a range of exciting, age-appropriate educational
activities throughout their session. The session is structured around familiar routines – this
promotes a sense of security for our youngest children; they feel safe because they always
know ‘what’s coming next’. During each session adults work with each child individually and
in small groups to develop their skills. As the children get ready to move up to Nursery,
small group work is done with them in order to prepare them for a smooth transition.
Two year olds:
- If attending for a full day they will need to bring a healthy packed lunch (no sweets,
crisps, biscuits, sugary drinks etc)
- If attending either an AM or a PM session then children do not eat lunch in school.
Please ensure your child has eaten a meal prior to attending to their morning or
afternoon session.
- -If attending for a full day they will either need to bring a healthy packed lunch (no
sweets, crisps, biscuits, sugary drinks etc) or be signed up for school dinners – please
see the school office for more information about school dinners.
- If attending either an AM or a PM session then children do not eat lunch in school.
Please ensure your child has eaten a meal prior to attending to their morning or
afternoon session.
- All Reception children stay for lunch. They can bring a healthy packed lunch (no
sweets, crisps, biscuits, sugary drinks etc) or have a school dinner– please see the
school office for more information about school dinners.
We are one of a select few schools to have achieved the Healthy Schools Gold Award and we
actively promote healthy choices throughout the school day. As part of this, we have a
dedicated snack area for Nursery and Reception, stocked every day with healthy, nutritious
snacks as well as water and milk. Children are free to enjoy a snack as and when they need to
during their child-initiated time in both the morning and the afternoon.
To help us maintain this, we ask parents of Nursery and Reception children to provide a small
donation of a healthy snack (for example a few pieces of fruit or a packet of cream crackers)
once a week. We also ask for a box of tissues once every half term and 50p per week towards
cooking and other activities.
In the two year old provision the school provides organic fruit, rice cakes, milk and water and
children have a supervised ‘snack time’.
If your child has any specific dietary requirements, please let staff know and we will discuss how
we can best accommodate those needs.
Essential Items
It is very important to us that your child is happy, healthy and well cared for. To support us
with this, please ensure that you bring the following to school:
A water bottle (labelled with your child’s name)
One or two spare sets of clothes in a bag (to leave in school in case of ‘accidents’,
spills etc). These need to be weather appropriate and include tops, bottoms, pants
and socks.
Please ensure that all items brought to school have your child’s NAME on them.
Please do not bring your child into school in their ‘best’ clothing as early years education can
get messy!
Seasonal Items – to bring when necessary
• Sun block – water resistant high factor sunscreen, clearly labelled with your child’s name.
On hot days please apply sunscreen to your child before they attend. Staff do not apply
sunscreen to children but will dispense the cream onto children’s hands if it needs topping
up on hot days – please ensure that your child knows how to rub it in themselves.
• Hat, scarf and gloves
• Sun hat (large and floppy to cover the back of the neck)
• Wellington boots
Nursery and Reception classes wear school uniform – this can be purchased from
the school office. Supermarket-bought uniform is acceptable, as long as it is in the
school colours (navy blue jumper, black/dark grey trousers/skirt, white shirt/polo).
For more information regarding uniform, please contact the school office.
Two year olds are not required to wear uniform. Please bring them in comfortable
clothes that won’t restrict their movement.
A note about nappies:
- If your two year old is still in nappies / pull-ups then please provide a named bag
containing a stock of nappies/pull-ups, wet wipes and nappy bags. Staff will inform
you when the bag needs to be refilled and staff will work alongside you during the
toilet training process, if required.
Please note that we expect Nursery and Reception children to be fully toilet trained
and out of nappies/pull ups before starting school (unless there is for example, a
medical need). Local children’s centres will be happy to provide advice and support
with toilet training, if needed.
When at home please encourage your child develop independence in dressing and
undressing and self care (e.g. toileting, washing hands, helping self to water etc)
Drop off and Collection
Nursery and Reception classes: please use the main entrance through the school gates on
Berkeley Road
Two Year Old Provision: please use the dedicated Two Year Old entrance on Vartry Road
It is very important to bring your child to school promptly for the start of each session.
Establishing good morning routines helps children with their ‘school readiness’ and late starts
can lead to them missing out on valuable learning and them falling behind.
Please ensure that you collect your child on time - late pickups prevent our staff from getting on
with their workloads. Just five minutes a day adds up to 25 minutes per week, which could
otherwise be spent preparing activities for the children or completing necessary paperwork.
On collection, you will receive any important information about your child’s day. Please be
patient if staff are speaking to another family: our key priority at this time, is to ensure that
children are safely and calmly handed over. Once your child has been handed over to you, you
are responsible for your child’s wellbeing.
Buggy Park
Please do not bring buggies into the building
If entering via the Two Year Old entrance please store your buggy in the buggy park provided.
For Nursery and Reception, please leave buggies at the bottom of the steps. It is not acceptable
for prams and buggies to block any of the provision’s access or evacuation routes. Please do not
take offence if you are asked to fold or move your buggy.
The school does not accept any responsibly for loss or breakages of buggies or loss of personal
belongings left in the buggy.
Educational Visits
We like to go out and explore the local community. During admissions you will sign to give
permission for your child to go on local trips. These trips will be linked to the children’s interests
and support their development.
On occasion we may plan larger outings either as a whole centre or as a room trip. You will be
notified of these outings in writing and will be required to give written permission for your child
to attend each trip.
Illness / accidents
Please inform the provision of any planned absences and if your child is unable to attend due to
If it is felt that your child is too ill to remain in the provision, our policy is to ring parents/carers
and request that the child is taken home. It is our responsibility to protect every child from
contagious diseases and from infections that can spread rapidly in young children. A child will be
sent home if they are suffering from any of the following:
• Persistent high temperature
• Eye and skin infections
• Sickness and diarrhoea
• Heavy coughs and colds that make breathing difficult
Minor injuries will be dealt with by First Aid trained staff and parents will be notified. In the
unlikely event of an emergency parents/carers will be contacted immediately.
If your child has an accident whilst with us, a member of staff will complete an accident form
which will give a brief summary of the incident.
Parent consultations
Parent consultations are held bi-annually for Nursery and Reception children. These are
opportunities to focus on the learning journey of each child. Parents/carers are asked to sign up
for appointments and make every effort to attend, so that we can inform parents of their child’s
progress. We also complete the two year old progress check – for more information about this,
please speak to a member of staff.
We are willing to administer prescribed medication subject to a care plan for a specific condition
being in place. If your child requires regular medication, e.g. asthma pumps, it is the parent or
carer’s responsibility to make sure that the school has the appropriate medication, e.g. asthmas
pumps, which must be in date.
Please advise us immediately of any changes to your child’s medical status.
Contact us
For more information or to arrange a visit to our setting please do not hesitate to contact us.
Address: Stamford Hill Primary School, Berkeley Road, London, N15 6HD
Telephone: 020 8800 2898
Website: http://www.stamfordhill.haringey.sch.uk/
Email: office@stamfordhill.haringey.sch.uk
Links to Children's Centre Services
Children's centres offer families with children under five a range of services, information and
support in their community.
Community outreach
Parental involvement Working with parents to develop local services
Training and employment Encouragement and support to help parents or carers into training
and employment
Child and family health services
Speech and language therapy The Speech and Language Therapist can help your child if they
are finding it hard to talk
Midwifery Advice information and support for pregnant and new parents
Healthy eating Nutritionists or Dieticians will work with children and families to make sure
they have an understanding of healthy eating and can assess any food related health problems
Mental health services Direct support to children and families such as counselling, or support
to your child in their day-care setting
Portage service Portage works with children up to age three with a disability and their families
in the home to improve a child’s development
For more information, please speak to a member of staff.