Chapter 4Socialization Socialization Socialization- patterns of behavior and attitudes that emerge through the life course Can be conscious and/or subconscious Teaches us to behave properly and what to expect if you don’t y_is_just_one?language=en Socialization Positionality-the recognition that where you stand in relations to others shapes what you can see and understand Personality-Person’s typical patterns of attitudes, behaviors, needs, characteristics, and behavior To think critically we must consider the social, political, and historical context of our positionality Is it Nature or Nurture? The case of Genie- helps explain the importance of earliest socialization The Influence of Heredity (Nature) Heredity: Twins have similar intelligence scores when reared apart in roughly similar social settings Different results when reared in different social settings The Self and Socialization Self- distinct identity that sets us apart from others The self is constantly changing Becomes our unique identity Cooley: The Looking Glass Self The self is a product of social interactions with other people We contemplate how others perceive us and which influence the development of the “self”. Mead: Stages of Self The self begins as a privileged, central position in a person’s world Prepatory Stage: Children imitate people around them Play Stage: Children develop skills in communicating through symbols and role taking Game Stage: Children consider several actual tasks and relationship simultaneously Goffman: Impression Management Impression Management: Individuals learn to slant their presentation of self to create distinctive appearances and to satisfy particular audiences (dramaturgical approach) Face-work: we need to maintain a proper image of self to continue social interaction Freud: Psychological Approaches Id-pleasure seeking self Ego-balancer Superego-overly socialized self The id and superego work in opposition to one another Piaget: Psychological Approaches Cognitive Theory of Development: 1.) Learning through the senses 2.) Words and Symbols 3.) Engage in Logical Thinking 4.) Sophisticated Abstract Thought Social interaction is key to develop Agents of Socialization Family Culture School Peer Groups Mass Media and Technology: The Life Course Rites of Passage: means of dramatizing and validating changes in a person’s status Life Course Approach: looks closely at social factors that influence people throughout their lives Anticipatory Socialization and Resocialization Anticipatory Socialization: Person “rehearses” future occupations and social relationships Resocialization: discarding former behavior patterns and accepting new ones during transitions in one’s life Total Institutions: regulates all aspects of a person’s life under a single authority Degradation Ceremony: rituals where individual becomes secondary and rather invisible in overbearing social environment