Process for Website Changes

Process for Website Changes
Substantial Changes
Changes that alter the user experience or design in some significant way. This could be modifying the way users access
content or complete a task on our website, or changes in major design elements. Examples include changing:
Content on the homepage
Design or content within the banner/logo/masthead
Items within the footer
Global font types or sizes; global formatting
Items within the global/persistent navigation
The process for these types of changes varies depending on the website.
For these websites:
Main mobile
Special Collections
Identification of Need for Change
Anyone can suggest a substantial website change; this might be reporting a problem or requesting an improvement.
Suggestions should be sent to the Website Steering Group and the content manager(s), if applicable. WSG can also,
itself, initiate a substantial website change.
Feedback & Decision-Making
WSG will work with appropriate stakeholders. WSG will, at minimum, share proposed changes with Team Liaisons &
seek their feedback; Team Liaisons are expected to share proposed changes with stakeholders on their teams.
These changes will be included in the UAL Website road map and must be approved by Cabinet before implementation.
Communication & Timeline
WSG will prioritize the change based on impact to users and resources available.
Staff can expect these changes to happen on Monday mornings, up to once per week. The Website Product Manager
will include information about exact dates of launching changes in the monthly all staff email.
WSG also will, when possible and appropriate, conduct usability testing on such changes before including them on the
road map.
For these websites/applications:
Data Management
Subject Guides
News & Events
Identification of Need for Change
Anyone can suggest a substantial website change; this might be reporting a problem or requesting an improvement.
Suggestions should be sent to the Website Steering Group and the content or product manager(s) (i.e. Development
Office, Data Management Librarian). WSG can also, itself, initiate a substantial website change.
Feedback & Decision-Making
WSG will, at minimum, share proposed changes with the impacted content or product manager(s) & seek their
WSG seeks consensus with content manager(s), but has ultimate decision-making regarding most changes. If a product
manager exists, the product manager has ultimate decision-making authority.
Communication & Timeline
WSG will prioritize changes based on impact to users and resources available. These changes will not be included in the
UAL Website road map, unless they have broad-reaching implications.
Team Liaisons will be notified of upcoming changes and are expected to share proposed changes with stakeholders on
their teams. These changes will be communicated to all staff during monthly email updates.
Staff can expect these changes to happen on Monday mornings, no more frequently than once/month.
Usability testing will not likely be conducted.
Maintenance Changes
Changes that keep content up to date and address the quality of content. This includes content updates, removal of old
pages, and modifications for legal, technical and ethical purposes. This also includes creating a new web page, new
content, or altering the display of content within a single page. Additionally, it includes changes that serve the purpose
of fixing errors and removing easily identifiable barriers from users’ effective use of the web site. Examples include:
Creating new pages (See workflow for new Drupal pages)
Editing web copy
Editing page titles and headers
Re-organizing content
Updating/removing/adding links
Unpublishing pages
Deleting pages (See workflow for deletion of pages)
Enhancing or adjusting features of applications
Updating to a new version of an application
Server maintenance (which may require planned site downtime)
For these websites:
Main mobile
Special Collections
Data Management
Subject Guides
Identification of Need for Change
News & Events
Anyone can suggest a maintenance website change. This might be reporting a problem or requesting an improvement
See workflow for new Drupal pages, workflow for basic editing of pages, and workflow for deletion of pages.
Many times, WSG will not be involved in maintenance changes at all. But if you aren’t sure where to start, suggestions
should be sent to the Website Steering Group and the content manager(s), if applicable. WSG can also, itself, initiate a
maintenance website change.
Feedback & Decision-Making
If WSG is involved, it will, at minimum, share proposed changes with the impacted content or product manager(s) &
seek their feedback.
WSG seeks consensus with content manager(s), but has ultimate decision-making regarding most changes. If a product
manager exists, the product manager has ultimate decision-making authority.
Communication & Timeline
Many maintenance changes can happen without WSG being involved. But if WSG resources are required, WSG will
prioritize the change based on impact to users and resources available.
Staff can expect these changes to happen all the time without hearing anything about it. But if a number of
maintenance changes add up to something with greater impact (i.e. a reorganization of a section of the site), the
Website Product Manager will share this with Team Liaisons who are expected to share the information with
stakeholders on their team. The Website Product Manager will also share information in the monthly all staff email.
Usability testing will likely not be conducted.
Unexpected Changes
Changes that were unplanned and negatively impact the user experience, such as a server crash, a serious bug, or an
unexpected site or application downtime.
For these websites:
Main mobile
Special Collections
Data Management
Subject Guides
News & Events
Identification of the Change
Since these are unexpected, they might be noticed by anyone. These changes should be reported immediately to
Feedback & Decision-Making
The team leader for LIT has decision-making authority related to unexpected changes, including the prioritization of
fixes. WSG and the relevant product manager (when applicable) will be notified of the status of these changes and their
Communication & Timeline
If the impact of the change is significant, and it is expected to take at least one hour to resolve, Helpline will notify
library staff of the problem through an all staff email. It is significant if an entire website or heavily used application is
down. At minimum, Helpline will place an alert message on the impacted website(s) alerting all users. See alert policy
for main website. For example:
Who Get Notified
The main website
LRO (Subject guides and course guides)
Database of Databases
Special Collections website
My Account
All staff and all users
Data Management website
Giving to the Libraries website
Hill Collection
Content /product manager
Public services staff (all AIST and all IC)
Users (notice on the application/relevant web page)
If all staff is notified of the problem, all staff will also be notified when the issue is resolved.