Cerebrospinal Fluid Flow Measurement Sensor University of Arizona TI Innovation Challenge 2014 Project Report Team Leader: Michael Martinez, azmikem@email.arizona.edu Team Members: Team Jose Valdez, jmv@email.arizona.edu; Deon Eakins, kdeakins@email.arizona.edu Team Mervyn Abraham, mabraham@email.arizona.edu; Ernesto BarrazaValdez, ebarraza@email.arizona.edu Team Brett Lenz, blenz@email.arizona.edu Advising Professor: Clayton Grantham, cbg1@email.arizona.edu Texas Instruments Vasco Polyzoev, vasco.polyzoev@ti.com Mentor (if applicable): Date: Qty. May 23, 2014 List all TI analog IC or TI processor part number and URL 1) Explain where it was used in the project? 2) What specific features or performance made this component well-suited to the design? 1 MSP430 This was selected to receive data from the ADC and transmit the data to either a USB or Bluetooth interface to transmit the data. 1 TPS77050 Selected this voltage regulator to decrease the supply voltage from +6V to +5V since this was the recommended voltage for the magnetic sensor and the other analog ICs would work with this voltage. The output voltage was sent to the positive supply terminals of the other ICs and the inverting charge pump. 1 ADS1220 This ADC was used because it was low power, adjustable gain, and had 24 bit resolution. Since the voltage changes were originally on the order of ones to hundreds of µV this was needed to resolve small voltage changes. 1 TPS60400 This inverting charge pump was used to supply a negative voltage of -5V to the instrumental amplifier (INA101HP), the LM741, and the magnetic sensor. This was needed so there would be little to no bias in the circuit. 1 CC2541 Used for Bluetooth data transmission to a smartphone, tablet, or computer. 1 LM741 Selected this op-amp to make a 2nd order Sallen-Key low pass anti-aliasing filter with a cutoff frequency of approximately 31 Hz. This was used to filter the signal from the instrumental amplifier before being digitized by the ADC. Submit your TI Innovation Challenge project to TI’s Project repository. Your team is encouraged to post your project as early as possible- Your submission will be kept offline until the contest has officially closed! Instructions: Project Name must be labelled “TI IC Design Contest North America: Project Name and School” Fill out project form (template is completely flexible) and include the following documents o The TI report template o Your full class report o Supplemental photos o A video of your partially or fully built out design. We’d love to see your team engaging with TI products! Project abstract (a short high level written description of the design and motivation behind project), 1,000 words max: Hydrocephalus is a common medical condition, which is characterized by an excessive buidup of cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) in the brain, increasing intercranial pressure. A common treatment for hydrocephalus involves the implantation of a ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunt in the ventricles of the brain leading to the peritoneal cavity (belly area). Since 80% of shunts fail after implantation there is a need for non-invasive VP shunt diagnostics. Current VP shunt diagnostics are limited to invasive surgical procedures and pressure measurements. Accurate flow measurements will help neurosurgeons understand hydrocephalus, its impact on the brain, the events leading up to shunt failure, and the causes for shunt failure. To address this issue a flow meter has been designed and created to measure the volumetric flow rate of CSF. The device contains a sensor and electronic circuit that converts beam deflection due to fluid flow into a voltage change. When the magnetic beam deflects due to fluid flow the magnetic field orientation changes and the resistance in the giant magnetoresistance (GMR) sensor will increase or decrease causing a voltage change in the circuit. The magnitude of the voltage change is directly related to the volumetric flow rate. The data is transmitted to a computer/tablet/smartphone where the volumetric flow rate is displayed. The overall system is divided into four main subsystems categorized as sensing element, housing, electronics, and software subsystems. Each one will be referred to as subsystem A, B, C, and D respectively. The division of the system into four main categories was determined from the assessment of important areas of the project where major improvements are necessary and/or critical for success of the project. The sensing element consists of an elastic magnetic beam and permanent magnet. The device housing will encase the sensing element and electronic subsystems. The electronics will be placed on a printed circuit board (PCB) consisting of two GMR sensors, an analog to digital converter, a microcontroller, potentially a Bluetooth system on chip (SoC), an antenna, and a power source. The software subsystem includes a graphic user interface (GUI) that will display the volumetric flow rate, in ml/hr, and notify the user when the flow rate it is either too low or too high. The shunt flow detection system must measure volumetric flow rates in the 20-50 mL/hr range. The four subsystems work together in order to accomplish this function. Each subsystem is organized and fits in a specific way to complete its function. The housing acts as the central piece where everything is placed together, it also guides interactions within the system and with the outside environment. Please submit your class report with this one page document. Your class report should include the following (Max of 30 pages, excluding appendix): Table of contents List of figures and tables A detailed written description of the project design Hardware Design Any Software Architecture used (include any software code as part of Appendix) Testing and Results / Conclusions Future Work / Recommendations Acknowledgements and/or References Appendix: schematics, CAD drawings, Critical IC Bill of Materials (Entrants may use Digikey Online BOM tool on www.Digikey.com), User Manual, etc. SSQW057