Government & Civics - GeorgiaStandards.Org

Government/Civics (18% of the test)
Assesses the philosophical foundations of
the United States government and how the
structure and functions of government
developed (local, state, and national) and
the relationship between the federal
government, the states and individual
The Declaration of Independence
Based on social contract theories of British
Political Philosopher--John Locke (1632-1704)
A government’s power comes from the consent of
the people. (a social contract)
-Jefferson declared that people the right to abolish
an oppressive government and establish a new
All people are born free and equal, with natural
rights to life, liberty, and property.
-Jefferson changed the last of these to pursuit of
Foundational Principles
of the Constitution
Rule of law (Written law restricts the government’s power)
Federalism (balance of local, state, and national government)
Popular sovereignty (the government serves the people)
Separation of powers (prevents the
concentration and abuse of power)
Checks and balances (Allows
branches of government to
restrain each others powers)
Ratification of the Constitution
Debate centered on the need for a strong
central government versus state rights and
individual rights
James Madison, Alexander Hamilton and
John Jay argued for a stronger central
government in The Federalist Papers—they
were concerned that regional factions might
split up the country.
The Legislative Branch
Article I of the Constitution describes the powers,
roles, and responsibilities of the legislative branch
Law-making powers of Congress (Senate and
House of Representatives)
Law-making process (how a bill becomes a law)
Other responsibilities of government: budget,
federal appointments, etc.
Describe the system of checks and balances by
citing the checks and balances involved in the
passing of a bill (e.g., presidential review and
judicial review).
How a Bill Becomes a Law
Legislative Branch-Congress
Membership of the House of Representatives
1. Each state represented proportional to their
2. 435 total members
3. Representatives elected
every 2 years
Membership of the Senate
1. Each State elects two representatives
2. 100 total members
3. Senators elected for 6 year terms
Congressional Committees
Two basic types of Committees
1. authorizing (establish policies)
2. appropriations (funding)
Standing Committees (permanent)
-19 in House, 17 in Senate
- further divided into subcommittees (175 total)
Select Committees (special issues or
Joint Committees and Conference Committees
-House and Senate Committees working together
Congressional Leadership
Speaker of the House
House Majority Leader
House Majority Whip
House Minority Leader
House Minority Whip
President= VicePresident (votes only as
President pro tempore
Senate Majority Leader
Senate Minority Leader
Powers of Congress
expressed powers (Written in Constitution)
examples: Making Laws, FUNDING, Regulating
Trade, Declaring War, Impeachment
Article I Section 8—known as the Elastic Clause
-gives congress power to pass laws “necessary
and proper” for doing its job.
Thus, Congress has Implied Powers.
(not expressly written in the Constitution)
Checks and Balances
Legislative Branch
Passes bills into law
Over-ride Presidential
veto by 2/3 vote
Approval of Cabinet
positions (Senate)
“power of the Purse”
Checks on Powers
President’s power to
veto laws passed by
Supreme Court’s
power to rule laws
The Executive Branch
Article II gives power of Enforcement and
Implementation of federal law to the Executive Branch
which is led by the President of the United States who is
the Chief executive and chief agenda setter
Military power is under the President
-he is the commander in chief of the armed forces
Diplomatic powers –negotiates agreements with other
nations in the forms of treaties or executive agreements
- he is representative of the nation, chief of state, and
foreign policy leader
The President is the party leader—the head of his/her
political party
Checks and Balances
Executive Branch
Checks on Powers
Congress can override
veto by 2/3 vote
Congress has power to
approve spending
Senate has power to
approve appointments
Senate approves treaties
Congress can impeach
Approves or vetoes laws
Carries out laws
Appoints federal judges
and officials
Negotiates treaties
Impeachment Process
Any person in the executive or judicial branch—
including the President--can be removed from office by
the legislature using the Impeachment Process—a two
step process
The 1st step involves impeachment—or indictment
(charges passed in the House of Representatives by a
simple majority)
The 2nd step involves a trial in the Senate—which
requires a two thirds majority to remove a person from
Example: President Clinton was
impeached by the House but not
convicted in the Senate trial.
The Cabinet
Secretary of State – State Department (Relations
with Foreign Countries)
Attorney General – Justice Department
(Chief Prosecutor for the Government)
Secretary of Defense – In charge of all armed
forces including: Army, Navy,
Air force, Marines, National Guard
(New Department) Homeland Security
-combines several agencies such as FBI, CIA,
and Immigration and Naturalization
Presidential Election Process
Candidate announces candidacy
Presidential primaries in each state to determine
delegates to party convention
Party conventions elect President and Vice-Presidential
General Election Campaign between major party
General Election –each state’s popular vote is
converted to a winner take all electoral vote
Electoral College votes based on electoral vote totals
The Judicial Branch
Article III establishes the Supreme Court -Main role is Interpretation of the law
-Judicial Review (Interpreting the Constitution)
Federal court system (three levels)
Supreme Court (1- 9 Justices)
Circuit Court of Appeals (13 Circuits)
US District Courts (94 - 1 to 4 in each state)
Checks and Balances
Judicial Branch
Checks on Powers
Interprets the meaning of
Constitution and laws
Rules on constitutionality
of laws passed by
congress and actions of
the Executive Branch
Congress and States
have the power to amend
the Constitution
Senate has authority to
refuse appointments to
the federal courts
Congress can impeach a
federal judge
The Federal
System of
Powers of the
Federal Government
Delegated Powers
Maintain army and navy
Establish postal system
Set standards for
Regulate trade between
states and other
Declare War
Powers Shared by
Federal and
Powers of the
State Governments
Concurrent Powers
Reserved Powers
Impose Taxes
Establish Courts
Establish Banks
Borrow money
Provide for the general
Establish local
Establish Schools
Regulate state commerce
Regulate Marriage
Establish and regulate
Responsibilities of Citizenship
participation in the community
respect for the property and views of others
paying taxes
obeying the law
serving on a jury
registering for military
keeping informed on
current issues
Citizens Rights - The Bill of Rights
1. Freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, petition
2. Right to bear arms
3. No quartering of troups without permission
4. No search and seizure without a warrant
5. Rights of the accused to remain silent
6. Right to a speedy trial
7. Right to a jury trial in civil cases
8. Rights to reasonable bail, fines and punishments
9. Powers reserved to the people
10. Powers reserved to the states
Other Key Amendments
14th-Equal protection under the law for all
persons born in the United States
15th-Gave African American males voting
17th –Direct election of Senators
19th –Gave women voting rights
24th –Abolished the poll tax
26th –Extended voting rights to 18 year olds
Political Parties
Democratic Party (established in 1828)
-promote strong central government that
support the rights of the poor and
- more taxes for wealthy
Republican Party (established in 1854)
- support smaller central government
with more state and local control
- less taxes for wealthy and businesses