Brillouin based Distributed Optical Fibre Sensors for Strain and Temperature Monitoring Presented By Nages wara Lalam (Ph.D student) Optical Communications Research Group (OCRG), Department of Physics and Electrical Engineering, Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 8ST. (E-mail: Supervisors Dr. Wai Pang Ng Dr. Xuewu (Daniel) Dai Losses in optical fibre communication 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Dispersion Absorption Scattering (Raleigh, Brillouin and Raman scattering) Bending Link budget, power budget Dispersion Scattering Scattered light spectrum in optical Fibres 1. Raleigh Scattering (vo) 2. Brillouin scattering (vo-vb) 3. Raman scattering (vo-vr) Input light vo Intensity Raleigh scattered light vo Brillouin Stokes Raman Stokes Brillouin Anti-stokes T, ε T, ε T •vo-vr Raman Ant-stokes T •vo-vb •vo Frequency BFS ~ 11 GHz ~ 13 THz Fig: Spectrum of backscattered signal in optical fibre Raleigh, Brillouin, Raman scattered light spectrum (cont..) Raleigh scattering : Raleigh scattering occurs from the inhomogeneous microscopic particles. This elastic scattering is related to the molecule organization degree in fibre. Raman scattering: Raman scattering occurs from the interaction light with molecules vibration modes and considered as scattering from optical phonons. Brillouin scattering: Brillouin scattering arises from the interaction of light with propagating density waves or acoustic waves. Operating principle of OTDR 1. Optical time domain reflectometer (OTDR) used to measure the losses in optical fibre 2. Based on the Raleigh backscattered signal and Fresnel reflection Brillouin optical time domain reflectometry (B-OTDR) Fig.1: Brillouin optical time domain reflectometry (B-OTDR) sensing principle 25 km SMF 3 dB DFB-LD 50/50 50/50 Attenuator (Optisci-28dB) EDFA Sensing Fibre Coupler 1550 nm, 8 dBm, (Thorlabs, 1754C) Fibre close end Circulator Pulse (Pump) Wave (v o v b ) (vo ) Coupler 50/50 50/50 3 dB (D8-ir, BW: 50GHz) PM Photo Detector Electrical spectrum analyzer Fig.2: Experimental setup of Brillouin optical time domain reflectometry (B-OTDR) (DFB-LD: distributed-feedback laser diode, EDFA: erbium doped fibre amplifier, PM: power meter) Experimental set up of BOTDR Temperature controller DFB-LD EDFA DC Bias Coupler (50/50) Attenuator Optical spectrum analyzer Circulator Sensing fibre (25 km) Coupler (50/50) Photo detector Electrical spectrum analyzer Temperature oven Fig. Experimental set up of Brillouin optical time domain reflectometry (BOTDR) Experimental measurement of Brillouin gain spectrum (BGS) Fig.1: Experimental Brillouin gain spectrum (BGS) of 25 km long SMF -68 Lorentz fit of Data1_B -70 Centre frequency (xc)= 10.867 GHz ±12964.84008) Linewidth (FWHM) =4.362 MHz ±40026.21839) Optical power (dBm) -72 -74 -76 -78 -80 -82 -84 -86 -88 10.86G 10.87G 10.88G 10.89G Brillouin Frequency Shift (BFS) in GHz Fig.1: Lorentzian curve fitting for experimental Brillouin gain data Temperature and strain effects on Brillouin gain spectrum (BGS) Fig.1: Brillouin frequency shift and peak gain variations of single mode silica fibre for (a) different temperatures (b) different strains Brillouin frequency shift vs Temperature Brillouin frequency shift vs applied strain 700 160 600 Frequency shift (MHz) Frequency shift (MHz) 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 500 400 300 200 100 20 40 60 80 Temperature (oC) 100 120 140 0 0 2000 4000 6000 Strain (µ-strain) Fig.2: Brillouin frequency shift changes linearly with temperature and strain 8000 10000 Experimental Brillouin threshold measurement Fig.1: Backscattered spectrum for different input pump powers Fig.2: Brillouin threshold measurement for 25-km long SMF (10.62 dBm) Brillouin optical time domain analysis (BOTDA) Fig 1: Operating principle of Brillouin optical time domain analysis (BOTDA) Fig 2: Modified Brillouin optical time domain analysis (BOTDA) Experimental setup of Brillouin optical time domain analysis (BOTDA) Fig: BOTDA Experimental arrangement for measuring strain and temperature (DFB-LD=distributed feedback laser diode, PC: polarization controller, EOM=electro-optic modulator, EDFA=erbium doped fiber amplifier, PS: polarization scrambler, PD=photo detector). Simulation analysis of BOTDA Strain effects on Brillouin gain spectrum: (a) (b) (c) (d) Three-dimensional Brillouin gain spectrum (BGS) of 40m long single mode silica fibre at room temperature (a) without any applied strain (b) 0.1% (1000 µε) applied strain (c) 0.2% (2000 µε) applied strain (d) 0.3% (3000 µε) applied strain, on 5m section of sensing fibre Simulation analysis of BOTDA (Cont.….) Temperature effects on Brillouin gain spectrum: Three-dimensional Brillouin gain spectrum (BGS) of 40m long single mode silica fibre at without applied strain (a) 40oC applied temperature (b) 60oC applied temperature Table I: Strain effects on Brillouin frequency shift (BFS) Strain Strain free and room temperature (20oC) 0.1% (1000 µε) 0.2% (2000 µε) 0.3% (3000 µε) Brillouin frequency shift (BFS) 11.200 GHz Strain induced frequency shift ---- 11.260 GHz 11.320 GHz 11.380 GHz 60 MHz 120 MHz 180 MHz Table II: Temperature effects on Brillouin frequency shift (BFS) Temperature Room temperature (20oC) and strain free 40oC 60oC Brillouin frequency shift (BFS) 11.200 GHz Temperature induced frequency shift 11.225 GHz 11.250 GHz 25 MHz 50 MHz ---- Ref: N. Lalam, W. P. Ng, X. Dai, and H. K. Al-Musawi, "Characterization of Brillouin frequency shift in Brillouin Optical Time Domain Analysis (BOTDA)," in Networks and Optical Communications (NOC), 2015 20th IEEE European Conference on, London, 2015, pp. 1-4. Simulation analysis of BOTDA (Cont.….) Probe light S ge han c in tra re atu r e e mp Te chang Pump light Fig: Temperature (70oC ) and strain 0.2% (2000µ-strain) induced Brillouin frequency shifts Simulation analysis of BOTDA (Cont.….) Fig: Top view of strain and temperature induced frequency shifts at 15m and 30m, respectively, along the 60m of sensing fibre Simulation analysis of BOTDA (Cont.….) Table II: Measured coefficient values of BFS and peak gain for temperature and strain Description Change in Brillouin frequency versus strain Measured value 0.06 MHz/(µstrain) Change in Brillouin frequency versus temperature 1.25 MHz/oC change in Brillouin gain versus strain -9×10-4 %/(µstrain) change in Brillouin gain versus temperature 0.416 %/K Brillouin frequency shift vs applied strain Brillouin frequency shift vs Temperature 700 160 140 Frequency shift (MHz) Frequency shift (MHz) 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 120 100 80 60 40 20 2000 4000 6000 Strain (µ-strain) 8000 10000 Fig: Brillouin frequency shift (BFS) changes with applied strain (µ-strain) 0 0 20 40 60 80 Temperature (oC) 100 120 140 Fig: Brillouin frequency shift (BFS) changes with applied temperature Comparison of BOTDR and BOTDA Brillouin gain spectrums BOTDR- three-dimensional Brillouin gain spectrum (BGS) vs fibre distance BOTDA- three-dimensional Brillouin gain spectrum (BGS) vs fibre distance Applications of Brillouin based Distributed fibre sensors Oil and Gas pipeline Monitoring Aeroplane monitoring Bridge and Building Monitoring Rail-track monitoring Boarder security monitoring Road tunnels Source: Times of India, 2014 Causes of train delays/accidents Source: Network rail: delays explained, 2014 Source: Current rail-track monitoring methods Track geometry car Video inspection Manual inspection Rai-track inspection through ultra sound British rail industry investment and performance The Passenger’s pound British PPM performance Investment in rail network (26p) Track Maintenance cost (22p) Industry Staff costs (25p) Interest payments and Other costs (9p) Leasing trains (11p) Fuel for trains (4p) Train Company profits (3p) Source: Network rail group, 2014 Source: UK rail regulations, 2015 Rail-track monitoring using distributed fibre sensor system Proposed solution: The proposed research has capable of monitoring rail-track in real-time with following benefits: 1. Strain, temperature monitoring 2. Train weight, speed and acceleration 3. Axle load and axle counting 4. Train location, direction 5. Railway traffic monitoring 6. Level crossings monitoring 7. Easy maintenance 8. High sensing range (~150 km: using our proposed method) 9. High measurement accuracy (±5µε, ±0.1oC) 10. High measurement speed (< 1 min) Advantages of Brillouin based distributed fibre sensors Harsh environmental capability Low EMI Very small size and light weight Long distance operation (~ 150 km) Very wide operating temperature range Easy maintenance Simple installation Quick response Distributed measurement capability (one fibre cable can have hundreds of sensors ) Thanks for your attention