8 Employee Handbook - Plus 8 Recruitment

PLUS 8 Employee Handbook
please read each section carefully and ensure you fully understand
your obligations before starting work with PLUS 8
you must also read the full version of the
PLUS 8 Occupational Health and Safety Manual
please download a copy from the website
PLUS 8 Recruitment ABN: 65 127 864 297
Revised 1st December 2013
What We Do
We seek, employ and hire talent to West Australian (GMT+8) hospitality sites, whether remote,
regional or metro.
PLUS 8 has developed an extensive state-wide and national network, enabling us to find and attract
quality staff to work on an immediate basis, no matter where in the country they are located.
With over 1200 employees recruited over the last 5 years, we have the scale to ensure our clients’
staffing requirements are met whilst always ensuring prompt, personalised service.
The recruitment portfolio is divided into two divisions. Permanent placements for Metropolitan and
Remote regions and Labour Hire for Metropolitan and Remote regions.
Our consulting division specialises in restaurant and hotel management consultancy and mining camp
facility management.
PLUS 8 Recruitment ABN: 65 127 864 297
Revised 1st December 2013
PLUS 8 Organisation – Write Down These Numbers
PO Box 1027
Osborne Park, WA 6916
Speakeasy Australia Pty Ltd Trading as
PLUS 8 Recruitment
T: 08 9468 0480
F: 08 9245 2625
E: info@plus8.com.au
0414 887 258
0451 188 891
PLUS 8 Consulting
PLUS 8 Hospitality
Labour Hire &
Labour Hire
PLUS 8 Recruitment ABN: 65 127 864 297
Revised 1st December 2013
Occupational Health and Safety
PLUS 8 recognises its moral and legal responsibility to provide a safe and healthy work environment for
employees, contractors, clients and visitors to site. This commitment extends to ensuring that
operations do not place the local community at risk of injury, illness or property damage.
Our OHS objective is to actively work towards elimination of injuries and fatalities. Our target is to have
a 0 % of all injuries and incidents.
Management are committed to:
• Integrating OHS into all aspects of PLUS 8 operations
• Compliance with legislative requirements, current industry standards and co-operation with
Regulatory bodies, as far as is reasonable.
• Exceeding legislative requirements and aiming for best practice systems of work
• Measurable targets to ensure continued improvement reflected in accountability/key performance
indicators at all levels.
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Occupational Health and Safety (continued)
Provision and maintenance of a work environment that is safe and without risks to health.
Consultation with employees and other parties to improve decision-making on OHS and
environmental matters.
Development, implementation and review of written safe work procedures
Distribution and communication of safety information and safe work procedures
Information, instruction, training and supervision to employees, contractors, clients and visitors to
ensure safety
Support and assist employees in effective injury management and rehabilitation.
Review and assessment of OHS policy
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Revised 1st December 2013
Occupational Health and Safety (continued)
Employees are expected to:
Take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and others at work;
Co-operate with PLUS 8 to enable compliance with OHS legal obligations
Participate in consultative arrangements
Assist management to meet OHS targets/key performance indicators
Participate in return to work programs
The PLUS 8 Occupational Health and Safety Plan is detailed in the PLUS 8 OHS Manual
which you can request at any time and must request should you not have received (or
downloaded it) and reviewed it.
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Revised 1st December 2013
General Anti-Discrimination Policy
We are committed to the principle of respecting and valuing diversity in our workplace.
We achieve this by preventing discrimination at on the basis (amongst others) of race, ethnic origin,
colour, pregnancy or potential pregnancy, sex, sexual harassment, impairment, sexual preference, age,
marital status, family responsibilities or status, pregnancy, mental or intellectual disability, trade union
activity, religion, political opinion, sexual orientation, gender identity, intersex status, national extraction or
social origin.
Whilst the definition of discrimination can vary between legislative instruments to a limited degree,
discrimination is generally defined as treating an individual, or a group of people, less favorably than
another individual or group because of any of the above criteria.
Discrimination is Against the Law
Conduct that constitutes discrimination as defined in the relevant legislation is unlawful and is a breach of
both State and Federal legislation including;
PLUS 8 Recruitment ABN: 65 127 864 297
Revised 1st December 2013
General Anti-Discrimination Policy (continued)
Age Discrimination Act 2004 (Cth.)
Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth.)
Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cth.)
Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth.)
Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth.)
Equal Opportunity Act 1984 (WA)
Perpetrators can be prosecuted for breaches of this legislation and their employer
may be vicariously liable where a breach has occurred. Significant monetary
compensation and penalties may be award or imposed against persons or companies
that breach the discrimination laws.
Any dispute concerning this issue will be dealt with under the dispute resolution
procedures contained in the relevant policy outlined in these policies.
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General Anti-Discrimination Policy (continued)
Whilst it would be preferred that you allow us the opportunity to address any
concerns, nothing in this provision should be read as preventing you from taking
action in the appropriate anti-discrimination jurisdiction without accessing the
dispute resolution procedures contained in this Handbook.
Procedure for Making a Complaint
Any employee who has a complaint of discrimination by anyone, including
supervisors, co-workers, or visitors has the right to complain and take action. It is
important that if you think or believe that you or another employee is being
discriminated against, you bring the matter to the attention of your supervisor or
the business owners.
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Revised 1st December 2013
General Anti-Discrimination Policy (continued)
Any complaint will be handled in a confidential (except where disclosure of
information is necessary to allow the adequate investigation of the claim), impartial
and sympathetic manner. Allegations of discrimination will be fully and impartially
investigated and we will take appropriate action to ensure that any discrimination
found to exist does not continue. This may include appropriate corrective or
disciplinary action being taken against an offender, and in serious cases termination
of employment.
We will retain in confidence information and documentation of all allegations and
investigation, except when disclosure is necessary in connection with legal or other
administrative proceedings.
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Revised 1st December 2013
General Anti-Discrimination Policy (continued)
Consequences of Breaching this Policy
Any breach of this policy will result in disciplinary action. Depending on the severity
of the case, consequences may include an apology, counselling, demotion or
dismissal from your employment. Any employee that victimises or retaliates against
a person who has complained of sexual harassment will be subject to immediate and
serious disciplinary action.
Each supervisor is accountable, as part of his or her responsibility in directing the
work of others, and for taking action to prevent discrimination of any type in his or
her area. Failure to ensure compliance with this obligation is a serious issue and will
result in disciplinary action where it can be established that staff have not acted in
accordance with this policy.
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Revised 1st December 2013
Sexual Harassment Policy
Sexual harassment of any employee is totally unacceptable and will not be tolerated under any
circumstances. We are committed to ensuring that your working environment is free from sexual
harassment and will take disciplinary action against any employee (or agent) who engages in conduct
that breaches this policy.
Sexual Harassment is Against the Law
Conduct that constitutes sexual harassment as defined in the relevant legislation is unlawful and is a
breach of both State and Federal legislation including;
Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth.)
Equal Opportunity Act 1984 (WA)
Perpetrators can be prosecuted for breaches of this legislation and their employer may be vicariously
liable where a breach has occurred. Significant monetary compensation and penalties may be award
or imposed against persons or companies that breach the sexual harassment laws.
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Revised 1st December 2013
Sexual Harassment Policy (continued)
Application of this Policy
This policy applies to everyone working with us, including consultants, managers, supervisors,
temporary workers, contract workers, full-time, part-time and casual workers.
This policy extends to and includes conduct that occurs in any work-related context, including
conferences, work functions, office Christmas parties and business trips.
Objective of this Policy
We aim to:
• create a working environment which is free from sexual harassment and where all members of
staff are treated with dignity, courtesy and respect
• provide an effective procedure for complaints, based on the principles of natural justice
• treat all complaints in a sensitive, fair, timely and confidential manner
• encourage the reporting of behaviour which breaches the sexual harassment policy
• promote appropriate standards of conduct at all times.
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Revised 1st December 2013
Sexual Harassment Policy (continued)
What is Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment has been defined as any unwanted, unwelcome or uninvited behaviour of a sexual
nature which makes a person feel humiliated, intimidated or offended.
Examples of Sexual Harassment
The following are some examples of conduct that may be considered as sexual harassment: uninvited
touching; uninvited kisses or embraces; smutty jokes or comments; making promises or threats in
return for sexual favours; displays of sexually graphic material including posters, pinups, cartoons,
graffiti or messages left on notice boards, desks or common areas; repeated invitations to go out
after prior refusal; "flashing" or sexual gestures; sex-based insults, taunts, teasing or name-calling;
staring or leering at a person or at parts of their body; unwelcome physical contact such as massaging
a person without invitation or deliberately brushing up against them; touching or fiddling with a
person's clothing; requests for sex; sexually explicit conversation; persistent questions or insinuations
about a person's private life; offensive phone calls or letters; stalking; and offensive e-mail messages or
computer screen savers.
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Revised 1st December 2013
Sexual Harassment Policy (continued)
What is not Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment is not behaviour which is based on mutual attraction, friendship and respect. If the
interaction is consensual, welcome and reciprocated it is not sexual harassment.
Procedure for Making a Complaint
Any employee who has a complaint of sexual harassment by anyone, including supervisors, coworkers, or visitors has the right to complain and take action. It should be remembered that accusing
another person of sexual harassment is a serious matter. However it is important that if you think or
believe that you are being sexually harassed, or that another individual employed by us is being
sexually harassed, you bring the problem to the attention of your supervisor or the business owners.
Any complaint will be handled in a confidential (except where disclosure of information is necessary
to allow the adequate investigation of the claim), impartial and sympathetic manner.
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Revised 1st December 2013
Sexual Harassment Policy (continued)
Allegations of sexual harassment will be fully and impartially investigated and we will take appropriate
action to ensure that any sexual harassment found to exist does not continue. This may include
appropriate corrective or disciplinary action being taken against an offender, and in serious cases
termination of employment.
We will retain in confidence information and documentation of all allegations and investigation,
except when disclosure is necessary in connection with legal or other administrative proceedings.
Consequences of Breaching this Policy
Any breach of this policy will result in disciplinary action. Depending on the severity of the case,
consequences may include an apology, counselling, demotion or dismissal from your employment.
Any employee that victimises or retaliates against a person who has complained of sexual harassment
will be subject to immediate and serious disciplinary action.
PLUS 8 Recruitment ABN: 65 127 864 297
Revised 1st December 2013
Sexual Harassment Policy (continued)
Each employee has an obligation to play their part in ensuring that sexual harassment does not occur
in the workplace. If you believe that another employee is being sexually harassed you should bring
the problem to the attention of your supervisor or the proprietors.
Each supervisor is accountable, as part of his or her responsibility in directing the work of others,
and for taking action to prevent the occurrence of sexual harassment in his or her area. Failure to
ensure compliance with this obligation is a serious issue and will result in disciplinary action where it
can be established that staff have not acted in accordance with this policy.
Further Information
Further information on the issue of sexual harassment can be obtained from the Australian Human
Rights Commission on 1300 656 419 or the Equal Opportunity Commission on 9216 3900.
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Revised 1st December 2013
Workplace Bullying Policy
We consider bullying an unacceptable form of behaviour which will not be tolerated in the workplace
under any circumstances.
Workplace Bullying is Against the Law
Conduct that constitutes workplace bullying as defined in the relevant legislation is unlawful and is a
breach both State and Federal legislation including;
Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth.) - From 1 January 2014
Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984 (WA)
Perpetrators can be prosecuted for breaches of this legislation and their employer may be vicariously
liable where a breach has occurred.
PLUS 8 Recruitment ABN: 65 127 864 297
Revised 1st December 2013
Workplace Bullying Policy (continued)
What Constitutes Bullying
Workplace bullying is repeated, unreasonable behaviour directed toward an employee, or group of
employees, that creates a risk to health and safety.
The following types of behaviour, depending on the circumstances, may be considered to be bullying:
• verbal abuse
• belligerence or rudeness towards another employee
• excluding or isolating employees
• psychological harassment
• intimidation
• assigning meaningless tasks unrelated to the job
• giving employees impossible assignments
• deliberately changed work rosters to inconvenience particular employees
• deliberately withholding information vital for effective work performance
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Revised 1st December 2013
Workplace Bullying Policy (continued)
The list is not exhaustive and other types of behaviour may also constitute bullying.
Bullying can result from one instance of this type of behaviour such as an incident of verbal abuse;
however, it is more commonly a course of conduct over a period of time.
Bullying is the word used to describe certain types of unacceptable behaviour. Unacceptable
behaviour makes the workplace uncomfortable, unpleasant and often unsafe.
What is not Bullying
Bullying is not managers or supervisors carrying out their required responsibilities in relation to the
investigation of complaints or the management of unsatisfactory performance. Bullying does not
include reasonable and legitimate actions of your employer in managing your or another employees
performance, workload, or other duties so long as that conduct is carried out in a reasonable
PLUS 8 Recruitment ABN: 65 127 864 297
Revised 1st December 2013
Workplace Bullying Policy (continued)
Procedure for Making a Complaint
You should report the matter to your Manager or the proprietors who will deal with your complaint.
Any complaint will be handled in a confidential (except where disclosure of information is necessary
to allow the adequate investigation of the claim), impartial and sympathetic manner. Allegations of
workplace bullying will be fully and impartially investigated and we will take appropriate action to
ensure that any workplace bullying found to exist does not continue. This may include appropriate
corrective or disciplinary action being taken against an offender, and in serious cases termination of
We will retain in confidence information and documentation of all allegations and investigation,
except when disclosure is necessary in connection with legal or other administrative proceedings.
PLUS 8 Recruitment ABN: 65 127 864 297
Revised 1st December 2013
Workplace Bullying Policy (continued)
Consequences of Breaching this Policy
Any breach of this policy will result in disciplinary action. Depending on the severity of the case,
consequences may include an apology, counselling, demotion or dismissal from your employment.
Any employee that victimises or retaliates against a person who has complained of bullying will be
subject to immediate and serious disciplinary action.
Each employee has an obligation to play their part in ensuring that bullying does not occur in the
workplace. If you believe that another employee is being bullied you should bring the problem to
the attention of your supervisor or the proprietors.
PLUS 8 Recruitment ABN: 65 127 864 297
Revised 1st December 2013
Workplace Bullying Policy (continued)
Each supervisor is accountable, as part of his or her responsibility in directing the work of others,
for taking action to prevent the occurrence of workplace bullying in his or her area. Failure to
ensure compliance with this obligation is a serious issue and will result in disciplinary action where
it can be established that staff have not acted in accordance with this policy.
Further Information
Further information on the issue of workplace bullying can be obtained from the Worksafe on
1300 307 877, the Fair Work Commission on 1300 799 675.
PLUS 8 Recruitment ABN: 65 127 864 297
Revised 1st December 2013
Internet/E-Mail/Social Media Policy
The business makes use of the internet and e-mail as a business tool. Use of the internet and e-mail
is permitted and encouraged where such use relates to and supports the goals and objectives of
business. We are committed to ensuring that the internet and e-mail facilities are used in a manner
that is consistent with accepted standards and in a manner that does not contravene any state or
federal laws.
The business is also aware that employees do or are likely to engage in social media activities over
the internet. Examples of such social media activities include using Facebook, Twitter, Linked In,
Instagram, Tumblr or My Space. This list is not exhaustive; rather it is a guide as to the types of sites
that would commonly be known as social media.
PLUS 8 Recruitment ABN: 65 127 864 297
Revised 1st December 2013
Internet/E-Mail/Social Media Policy- (continued)
Each and every employee is responsible for the ethical and lawful use of internet and e-mail facilities.
The internet should only be used for work related activities unless otherwise authorised by your
The company e-mail should generally be used for work related activities, however, some limited
private use will be tolerated assuming that it is not excessive and does not breach acceptable use
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Revised 1st December 2013
Internet/E-Mail/Social Media Policy- (continued)
Acceptable use of the e-mail system does not include the sending of e-mails that are discriminatory,
offensive, pornographic or threatening in nature. In addition to this, you should not view content sent
to you that would be in breach of these guidelines. Should you receive an e-mail that you believe may
contain such content, you should not open the e-mail.
You should not under any circumstances click on links contained within an e-mail that has been sent
to you unless you are confident that you know where that link has originated from and it is legitimate
in its purpose.
In addition to the above general obligation, each and every employee is also responsible for any
comments and will be held accountable for any comments that they make in relation to their
Employer on social media sites. Comments made by any employee on a social media site will be
viewed as unacceptable where those comments make adverse assertions about your employer, other
staff of your employer, or operational practices of the your employer.
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Revised 1st December 2013
Internet/E-Mail/Social Media Policy- (continued)
You are advised that simply not naming the person or your employer in any post may not be
sufficient to avoid your obligations under this policy where the information stated on the social
media site could be used in conjunction with the post to identify an individual or the business.
You are required to ensure that all of your internet, e-mail or social media activity complies with this
policy and is used solely for business use, except where limited private use has been authorised by
Conduct which is Prohibited
The following are examples of activities that are prohibited. This list is not exhaustive.
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Revised 1st December 2013
Internet/E-Mail/Social Media Policy- (continued)
Downloading and exchanging of audio and video files.
Streaming of video and audio including internet radio/ television stations, except where that
activities is related to your authorised work activities.
Playing any form of game over the internet
Skype or any other type of internet telephone product, except where authorised.
Use of chat rooms or instant messaging or posting to a social media site
Accessing any site containing pornographic or other inappropriate material.
Using the internet or e-mail facilities for activity that may constitute bullying, discrimination or
conduct that may render you or your employer liable to prosecution or legal risk
Accessing job seeking sites other than authorised for hiring purposes.
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Revised 1st December 2013
Internet/E-Mail/Social Media Policy- (continued)
Monitoring of Internet and E-mail Activity
We reserve the right to monitor and audit any or all internet or email activity undertaken by
employees using company resources.
Consequence of Breaching this Policy
If you are found to have violated this policy will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including
termination of employment, if appropriate.
PLUS 8 Recruitment ABN: 65 127 864 297
Revised 1st December 2013
Environmental Policy - Summary
PLUS 8 is committed to conducting our business in an environmentally aware and responsible manner.
We seek the co-operation of our employees and business partners in ensuring our organisational
practices are conducted with minimal environmental impact.
To work with employees, contractors, visitors and business partners to achieve compatibility between
economic development and the maintenance of the environment to minimise harm.
PLUS 8 will endeavour to minimise impact on the following:
Atmospheric emissions
Site contamination and spills
Noise Emission and Vibration impacts
Damage to flora and fauna
Storm water management
Unnecessary energy consumption
PLUS 8 Recruitment ABN: 65 127 864 297
Revised 1st December 2013
Employee Code of Conduct
Whilst employed with PLUS 8 it is necessary for you to familiarise yourself with our Code of
Conduct and abide by its requirements at all times no matter where you are on assignment.
You agree to:
Behave honestly and with integrity in the course of your employment with PLUS 8
Act with care and due diligence in the course of your duties towards yourself and colleagues
Comply with any lawful and reasonable direction given by a PLUS 8 manager or a Client who has
the authority to provide such direction
Behave and conduct yourself in a way that upholds the values, integrity and good reputation of
Report any accidents or hazards to the relevant safety representative on site as soon as possible
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Revised 1st December 2013
Employee Code of Conduct (continued)
Conduct yourself in a professional and reasonable manner at all times whilst at work and socially
Adhere to the Client’s Code of Conduct regarding dress standards and requirements for travelling
to and from site any rules and regulations regarding residing and working on the Client’s premises
Conduct yourself in an orderly and contained manner when frequenting wet mess facilities (if
allowed), being mindful and responsible regarding the level of any alcohol consumed and at all times
ensuring the safety of yourself and your colleagues .
Keep any PLUS 8 and Client information confidential at all times. Such information is provided to
you in order to ensure you can perform your role and must not be used for any other purpose.
Disciplinary action may result should any employee fail to follow and adhere to the above
Code of Conduct. If such breach of the Code of Conduct is found to be of a serious nature
then the employee’s assignment may be terminated with immediate effect.
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Revised 1st December 2013
Inductions and Other Testing Requirements
You may be required to complete a drug and alcohol test, pre work medical and/or a site specific
induction prior to commencing employment with PLUS 8 in order to work on a particular PLUS 8
client site.
If such tests and/or inductions are required, you must pay for their associated costs. In the event that
you are unable to pay for these directly, PLUS 8 may offer to pay for these costs in the form of a loan.
You must agree to repay the full amount within 10 days or authorize PLUS 8 to recoup these costs
from your first pay.
You must disclose any form of medication that may conflict with the test to both PLUS 8 and the
medical clinic. This will NOT influence your prospective employment with PLUS 8 in any way.
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Revised 1st December 2013
Inductions and Other Testing Requirements-
Federal Police Clearance is required for some sites and you are encouraged to have this certification as
it will provide more job opportunities with PLUS 8 through our clients. It is of importance to have this
clearance requested as soon a possible due to the time it takes to obtain the clearance.
A GSDU form is required should you be placed on a gold or diamond site .
This document is similar to a Police clearance and will check to see if you have committed any criminal
offence within Australia and/or your native country.
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Revised 1st December 2013
Administrative Items
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Revised 1st December 2013
Timesheets, Payroll and Employment Census
PLUS 8 requires all staff to (i) complete the Employee Census form (ii) complete a tax file
number declaration form (iii) acknowledge contents of this handbook; and (iv) sign the PLUS 8
OHS manual before commencement of work.
Your Work Visa (if applicable) and Photo ID is also required before commencement of any
work with PLUS 8
You must be legally allowed to work in Australia.
All time sheets (signed by Client and Employee) are to be faxed or emailed through to PLUS 8
head office by 10:00 am Monday
PLUS 8 payroll is processed weekly, every Tuesday.
You must be over the age of 18
You must be able to pass a drug and alcohol test as well as a pre work medical.
Timesheets are to be filled out as demonstrated on the next page and are available for download
from the PLUS 8 website.
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Timesheet Completion - Example
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Revised 1st December 2013
All staff working in remote areas must have steel cap boots with laces (no slip-on boots)
Chefs: (i) chequered or black pants (ii) white chef Jackets with long sleeves.(iii) chef hat , flat tops or
beret caps and bandanas are not acceptable) (iv) white, black or blue stripe apron.
Cleaners and Utilities Remote: (i) two tone high visual long sleeve shirts (colour depending on site)
(ii) light weight pre-shrink drill pants (blue) (iii) steel cap boots with laces.
Kitchen hands and dining room attendants: (i) PLUS 8 polo shirt (ii) light weight pre-shrink drill pants
(blue) (iii) steel cap boots with laces.
Housekeeping Metro: Hotel required uniform or PLUS 8 housekeeping uniform depending on
Please check with your recruitment consultant as to what the uniform requirements may be for your
particular site, prior to your employment start date.
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Revised 1st December 2013
I have read the PLUS 8 Employee Handbook and furthermore have read the full
PLUS 8 Occupational Health and Safety manual (available for download online) and
fully understand my obligations and responsibilities whilst employed by PLUS 8
Acknowledged By:
Date of Induction:
PLUS 8 Recruitment ABN: 65 127 864 297
Revised 1st December 2013