Social Studies: State of the Union April 12, 2014 Let’s Celebrate!!! Mix, Pair, Share Find a partner from a different school and stand back to back Turn and Share Using these Sentence Starters: This spring, I learned the strategy of ____! This spring, my students were very successful at ___! This spring my PLC really helped me with ____! This spring, I overcame a challenge by _____! Great American Philosopher: Yogi Berra “The future ain’t what it used to be.” HB5 Update Great American Philosopher: Yogi Berra “If you don’t know where you are going, you might wind up someplace else.” Where are our students going? College bound students should still take the four by four If students take all four years of social studies, they automatically earn a Multidisciplinary Endorsement If students take five credits of social studies, they earn an Arts and Humanities Endorsement with an emphasis in social studies College Admission programs aren’t seeking specific endorsements— they want overall preparedness Multiple endorsements can be earned Students may change their endorsement at any time After the sophomore year, students may choose to graduate only with the foundation plan with written parent permission (after a meeting with counselors) Great American Philosopher: Yogi Berra “I tell the kids, somebody’s gotta win, somebody’s gotta lose. Just try to get better.” BISD Preregistration Data 2014-15 BHS 452 World Geography 470 in World History RHS 613 World Geography 545 World History HHS 529 World Geography 947 World History Numbers include all course levels (on level, pre AP and AP) Numbers do not include new summer/fall enrollment What does this data tell us? What challenges might we be facing as a result of these enrollment numbers? How might our practice/thinking need to change as a result of these numbers? What do we not know? What about the 2015-16 school year? Great American Philosopher: Tom Landry “I don’t believe in team motivation. I believe in getting a team prepared so it knows it will have the necessary confidence when it steps on a field and be prepared to play a good game.” Curriculum Writing Progress Horizontal grade level teams will be meeting this spring to Continue to write clarifying documents for incomplete units Review current documents Continue to align district resources to units Begin development of exemplar lessons Looking Forward to Professional Development All professional staff in Birdville ISD is required to attend at least 6 hours of professional development outside of contract time each year. This learning should be instructionbased and focus on staff’s assigned content area(s). Over the span of 5 years, each professional staff member should receive a total of 30 hours of learning within the four categories below: Summer Professional Development in BISD Face to Face: Bringing Social Studies Alive! in BISD July 21-22 Implementing the DBQ Level I July 21 Writing Mini-DBQs Level II July 22 Best Practices in Pre-AP Social Studies July 23 Writing Exemplar Lessons in Pre-AP Social Studies July 24 E Courses: webinars Making Thinking Visible in Social Studies (3 hours) Developing Formative Assessments for Social Studies (3 hours) Literacy Strategies for Social Studies (3 hours) Summer Professional Development: Partnerships Law Related Education Hatton W. Sumners Institute on the Founding Documents Register at 101 Course Fort Worth June 23-27, 2014 201 Course Mansfield June 23 – 27, 2014 Must have attended 101 in a previous year May attend single day events Day One: Federalism Day Two: Evolution of Equality from the Northwest Ordinance to Present Day Day Three: Analyzing American Political Divisions Beginning with the Federalist/Anti-Federalist Debate to the Present Day Four: Oyez, Oyez: An Update on the 2012-13 Supreme Court Day Five: Constitutional Changes Summer Professional Development: Partnerships Humanities Texas $200 stipend, plus on-campus housing provided at no cost The United States in the 1960s June 9 – 12 at LBJ Library Austin June 10 – 13 at University of Houston The United States in the 1860s June 16 – 19 The University of Texas at San Antonio June 17 – 20 The University of North Texas Denton Summer Professional Development: Partnerships Texas Council for Economic Education Statewide Smarter Texas Conference June 17-18, 2014 $240.00 registration plus hotel expenses would have to be picked up by the campus ESC Region 11 Fees vary Document Based Questioning Enhancing Reading, Writing, and Critical Thinking in SS, June 10, 2014 Building Critical Thinking in the Secondary Social Studies Classroom, July 15, 2014 Social Studies in a Notebook July 22, 2014 Amon Carter Museum, July 24, 2014 Supporting Secondary Struggling Social Studies Students in Grades 6 – 12, July 30, 2014 Adding Professional Learning to Your Portfolio Eduphoria Workshop, click on “My Portfolio” at the top of left of the screen Add a New Portfolio Entry from an Outside Workshop or conference Complete the form and send evidence of attendance to Crysten Caviness Detailed instructions on this process are available on the BISD Professional Learning Webpage Great American Philosopher: John Wooden “If you don’t have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?” Textbook Selection Committees Will convene next year Membership will be made up of teachers from each feeder pattern for each grade level Spread representation across all campuses Committees will have to determine the % of TEKS actually covered by the books Committees will have to think through the issues of print, ebooks, bundles, etc. Committees will make a recommendation to the board for all courses Including courses designed for implementation in 2015-16 Great American Philosopher: John Wooden “If I am through learning, I am through.” Horizontal Grade Level Meetings Options: Plan/share what you are doing to review for STAAR 8th grade/ US EOC Discuss revisions you would like to recommend to the curriculum writers for your subject Share exemplar lessons and resources Design an upcoming lesson Work on updating AP course syllabus, review sessions, alignment of AP released items to specific AP standards, etc. “It isn’t what you do, but how you do it.” John Wooden “Setting a goal is not the main thing. It is deciding how you will go about achieving it and staying with the plan.” Tom Landry I will visit with each group. Dismissal time is at 1:30.