Goal 1 Review PPT

EOC Review
Goal 1
Objective 1.01
• What characterized the economy
of the southern colonies?
a. Both agriculture and commerce
b. Agriculture, especially on large
plantations, and raw materials
c. Commerce and shipbuilding
d.Emphasis on manufacturing
• Which term best describes the
practice of creating and
maintaining wealth by carefully
controlling trade?
a. Economic Profit
b. Smuggling
c. Triangular Trade
• The regional differences in the
goods that each of the colonies
produced and imported
depended mostly on what?
a. The colony’s geography
b. The colony’s education system
c. The colony’s cities
d.The colony’s charter
Objective 1.02
• Why do people form
a. To create new countries
b. To collect taxes
c. To fight enemies
d.To provide laws to help people
live together
• Which of the following rights was
established in the Magna Carta?
a. Free people could not be arrested
and imprisoned without a trial by a
jury of peers
b. Citizens have the right to petition
the government for changes in laws
c. Citizens have freedom of speech
d. Citizens have the right to fair
• Historically, where have selfgovernment and direct
democracy worked best?
a. Most communities, large or
b. Small communities
c. Medium to large communities
d.New countries
Declaration of
• Which term correctly completes the
a. Magna Carta
b. Mayflower Compact
c. Articles of Confederation
d. Bill of Rights
Objective 1.03
• How did the French and Indian War
affect the colonists?
a. The colonists sold goods to the armies
and benefited
b. The French lost the war, so they had
to pay the colonists
c. All British soldiers left and many jobs
could not be filled
d. The war left Britain with a large debt
to pay off
• What is the most likely meaning of
Samuel Adams’ demand for “no
taxation without representation”?
a. That colonists could not raise money
to build roads
b. That colonists were not represented
in Parliament
c. That colonists could not travel west
of the Appalachian Mountains
d. That colonists were required to
quarter British soldiers
• What was the name for colonists
who supported Britain?
a. Patriots
b. Minutemen
c. Loyalists
d.Sons of Liberty
• How did colonists in Boston
respond to the Tea Act?
a. They dumped tea into the harbor
b. They sent the Olive Branch
Petition to the king
c. The Green Mountain Boys
captured Fort Ticonderoga
d. They wrote the Declaration of
• What pamphlet helped to cause
the American Revolution?
a. The Declaration of
b. The Olive Branch Petition
c. Two Treatise of Government
d.Common Sense
Rights named in the
Declaration of
• Which right correctly completes the
a. Freedom of speech
b. Freedom of religion
c. Freedom to own property
d. Pursuit of happiness
Objective 1.04
• Why did many of the early
colonists leave England for the
a. Curiosity about New England
b. Promises of wealth and gold
c. Escape from war and hunger
d.Economic opportunities and
religious freedom
• Which document first established
self-government in the colonies?
a. Magna Carta
b. Mayflower Compact
c. The Articles of Confederation
d.The Constitution
• Which of the following ideas
eventually resulted in the creation
of the U.S. Congress?
a. Natural rights
b. Checks and balances
c. Right to vote
d.Separation of powers
Objective 1.05
• Which of the following was a problem
under the Articles of Confederation?
a. Each state had one vote in the
b. A president carried out the nation’s
c. The national court system interpreted
the nation’s laws
d. The nation had a strong central
• Which of the following called for
representation of states to be
based on population?
a. New Jersey Plan
b. Virginia Plan
c. Connecticut Plan
d.Maryland Plan
• The Constitution set up a form of
government based on a split
between the federal and state
governments. This is known as
a. Popular Sovereignty
b. Checks and Balances
c. Separation of Powers
Objective 1.06
• Which of the following was true of the
a. They opposed ratification of the
b. They supported a strong central
c. They opposed division of the U.S. into
13 separate countries
d. They wanted to change the republican
form of government
• What were early supporters of
the Constitution called?
a. Parliament
b. Monarchs
c. Federalists
• Which statement most accurately
reflects what happened when the
new Constitution was first sent to
the states for ratification?
a. It was immediately approved
b. It contained a sufficient bill of
c. It was hotly debated
d.It was rewritten
• What finally guaranteed passage
of the new Constitution?
a. The promise to add a bill of
b. Maintaining state sovereignty
c. Creating a strong central
d.Establishing a federal judiciary
• What was the purpose of the
Federalist Papers?
a. To rewrite the laws for city and
town governments
b. To make new laws for each of the
state governments
c. To explain laws passed by the new
national government
d. To build support for the
Objective 1.07
• A person cannot be formally accused
of a crime unless
a. The person is given an attorney
b. The person is allowed reasonable
c. The person will not suffer cruel and
unusual punishment
d. The person is indicted by a grand
• Which of the following is a limitation
on the First Amendment’s guarantee of
the right to freedom of speech?
a. People may not criticize the
b. People may not tell lies that may
cause harm to another person
c. People may not criticize the actions
of their neighbors
d. People may not deliver a speech in
Objective 1.08
• Which form of government is
headed by a king or queen with
no limits on his or her authority?
a. Anarchy
b. Dictatorship
c. Absolute monarchy
• How are government decisions made
in a direct democracy?
a. A small group of people meets to
make decisions for the society
b. All the people meet to make laws
and decide what actions to take
c. Citizens elect representatives to
carry out the processes of
d. Religious leaders meet to make
• Which describes the American
form of government?
a. Representative democracy
b. Monarchy
c. Dictatorship