AP English Sumer Reading Assignment 2013

AP English Sumer Reading Assignment 2013-14
The Things They Carried
Use the resources listed on my website to help provide background information about the Vietnam War.
Some have very revealing pictures of the hardships soldiers endured. There is also a list of military jargon
from the time period used throughout the book. The book is a series of fictional short stories narrated, for
the most part, by the main character of the novel, Tim O’Brien, who is also the author. Tim O’Brien the
narrator is a character Tim O’Brien the author created.
As you read track to 2-3 characters over the course of the stories. Write a three paragraph essay about two of
the characters (3 paragraphs per characters, total of 6 paragraphs). Think about the following questions as
you read and eventually write about the characters.
 What do the things they carry show about them?
 What was a defining moment for the character?
 What does the character hide?
 Do the character’s actions match his/her inner thoughts?
 Does the character change?
 Is the character heroic? Tragic?
 Judge the character’s decisions – did he/she do the right thing?
 Does this character remind you of someone you know, or a character from another text, or someone
in the real world?
 Make sure your writing is thoughtful and well developed, fully explaining ideas. Also, your writing
should demonstrate a deep understanding of the character, with accurate information and evidence
of original thought.
 All essays should be typed: 12 point font, standard/readable font, MLA style including heading and
parenthetical citations for quotes.
Jane Eyre
For Jane Eyre you will be completing an extensive critical reading journal. The journal will be completed by
chapter and there are 38 chapters in all. You may type or handwrite the journal. IF you type it, it should be in
MLA format, with your heading in the left hand corner, double spacing, and 12 point Times New Roman font.
If you handwrite it, it should also be in MLA format, blue or black ink, and on one side of the paper only. For
either format, make sure chapter headings are clearly labeled. Entries should average approximately three
paragraphs, occasionally shorter, depending on what is occurring in the novel and your connection to it. Do
not rely on summarizing the chapters to complete this assignment. This is not higher level thinking.
Please review the list below for techniques you might use to complete your journal. All are designed to
promote critical thinking. You should use a variety of these along with some of your own ideas. You may use
more than one idea for a particular chapter. (Do not number the technique – just use it as a way to discuss
the reading)
1. Some chapters could be set up in a double entry format. This is when you write down a passage or
quote (use page numbers) and then respond to it in the form of a question, a statement, an
argument, a challenge, etc… You can also set this up as a dialogue with the character or maybe the
author or even by asking questions and posing your own responses. The idea is to get to the deeper
2. Sentence starters: Begin an entry with one of the following sentence starters or make up one of your
own: I like/dislike the character because…I was surprised by…this part confused me / made me angry
because…this section is particularly effective because…the ideas here remind me of the ideas in
[another book] because…
3. Questions: Jot down questions about anything in the text that confuses your or seems unclear. You
can question anything from the use of a single word to the way a character is portrayed, to an idea
that the book suggests. Whenever possible try to answer your question, even if you are uncertain
what the answer may be. When you do this, you are pushing your own thinking to new levels.
4. Comment and respond to the important literary and rhetorical elements in the novel and how they
contribute to author’s style. Consider such things as:
Figurative language (metaphors, similes, etc…)
Patterns in sentence structure (syntax)
Narration / diction
Theme / thematic ideas
Recurrent details
Point of view
Any other literary aspect that seems significant
You may choose any or all of these ways of responding. Have confidence in yourself and your
responses. Be willing to pose your ideas and support them. The main point is to think critically and
engage in your reading.
***Although you may talk to your classmates about the readings (The Things They Carried and Jane
Eyre), this is not a collaborative assignment. All work is to be original. Assignments are due on the
second day of school. Please don’t ask for exceptions
Vocabulary Study: One of the major issues that seem to impede students’ understanding of higher level
reading material is an underdeveloped vocabulary. As a student in AP English, one of your
responsibilities is to increase your vocabulary. All students should sign up for Vocabulary.com sometime
during the week of June 11, 2013 .You will have to create an account and from that point, there are
different ways you can make use of this tool.
 When we return in the fall, we will create vocabulary lists from this site as well as include words
we find in our reading and everyday life.
Literary terms: The following is a quizlet website for AP English literary terms that some wonderful
teacher created and I copied. If you have never used quizlet before, I encourage you to browse the site
and possibly create an account so you can create your own flashcards for not only AP English, but for
other classes as well. However, you do not have to create an account to use this site. I have provided the
web address for the list created. Over the summer, one of your tasks will be to visit this website and
learn these words. It is set up as flashcards, but there are also games and assessments which can be
helpful, too.
Jhilz flashcards on quizlet: http://quizlet.com/_e8r47
If, for some reason you cannot access quizlet, I have included a list of the 66 words on my
website. In the right hand column just click on the link that says AP English Literary Terms
Summer 2013.
There will be a vocabulary test on these terms within the first two weeks of the new school year.