Climate Impacts on Agriculture For Climatology Class 11/6/2014 1 Outline • Agriculture is essential • How does climate affect agriculture (lab experiment)? • How do further climate changes affect agriculture? οΌ(1) Global warming scenario οΌ(2) Geoengineering scenario οΌ(3) A regional nuclear war scenario • How agriculture system feedback on climate system? 2 I. Agriculture is essential On average, every day, each person on the planet consumes: It is a challenge to feed the world in 2050 (1) (2) (3) (4) Food demand increasing Food distributed unevenly Waste Climate changes [Elert, 2014] 3 I. Agriculture is essential (1) Food Demand is Increasing (under assumption of consumption patterns do not change) 4 I. Agriculture is essential [Elert, 2014] 5 I. Agriculture is essential In developing countries, calories per person is increasing with time [Alexandratos and Bruinsma, 2012] 6 I. Agriculture is essential (2 ) Food distributed unevenly 7 Kevin Carter, March 1993, Sudan A starving toddler trying to reach a feeding center when a hooded vulture landed nearby 8 I. Agriculture is essential (3) Waste Food Waste Let’s calculate our carbon food print: 9 I. Agriculture is essential Global Temperature Relative to 1800-1900 (4) Global climate impacts food production 11 (IPCC, 2007) I. Agriculture is essential (4) Global climate impacts food production ο Photosynthesis 6πΆπ2 + 6π»2 π βπ£ πΆ6 π»12 π6 + 6π2 ο Respiration πΆ6 π»12 π6 + 6π2 → 6πΆπ2 + 6π»2 π + βπ£ ο Transpiration • • • • • Movement of minerals and sugars Cooling Turgor pressure Osmotic pressure Capillary action 12 II. How does climate affect agriculture Climate Factors 24 Solar Terms: Autumnal equinox Temperature Precipitation Winter solstice Summer solstice Solar radiation CO2 Vernal equinox O3 (Liu A et al. 139 BCE) 13 II. How does climate affect agriculture Climate Factors - Temperature Rice Wheat (Nishiyama et al., 1976) (Porter and Gawith, 1999) Maize (Schlenker and Roberts, 2006) 14 II. How does climate affect agriculture Climate Factors - Precipitation Wheat Rice Maize Cotton 15 [Jalota et al., 2007] II. How does climate affect agriculture Climate Factors – Solar Radiation Simulated direct light Observed direct light Simulated diffuse light Observed diffuse light PAR(μmol m-2 s-1) [Mercado et al., 2009] 16 II. How does climate affect agriculture Climate Factors – CO2 CO2 fertilization effect [Leadley and Drake 1993] 17 [Dayton, 2014] II. How does climate affect agriculture Total crop production loss (CPL) Climate Factors –O3 2000 2030, A2 18 [Avenery et al., 2011a, b] III. How do future climate change affect agriculture? • Crop Model Statistic Model Dynamic Model • Agriculture Data Crop distribution Planting date Cultivars • Climate Forcing Irrigation Observation Fertilizer Climate Model Simulation Pesticide Crop Model Soil Property Agriculture Data Climate Forcing • Soil properties Physical properties Chemical properties Predict future climate impact on agriculture 19 III. How do future climate change affect agriculture? What is Dynamic Crop model? Example: DSSAT Soil-PlantAtmosphere Weather Main Program Management Soil Plant Daily Tmax Planting Dynamics Maize Daily Tmin Harvesting Water Wheat Irrigation N Rice Fertilizer P Potato Residue Organic matter Daily Precip. Daily solar radiation CO2 Other crops Tillage 20 III. How do future climate change affect agriculture? (1) Global Warming scenario – Case study – Statistic Crop Model Climate changes for 2030 in different regions (based on 20 General Circulation Models and three emission scenarios) 21 [Lobell et al., 2008] (1) Negative Impact: SAF-maize SAF-wheat (2) Large uncertainties SAS-groundnut SAF-sorghum (3) No changes WAS-wheat 22 [Lobell et al., 2008] III. How do future climate change affect agriculture? (1) Global Warming scenario – Case study – Dynamics Crop Model Median yield changes (%) for RCP8.5 (2070–2099 in comparison to 1980–2010 baseline) with CO2 effects over all five GCMs x seven GGCMs (6 GGCMs for rice) for rainfed maize (35 ensemble members), wheat (35 ensemble members), rice (30 ensemble 23 [Rosenzweig, 2014] members), and soy (35 ensemble members). III. How do future climate change affect agriculture? (1) Global Warming scenario – Case study – Dynamics Crop Model Relative change (%) in RCP8.5 decadal mean production for each GGCM (based on current agricultural lands and irrigation distribution) from ensemble median for all GCM combinations with (solid) and without (dashed) CO2 effects for maize, wheat, rice, and soy; bars show range of all GCM combinations with CO2 effects. GEPIC, GAEZ-IMAGE, and LPJ-GUESS only contributed one GCM without CO2 effects. 24 [Rosenzweig, 2014] III. How do future climate change affect agriculture? (2) Geoengineering scenario “In light of the failure of society to take any concerted actions to deal with global warming ….. two prominent atmospheric scientists published papers recently suggesting that society consider geoengineering solutions to global warming…” [Robock et al., 2008] “There are been many types of suggested geoengineering, including … changing the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere … damming the ocean … reducing the incoming solar radiation …“[Robock et al., 2008] 25 III. How do future climate change affect agriculture? Solar Radiation Management Space-based reflectors Stratospheric aerosols Tropopause Cloud brightening Surface albedo modification Earth surface 26 III. How do future climate change affect agriculture? (2) Geoengineering scenario [Robock et al., 2008] “Simulated geoengineering reduced precipitation over wide regions, condemning 27 hundreds of millions of people to drought.” [Robock, 2008] GeoMIP – The Geoengineering Modeling Intercomparison Project - standard experiments with the new GCMs being run as part of CMIP5 using identical global warming and geoengineering scenarios, to see whether precious results are robust. (Kravitz et al., 2011) G2: In combination with 1% CO2 increase per year, gradually reduce the solar constant to balance the changing radiative forcing. 28 Global Temperature Changes – G2 Geoengineering dotted lines are +1%/yr CO2 solid lines are G2 [Jones et al., 2014] 29 Global Precipitation Changes – G2 Geoengineering dotted lines are +1%/yr CO2 solid lines are G2 [Jones et al., 2014] 30 III. How do future climate change affect agriculture? (2) Geoengineering scenario – Case Study - China ( World population 31 (2) Geoengineering scenario – Case Study - China Observations – Meteorology Summer Winter Temperature Precipitation Solar Radiation 32 (2) Geoengineering scenario – Case Study - China Observations – Agricultural Production Rice Production (Gt) (1978-2008 average) Winter Wheat Production (Gt) (1978-2008 average) Maize Production (Gt) (1978-2008 average) Spring Wheat Production (Gt) (1978-2008 average) 33 (2) Geoengineering scenario – Case Study - China Observations – Agricultural Yield and Practice 34 (2) Geoengineering scenario – Case Study - China Crop model evaluation - Rice 35 [Xia et al., 2013] (2) Geoengineering scenario – Case Study - China Crop model evaluation - Maize 36 [Xia et al., 2014] III. How do future climate change affect agriculture? Rice Maize The end of G2 geoengineering (2) Geoengineering scenario – Case Study - China 37 [Xia et al., 2014] (2) Geoengineering scenario – Case Study - China Crop yield changes under simulated G2 geoengineering (Year 36-50) compared with the same period of 1pctCO2. 38 [Xia et al., 2014] (2) Geoengineering scenario – Case Study - China G2 Geoengineering End of G2 Geoengineering Rice Maize 39 [Xia et al., 2014] III. How do future climate change affect agriculture? (2) Geoengineering scenario – Case Study - China Rice Maize CO2 fertilization effect: • raises rice production by 8.6 Mt and compensates the negative impacts from other climate changes due to G2 on rice. • contributes 42.4% of the maize production increase compared with 1pctCO2 40 [Xia et al., 2014] III. How do future climate change affect agriculture? (2) Geoengineering scenario – Case Study - China Using one crop model, Geoengineering would: • (G2) have no significant effect on Chinese rice production, while without CO2 fertilizer effect, Chinese rice production would drop 11.6 Mt (11.6%) as compared to 1pctCO2; • (G2) raise rice production by 5.2 Mt after the termination of G2 ; • (G2) would increase Chinese maize production by 18.1 Mt (13.9%) compared with 1pctCO2 and CO2 fertilization effect contributes to 42% of this increasing. • (G2) decrease Chinese maize production to the level of 1pctCO2 after the termination of G2. 41 III. How do future climate change affect agriculture? (3) A regional nuclear war scenario What would be the consequences of a regional nuclear war using 100 15-kT (Hiroshima-size) weapons between India and Pakistan? This would be only 0.03% of the current world arsenal. Scenario: Weapons dropped on the 50 targets in each country that would produce the maximum smoke. 5 Tg of smoke injected into the upper troposphere, accounting for fuel loading, emission factors and rainout. 42 (3) A regional nuclear war scenario Daily smoke loading from one ensemble member. Absorption optical depth of 0.1 means that 90% of radiation reaches the surface. 43 Climate Changes – Regional Nuclear War [Mills et al., 2014] 44 III. How do future climate change affect agriculture? (3) A regional nuclear war scenario [Robock et al., 2007] “Our results show that this period of no food production needs to be extended by many years, making the impacts of nuclear winter even worse than previously thought.” 45 III. How do future climate change affect agriculture? With 1°C and 2°C higher temperature, rice production forced by GISS ModelE output in the first three years increased 6 Mt and 10 Mt, respectively, but was still 17% and 13% less then control run. 46 [Xia et al., 2013] III. How do future climate change affect agriculture? An additional 50 kg/ha fertilizer can compensate the negative impact on rice production. After moving rice planting region to the South, Chinese rice 47 2013] production increased 8-12 Mt under the nuclear war scenario. [Xia et al., IV. How would agriculture system feedback on climate system Make changes in: Energy Balance • Albedo • Latent Heat • Sensible Heat Precipitation, Pressure Temperature • Chemical emission Temperature 48 IV. How would agriculture system feedback on climate system Satellite observations for south-western Australia. The native vegetation is a woodland called mallee. The topography of the region is duplex mallee soils – sand overlying clay. 49 [Lyons et al., 1996] IV. How would agriculture system feedback on climate system Satellite observations for south-western Australia. The native vegetation is a woodland called mallee. The topography of the region is duplex mallee soils – sand overlying clay. 50 [Lyons et al., 1996] IV. How would agriculture system feedback on climate system The increase in the surface albedo at mid-latitudes in the northern hemisphere is a result of deforestation for agricultural activity. The increase of the annual mean surface albedo is more than 0.1 in certain areas. In some areas the conversion of grassland to cropland has reduced the surface albedo, but the effect is of smaller magnitude than in regions with deforestation. [Myhre et al., 2005] Annual mean surface albedo change caused by anthropogenic vegetation changes. (2001-2004 MODIS) 51 IV. How would agriculture system feedback on climate system Model simulation using CESM-CLM-crop with active atmospheric model. CTRL is model simulation with crop model turned off, CROP is with crop model turned on, LateP is with crop model turned on and using the latest date for planting. With crop model turned on, simulated leaf area index reduces in winter and increases in the growing season, which reduce the latent heat flux but not around peak LAI. Simulated 850-hPa wind pattern is slightly changed with crop model turned on and therefore simulated precipitation reduced in Midwestern North America. 52 [Levis et al., 2012] IV. How agriculture system feedback on climate system Chemical emissions from agriculture 53 [IPCC, 2006] IV. How agriculture system feedback on climate system Ozone depletion More UV Stratosphere Troposphere Tropics NH3 N2O N2O N2 N2O N2 N2 Fertilizer Nitrogen Fixation Volatilization Plant uptake NH3/NH4+ NO2- NO3Nitrification Leaching Leaching Denitrification 54