Ultimate Hartyball

All the readiness standards
Which pair is correctly matched?
Which era of U.S. history witnessed
high unemployment, bank failures,
and widespread homelessness?
 A The Roaring Twenties
 B The Great Depression
 C World War II
 D The Sixties
Which of the following was a goal
of the Populist Party, identified in
its 1892 platform?
 A Unlimited coinage of silver
 B Unrestricted immigration into the United
 C An end to racial segregation in Southern states
 D Lower taxes on individuals
One of the demands made in the
Populist Party platform of 1892
was for —
 A higher tariffs
 B a graduated income tax
 C unrestricted immigration
 D selection of U.S. Senators by state legislatures
Which useful function was served
by political machines in the late
 A They prevented corruption in local government.
 B They helped provide a supply of cheap and
skilled labor for industry.
 C They served as role models for future city
governments by acting as city managers.
 D They assisted in the social and political
assimilation of immigrants into the community.
 One important consequence of the passage of these acts during
the Civil War was —
 A the decline of the Southern plantation economy
 B increased trade between Latin America and the United
 C a delay in construction of the transcontinental railroad
 D the postwar economic growth of the Northeast and West
Which of the following best
explains how railroads promoted
U.S. economic development in the
late 1800s?
 A They used up natural resources, altered the
landscape, and caused damage to the environment.
 B They competed with manufacturers for the use of a
limited pool of skilled workers.
 C They connected producers with markets and
encouraged greater production of iron, steel and coal.
 D They created noise and pollution, encouraging
people to move from cities to suburbs.
Which of the following identifies
an advantage of big business in the
late 19th century?
 A Large businesses were more efficient than smaller
enterprises, leading to lower prices for consumers.
 B Large businesses often exploited their workers, who
had to work long hours for low pay.
 C Large businesses were more careful to avoid the
pollution of lakes and rivers than smaller businesses.
 D Large businesses were more carefully regulated by
the government than smaller businesses.
Which was a disadvantageous
practice of big businesses in the
late 1800s?
 A They engaged in unfair conduct to put
competitors out of business.
 B They failed to conduct research to improve their
 C They were slow to adopt innovations in
 D They lacked the resources to produce goods in
large quantities.
“Panic at the New York Stock
Exchange.” It illustrates the
negative economic effects of —
 A unregulated free enterprise during the Gilded
 B widespread labor union strikes in the late 1890s
 C American involvement in overseas wars for
 D the collapse of the Southern sharecropping
What was the significance of the
Interstate Commerce Act (1887)
and the Sherman Antitrust Act
 A They prevented shoddy goods from being sold
across state lines.
 B They raised tariffs to encourage the further
growth of big business.
 C They were used to break up labor unions for
interfering with free enterprise.
 D They established the principle that Congress
could regulate some business practices.
Which of the following was a
problem faced by American factory
workers in the late 19th century?
 A Factory owners required that workers organize
themselves into unions.
 B Workers in many industries faced periodic
 C Workers lacked the means of transportation to
 D Factory owners demanded that their workers
obtain more education.
In the late 1800s, which associations were
formed by farmers to help solve their
One major legacy of the Social
Gospel Movement was —
 A an end to racial segregation in Southern states
 B the conversion of many Catholic immigrants to
 C the intervention of prominent religious leaders
into electoral politics
 D a greater attention to the needs of the poor in
industrial society
Which of the following was a
consequence of the rapid growth
of cities in the late 1800s?
 A The decline of political machines in the
 B The migration of poor workers to the suburbs
 C A decrease in the gap between rich and poor
 D The proliferation of tenements and ghettos
Before 1898, most Americans opposed
imperialism. Why did imperialism
afterwards become more popular?
 A Americans felt it was against the principles of
democracy to rule over others.
 B Americans feared it would bring the United
States into conflict with other powers.
 C Americans wanted to rule over others because
America had once been a British colony.
 D Americans wanted to sell goods to new markets
and buy raw materials for new industries.
How did the Spanish-American War
help to make the United States a
world power?
 A The United States gained territories in North
America reaching to the Pacific Ocean.
 B The United States defeated a European power and
annexed overseas territories.
 C The United States demonstrated it could maintain
its neutrality during a European war.
 D The United States warned European countries not to
establish new colonies in the Western Hemisphere.
How did the actions of President Theodore
Roosevelt help move the United States into
a position of world power?
 A He annexed the Philippines, Guam, Puerto Rico and
Hawaii to the United States.
 B He established United States control over the
Panama Canal Zone and warned European nations not
to interfere in the Caribbean.
 C He declared the “Open Door” policy in China and
sent troops to suppress the Boxer Rebellion.
 D He followed a policy of “watchful waiting” towards
Mexico and sent troops to capture Pancho Villa.
How did the actions of Sanford B. Dole help
move the United States into a position of
world power?
 A He wrote articles for the Hearst and Pulitzer newspapers
urging U.S. intervention to protect Cuban rebels from
Spanish repression.
 B He demonstrated in his writings the importance of
obtaining colonies, increasing overseas trade and building
a canal in Central America.
 C He led the American sugar and plantation owners who
seized power in Hawaii and asked to be annexed to the
United States.
 D He led those Senators who favored overseas expansion
during the debates that took place in the U.S. Senate in the
Which individual had these
 A Sanford B. Dole
 B Alfred Thayer Mahan
 C Henry Cabot Lodge
 D Henry Clay Frick
Which individual is paired to his contribution to
America’s rise as a world power?
Which best completes the
 A Alliance System
 B Economic Depression
 C Assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand
 D Sinking of the Lusitania
Why did the U.S. Senate fail to
ratify the Treaty of Versailles in
 A Many Senators opposed the severe sanctions that
the treaty placed on Germany.
 B Many Senators feared the League of Nations would
involve the United States in foreign wars.
 C Many Senators felt the League of Nations would
interfere with American plans in the Philippines.
 D Many Senators predicted that membership in the
new League of Nations would be too expensive.
Which characteristic was shared by all five reforms?
 A They were reforms at the state level.
 B They gave citizens a greater voice in
 C They were directly aimed at reducing corruption
in state government.
 D They successfully brought economic relief to
the urban working classes.
Which reform is correctly matched
with its definition?
Women had many new experiences as a result of
World War I, including working in heavy industry,
new fashions, and important social reforms.
What other new change came to women just
after World War I?
 A The right to vote
 B The right to drink alcoholic beverages
 C Equal pay for equal work
 D The right to serve in military combat
Which sentence best describes the
effects of the Teapot Dome scandal?
 A Americans were shocked to learn that the President
had attempted to cover up wrongdoing in the federal
 B Americans became less trustful of government after
they learned that a cabinet member had accepted
bribes for oil leases.
 C Americans lost confidence in their government
when they learned their President had lied under oath
about his personal relationships.
 D Americans were outraged to learn that federal
officials had secretly sent arms to a foreign
government linked to terrorists.