Health Education North East - Postgraduate School of Primary Care Trainer Appraisal – December 2014 Peer appraisal We agreed annual peer appraisal should be left to the individual programmes, but in principle should consider the following: It is a formative and summative process and should inform revalidation. It should have an evidence base, which is relevant to training. Reflections with a peer, about training practice should be produced for the programme and may consider the GMC domains: o Knowledge skills and performance o Safety and quality o Communication, partnership and teamwork o Maintaining trust A personal development plan should be produced. A common data base for practices could be used - see below for reappointment: Trainer /qualifications Training Practice Address/ contact details Trainer group List size Number of trainers Number of learners that you are responsible for (e.g. GPSTRs and F2) GPR: F2: ITP: Date of last trainer appraisal Dates of educational events attended since last reappointment Trainer Groups: Educationalist conference: Other (describe): Date of last observed teaching SECTION 2. Trainer review of the year Here are some prompts to help with completion of appraisal. You may wish to use some of the tools/prompts below to facilitate your discussion-they are just suggestions, so you do NOT need to do all of them. 1. Knowledge, Skills and Performance How are you keeping up to date? How is training delivered in the practice? Pros and cons of this way. How is the training documented/ recorded? How do you identify your trainer learning needs? How do you teach practice management? Evidence Trainer meetings/courses (plenary/educator’s conference) attended with reflections. Documentation of training given. Last PDP actions with evidence of completion. FOT. Reflection on GPR feedback. Educational SEA. 2. Safety and Quality What systems are in place to ensure the GPR is safe? E.g. tagging of notes to identify high risk patients. How do you monitor/ensure the GPR is practicing safely? Do you have any health issues that may affect your ability to train? Evidence Reflection on GPR feedback. Educational SEAs. Audits. Trainer Health. Review of GPR prescribing/referrals. level of E+D training 3. Communication, Partnership and Teamwork How do you feel relationships are with your GPRs? What evidence do you have to give these impressions? How is the GPR supported in your absence? How does the GPR learn about the PHCT and local services available? How do you keep up to date with changes in GP? Evidence Reflection on GPR feedback. MSF. Manual about the practice with details of staff and useful numbers/contacts. Complaints from GPR. Accolades from GPR. 4. Maintaining trust Consider possible probity issues in training. How do you manage the conflict between assessing the GPR at times (i.e. for WPBA) and also having to support and mentor them? How is confidentiality maintained in training in the practice/scheme/trainer group? Evidence Probity declaration. E&D training. Educational SEA showing probity issue PDP Development need Appraiser How I will address this Name…………………………. Date….……… Date to achieve Trainer Desired Outcome Name………………………… For trainer development visits it is worth doing a more thorough appraisal and preparation and HENE information for reappointment is at the end. Observed teaching and significant event forms are also added Trainer /qualifications Training Practice Address/ contact details Trainer group List size Number of trainers Number of learners that you are responsible for (e.g. GPSTRs and F2) GPR: F2: ITP: Date of last trainer appraisal Dates of educational events attended since last reappointment. Trainer Groups: Educationalist conference: Other (describe): Date of last observed teaching SECTION 2. Trainer review of the year Prompts to help with completion of appraisal. You may wish to use some of the tools/prompts below to facilitate your discussion-they are just suggestions, so you do NOT need to do all of them. 1. Knowledge, Skills and Performance How are you keeping up to date? How is training delivered in the practice? Pros and cons of this way. How is the training documented/ recorded? How do you identify your trainer learning needs? How do you teach practice management? Evidence Trainer meetings/courses (plenary/educator’s conference) attended with reflections. Documentation of training given. Last PDP actions with evidence of completion. FOT. Reflection on GPR feedback. Educational SEA. 2. Safety and Quality What systems are in place to ensure the GPR is safe? E.g. tagging of notes to identify high risk patients. How do you monitor/ensure the GPR is practicing safely? Do you have any health issues that may affect your ability to train? Evidence Reflection on GPR feedback. Educational SEAs. Audits. Trainer Health. Review of GPR prescribing/referrals. level of E+D training 3. Communication, Partnership and Teamwork How do you feel relationships are with your GPRs? What evidence do you have to give these impressions? How is the GPR supported in your absence? How does the GPR learn about the PHCT and local services available? How do you keep up to date with changes in GP? Evidence Reflection on GPR feedback. MSF. Manual about the practice with details of staff and useful numbers/contacts. Complaints from GPR. Accolades from GPR. 4. Maintaining trust Consider possible probity issues in training. How do you manage the conflict between assessing the GPR at times (i.e. for WPBA) and also having to support and mentor them? How is confidentiality maintained in training in the practice/scheme/trainer group? Evidence Probity declaration. E&D training. Educational SEA showing probity issue Old PDP review Development need How I addressed this Date achieved Comment SECTION 3. Appraisal 1. Knowledge, Skills and Performance Progress against PDP? Ways of assessing learning needs? FOT. teaching methodologies. Helping the trainees prepare for MRCGP. Update attendances in last year? peer apprasials? ES role? 2. Safety and Quality Feedback? Trainer held record. SEA. ESR feedback. Induction process. WPBA. Audits. Review of prescribing/ referrals. Complaints relating to the GPR? 3. Communication, Partnership and Teamwork Feedback. Trainer groups attendance? Trainer week? Relationship issues? Cover in your absence? Practice manual? succession planning? Significant practice changes? Complaints accolades? Increase capacity? 4. Maintaining Trust Probity , health and equality and diversity issues? 5. PDP Development need How I will address this Date to achieve Desired Outcome Data for next reappointment Name of trainer Dates of trainer appraisals and all training programme visits since the last appointment. For Additional visits /contacts add brief explanation to put in context in final column No. Of feedback forms received since last appt No. of feedback forms expected since last appt Does the trainer have more than 1 learner (e.g. standard + ITP, standard + F2 or 2 x standard)? On-going issues arising from trainee feedback or other sources (y/n) If Yes please expand in final column Are you aware of any ES/CS WPBA reports of unsatisfactory quality? Explanatory comments (descriptive, with evidence if necessary) Embed documents if appropriate. Please send a copy of completed sections 1, 3 to the programme where they will be kept confidentially in your file. SECTION 2A: Feedback on Observed Teaching Criterion Establishes environment conducive to effective teaching Establishes effective rapport Explores learner’s agenda Negotiates and agrees areas to work on Obtains learner’s perspective Provides feedback to improve learner’s insight Provides explanations effectively Uses rehearsal where appropriate Facilitates definition of learning needs Identifies resources and strategies to help learner meet these needs Encourages meaningful feedback from learner on session Learning points to take away: (FOT) Feedback on performance SECTION 2B: Reflective template for Educational SEA Date: Forum in which this was discussed (E.g. trainer group): 1. Brief Description: 2. Why was this chosen? 3. What went well? 4. What could have been done better? 5. What will you do differently and why? Appraiser Name…………………………. Date….……… Trainer Name…………………………