Phase 3. Design Phase

Phase 3. Design Phase
Chapter 7 – User Interface, Input,
and Output Design
• User interface, input, and output design
continues the systems design phase of the
• User interface design includes user
interaction with the computer, as well as
input and output issues
User Interface Design
• A key design element is the user
interface (UI)
• Consists of all the hardware, software,
screens, menus, functions, and features
that affect two-way communications
between the user and the computer
Figure 7-2
User Interface Design
• Evolution of the User Interface
– As information management evolved from
centralized data processing to dynamic,
enterprise-wide systems, the primary focus
also shifted — from the IT department to the
users themselves
– User-centered system
– Requires an understanding of humancomputer interaction and user-centered
design principles
Figure 7-3
Figure 7-4
User Interface Design
• Human-Computer Interaction
– Human-computer interaction (HCI) describes
the relationship between computers and
people who use them to perform businessrelated tasks
– IBM uses its Almaden computer science
research site to focus on users and how they
experience technology
Figure 7-5
Figure 7-6
User Interface Design
• Basic Principles of User-Centered Design
– Understand the underlying business functions
– Maximize graphical effectiveness
– Profile the system’s users
– Think like a user
– Use prototyping
• Storyboard
• Usability metrics
User Interface Design
• Basic Principles of User-Centered Design
– Design a comprehensive interface
– Continue the feedback process
– Document the interface design
Figure 7-8
User Interface Design
• 8 Guidelines for User Interface Design
– Good user interface design is based on a
combination of ergonomics, aesthetics, and
interface technology
1. Focus on basic objectives
Facilitate the system design objectives
Create a design that is easy to learn and
Design the interface to improve user efficiency
and productivity
Write commands, actions, and system
responses that are consistent and predictable
User Interface Design
Guidelines for User Interface Design
2. Build an interface that is easy to learn and
Label clearly all controls, buttons, and icons
Select only those images that a user can
understand easily
Provide on-screen instructions that are logical,
concise, and clear
Show all commands in a list of menu items
Figure 7-10
Figure 7-11
User Interface Design
Guidelines for User Interface Design
3. Provide features that promote efficiency
Organize tasks, commands, and functions in
groups that resemble actual business operations
Create alphabetical menu lists
Provide shortcuts so experienced users can
avoid multiple menu levels
Use default values if the majority of values in a
field are the same
Figure 7-12
Figure 7-13
Figure 7-14
User Interface Design
Guidelines for User Interface Design
4. Make it easy for users to obtain help or
correct errors
Ensure that Help is always available
Provide user-selected Help and context-sensitive
Provide a direct route for users to return to the
point from where Help was requested
Include contact information
Figure 7-15
Figure 7-16
User Interface Design
Guidelines for User Interface Design
5. Minimize input data problems
Provide data validation checks
Display event-driven messages and reminders
Establish a list of predefined values that users
can click to select
Build in rules that enforce data integrity
Use input masks
Figure 7-17
User Interface Design
Guidelines for User Interface Design
6. Provide feedback to users
Display messages at a logical place on the
Alert users to lengthy processing times or delays
Allow messages to remain on the screen long
enough for users to read them
Let the user know whether the task or operation
was successful or not
User Interface Design
Guidelines for User Interface Design
7. Create an attractive layout and design
Use appropriate colors to highlight different areas
of the screen
Use special effects sparingly
Use hyperlinks that allow users to jump to related
Group related objects and information
User Interface Design
Guidelines for User Interface Design
8. Use familiar terms and images
Remember that users are accustomed to a
pattern of red=stop, yellow=caution, and
Provide a keystroke alternative for each
menu command
Use familiar commands
Provide a Windows look and feel in your
interface design if users are familiar with
Windows-based applications
User Interface Design
• User Interface Controls
– Menu bar
– Toolbar
– Command button
– Dialog box
– Text box
– Toggle button
– List box – scroll bar
– Drop-down list box
– Option/radio button
– Check box
– Calendar control
– Switchboard
Input Design
• Input technology has changed dramatically
in recent years
• The quality of the output is only as good
as the quality of the input
– Garbage in, garbage out (GIGO)
– Data capture
– Data entry
Figure 7-21
Figure 7-22
Input Design
• Input and Data Entry Methods
– Batch input
• Batch
– Online input
Online data entry
Source data automation
Magnetic data strips or swipe scanners
Input Design
• Input and Data Entry Methods
– Tradeoffs
• Unless source data automation is used, manual
data entry is slower and more expensive than
batch input because it is performed at the time the
transaction occurs and often done when computer
demand is at its highest
• The decision to use batch or online input depends
on business requirements
Input Design
• Input Volume
– Guidelines will help reduce input volume
1. Input necessary data only
2. Do not input data that the user can retrieve from
system files or calculate from other data
3. Do not input constant data
4. Use codes
Input Design
• Designing Data Entry Screens
– Most effective method of online data entry
is form filling
– Guidelines will help you design data entry
1. Restrict user access to screen locations where
data is entered
2. Provide a descriptive caption for ever field, and
show the user where to enter the data and the
required or maximum field size
Input Design
• Designing Data Entry Screens
– Guidelines will help you design data entry
3. display a sample format if a user must enter
values in a field in a specific format
4. Require an ending keystroke for every field
5. Do not require users to type leading zeroes for
numeric fields
6. Do not require users to type trailing zeroes for
numbers that include decimals
Input Design
• Designing Data Entry Screens
– Guidelines will help you design data
entry screens
7. Display default values so operators can
press the ENTER key to accept the
suggested value
8. Use a default value when a field value will
be constant for successive records or
throughout the data entry session
9. Display a list of acceptable values for fields,
and provide meaningful error messages
Input Design
• Designing Data Entry Screens
– Guidelines will help you design data entry
10. Provide a way to leave the data entry screen at
any time without entering the current record
11. Provide users with an opportunity to confirm the
accuracy of input data before entering it
12. Provide a means for users to move among
fields on the form
Figure 7-24
Input Design
• Designing Data Entry Screens
– Guidelines will help you design data entry
13. Design the screen form layout to match the
layout of the source document
14. Allow users to add, change, delete, and view
15. Provide a method to allow users to search for
specific information
Input Design
• Input Errors
– Reducing the number of input errors improves
data quality
– A data validation check improves input quality
by testing the data and rejecting any entry
that fails to meet specified conditions
Input Design
• Input Errors
– At least eight types of data validation
Sequence check
Existence check
Data type check
Range check – limit check
Reasonableness check
Input Design
• Input Errors
– At least eight types of data validation
6. Validity check – referential integrity
7. Combination check
8. Batch controls
Figure 7-25
Input Design
• Source Documents
– Source document
– Form layout
– Heading zone
– Control zone
– Instruction zone
– Body zone
– Totals zone
– Authorization zone
Input Design
• Source Documents
– Information should flow on a form from left to
right and top to bottom to match the way
users read documents naturally
– A major challenge of Web-based form design
is that most people read and interact
differently with on-screen information
compared to paper forms
Input Design
• Source Documents
– Dr. Jakob Nielson believes that users scan a
page, picking out individual words and
– As a result, Web designers must use
scannable text to capture and hold a user’s
– Layout and design also is important on Webbased forms
Input Design
• Input Control
– Every piece of information should be
traceable back to the input data
– Audit trail
– Data security
– Records retention policy
– Encrypted – encryption
Output Design Issues
• Before designing output, ask yourself
several questions:
– What is the purpose of the output?
– Who wants the information, why it is it
needed, and how will it be used?
– What specific information will be included?
– Will the output be printed, viewed on-screen,
or both?
Output Design Issues
• Before designing output, ask yourself
several questions:
– When will the information be provided, and
how often must it be updated?
– Do security or confidentiality issues exist?
• Your answers will affect your output design
Output Design Issues
• Types of Output
– In the systems design phase, you must
design the actual reports, screen forms, and
other output delivery methods
– Internet-based information delivery
– E-mail
– Audio
Figure 7-30
Figure 7-31
Output Design Issues
• Types of Output
– Automated facsimile systems
• Faxback systems
– Computer output microfilm (COM)
• Microfilm
– Computer output to laser disk (COLD)
Output Design Issues
• Specialized Forms of Output
– An incredibly diverse marketplace requires
a variety of specialized output
– Output from one system often becomes
input into another system
– Although digital technology has opened
new horizons in business communications
printed output still is the most common type
of output
Printed Output
• Although many organizations strive to
reduce the flow of paper and printed
reports, few firms have been able to
eliminate printed output totally
• Because they are portable, printed reports
are convenient, and even necessary in
some situations
• Turnaround documents
Printed Output
• Types of Reports
– Detail reports
Detail line
Control field
Control break
Control break report
Can be quite lengthy
Better alternative is to produce an exception
Figure 7-32
Figure 7-33
Printed Output
• Types of Reports
– Exception reports
• Are useful when the user wants information only
on records that might require action
– Summary reports
• Reports used by individuals at higher levels in the
organization include less detail than reports used
by lower-level employees
Figure 7-34
Figure 7-35
Printed Output
• User Involvement in Report Design
– Printed reports are an important way of
delivering information to users, so recipients
should approve all report designs in advance
– To avoid problems submit each design for
approval as it is completed, rather than
waiting to finish all report designs
– Mock-up
Printed Output
• Report Design Principles
– Printed reports must be attractive,
professional, and easy to read
– Report headers and footers
– Page headers and footers
– Column heading alignment
• Space columns of information carefully
Figure 7-36
Figure 7-37
Printed Output
• Report Design Principles
– Field order
• Fields should be displayed and grouped in a
logical order
– Grouping detail lines
• It is meaningful to arrange detail lines in groups
• Group header
• Group footer
Printed Output
• Report Design Example
– Revisit the Employee Hours report shown in
Figure 7-36. Although the report follows many
of the design guidelines discussed, you still
could improve it
– Too much detail is on the page, forcing users
to search for the information they need
Figure 7-38
Figure 7-39
Printed Output
• Other Design Issues
– Good design standards produce reports that
are uniform and consistent
– When a system produces multiple reports,
each report should share common design
– After a report design is approved, you should
document the design in a report analysis form
Printed Output
• Designing Character-Based Reports
– Many systems still produce one or more
character-based reports
– When report designers create or modify a
character-based report, they use a traditional
tool that still works well, called a printer
spacing chart
Figure 7-40
Printed Output
• Printing Volume and Time Requirements
– High volume of reports can significantly
increase a system’s TCO
– Length calculation
– Time calculations
• Ppm (pages per minute)
• Line printers
Figure 7-41
Figure 7-42