Unit 2 Module 6 - Applied Dignity

Searching for the Seamless Garment
Applying Human Dignity
SCV.03 identify the role of Scripture in ethical and moral decision-making;
PFV.03 explore ways Church teaching can help people understand
contemporary ethical and moral issues as part of the discernment process.
CMV.05 apply Church teaching to contemporary ethical and moral issues.
FLV.03 apply related Church teaching to values and practices that promote
or undermine relationships and the sacredness of life.
We will apply the Consistent Ethic of Life and the
notion of Human Dignity to the contemporary issues
(i.e., abortion & euthanasia).
Discussion Protocols
When we engage in discussion about moral or
ethical issues, we can let our passions guide our
debate and use a disrespectful tone. The
protocols for discussion inhibit disrespect and
encourage thoughtful, critical, and significant
The simplest protocol is ‘The Four A’s:’
What might I agree with, add, ask, or argue?
Applying Human Dignity
The first and fundamental theme of CST is the life
and dignity of the human person.
Without recognizing, affirming, and advocating for
human dignity the Consistent Ethic of Life cannot
Human dignity is central to understanding many of
the most passionately debated, often divisive topics
Applying Human Dignity
The CEL reminds us, as does Pope Emeritus Benedict
in Caritas in Veritate, that social ethics cannot be
properly understood without life ethics and viceversa.
The CEL calls us to diligently care for people at the
beginning, middle, and end of life:
Applying Human Dignity
How we make decisions about questions of
life ethics describes a moral framework which
then influences the decisions we take
regarding social ethics.
& Assisted
Human Trafficking,
Economic Disparity, War,
& Climate Change et al.
Euthanasia &
How we care for people during their lives
contributes to a culture of life or a culture of
death thus influences the decisions we take
regarding life ethics.
Applying Human Dignity
We will examine two issues related to human
dignity, each of which may prompt passionate
responses. We will be conscious of our own
responses and respectful of others:
 Abortion
– the ending of a life prior to birth.
 Euthanasia – the ending of a life prior to natural death.
We are not concerned principally with describing the
Church’s position on the issue but rather upon how it is
As you understand it, what are the principle issues
and questions that surround the debate concerning
 Think-Pair-Share
Take five minutes of silent reflection and write down your
Take ten minutes with a partner to share your ideas and
identify two or three key points to share;
Share your ideas with the group by scribing on the whiteboard.
What data or information might be helpful in
forming an opinion?
What data or information might be helpful in
forming an opinion?
 Read
the text, Living Justice and Peace, pages 113
(Life: A Right for All) to 123 (Abortion and Mercy).
 Answer questions 3-5 (page 118) and 6-7 (page126)
 Read
the homily given by Archbishop Gervais.
 How does he articulate a scriptural approach to
understanding abortion?
Euthanasia means good death and is often referred
to as assisted suicide. It describes the ending of a
life prior to natural death in order to avoid real or
perceived suffering.
It is important to distinguish between
 Active
euthanasia which introduces an external agency
to end a life, and
 Passive euthanasia which removes an external agency
to sustain a life.
As you understand it, what are the principle issues
and questions that surround the debate concerning
 Think-Pair-Share
(with a different partner)
Take five minutes of silent reflection and write down your
Take ten minutes with a partner to share your ideas and
identify two or three key points to share;
Share your ideas with the group by scribing on the whiteboard.
Did you sense the same degree of passion when
discussing this issue compared to abortion? Why
might that be?
Watch the film, Turning the Tide, and complete a
mind map identifying the key vocabulary, issues,
and conclusions that it presents. Be prepared to
share with the class.
Applying Human Dignity
Select the issue of abortion or euthanasia and write
a journal reflection that describes how the
Consistent Ethic of Life might apply, how Catholics
are called to respond, and how it might relate to
your own belief (does it align, does it challenge, has
the discussion caused you to think more deeply
about the question?)