Master Document

Cody Hart
[This document is an outline of how to be a successful:
highlighting integral facets of professionalism.]
Central Washington University
[CS 101]
[Fall 2013]
Table of Contents
............................................................................................................................................ 3
Executive Summary:...................................................................................................................................... 4
Rough Draft: .................................................................................................................................................. 6
Part 1: ........................................................................................................................................................ 6
Part 2: ........................................................................................................................................................ 7
Article Summaries: Rough Draft ............................................................................................................... 8
Compare and Contrast: ............................................................................................................................. 9
................................................................................................................................ 10
............................................................................................................................... 13
Multitasking Article Questions:............................................................................................................... 13
..................................................................................................................... 15
Six Questions (Nutrition):........................................................................................................................ 15
Article Summaries: Nutrition & College Students................................................................................... 17
........................................................................................................................................... 18
Article Summaries: Learning Styles ......................................................................................................... 20
..................................................................................................................................... 21
Four Questions: ....................................................................................................................................... 21
...................................................................................................................................... 22
Two Questions: ....................................................................................................................................... 22
Article Summaries: Effective Listening.................................................................................................... 22
................................................................................................................................................ 24
Six Questions:.......................................................................................................................................... 24
Article Summaries: Note Taking.............................................................................................................. 26
............................................................................................................................ 27
Article Summaries: Time Management .................................................................................................. 27
Evaluate Initial Skills: A Reflective Survey ............................................................................................... 28
Evaluate Initial Skills: A Quantitative Survey .......................................................................................... 30
Midterm: ..................................................................................................................................................... 31
MT Part I: Academic Dishonesty Web search ......................................................................................... 31
Article Summaries: .................................................................................................................................. 34
MT Part II: Lab/Lecture Questions .......................................................................................................... 35
SBR: Record-Keeping:.................................................................................................................................. 36
Questions: ............................................................................................................................................... 36
Data Analysis of ND:.................................................................................................................................... 37
Questions: ............................................................................................................................................... 37
Quality/Results: Labs 9&10 ......................................................................................................................... 38
Questions: ............................................................................................................................................... 38
Lab #11 ........................................................................................................................................................ 39
CWU: CESME and Nature Night .................................................................................................................. 39
Questions ................................................................................................................................................ 39
EXTRA CREDIT*** Personal Use of Spreadsheets ....................................................................................... 40
Summaries: ............................................................................................................................................. 40
Source 1: ............................................................................................................................................. 40
Source 2: ............................................................................................................................................. 40
Source 3: ............................................................................................................................................. 40
Explanation: ........................................................................................................................................ 40
How to Become More Involved in College ................................................................................................. 41
Summaries: ............................................................................................................................................. 41
Source 1: ............................................................................................................................................. 41
Source 2: ............................................................................................................................................. 41
Source 3: ............................................................................................................................................. 41
Questions: ............................................................................................................................................... 41
DA Nutrition Chart ...................................................................................................................................... 43
Paragraph: ............................................................................................................................................... 43
Possible Study Outcomes:........................................................................................................................... 43
SBR_Chart_1: .......................................................................................................................................... 43
SBR_Chart_2: .......................................................................................................................................... 44
Table of Figures: .......................................................................................................................................... 45
Index............................................................................................................................................................ 71
FIGURE 1: GOOGLE SEARCH.........................................................................................................................................45
FIGURE 2: GOOGLE SEARCH: ROUGH DRAFT ...............................................................................................................45
FIGURE 3: BING SEARCH ..............................................................................................................................................45
FIGURE 4: BING SEARCH: ROUGH DRAFT ....................................................................................................................45
FIGURE 5: YAHOO SEARCH ..........................................................................................................................................45
FIGURE 6: YAHOO SEARCH: ROUGH DRAFT .................................................................................................................45
FIGURE 7: SBR (STUDENT BEHAVIOR RECORD) ...........................................................................................................46
FIGURE 8: BING SEARCH ..............................................................................................................................................47
FIGURE 9: BING SEARCH: NUTRITION & COLLEGE STUDENTS .....................................................................................47
FIGURE 10: GOOGLE SEARCH.......................................................................................................................................48
FIGURE 11: GOOGLE SEARCH: NUTRITION & COLLEGE STUDENTS .............................................................................48
FIGURE 12: YAHOO SEARCH ........................................................................................................................................48
FIGURE 13: YAHOO SEARCH: NUTRITION & COLLEGE STUDENTS ...............................................................................49
FIGURE 14: WEB SEARCH 1: LEARNING STYLES ...........................................................................................................49
FIGURE 15: WEB SEARCH 2: LEARNING STYLES ...........................................................................................................49
FIGURE 16: WEB SEARCH 3: LEARNING STYLES ...........................................................................................................50
FIGURE 17: MS QUERIES: DATASHEET VIEW ...............................................................................................................50
FIGURE 18: MS QUERIES: DESIGN VIEW ......................................................................................................................50
FIGURE 19: WEB SEARCH 1: EFFECTIVE LISTENING .....................................................................................................51
FIGURE 20: WEB SEARCH 2: EFFECTIVE LEARNING......................................................................................................52
FIGURE 21: WEB SEARCH 3: EFFECTIVE LISTENING .....................................................................................................52
FIGURE 22: WEB SEARCH 1: NOTE TAKING..................................................................................................................53
FIGURE 23: WEB SEARCH 2: NOTE TAKING..................................................................................................................53
FIGURE 24: WEB SEARCH 3: NOTE TAKING..................................................................................................................54
FIGURE 25: WEB SEARCH 1: TIME MANAGEMENT ......................................................................................................54
FIGURE 26: WEN SEARCH 2: TIME MANAGEMENT......................................................................................................55
FIGURE 27: WEB SEARCH 3: TIME MANAGEMENT ......................................................................................................55
FIGURE 28: MT ACADEMIC DISHONESTY 1 ..................................................................................................................56
FIGURE 29: MT ACADEMIC DISHONESTY 2 ..................................................................................................................57
FIGURE 30: MT ACADEMIC DISHONESTY 3 ..................................................................................................................58
FIGURE 31: MT CALORIESANDWEIGHT QUERY ...........................................................................................................59
FIGURE 32: MT CALORIESANDWEIGHT DESIGN VIEW .................................................................................................60
FIGURE 33: COPY OF MT IN N:DRIVE ...........................................................................................................................61
FIGURE 34: DA SBR ......................................................................................................................................................61
FIGURE 35: DATA ANALYSIS: DATASHEET VIEW ..........................................................................................................62
FIGURE 36: DATA ANALYSIS: DESIGN VIEW .................................................................................................................62
FIGURE 37: EXTRA CREDIT SOURCE 1 ..........................................................................................................................63
FIGURE 38: EXTRA CREDIT SOURCE 2 ..........................................................................................................................64
FIGURE 39: EXTRA CREDIT SOURCE 3 ..........................................................................................................................65
FIGURE 40: COLLEGE INVOLVEMENT SOURCE 1 ..........................................................................................................65
FIGURE 41: COLLEGE INVOLVEMENT SOURCE 2 ..........................................................................................................66
FIGURE 42: COLLEGE INVOLVEMENT SOURCE 3 ..........................................................................................................66
FIGURE 43: DA NUTRITION CHART (NON-EDITABLE) ...................................................................................................67
FIGURE 44: DA NUTRITION CHART (EDITABLE) ............................................................................................................68
FIGURE 45: SBR_CHART_1 ...........................................................................................................................................69
FIGURE 46: SBR_CHART_2 ...........................................................................................................................................70
Executive Summary:
This document is the overall combined work of a quarter with Ms. Kathy Moore as a teacher.
With such document, a curriculum was based and much was learned. The document provided solely
rests on how to be a successful adult and college student. Such article is beneficial in understanding the
success that isn’t always guaranteed in becoming and adult right out of takes hard work, time
and persistent to be successful. However, to preface such document, it was created over time and
through hard work, time management and organization, was achieved. Such topics concerning this piece
are rough drafts, procrastination, multitasking, nutrition, learning styles, listening, note taking, recordkeeping, data analysis, and expanding-ones-horizons.
Beginning with rough drafts, the documents highlights that a rough draft is the first part of the
writing and drafting process. It also suggests to not become discouraged by the quality of such in that it
is a rough draft. Procrastination, as students we were required to write a paper on the ins and outs of
procrastination and how to cope with realties of such behavior. With multitasking, we learned that it
isn’t always the best thing to do. Often as adults we find ourselves listening to music while completing a
task, yet with such environment we find such work to be less efficient. With nutrition, we learned that it
is best to get a proper and sufficient amount of food to fuel the mind and body. With this, it’s also best
to work out and get your body lubricated with proper amounts of exercise. Later, the report outlines the
findings on learning style. It is documented that people have very different learning styles in which some
learn better or worse. What the document suggests is to broaden ones accessibility and capability by
expanding ones reach and learning environment to other learning styles and patterns, different form
their own. With listening, it is paramount to have consistent eye contact, and visualization, as to better
understand and comprehend a subject. With this, one will learn more and divulge a better career and
success. Note taking, as the document suggests, is also important. In note taking, one learns a set of
note taking that suits such learning style. Having that said, it is important for some to study and learn
with such set of note taking prerogatives. With record keeping, the document suggests that it is
beneficial in learning and succeeding. With record keeping, one must keep records to later look at and
analyze such behavior. With such records, one will be able to deduce if it would be beneficial to learning
and success to incorporate or ignore a study behavior or mindset. Data analysis is also similar in that it
is important in understanding and recording information that is detrimental l or beneficial to one’s
success. Lastly, such report characterizes the idea of broadening ones horizons. In college, it suits one
well if he or she dives into various clubs, sports and activities to better understand and find ones
passion, calling and what makes one comfortable.
The thesis of such document is to greatly aid the turbulent endeavors of the adult life. The adult
life can be a place where great success is reaped or where utter failure procures. With such document,
themes and topics are outlined and highlighted. With such topics, they are noted in helping young adults
succeed not only in college but also late in life in a profession or career. If one wishes to be a
businessmen or doctor or event planner, it is important to utilize such topics in order to attain
commercial and occupational success. This document and thesis serves as a guide in becoming and
remaining a successful individual throughout life.
Throughout such class, as a student, I utilized many of the topics in achieving an A. though I
could have espoused more time and work through such aspects and topics in bettering my grade, I did a
good job in incorporating such topics. Everything that is documented in this document serves as a duel
analysis. The first being an analysis of my overall quarter in CS 101, the other aspect in attaining such
discipline through my years here at Central Washington University and beyond in a successful career.
Various databases were used in such inquiry to professional and adequately show behavior and a
healthy lifestyle. With this, may individuals as well as myself learn to become better people and better
contributors to society.
As previously stated, various databases were utilized through the compilation of such
document. Data was collected and put into databases were analysis and illustration of such data could
be generated. With the Nutrition database, as students we entered in daily values of weight, exercise
and caloric intake over one month to analyze and better understand the work of the data base. Late, we
utilized the process of spreadsheet in graphing and analyzing such data. We created spreadsheets and
imported data form the database to later create detailed graphs and analysis of our record and data
keeping throughout the past month. Such devices and systems allowed us to better understand
ourselves and further appreciate the world of computing.
Lastly I recommend that such document in its entirety be sued to help individuals succeed and
become better contributors of society; there is nothing more gratifying than hard work, outcomes and
success. This document is a guideline that does such. With CS 101, I have learned a lot and learned how
to become more successful in my life. Hopefully I will be able to incorporate such aspects provided, to
my college life and my career life. Though CS 101 was a bore and time consuming, I appreciate all it has
done in preparing me for a life outside of college. My final recommendation is to read such document in
the hopes of becoming a more successful individual.
Rough Draft:
Part 1:
Rough drafts and final copies are two different items within the writing process. A rough draft is the first
draft without revision, whereas the final copy is the end result of a writing process void of any revision. When
writing a final copy in hand, one must be aware of legibility and neatness. If a piece is a final version, thus it should
be in a professional manner void of mistake, revision, and should appear as neat as possible. In terms of a physical
display, the handwritten paper must appear neat and orderly as it is a final copy. The final copy should not appear
as if the writer ran out of time or space to complete his or her thought. Visually speaking, computers and other
forms of typing make the rough draft appear seamless and orderly as unwarranted
words and phrases are not crossed off. Another downside to computer typing is that
auto-correct can at times change the meaning the writer intended to convey in his or
her paper. The computer can also have its upsides while typing and drafting up a
paper. One being it formats the piece precisely into the space of paper. Elements that
are essential in summarizing an article are comprehension of the piece and
understand the purpose of the piece including its subject and content. Rough drafts
are the brainstorming aspect of a piece. Even though it may come of across as messy, it is equally important to the
overall presentation of the piece as is the final draft. Final drafts are much more clean and polished, they appear
professional in manner, almost acting like a tier topper to the overall writing and development process. The final
copy and rough draft go hand in hand as key components of the writing process. Even though the final copy is the
only basis a reader has in judging the overall piece it is the rough draft that sets up and ultimately supports the
piece fully.
Part 2:
The student teacher agreement pretty much consists of the
governing covenant between teacher and student. It is the basic and defined
protocol for the specified class. The meaning is to make sure that there is
discrepancy between both teacher and student as to what is expected. The
purpose of such contract is to highlight the expectations and the general overview of the class. Three student
tenets of the contract would be acting respectful toward fellow students, no form of dishonesty, and general
respect to the instructor. Three teacher tenets of the contract would be to be grade fairly, never grade subjectively
and personally, and to construct a healthy learning environment for the students; no flippant attitude or disregard
of a student. Some students will try to coax the teacher through plagiarism and cheating through dishonesty. Such
covenant and or contract basically voids such action and would set the standards for what is expected from the
student and the teacher. In the past I have had teachers that do grade on a subjective basis, with this my grades
were poor because the teacher did not like me and failed as the professional adult that is expected when one
assumes a teaching position. With this, teachers must act professionally when grading based in the class covenant.
Expectations are placed in hopes of creating a healthy work and learning environment for both the student and the
teacher. The covenant like a contract is a written contractual agreement as what is to take place and what is
advised based on the subject matter that is being taught through the class. The teacher and student agreement is
a vital piece on learning.
Article Summaries: Rough Draft
The site discusses the tips in writing an effective rough draft, based on how a rough draft is important in
the composition process. Listing and brainstorming are vital to the process. “Write everything that
comes to mind concerning the subject. What inspired you about the subject?” This basically discusses the
processii of writing your ideas down, noting that it will not be the cleanest draft. This site primarily talks
about the rough draft process as opposed to the entire process of writing. It talks about how to
brainstorm and actively draft your ideas to compose a piece. It notes the unclean state that most rough
drafts appear.
This article discusses the entire process in an outlined format that explains the entire outline process.
“You wrote it; take pride in your final effort. Proofread!” This quote highlights the revision process of the
rough draft to the final copy. It highlights how to change the wording stylistically and how to question
the tone and the formatting of the piece. It asks the writer to also have a peer edit your work to look for
errors in your paper and piece. With this, the article suggests, the process will come out well and your
piece bona fide in its content clarity and professionalism.
“The rough draft is the beginning of a lot of work that will continue to be done researching, analyzing,
and collating data.” This is a great outline and information as to what a rough draft is. It talks a lot about
what was discussed in class during lecture on Tuesday. Usually rough drafts are thought of as being raw
and scatter brained, however with this helpful article it discusses how to use a an outline to better
define the piece and make the process more organized and clear. The article also highlights how the
rough draft process is more of a crafting process and less of the polishing that is mainly indicative of the
final copy.iii
Compare and Contrast:
The information I found definitely solidified my
knowledge and thought on the writing process especially
the difference and uses between both the final copy and
the rough draft. For instance, the domains that I found
were more focused and minute. Most sites that I visited
focused more on one of the facets of the writing process:
either the final draft or the rough draft. A quote that I think
was the most helpful in the research during this lab was the
one from Kurt Reymers. “The rough is more about crafting
your argument than polishing it.” This statement is clear and helps expand the thought involved in
dissecting the final draft and the rough draft. Though I, for a most part, recognized the information
through the research, I definitely cited such information in my Pre-lecture assignment. What I found out
through this assignment is that it definitely is a vital thing to use the internet and .edu domains in the
hopes of research and finding new knowledge. I have always used the internet for compiling information
for research, but with adding new domains to the search, it makes it more helpful and reliable. I learned
a lot in this lab.
In mastering the writing process, one will be more professional. It is a tedious process that one must
endure to finish any sort of process: whether it is for an English paper, or art project, or a project in
general, one must learn to master this process in order to do well. Likewise, one must master
procrastination in hopes of being successful.
The issue of procrastination is discussed in the article published by California Polytechnic State
University. The article highlights the implications and abuses of procrastination. Characteristics are
outlined, which contribute to the practice of procrastination. Some include low self-confidence, coping
with pressures, and stubbornness. For instance, with a low self-confidence, one may struggle with a task
based on one’s view that he or she is incapable to perform. As the article outlines certain characteristics
which may yield procrastination, it also gives the reader some benefits of overcoming procrastination.
The article suggests a new-found feeling of independence and euphoria one experiences while
overcoming the plague of procrastination. With some, procrastination controls your life in the response
to an assigned task. By putting off the task, time slips away as you are forced to begin and finish the task
in little time. By taking charge and completing the assignment proactively and incrementally, one will
eliminate the plague of procrastination and experience an increased personal freedom. While
acknowledging the benefits of overcoming procrastination, the article highlights several reasons for
procrastination. These complex reasons are as follows perfectionism, anger and hostility, low frustration
tolerance, and self-downing. With perfectionism, a favorite of mine, individuals set high standards for
any task or assignment. With perfectionism, the article suggests individuals tend to nitpick or stall the
completion process of a task by self-criticism. With anger and hostility individuals contribute to
procrastination by limiting their opus, best efforts, based on personal reasons. Similarly, with a low
frustration tolerance, individuals who feel overwhelmed will procrastinate as the assignment feel “too
hard.” Lastly self-downing elicits procrastination as one doubts his or her own ability to complete a task.
With such mindset, an individual limits their own potential and stalling the completion process of a task.
The article also provides tools that help the procrastination process of a task. For instance, viewing the
tasks as small in your mind as to finish the task overtime helps the process. Even to modify one’s
environment for better clarity and focus. Lastly, the article
focuses on the insight of procrastinating almost as a plague. By
delaying and avoiding the task at hand, one adds to the
procrastination process through an indoctrination of fear,
avoidance, and not acquiring new skills. The article published by
California Polytechnic State University, addresses the causes and
preventions of procrastination.
Perfectionism is the word for me. I am a creative guy, who loves to paint in acrylic.
Perfectionism is my pit-fall when it comes to procrastination, or should I say “when it came” to
procrastination. Through the years I have learned to limit my procrastination fueled by perfectionism.
My sophomore year of high school, 2010-2011, I was selected as a national finalist for the Lucerne Art of
Dairy Contest. Months prior to being selected as a national finalist, I designed a template in the shape of
a cow’s body. This template would in-effect be the design for the life-sized fiberglass cow if selected.
Once selected, I was one out of thirty students selected to pain the fiberglass cow. Low and behold, I got
to paint on a fiberglass cow. I will have to show you picture Ms. Moore. Having said, the project to paint
the cow was colossal. I never painted on canvas prior to my selection; however I was committed to
finish the project. With such project I learned how to deal with and resolve my own “procrastination
plague.” I only had 6 weeks to fully complete the cow in my Mardi-gras themed design and submit
pictures. It truly challenged me. If I was meticulously being a perfectionist, the progress would wane and
the finish date would grow closer. However, if just wanted to get-it-over-with, none of the detail in the
design would have been conveyed. It was like threading a needle: I had to master attention to detail as
well as time management simultaneously. Looking back on the reading, memories of endless spring
nights and the raw smell of acrylic paints flood my senses. The article discusses incremental completion.
With the cow, I could not just bang-it-out on the last night. I had to pace the completion process to
achieve what I designed. Recalling a weakness, I recognized while working on the cow was my selfcriticism and self-praise. One might think it easy to focus on the positives but as I finished the cow, I
definitely felt more criticism and less praise on my part. Looking at the cow, I could find areas where
more shading could have been administered or where something was forgotten. At the end of the day,
however, I needed to live-and-let-live and be proud of myself for what I achieved. Reading this article,
definitely reminded me of my cow experience and how I for the better or for the worse, dealt with my
Practice What You’ve Learned:
I’m delaying on …
Working out today….
Reasons for Delay:
I’m tired
I have four classes today
I’m sore from yesterday’s work out
Not enough sleep from last night.
Arguments against Delay:
Work through the pain
Get stronger
Burn-off lactic acid
Promised your friends
Procrastination is something that we all live with. The key is to limit its abuse. By not avoiding a
project and looking at it in increments, one will fully finish the project, without doing horribly. By
learning the components involved with procrastination, one will live a successful life. Similarly,
recognizing the effects of multitasking, one will become successful.
As part of the assignment, we were asked to read an article on multi-tasking. The article
discusses the notions of multi-tasking, and how the younger generation of people and the older
generation of people adapt to multitasking. The article suggests that most young people view
multitasking as something venerable: listening to music while reading or doing homework or texting
while driving. Most young people see this as a time saver, doing two things simultaneously. However, as
the article discusses, the area of our brain that processes multi-tasking is the striatum, which processes
information at a more shallow level. Basically if one is multitasking through homework or through a
lecture, one does not fully process the entire magnitude of the presentation. The article also suggests
the multitasking can be beneficial in some areas such as driving a car and scanning for potential hazards,
as well as listening and writing down a lecture or presentation.
Multitasking Article Questions:
1) What is the common understanding of the term multitasking?
The common understanding of the term multitasking is to do things simultaneously, and in the
end save time and hopefully do them efficiently.
2) Does a computer really simultaneously work on more than one task at a time? Explain.
Computers, as based in the article cannot even multitask. There source of operation is done
linearly, in other words processing information once at a time through microprocessors.
3) Can we not do more than a single task simultaneously? So what is the problem with learning?
As humans, we can do more than a single task simultaneously. For instance ewe can chew gum
and walk. We can also drive and scan the road for potential hazards. The problem with learning
and multitasking is how information is processed when learning and multitasking. When
multitasking, the striatum, a region in out brain, processes information. The striatum processes
information at much more shallow levels. In essence, when multitasking and learning, one fails
to retain more information based on the striatum.
4) From the article, how is the human brain similar to a computer? How is it different?
Similarly, the human brain is similar to a computer, in that processing is linear in basis. As
humans we can perform tasks efficiently while focusing and performing. The brain is also
different in that it contains two different areas of process. The
striatum and the hippocampus are two areas of process that
process information completely different.
5) Why does multitasking in learning waste time?
Multitasking while learning wastes time because half of your
attention is diverted to occupying something else like listening
to music of checking Facebook. Thus, you do not retain information or learn as well if
6) Describe the 2 types of learning as described in the article. Where does each occur in the human
brain? Why is this important?
Multitasking learning occurs in the striatum, the shallower processer in the brain. Thus less
information is being processed and less is being learned, as your attention is diverted to
different areas of focus. Single-task learning is processed in the hippocampus, the region where
deep information is processed. With the single-task learning more attention is centralized on the
task at hand and more is being processed and attained.
7) Let us assume that distractions are a type of multitasking. How do external distractions and internal
distractions reduce focus and attention in the context of the reading? Give 2 personal examples of
each type of distraction.
External distractions for me personally would be that the news is on television and I am doing
my homework or I am listening to music as I use the cycling machine in the gym. An example of
an internal distraction would be thinking about sports or friendship, maybe even emotions
getting in the way of trying to complete a task.
8) How can you minimize your examples of distractions to maximize the tendency to store higher order
learning and minimize procedural? How do our class standards of conduct do this?
I can minimize my distractions be remaining focused on one task and setting my mind to
achieving such task. In doing so I will be able to process information through single-task learning
and through this I will be able to process information more clearly and retain more information
clearer. The code of conduct actually helps in eliminating distraction like shutting off cell
phones, removing hats, and waiting in the back of the room if late.
Multitasking is an obstacle in some minds, however to be a successful learner and adult, one must learn
to master it. If one is listening to music, and simultaneously doing one’s homework, that probably isn’t
the best use of multitasking. However if one is listening to a presenter or professor and taking notes: this
is an adequate representation of multitasking.
Six Questions (Nutrition):
1) How do we know that nutrition and exercise matter to be at the top of your various "games"?
Nutrition is a vital component of remaining at your “game.” Nutrition and exercise act as fuel
and lubrication for the mind and performance. These are why they are paramount in anything
you do, reckon you want to perform successfully and adequately. Nutrition matters also,
because it adds to our energy and focus. With an adequate amount of exercise, individuals can
experience an increased level of energy that can help push them through the day. Exercise, also
produces chemicals in our brains like endorphins and serotonin, that relaxes our mood and keep
us un-stressed. Food does the same as well, by eating the right amount of food, focus is
guaranteed as chemicals are directed to the brain for increased attention and focus. All of these
components keep us on our “games.”
2) What constitutes good or adequate nutrition and exercise for you? Why? (Explain.)
What constitutes as adequate nutrition and exercise for me is some sort of cardio workout that
goes with some sort of weight lifting. Nutrition for me is basically I eat healthy. In Holmes dining
I cut that fat meats, go for the eggs, cut the carbs, and go for the veggies. These elements I have
noticed, keep me active and free-flowing. I sometimes find myself without enough energy. This
either mean I have not eaten enough or I have not exercised enough. It’s like that Snickers
commercial, “You’re not you when you’re hungry.” This is for anyone, like last night I did not
have enough energy to last me the remaining hours of the day. So I went to dinner and ate well,
had an omelet and two pork loins for protein and a lot of vegetables. After that, I went for a
volleyball practice and after that I went for a cardio session for about an hour. I even got a good
night sleep with it. I feel refreshed.
3) Are you following good practice now? Why or why not?
I believe I am following good practice. I purchase Greek yogurt and Kashi cereal for my
breakfasts which are considerably low in fats and high in protein and fiber. By eating healthy
and avoiding unhealthy options, I am remaining in good practice. I also am on my hall’s
intramural volleyball team. We practice two days a week for an hour. We also have games the
other two days of a week. Before such practices, I usually will have an hour’s cardio session
above in the recreation center. My favorites are the bike and the elliptical. Prior to attending
CWU, I would do the insanity series at home; however given the accessibility provided by the
SURC, I find it easier to work out with the machines. I seldom do find myself not eating enough
food however. This usually results in a burnt-out feeling. This is something I need to watch as I
work out and attend school because I will need energy and stamina for the day’s work.
4) What do you intend to do in the future (i.e., rest of the quarter, school, life) regarding nutrition and
I intend on playing on intramural volleyball with my team tonight. Tonight we play at ten and
have practice and/or a game four days a week. I also plan on having an hour’s cardio session
three times a week. I really just need to watch what I eat. I see some of my friends eating at the
Mexican place in the SURC. I also see them eat at the Pasts place. These places are fine in
moderation, however when one eats like that as a lifestyle, it is bound to catch up to them
quick. By eating healthy, you are bound to be healthy. You are what you eat, in most cases. I see
my friends, who eat at these places, and the only real work outs they do are just weights, their
cardio is terrible and with that their stamina is terrible. In my belief, cardio keeps that fat off, yet
so does lifting, however if one fuses the two together, one is bound to achieve a lean-mean
physique which is ideal for anyone.
5) What difficulties present themselves to prevent your good intentions?
Studying for tests and class can result in difficulties or barriers in having good intentions in
wanting to remain nutritionally active and healthy. I address such difficulties by trying to make
time and forcing there to be time for me to successfully have a good work out and eat healthy. I
guess another barrier to good intentions, would be my friends who insist to party, drink, eat
unhealthy and seldom ever sweat. With this, one may be
sucked into that type of laziness as perpetuated by one’s
friends. I already am seeing this with one friend in particular.
One must have a strong-mind and be persistent in wanting to
stay in shape and be healthy. As life comes to the fray, as an
adult, it will become even harder to follow a regimen as
responsibilities pile on one another. This is why it is important
to develop such skills while younger and still in college.
6) How do you address these difficulties?
If one does not have adequate nutrition an exercise, one
eventually will burn out do to the work load. Some students, it
has been noted, have begun to take prescription drugs like
Ritalin, to stay focus. However with a proper diet, one will have
enough energy to stay focused and energized. By addressing these difficulties, one elicits the
determination to stay fit and remain may be that some students, experience with such
drugs to stay at their top-shape. However, one must make time and stay healthy in getting a
proper diet to achieve such tasks. By taking Ritalin, one is not healthy. By eating right and
staying active, one will prolong enough energy to push them through the day and achieved the
task that is to be achieved. By addressing such difficulties properly, one will be determined to
stay healthy and remain a productive adult and human.
Article Summaries: Nutrition & College Students
Article Summary 1:
This article largley discusses the impacts a healthy diet can have on your work output. It not only
is better physically for one to eat healthy, but it is also healthy for the mind in computing and
performing tasks. Its also important to exerc ise and work the entire vody. The article highloights how
individuals often spot reduce their workouts. The article recommends to work the entire body as a
whole. Exercise even gives you a boost, from what the article discusses. “Just 15 to 30 minutes will give
you the boost you need to clear your mind and get your heart and blood pumping.” I found this article
quite helpful.
Article Summary 2:
“World-class athletes know that success depends on training and nutrition.” This quote is
essential in understanding how as adults, we can be successful through proper diet and exercise. Though
people might but athletes on a pedestal given their raw athletic talent, ordinary adults are comparative.
If one wants something bad, let’s say a project, a promotion, or even a success one like an athlete, must
condition himself to do so. By eating well, staying well rested and getting enough exercise, we as
professional adults are comparative to a fine-tuned athlete. The article also discusses key components
to a healthy lifestyle and diet. These three essential food components are carbohydrates, protein and
fluids. With these essential components, our bodies will be ready to execute a certain task.
Article Summary 3:
The article posted on discusses the effects that inactivity can have on a lifestyle.
“Vitamin and mineral deficiencies resulting from a bad diet link with disorders of the nervous system.”
Without certain vitamins and minerals in our diet, sickness can take place. In other words without an
efficient diet, you nervous system can be weakened though inefficient vitamin supplies. The article also
discusses inadequate diets and its effect on humans’ mental capacity. The article cites inefficient diets
may lead to depression and mental anxiety. This results as essential minerals and chemicals are lacking
due to lack of food or improper eating habits. If one simply does not eat, one may lose weight; however,
the body deteriorates and feeds off itself for energy. Though sometimes individuals focus on overeating,
this article focuses on the abuses of malnutrition and unhealthy eating habits.
Nutrition is pivotal as an adult as it gives the mind fuel to properly execute a task. Being a college
student, one must stay active as it prolongs focus and drive. As nutrition is primary in becoming a
successful adult, so is the skill of effective listening.
1) Determine your predominant learning style(s) and explain how you determined your answer.
My learning styles tend to be visual as well as being tactile. I find that it is best to fully encompass one
into learning in order to comprehend belter and do better with my studies. I find myself using the most
of my notes with various drawings and diagrams. As well as being quite creative, I believe that I am more
of a visual learner. I like color and texture as well; this is why I believe I am tactile: I need to feel the
learning. Like I am very repetitive, I need to feel like I am doing the task right. Like with math, I need to
work on problems in solving and comprehending concepts.
2) Since our class consists of reading, listening, seeing, taking notes, and hands-on practice, evaluate
how your learning styles serve you and how they do not.
I believe that we do a lot of applied practices in CS 101. At first I thought it was just a bunch of busy
work, as people complain about the class a lot. However as I do the assignments, I know see myself
knowing how to merge cells, create a table, snip, enter footnotes, and email assignments. I find that I
am learning a lot, without the bore and drag that I thought I would encounter with the class. Where it
may not serve me well is the time aspect. I find myself spending a
decent amount of time on this class. However, in the end I see that
with the master document, I am learning and compiling a lot of
information. I feel this class is preparing me for other classes in the
long run that will need such insight with computers.
3) How do you acquire new styles and improve your current ones?
One way that the attached articles suggest that individuals learn other
styles, is by osmosis. In other words that article suggests that one
must inundate himself with others that have different learning styles to deal with that style. The article
suggests that by surrounding oneself with another learning style, one has awareness and a greater
ability through such inundation. The other articles suggest that individuals learn better with professors
of similar teaching and learning styles. This is a way that immersing oneself in a different learning style
will help one in their future job or career. Learning new skills will help in the future.
3) How do you acquire new styles and improve your current ones?
One way that the attached articles suggest that individuals learn other styles, is by osmosis. In other
words that article suggests that one must inundate himself with others that have different learning
styles to deal with that style. The article suggests that by surrounding oneself with another learning
style, one has awareness and a greater ability through such inundation. The other articles suggest that
individuals learn better with professors of similar teaching and learning styles. This is a way that
immersing oneself in a different learning style will help one in their future job or career. Learning new
skills will help in the future.
4) What will you do this quarter to implement the information in Question 3?
Well with this class I have recognized how to stay much more organized and to put more of an emphasis
on my studies, as this class takes time to perfect what is asked of. As I usually, do I come in after class to
work in the library of 218. It is extremely quiet and I find it a great learning environment. By making this
class a more priority, I am contributing to the information suggested in the attached files of the article. I
would say Ms. Moore as an instructor is the type of teacher who believes in busy work. There in my
mind is nothing wrong with busy work; it’s just there is an attached stigma to the word busy work that
comes off as unfavorable. Busy work mentality, has it perks however, by completing the work, one may
find it easier to relay back information through the tasks assigned as busy work.
5) How will you track your behavior?
One way that I believe I can track my behavior is through strict observance of the class and how I am
responding to the class. Am I taking notes, and comprehending what the teacher is saying. With this I
can simply learn from how I am learning and how the teacher is teaching the class. I have found that
some people find this class as arduous, however I believe I am truly learning a lot, that will help me in
the long-run. Another way I could track my behavior is by following the assignment. If I am doing poorly,
that should be evident through my work. Another item that will display my behavior is the SBR. By filling
it out I will be aware of my behavior towards the class.
Article Summaries: Learning Styles
Article Summary 1:
This source lays out a table that directs people to how they might fit into learning. For instance,
individuals who ask questions attend lectures and record lectures tend to be verbal learners. Another
type of learning that the table highlights is the visual learner. With visual learning, individuals may add
diagrams to their notes, organize notes into a certain fashion, or even color code their own notes. This
table is extremely helpful in sorting out, visually, what type of leaner one is. There are even links that
are provided to help the reader decipher more in depth knowledge pertaining to a certain facet of
learning. “However, in the course of our lives, we must adapt to a wide range of learning situations-and it is highly likely that some of these situations will not conform to our strengths.”
Article Summary 2:
This source describes how individuals can tailor their learning types. It offers for individuals to
first identify their learning capabilities or skill set. It then allows readers to practice their learning facets
in learning new types of learning. It suggests that individuals test their learning by stepping outside of
their comfort zone in learning new ideas and ways to learn. The article also suggests taking classes form
professors with different teaching types in order to appreciate new learning styles. It suggest that
individuals that have similar learning styles as their professors tend to do better also
suggests that with learning styles, teachers implement different teaching styles to suit such learning
styles. “Learning styles help teachers understand how students’ best learn.”
Article Summary 3:
This article discusses how college is very different form high school and how graduate school is
very different from regular college. It focuses on with every new thing that one does, it requires
learning in different ways. Similarly to the article ahead, it suggests that by accompanying new learning
styles, one is better prepared to completing work more aptly and effectively. It also outlines the
different learning styles. It highlights learning with the ears as opposed to learning with the eyes. It also
speaks of how confinement tends to work for some while others do better with movement and idle
noise in learning. The article recognizes that personality has a large effect on how one learns. If one is
quite social, one may learn better with movement and others. “Often, these types coincide with our
personality style.”
Learning styles inhibit different ways of looking and understanding information. One way that may help
an individual is a query. A query simply compiles data, specified information, into an easily drawn out
diagram: whether that be a list of graph. Understanding queries is essential in understanding how one
may learn more effectively.
Four Questions:
1) Explain the difference between Design View and Datasheet View.
With the design view, the view appears to be much more in draft format, it is in my opinion,
harder to analyze as there is a lot of data to manage and understand. The Datasheet view, on
the other hand is much more of a graph, almost like a timeline. Both of these features display
information similarly, however indifferent ways. Both are similar in the discussion above, how
data can be conveyed and formatted to represent data, and help the analyzer better develop
and understand the information being presented. The design is much more like a spreadsheet in
that it has a lot of figure and data to the presentation. The datasheet however, is much more
visually interpretive based on the graphs and figures.
2) View the Query named CaloriesAndWeight in Datasheet View. Take a Snip of the Query Tab & Paste
it into your RD.
(Table of Figures)
3) View the same Query in Design View. Take a Snip of the Query Tab & Paste it into your RD.
(Table of Figures)
4) There is a black line between the 2 Tables in the Design View. What does the line represent?
The black line in between the 2 tables symbolizes the relation of the term ‘Date’ in both the
FoodLogDetails and the WeightLog. The line in other words, symbolizes the term being a
connection between the 2 tables.
Queries are another form of compilation of data. Data is important in trying to understand something
clearly. If one possesses such ability, one might also learn to listen effectively. Listening effectively allows
the individual to become a successful adult and professional.
Two Questions:
1) Write 1 or more paragraphs explaining your ideas about what
Effective Listening means and entails (before any research).
Include personal examples of real situations to illustrate your
Effective listening skills entail retention and knowledge of
the subject being presented. Comprehension is a big thing
when it comes to listening, organization is another. When
one is listening, one must not talk, not be distracted, and
be an active listener. One might even provide feedback to the conversation, in response as a
good listener. Eye contact is paramount, and paraphrasing is essential in proving one is a good
listener. One might also ask for clarification if needed as a listener. Important nonverbal cues
are gestures, eye contact, posture and facial expressions. Through being a good listener, one will
gain knowledge, be an attentive listener, and allow the speaker a slight edge of comfort ability.
Effective listening is essential in being a professional.
2) Write 1 or more paragraphs comparing and contrasting what you thought you knew about Effective
Listening with what you learned through your searches. Include examples to illustrate your points.
There was not a whole lot of discrepancy between what I learned through the web searches and
what I previously knew about effective listening. What I did learn was quite interesting however.
Like the paying attention to what you are not paying attention to. The articles suggest in doing
so, one will hope to redirect his attention, becoming more aware what might put one into an
inattentive state. Emphasizing on verbal cues to learn better and comprehend better. If an
instructor were to overemphasize and stress vocally a certain topic, one should observe that
there is an importance to the topic that is quite relevant to the speaker. Recognizing you own
prejudices. This is important in accessing the listening quality is
observing. If one dislikes a certain topic or speaker, one might find it
harder to pay attention based on prejudices and biases.
Being a good listener, one must find the ability to be attentive. In doing
so, one will find it easier to understand and comprehend. If one wants
to be a good leader, one must also be a good listener. If a leader wants
to earn the trust of the people he is leading, he must listen to their
concerns and later be able to address those concerns. Being a good
leader, one must exercise a healthy array of physical gestures. Through
this, the listener will ultimately engage the speaker nonverbally, and will
spark a comfortable sense and ease in the speaker through his approach
of presenting.
Article Summaries: Effective Listening
Article Summary 1:
This article speaks on whether individuals feel that they are adequate listeners. “Effective
listening is actively absorbing the information given to you by a speaker.” The article sights that effective
leadership is also listening. It’s paramount to be a good listener as well as a good communicator. The
article suggests that being an effective listener and being an effective communicator go hand in hand.
The article suggests that by listening, you shoe concern for your subordinates, entrusting you with the
allegiance… so to speak. A good listener commands respect and gives respect to his inferiors, or those
who of which he or she leads. The article is interesting in that it links listening to leading.
Article Summary 2:
This article is a bulleted list of eleven basics that should develop quality listening as an effective
listener. The article site suggests that one must limit distractions and develop a focus for the speaker or
presentation. The article also adds that effective listening entail that one must comprehend the main
points, and listen for what is not being said. By sticking to the basic points of what is being presented,
the listener will have a much more logical and linear way of processing information. The article also
suggests monitoring any pre-judgments that one might have as to monitor ones listening capabilities.
This suggests that one might not listen to anyone that one has prejudices of. “Recognize your own
Article Summary 3:
This article talks, interestingly on how to pay attention to not paying attention. “Become
attuned to the times when your mind is drifting while you are in class.” I find this interesting, because
sometimes, I find myself dozing off in class and in discussion. By paying attention to how one might doze
off, it will allow you to better direct your attention to the speaker and to the topic of discussion. The
article also suggests on how to listen for verbal cues of the speaker. The article suggests that a speaker
will raise or emphasize with his voice a stressed point or important point. That article points out to be on
the lookout for such verbal cues.
When one listens clearly, one tends to do better on specified tasks. Note taking being one facet that
effective learning can help, is a paramount feature to a professional. As note taking helps one learn more
clearly and effectively.
Six Questions:
1) Are effective listening skills required for taking effective notes? Why or why not?
Yes, effective listening skills are paramount in taking effective notes. Such is the case, because
one must be able to listen as well as write down notes. With the notes, one must process the
information. The notes through listening are a concrete copy of what you are processing through a
presentation. Taking notes actually will help one to retain information, yielding in better cognition in the
subject matter being presented. There are a number of different methods in taking notes, it usually
based on how one learns, listens and processes such information. Quality listening and quality note go
2) Summarize 3 note-taking methods. 100+ words per summary.
Outlining is one method of note taking, with outlining, one sets up a structured flow of
information set up by columns, bulleted points, roman numerals, Arabic numerals, and letters. This type
of note taking is extremely easy to follow as it has a fluid movement to its structure. The outline also is
neat, and more like a final copy in that it is structure and clean. The outline is logical in that it is easy to
follow and is set up. It may help a visual learner as it follows things point by point, subject by subject.
One can see how a topic is connected to another topic by bulleted lists. The outline is one way of note
Diagram-visual is another method of note taking. This method entails a lot of color and
diagrams to help the visual type of learners better explain the topic. One might, draw a diagram
connecting a main topic to another facet of the presentation. With color, attention is directed to such
item, by mere pigment. This definitely helps visual learners, see and learn by association and cognition.
By diagraming one can get a feel of the learning through drawing; relating the connections between
drawing the diagram and understanding the diagram. Stars, symbols and colors, might also be helpful in
such note taking, as it may be a visual reminder or code for the individual. The diagram-visual note
taking is another method of outlining.
A third piece of not taking is the Cornell Note taking series. With Cornell, one completely does
an entire system of not taking. One simply will write down the notes into a section of paper, and leave
the second section for questions. Once finished with the notes, the note taker will devise questions
pertaining to the notes and subject. Later the not taker will study from such questions. Later the not
taker, will recite verbally the information for further processing of the notes. Later on the not taker, will
then reflect on the notes and subject matter to better understand and analyze the important facts.
Lastly, the not taker will reflect on the notes as a further analysis. This usually prescribes for a ten
minute a day study session. With this the Cornell system hopes to add more cognition of the subject
matter through the notes.
3) Which note-taking method do you currently use? Is it effective?
The method that I am most familiar to is probably the outline format. I will sometimes combine
the method with diagrams; however I am a visual learner so this type of note taking helps me the best. It
follows in a fluid manner, as it is structured and easy to follow. The bullets and roman numerals add to
the visual inquiry of the notes. It looks more concrete, professional and in my mind easier to follow.
With the addition of diagrams, I better understand a model or concept being addressed through lecture
or presentation.
4) Since we can always improve our skills in most any setting, how will you improve your note-taking
and note-reviewing skills based upon your new-found knowledge?
I think by focusing on your notes and reevaluating you note taking, I will be better prepared for
the class. By utilizing some of the parts of the Cornell process, I think I will probably do better in class,
through comprehension of my notes. Listening I think is also key in my success of note taking. With this,
I should gauge my level of listening throughout the class and be mindful of when I doze off in lecture, by
refocusing my attention back to the presentation. I plan on expanding my not taking methods to better
my studies.
5) If Multitasking has drawbacks, then how do we justify listening,
looking, taking notes, and thinking at the same time?
Multitasking, while taking notes, is essential given that it is an
entire process in learning. By doing all the things suggested in the
question, one will learn better as one will be focused on the
presentation and subject. One might see this as multi-tasking, but
because one is focused on developing and processing information, most
of the functions of the hippocampus are working. Therefore, one will
learn more instead of learning less. If one does doze off, however, this is multitasking and most of the
processing will go to the striatum, resulting in less cognition of the presentation or subject.
6) What role does reviewing notes and adding to them play in becoming a more effective student?
Does not having a textbook affect this? Why?
Reviewing notes helps the cognition of the subject. It helps you to review your memory as you
processed it in the presentation. Students who are successful should do this in hopes of becoming
better students. If one simply had a text book, it wouldn’t help as much as nothing previously had been
processed. By reviewing the notes, you get a better understanding of the subject. It is almost like a
double-presentation, as pervious processed information comes back to recall. Not having a text book
should not affect the learning process if lecture is the main component of information in the
Article Summaries: Note Taking
Article Summary 1:
This article stresses the importance of note taking. It suggests that students do not understand
the importance of note taking, as an integral part of learning and becoming a professional. The article
cites that proper not taking and listening techniques go hand in hand. The article also suggests that
students merely just take notes, rather than review them on a daily basis to help with cognition of the
course. “In addition, lecture notes can be a critical tool for preparing for exams.” The article also
addresses the three R’s: review, recite and reflect. All of these, for which the article highlights,
contribute to healthy cognition and performance in any given field.
Article Summary 2:
“Taking reliable, accurate notes also reduces the risk of plagiarism.” This quote is something that
you would at first find intriguing when discussing not taking but it is the truth. The article suggests that
note-taking properly will detract any plagiarized behavior; this is the truth. By examining ones notes,
one is sure of the subject and where the knowledge is coming from. The article also suggests structuring
your own notes by adding color, columns and headings to allow for more fluidity when reviewing. The
article also suggests to remain mindful of the text, as a majority may be fluff, and not pertinent to your
understanding of the concrete subject. Get to the basics when it comes to topic matter, and remain
mindful of the text.
Article Summary 3:
This article outlines the Cornell Note taking method. It basically has five parts to the system.
Records, Questions, Recite, Reflect, and Review are the five main parts to the system. With Record, one
must record the notes logically, splitting the paper into two, the firs column for notes on the general
presentation, and the second for the questions which come after the presentation. With Question, one
writes down pertinent questions to later study the content of the notes. Recite comes third, with
covering the piece of notes with paper to help quiz one over the notes. “Then, looking at the questions
or cue-words in the question and cue column only, say aloud, in your own words, the answers to the
questions, facts, or ideas indicated by the cue-words.” The Reflect series, allows one to ask more
questions as to evaluate the significance of the subject and its impact on the presentation. Lastly, the
Review series focuses on retention of the subject by reviewing the notes at least ten minutes a day to
retain memory and cognition.
Another key component of Note taking and learning for that matter is time management. If one wishes
to maximize one’s time studying, and comprehending, one must look to time management in order to
properly learn effectively.
Article Summaries: Time Management
Article Summary 1:
This article discusses the risks of time management. It talks about how to plan out one’s
day and which times in the day are best for compilation purposes. “If your chemistry problems
put you to sleep, get to them first, while you are fresh.” This is relevant in that it is best to do the
hardest thing, or more grueling of tasks first. The article also suggests studying when one is alert,
and where one is alert. Whether that be at a coffee house or a quiet room, the article suggests you
focus your attention and time best at a place where you are alert.
Article Summary 2:
Such article outlines steps in not wasting times, and in fact, outlines practices smart
time management techniques. The article acknowledges that all work and no play, can make
me people irritable and boring, “Don't forget that ‘all work and no play makes Jack and Jill dull
people,’ not to mention frustrated, bored, and stressed out.” This is important as some young people
find there time focusing too much on work and not enough social time. The article also highlights a table
in which one evaluates what is most urgent and important, to what isn’t urgent and isn’t important. This
helps the individual distinguish and prioritize tasks at certain times.
Article Summary 3:
This article is quite intriguing. It contains a plethora of comic strips from well-known comics that
utilize the time-management issue. The article calls for setting time aside for one’s work. The article
focuses on college students in particular, suggesting that the college work load is much different from
high school, in that it is more in volume. “But the typical college course meets only about 3 hours/week,
yet is supposed to be more intensive than its high-school counterpart.” To which the article suggests in
taking time out of the day and making it a priority to complete work. The article also discusses how to
study for harder courses first to get the hard work out of the way. This, the article suggests evokes and
easier way to time management, and self-gratification.
Evaluate Initial Skills: A Reflective Survey
Students should answer the questions in this initial evaluation as honestly as possible. Fill in the blanks
or check the answer that best describes one's behavior (REFERENCE).
I spend __8__ hours per week studying outside of class.
I spend __56__ hours per week sleeping.
I spend __20__ hours per week relaxing, recreating, and participating in social events.
I spend __20__ hours per week in extracurricular activities.
I spend __8__ hours per week at a wage-paying job.
For every hour in class, I spend __1.5__ hours studying outside of class on average.
I am late to a meeting, to class, to work, or to an appointment __0__ times a week.
On average, I am __0__ minutes late to meetings, class, work, or appointments.
When I am late, I feel __embarrassed__.
I have been late to an exam in the last year. __N/A__
I spend more time on __work__ courses than __lecture__ courses because__ more of the grade is
focused on the sheer work___.
I use short periods of "down time" (between classes, before meals, etc.) to do simple
academic tasks like review notes or write flash cards. __0__
I use short periods of "down time" (between classes, before meals, etc.) to do simple
nonacademic tasks like paying bills or cleaning. __2__ Yes
I have a semester planner. __*__ Yes _____ No
I have a monthly planner. __*__ Yes _____ No
I have a weekly planner. __*__ Yes _____ No
I work better under pressure. __*__ Yes _____ No
I check my planned schedule or syllabi for upcoming assignments:
___ Everyday ___ Twice a Week __*__ Once a Week ___ Every Two Weeks
I would describe myself as a procrastinator. ____ Yes __*__ No
I have done poorly on assignments (papers, tests, speeches, etc.) in the past because I did
not spend enough time on them. __*__ Yes ____ No
I have done poorly on assignments (papers, tests, speeches, etc.) in the past because I did
not start them early enough. __*__ Yes _____ No
The most time consuming course this term will be __CS 101__ because __The course is heavy in work:
Pre-lab, Lab, Post-Lab assignments. __.
__Geography 107__ class is going to require __1__ hours of work each week.
__CS 101__ class is going to require __10+__ hours of work each week.
__English 101__ class is going to require __2+_ hours of work each week.
Some ways I can use short periods of down time are:
__ Look over notes, and study over the text of a given class.__
I am going to make a semester, monthly, or weekly planner for the upcoming term.
____ Yes __*__ No
Now examine your answers to these questions. What does it tell you about yourself? Are there aspects
of time management you hadn't thought of before? Are there aspects of your time management habits
that need to be improved?
__I would say that for a most part; I am moderately astute when it comes to time- management. I could
be more organized when it comes to things like organizational planners and time. For this quarter,
however, most of my time is centered around this class as a whole, based on its work load. There is a lot
of work in this class that I recognize; however, I feel I am learning a lot form it. More time also could be
focused on working on studying during down time, to retain more knowledge, and incrementally study
as opposed to an overhaul study session later towards a final exam __.v
Evaluate Initial Skills: A Quantitative Survey
Indicate how often the following statements describe your behavior by writing the appropriate number.
This questionnaire is from REFERENCE.
Never Occasionally
Often Always
1. __2__I feel I have to "cram" before an exam.
2. __4__ My homework is usually turned in on time.
3. __2__ I think I usually get enough sleep.
4. __1__ I pull all-nighters before mid-terms and finals.
5. __3__ I plan to go out with friends a couple of nights a week, and usually spend the amount of time
with them that I originally planned.
6. __1__ When I'm working on a paper, I put off writing until a few days before it's due.
7. __1__ I often cancel social activities because I feel I don't have enough time.
8. __4__ I generally get my papers in on time.
9. __1__ I find myself making a lot of excuses to my instructors about why my work isn't done.
10. __1__ I feel comfortable about how I use time now.
11. __1__ I always feel that something is hanging over my head, that I'll never have enough time to do
the work assigned.
12. __2__ I often feel tired.
Score A: Add up the numbers for questions 1, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, and 12. = __9__
Score B: Add up the numbers for questions 2, 3, 5, 8, and 10. = __14__
If score A is greater than score B, you are probably a procrastinator. If score A is less than score B, you
manage your time well. If the scores are equal, you may procrastinate at times, but procrastination is
not a habit.
MT Part I: Academic Dishonesty Web search
This article discusses the cheating culture and its prevalence in the modern academic era. The article
discusses several types of emphasis when it comes to cheating. If you are a male you have a higher
chance, the article suggests of cheating. “Of the four recent studies that included gender as a possible
explanatory variable for cheating, three studies found that males were more likely to cheat while one
study found no significant correlation of gender and academic dishonesty.”vi Another point of emphasis
to the articles research is the point of a poor or high GPA. Some students on the lower spectrum of the
grade point average feel that they need to get theirs higher so they will be prone to more dishonesty.
This article from Drexel University is form the provost’s office. It clearly outlines proper procedure when
dealing with academic dishonesty. “Academic misconduct includes other academically dishonest acts
such as tampering with grades or taking part in obtaining or distributing any part of an administered or
administered test.”vii The article outlines several facets of cheating. Stealing and fabricating or selling
testing material are a couple features of academic dishonesty as outlined by this article. Plagiarism is
suggested in this article as a quick and easy way to get out of completing or preparing an assignment or
project for a teacher. It suggests the article that such cases are on the rise.
This article suggests that a lot of student in the pat have cheated or have committed academic
dishonesty. This article, like the ones previous, has suggested that today’s culture is more astute with
such endeavors. “These results paint a grim picture of today's youth, and it makes many wonder
whether the students who are willing to cheat are willing to commit other unethical deeds to get ahead
in life.”viii The article interviews a president of a college, in fact, in which he states that even more
parents are less reluctant to punish or chide their students on cheating, as it is growing almost near
acceptable to cheat.
Article Summaries:
The topic of academic dishonesty is the subject of today’s midterm. All articles suggest that such
dishonesty has grown rampant and has grown acceptable in today’s culture. One article even suggests
that 75-98 percent of college students have cheated. Academic dishonesty is on the rise in large part
due to a warped sense of success. Some students find it necessary to cheat to get ahead and succeed.
Most students just want to get ahead and get the A, however , most see it nearly impossible to do so
unless the cheat or participate in other forms of academic dishonesty. Some even neglect good learning
methods as studied class due to being lazy. My personal experience of dishonesty has been there,
especially in high school. However, I have not committed any form of dishonesty, while here at CWU,
yet. I think most people will do it eventually; it’s just a matter of time. Areas where academic dishonesty
can be reduced is by not being lazy, and actually putting in the work required. A lot of the dishonesty
will go away if one simply follows the master document that as students we have been creating in this
MT Part II: Lab/Lecture Questions
1A. Weight and Date are two fields within the ND WeightLog Table.
1B. I don’t have a single record in table as suggested, however, I have been writing down my daily stats
and will soon be enter such data into the query. A reason for not entering in the data is organization. I
am the type of person who likes to list and create a separate table for such values to yield more flow.
With this I hope to make the ND more easy to read and easier for me to understand when I compile it.
1C. The name of the query used in the CalorieAndWeight query is Calorie Distribution.
SBR: Record-Keeping:
*Table of Figures: Figure 34: DA SBR*
1. Is your record keeping accurate? How do you know?
My record keeping is accurate in that I complete and fill in the data at the correct time and date. I do
this in order to ensure accurate and precise data that can be accountable in studying my behavior habits
over the quarter.
2. How much outside of class time do you think you are studying for this class?
Well given that I am in Hebeler 218 at the moment, I would say that on average I put at least ten hours
of work and study time in to this class on a weekly basis.
3. Are there any relationships between the SBR data and your quality of learning?(Hint:
Examine the outliers and the relationship to your notes, listening, and quality of learning.)
Yes, there is such relationship. I one is doing well in the learning department. Then the record should
reflect in the same manner. However, If is rather the opposite to the latter, then the record must show
as well. However, there might be some case where a student, might be forging the data to reflect a
more positive record of his/her study habits.
4. Describe how you can improve your record keeping and/or learning.
(What will you do specifically to practice and improve learning skills?)
I believe, I can better my study habits by reflecting more on my study habits. In other words by
evaluating mu habits I can ensure that I will do better through analysis; focusing on what I need to do
Data Analysis of ND:
1) How many total records are in your Table Foods?
Only one at the moment. I have not been keeping all the records within the database, as I
have them written down in my notebook so that I can put them in at a later date. I will
actually be doing them right after I finish this section. There are 6365 records
2) How many records from your Table Foods do you actually use?
I only see one record for my Table Foods at the moment.
3) Does the Query CaloriesAndWeight show 1 record for every day since we started the
Yes the record shows at least one. However, like the answer to question one, I have all the
data written down, I just need to transcribe the data in tot the database.
4) Why or why not?
However, like the answer to question one, I have all the data written down, I just need to
transcribe the data in tot the database.
5) List the names of the 4 Fields in the Query, along with the Table or Query from which
they come. (A Word table with 2 columns would be appropriate for this information.)
SumOfTotalCalories, FirstOfWeight, SumOfCalories and Date are the four fields in the Query
*Table of Figures: Figure 35: Data Analysis: Datasheet View
Figure 36: Data Analysis: Design View*
Quality/Results: Labs 9&10
1a) If you feel that you have done well on Labs 9 & 10, then analyze/discuss what factors in the
Learning/Life Skills we've learned enabled you to do well.
I feel that my results are up to date in that I have over 250 entries. What I need to do is
to focus more on putting the exact quantities that I consume for the day. I could have put
in more exercise calories as well. In that, my calories do not match up to my weight
maintenance. I could have done better with the procrastination; however given the work
load of the class and the MD, the database took a back seat as I was committed to
finishing the master document. My database is well informed as it has over 250 food
Lab #11
CWU: CESME and Nature Night
1) CESME is an acronym for what campus group?
CESME is an acronym for Center for Excellence in Science and Mathematics Education.
2) What event is hosted by CESME on November 23, 2013?
CESME is hosting the Nature of Night workshop on November 23, 2013 from 10-3pm.
3) Watch the short video on CESME's home page.
a) During what event was this video made?
The Nature Night workshop that was sponsored last year, was the event that was being put on
while the video was played.
b) Do you recognize someone in the video (3-second still image)? If yes, what kind of equipment is
shown in the image?
c) In the arboretum, a plant was mentioned to have been alive when?
The plant in the arboretum was said to have been around while the dinosaurs were still on
d) What live animals did the students hold/ touch?
The students held snakes and a long horned lizard.
EXTRA CREDIT*** Personal Use of Spreadsheets
Source 1:
This article outlines several uses of spreadsheets on the personal basis. You can outline a budget
if one needs to know where all of the money is coming and going. Another personal use is for simple
bookkeeping. “Every individual and family needs to have a realistic budget in place, and programs like
Microsoft Excel can help you create a budget you can live with.”ix If anyone needs a simple use in
displaying and organizing it is much easier to use a spread sheet in documenting such information. If a
store needs to keep inventory of product, then a spreadsheet is available to help with that.
Source 2:
This article highlights a brief history of spreadsheets. “In the realm of accounting jargon a
"spread sheet" or spreadsheet was and is a large sheet of paper with columns and rows that lays
everything out about transactions for a business person to examine.” xIt was first created in 1975, by a
Harvard student to put in data and calculate it. This helped greatly in the accounting and bookkeeping
realm of business. It allowed companies and other organizations to analyze their bottom lines and
better understand the aspects of their ventures. This is a brief history of the spreadsheet which
revolutionized the data keeping world and science world in keeping and tracking data.
Source 3:
This article outlines and highlights how the spreadsheet has revolutionized business and the way
of keeping data. “The support of calculations, wide range of functions, customization and programmability
has transformed the way business used to work.”xi Prior to the invention of simplification of spreadsheet by
software, individuals had to painstakingly, and time consuming-ly, had to put the data on to a paper
formatted spreadsheet and calculate the desired data up by math and hand. Now that the spreadsheet is of
place, a greater ease of use has been implicated saving time, and money. The spreadsheet software that is of
use today has completely changed the world of computing, stats and data.
What I found most interesting with the research was finding all the history and the personal
uses that spreadsheets can be used for. You almost take the spreadsheet for granted in that it is a lot
easier than it was thirty years ago to use a spreadsheet. Whoever, thought of the idea to create
software, greatly should be appreciated. I work at Costco and at Costco there is a giant software that is
called STOP that has the entire inventory and expected arrival times that product is supposed to be in
the warehouse. There is also a feature that allows employees to look up how much of a product is on
hand in the store. Such software is essential in doing what Costco does best, without it, it would be
greatly different.
How to Become More Involved in College
Source 1:
This article gives a couple of organizations to get involved in. “There are a variety of ways you
can get involved on campus. Join one of the many student clubs, write for the school newspaper or
volunteer to make a difference.xii” The article suggests that one can go to campus clubs and participate
in athletics. Intramurals are one way to get involved the article suggests. Student body is another. By
getting involved in leadership, one adds to the overall experience in college and in life by gaining
valuable lessons and experience. One may also add such activity to a resume. By getting involved,
college will be more enjoyable.
Source 2:
This article is a discussion form that is documented on the topic of involvement in college by
two college students. The following response is by a college-attending girl. “It allows students to become
connected to their school: Colleges are full of resources, but the responsibility is on the student to seek
them out. Being involved helps them to do thatxiii.” Had that being said, it is essential to take hand of the
resources. Though a lot of kids do not try to reach out for help or get involved, some feel alone and afraid
to step out and get involved. It is paramount in being a successful adult because by getting involved, one
builds a networking capability.
Source 3:
This article gives a generic list of various association that one student can get involved in. Such
associations include fraternities, sororities, Christian fellowships and political organizations. “The
benefits of being actively involved with campus organizations, activities and events are numerous.
Students learn about themselves—their individual talents, skills and values—while also making
significant contributions to the college community and beyond.xiv” such quote is also true. Be getting
involved, students can actively decide who they are through experience and further develop beliefs and
personality. Talents that were hidden may be soon found or expressed through basic participation.
Overall, the article clarifies; it is generally good in getting involved in college.
1) How will you widen the circle of people with whom you associate, or become more involved within
the university, this academic year?
I will try to be more open and not corner myself in my room. Though I don’t do this very often,
only when I’m, tired, it is something that I can work on in getting even more involved. I can also meet
new people and make new friends as networking is valuable. It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.
2) List at least 5 benefits of being involved with university clubs or widening your view of university
By getting involved, one will be more comfortable, do better in school, have more fun, develop
networking capabilities, and lastly make new friends.
3) Find one CWU organization, club, study group, event, program, or department that interests you.
Find the web site and/or contact information, and include it in your write-up. Make a plan to
participate this year.
I am currently involved in four at the moment. I am affiliated with College Republicans, a member of
RHA (Residence Housing Association), RHLC (Residence Housing Leadership Committee) Vice President
for Hitchcock Hall, and my hall’s co-captain for our intramural volleyball team. However, I have reached
out to the study abroad program coordinator as I plan to either attend a quarter abroad in either
Australia or England. I as well have contacted GIVE volunteers as I filled an application and was accepted
to attend a volunteer service trip to Tanzania and Zanzibar later next year. Having that being said, I feel
more than involved while here at college.
DA Nutrition Chart
In my chart the figures relatively stay linear, based on the set of values in the axis. In the end,
however, the chart doe show that I should have gained two lbs. however, due to the First of Weight, line
it shows that I should have been two pounds less. This takes into account that I previously had not been
keeping record and was prone to procrastination, due to the completion of the MD. I could have also
been more studious when it came to exercise and working out and less apt to eat more healthy foods.
Though I consumed quantities of healthy food I could have limited my intake to represent a more stable
weight as I put into the weight log of the database.
Possible Study Outcomes:
Note: If you have an A or B in class, tailor your discussion to address whether or not you went beyond
the required assignments to challenge yourself. Reflect on the reasons why you did or did not; write a
self-analysis about limiting or changing yourself.
Sort the data variously by Lecture/Lab #, Study Behavior, and Lab Grade Percentage, to determine
patterns and trends.
1) What does the information in the chart mean?
The data in my chart is inconsistent; there is no correlation to my lab grade percentages. This
obviously means that there is no direct t relationship for me that shows it is beneficial to review notes
prior to labs.
2) Is the Study Behavior line consistent with Lab Grade Percentage? Why or why not?
No the study behavior is not consistent with the lab grade percentage line. This is because there is no
direct relationship between such factors.
3) If there is room for improvement in this Study Behavior, explain what you are doing (or will do) to
improve, and how such improvement will affect your Lab Grade Percentages.
I think for me to do better on my lab grade percentages, i can review my notes prior to attending the
labs to get more work done efficiently and properly do the labs as designated to do so by the teacher.
With reviewing notes before such labs, my grades should fair better as i am learning and completing
tasks far better.
Table of Figures: Figure 45: SBR_Chart_1
Note: If you have an A or B in class, tailor your discussion to address whether or not you went beyond
the required assignments to challenge yourself. Reflect on the reasons why you did or did not, write a
self-analysis about limiting or changing yourself.
Sort the data variously by Lecture/Lab #, Study Behavior, and Lab Grade Percentage, to determine
patterns and trends.
1) What does the information in the chart mean?
The data in the chart is not that conclusive or direct within one another. As a class though i have been
doing quite well, as my percentage in the class is a 99.5. However there is a slight trend that suggests
that note taking will help boost my lab grade percentage.
2) Is the Study Behavior line consistent with Lab Grade Percentage? Why or why not?
Yes it is, slightly though. In taking proper notes, one will have better grades in retaining information
and understanding the course concepts.
3) If there is room for improvement in this Study Behavior, explain what you are doing (or will do) to
improve, and how such improvement will affect your Lab Grade Percentages.
I believe that my study behavior that could and needs improvement is the record of adequate sleep
before lectures and labs. I find myself sluggish in the class when i don't sleep adequate amounts of
sleep. With proper sleep, i will be able to retain more information in the class, and as a facet of such
case, will have better grades.
Table of Figures: Figure 46: SBR_Chart_2
Table of Figures:
Figure 2: Google Search: Rough Draft
Figure 1: Google Search
Figure 3: Bing Search
Figure 4: Bing Search: Rough Draft
Figure 6: Yahoo Search: Rough Draft
Figure 5: Yahoo Search
Class Time:
Lab Room #:
Grader’s Name:
Grader’s Email:
Lab #
Cody Hart
8 am
HB 204
Cassie Mayo
Sleep Before
Review Notes
Finish & Submit
Columns 2-11 & 14-15:
0 = Non- compliance or
1= Compliance.
Columns 12-13:
0 =No notes or listening
1 =Poor quality notes or listening
2 =Average quality notes or listening
3= High quality notes or listening
Column 16:
Add values in Columns 2-15 for
a single row.
Columns 17-19:
Enter your earned lab points, the total possible points on the lab, and
the calculated lab percentage
0-3 pts
0-3 pts
Did Not
9 (MT)
Figure 7: SBR (Student Behavior Record)
Figure 8: Bing Search
Figure 9: Bing Search: Nutrition & College Students
Figure 10: Google Search
Figure 11: Google Search: Nutrition & College Students
Figure 12: Yahoo Search
Figure 13: Yahoo Search: Nutrition & College Students
Figure 14: Web Search 1: Learning Styles
Figure 15: Web Search 2: Learning Styles
Figure 16: Web Search 3: Learning Styles
Figure 17: MS Queries: Datasheet View
Figure 18: MS Queries: Design View
Figure 19: Web Search 1: Effective Listening
Figure 20: Web Search 2: Effective Learning
Figure 21: Web Search 3: Effective Listening
Figure 22: Web Search 1: Note taking
Figure 23: Web Search 2: Note Taking
Figure 24: Web Search 3: Note Taking
Figure 25: Web Search 1: Time Management
Figure 26: Wen Search 2: Time Management
Figure 27: Web Search 3: Time Management
Figure 28: MT Academic Dishonesty 1
Figure 29: MT Academic Dishonesty 2
Figure 30: MT Academic Dishonesty 3
Figure 31: MT CaloriesAndWeight Query
Figure 32: MT CaloriesAndWeight Design View
Figure 33: Copy of MT in N:Drive
Figure 34: DA SBR
Figure 35: Data Analysis: Datasheet View
Figure 36: Data Analysis: Design View
Figure 37: EXTRA CREDIT Source 1
Figure 38: EXTRA CREDIT Source 2
Figure 39: EXTRA CREDIT Source 3
Figure 40: College Involvement Source 1
Figure 41: College Involvement Source 2
Figure 42: College Involvement Source 3
Weight vs. Net Calories
Net Calories
(Positive = Over Calories)
(Negative = Under Calories)
Days Starting Oct. 11
9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27
Net Calories
Figure 43: DA Nutrition Chart (non-editable)
Days Starting Oct. 11
9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27
Net Calories
Figure 44: DA Nutrition Chart (editable)
Lab Grade %
Review Notes Before Lab
a 100.0%
Pair Pair Pair Pair Pair Pair Pair Pair Pair Pair Pair Pair
3 04 05 06 08 10 11 01 02 07 09 12
(MT)Lecture/ Lab#
Figure 45: SBR_Chart_1
Review Notes Before Lab
Lecture Attendance vs. Lab Grade %
Lab Grade %
Lecture Attendance
L 120.0%
b 100.0%
Pair Pair Pair Pair Pair Pair Pair Pair Pair Pair Pair Pair
3 01 02 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12
Lecture/Lab #
Figure 46: SBR_Chart_2
Lectue Attendance
academic, 31, 32, 33, 34
analysis, 36
appreciate, 5
Art of Dairy, 11
healthy, 16
calculations, 40
CaloriesAndWeight., 37
career, 18
Central Washington University, 5
chart, 43
cheating, 31, 32, 33
College Republicans, 42
column, 37
comfortable, 4
Cornell Note taking series, 24
CS 101, 5
improvement, 44
incremental completion, 12
Involved, 41
learning styles, 4
listening, 4, 13, 14, 18, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 46, 72
Ms. Moore, 19
multitasking, 4
Multitasking, 13, 14, 25
Data, 21
data analysis, 4
Data Analysis, 37
database, 38
Delay:, 12
diagrams, 25
dishonesty, 31, 32, 33, 34
distractions, 14
document, 5
note taking, 4
notes, 20
nutrition, 4
Nutrition, 15, 17, 47, 48, 49
organization, 35
organizations, 41
eating habits, 17
entries, 38
evaluation, 28
exam, 30
expanding-ones-horizons, 4
expectations, 7
eye contact, 22
percentages, 43
plagiarism, 26
Post-Lab, 29
prerogatives, 4
procrastination, 4, 10, 11, 12, 30
profession, 4
professionalism, 8
frustration, 10
GIVE, 42
query, 35
summarizing, 6
recommendation, 5
record, 37
record- keeping, 4
recreation, 15
Reflect, 43
research, 9
RHA, 42
RHLC, 42
rough draft, 6, 8, 9
rough drafts, 4
table, 35
tasks, 17
time management, 27
understand, 5
SBR, 36, 44
software, 40
Spreadsheets, 40
striatum, 13
study abroad, 42
successful, 4
values, 35
verbal cues, 23
workouts, 17
i ii K. Reymers.