Technical Report

Illustrated Report
To begin with I had to create a photoshop template 210mm wide and 297mm tall, this
was to facilitate the image of the poster onto an appropriate sized area to work with. I
will now show in step how I came to my final piece along with screenshots.
Step 1:
Here you are able to see the blank template I created, I
didn’t add a coloured background as it can limit you to
what you want to add.
Step 2:
I then created a new layer and made the background
white so that I could have a simple basis to work with.
Step 3:
From here I added in the picture I
was looking to be the pinnacle of
my poster, this image would
hopefully grab the viewers
attention straight away, although I
did not want the background
which was in the window so from
here I moved on to change it.
Step 4:
You are able to see that the window now has no
background in it and has been taken out completely,
this was done my using the magic wand tool and
carefully selecting the area to remove, then by using
the eraser I tidied up the edges. You may also be able
to see that I have darkened some areas of the image
such as her face etc., this is because the image I wish
to insert is darker than the one in the window before,
so the transition did not work well, all I done was
selected specific parts of the image and used the
brightness select to darken it.
You can see that when I first added the image it was the wrong direction, so I resized it and
flipped it to the other direction, I then added in a new layer and decided to give it a misty
effect, this was done with the drawing tool set to a very light grey and then drawn over the
glass, I used the eraser again to tidy it up. The fourth image you see above was adding a
frosted effect to it, this was done with a spray can tool with the hardness level very low and
has just been sprayed over with a dark white until the desired effect has been received, again
the eraser tool was used to tidy up the edges. I also used the blur and smudge tool to blend in
the two different pictures as not to allow any subtle changes in the pictures for the user to
Step 5:
I thought I would add in some sort of deal to the image so I decided to add in the flyer for
the yLink card, as you can see when I added it, the flyer looked like it didn’t belong there
although once I went to transformation and skewed the image a little and transformed it,
then blurred the edges a bit, I believe it then looked as if it was on the table. I then decided
to sharpen the middle of the flyer and also make it a bit darker as it looked to bright for
the image.
Step 6:
I added the translink logo in at the bottom right hand
corner of the page and resized it until it fitted
Here is the QR code I added in, once scanned it
will bring the user straight to the translink site
where they can book a train without delay.
Above the QR code I added this text, I believe
this is effective in what the QR code is about
and making the user want to travel.
Step 7:
I then moved on to the top of the screen, I believe that this would
be the second most important part of the page, it is what the user
may look at first, so I decided big writing, would be the best way to
go, and also what I wrote would be important, I used the text tool
to create it, I then added in an image of what the yLink card
actually looks like to give the viewer more of an incentive to get it.
To the left you are also able to see a gradient that I added, I believe
it adds more character to the poster while as you can see keeping
within translinks colours.
Final design:
This is what my final design of the poster looks like, you can see fully now
where and why I added certain aspects of the picture and how it all works
together, I don’t believe anything looks out of place, and as you can see I
have kept the colour control to the same colours translink have used for
their logo.
I believe this is a simple but effect poster that could potentially advertise
translink quite well and bring in the customers.