Ecosystem Ecology Energy Powers Ecosystems Sustainable Practices Ecologists and economists characterize practices that can be continued indefinitely as sustainable. Ecological Footprint The area of land required to sustainably provide all resources a population uses and assimilate all the waste it generates, given the prevailing current technology. Energy Powers Ecosystems All life requires energy—energy that is used to maintain tissues, grow, move, reproduce, and keep warm. Energy flows through ecosystems Nutrients cycle within ecosystems What is an Ecosystem? Ecosystem – the community of organisms plus their physical environment. How well a tree grows is affected by the organisms it interacts with and the physical environment it lives in. Biotic and abiotic factors Scale of Ecosystems The spatial scale of an ecosystem varies widely: The “lake” within a rain-filled pitcher plant A New Hampshire forest The whole Earth Photosynthesis Powers Ecosystems Energy arrives as sunlight. Captured by autotrophs during the process of photosynthesis. Primary production Other Autotrophs Some autotrophs, primarily bacteria, can use the energy stored in methane or in inorganic chemicals like ferrous iron (Fe2+), manganese (Mn2+) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) to power the synthesis of organic molecules through a process known as chemosynthesis. Primary Producers Primary producers burn up half the energy they capture during photosynthesis. Respiration The rest is stored. Primary Producers Gross primary production – the rate at which energy is captured by photosynthesis. Net primary production – the difference between the rate at which energy is captured by photosynthesis and the rate at which energy is lost as heat. GPP - Ra = NPP Energy Moves up Food Chain Producers are eaten by herbivores, or by decomposers after they die. Energy is passed along to predators when they eat the herbivores. Aquatic Ecosystems Light is important for photosynthesis. Light penetration is reduced with depth. Photosynthesis is reduced as well. Aquatic Ecosystems The transition between these two regions occurs at the compensation depth—the point at which GPP = Re and NEP = 0. In NEP = net ecosystem production highly productive systems with dense populations of phytoplankton, light decreases quickly with depth, and the compensation depth is close to the surface. What limits primary production in aquatic ecosystems? In order to grow, phytoplankton must obtain sufficient quantities of nutrients from their environment, and primary production can be slowed if any required nutrient is in short supply. N,P, Fe, Si What limits primary production in terrestrial ecosystems? Light and nutrients are important in terrestrial ecosystems, too. Length of the growing season N, P, K What limits primary production in terrestrial ecosystems? Most important in limiting production in terrestrial ecosystems are temperature and precipitation. What Happens to NPP Much of a plants NPP gets eaten by herbivores. Trophic levels Primary producers Herbivores Primary carnivores Secondary carnivores Secondary Production Collectively, the biomass that accumulates in heterotrophs is called secondary production. Primary production fuels secondary productions. Other factors involved too. Energy Transfers are Inefficient Going from plant to animal appears to be very inefficient. Food Quality Matters The quality of food, and not just its energy content, affects production efficiency. Clover is N fixer – lowers C:N ratio in plant, herbivore can build more proteins. The Cost of Thermoregulation Endotherms have lower production efficiency than ectotherms, which suggests that an organism's thermal physiology affects how efficiently it is able to grow. In order to keep warm, endothermic organisms must devote more of the energy they assimilate to maintaining their energy budget than ectotherms, and consequently will have less energy available for growth. Energy Availability Declines along Food Chains As the diagram indicates, energy is lost at every step along the grazer food chain, which is why the trophic efficiencies of herbivores and carnivores are low. Ecosystem Energetics Detrital Food Chain Plants that don’t get eaten eventually die and become detritus. An ecosystem’s secondary production includes the growth and reproduction of decomposers as well as grazers. Eltonian Pyramids Without imports, substantially less energy flows through higher trophic levels than through primary producers. Ecologists often illustrate this pattern with energy pyramids. Ecosystem Services Our Growing Footprint The collapse of the Atlantic cod fishery helps illustrate the enormous and increasing pressure people place on global ecosystems. Demand for goods and services provided by Earth's ecosystems is increasing rapidly as human populations increase in size and affluence. Ecological Footprint The Ecological Footprint is the area of land required to sustainably provide all the resources a population uses and to assimilate all the wastes it generates, given the prevailing technology. It includes the area of biologically productive land and water required to meet demands for human infrastructure, timber and fuel woods, fishing, livestock, food, and fiber, and for assimilating carbon dioxide released during fossil fuel combustion. Our Growing Footprint Between 1965 and 2007 humanity's Ecological Footprint grew from about 0.6 Earths to nearly 1.5 Earths. In other words, humanity's current annual demand is one-and-a-half-times that of Earth's annual productivity. Our Growing Footprint To make up the difference, people consume the standing crop rather than just what was produced in a given year. This suggests that, as a whole, humanity is not living sustainably but instead is depleting the natural capital needed to support future generations. Our Growing Footprint The growing carbon footprint is the principal reason humanity's total Ecological Footprint has nearly doubled since 1961. This carbon footprint represents the area of forest land needed to assimilate the CO2 people release into the atmosphere each year—primarily as a result of fossil fuel combustion and land use change—after accounting for CO2 that is absorbed by the world's oceans. Ecological Services The Ecological Footprint makes it clear that we rely on ecosystems for a wide variety of goods and services, or ecosystem services, that directly or indirectly contribute to our welfare and without which our existence would be impossible. Ecosystem Services Supportive Provisioning Directly consumed by people. Regulating fundamental processes like primary production, necessary for producing all other ecosystem services. benefits that result from the regulation of ecosystem processes including Earth's climate, water purification, and flood control. Cultural various nonmaterial cultural and recreational benefits people gain from ecosystems. Ecosystem Services To meet the demands of a growing global Ecological Footprint, people have taken more and more of a critical supporting service, net primary production. What we take is not available for other species or to support other ecosystem services. Ecosystem Services Clearly, people are critically dependent on ecosystem services like primary production for their welfare. Ecosystem services are often ignored in policy decisions. As a result of this oversight, ecosystems are increasingly stressed and their ability to sustainably provide critical services is compromised. Service Valuation Forest Preserve Cropland Ecosystem Restored Cropland Tragedy of the Commons Even when ecosystems are valued, they can be hard to protect. The Atlantic cod fishery collapsed because harvest rates were higher than secondary production over a long time period. The overharvest was due in part to the fact that fish in the open ocean are a common resource and fishermen benefit by catching more fish. Unfortunately, with enough fishermen, rational individual choices to catch more led to overfishing and the potential demise of the entire fishery, a phenomenon often called the tragedy of the commons. The Tragedy of the Commons Part 1: Part 2: A managed commons, though it may have other defects, is not automatically subject to the tragic fate of the unmanaged commons. - Garrett Hardin