Physics_class X - Fr. Agnel School, Noida

Magnetic effect of current
Sources of energy
One mark questions
1. What is electric current?
2. What are the units of (i)electric charge (ii) electric current (iii) electric potential (iv)
potential difference (v) Resistance (vi) resistivity or specific resistance (vii)electric
energy (viii) commercial unit of electric energy (ix) electric power.
3. What is meant by principle of quantization of charge?
4. What is the charge of an electron?
5. Which physical quantity has the unit J/C?
6. A charge of 2C moves between two plates, maintained of a p.d. 2V. What is the energy
acquired by the charge?
7. Why are copper wires used as connecting wires?
8. A wire of resistivity ρ is stretched to double its length. What is its new resistivity?
9. Which device is used to measure electric current?
10. Which device is used to measure electric potential?
11. What is the resistance of an ideal ammeter?
12. What is the resistance of an ideal voltmeter?
13. Which has more resistance 1000W bulb or 100 W bulb?
14. …………………………… the best conductor of electricity.
15. …………………………… the resistance of an air gap.
16. Why resistance is more in series combination of resistors?
17. Why resistance is less in parallel combination?
18. How will you join three resistances each of 2Ω so that effective resistance is 3Ω?
19. What are the factors deciding (i) resistance (ii) resistivity.
20. If resistance of a circuit is doubled what will happen to current ?
21. What happens to the resistance of a circuit if the current through it is doubled?
22. What happens to current in the circuit if p.d. is reduced to half?
23. When a metallic wire is heated , what will happen to its resistance?
24. Two wires one of copper and the other iron have same length and same radius, which will
have more resistance?
25. Find p.d. required to pass a current of 0.2A in a wire of resistance 10Ω.
26. Two wires of same material and same length have radii in the ratio 2:3. Find the ratio of
their resistances.
27. Name a substance whose resistance (i) increases (ii) decreases (iii)almost remain
unchanged during heating.
28. Why alloys ( eg. nichrome) are used to make heating elements?
29. Differentiate kw and kwh .
30. Find the charge passing through a 100W bulb carries 1A current in I hour
31. Find the current through a lamp of 60W operating at 220V supply.
Two marks questions
1. State Ohm’s law.
2. What is the geometrical meaning of Ohm`s law.
3. Why tungsten is used to make filaments of the bulb?
4. Why parallel combination of resistances are used in domestic circuit?
5. How many Joules make 1kwh?
6. Why tin-lead alloy is used to make fuse wire?
7. Which materials are used for making resistance wires, why?
8. What are super conductors?
9. Find the ratio between effective resistance in series and parallel combination of n
resistors each with resistance `R`.
10. If a wire is stretched to double its length, what is the change in (i) resistance (ii)
11. If the length of a wire is doubled what is the change in (i)resistance (ii) resistivity?
12. A wire of 10 Ω resistance and 20cm length is stretched to 40 cm. Find its new resistance.
13. A wire of resistance 30 Ω is cut in to two parts with their lengths in the ratio 1:2 and the
parts are connected in parallel, Find effective resistance.
Three marks questions
1. Explain the experimental set up to verify Ohm`s law
2. Find expression for the effective resistance of three resistors connected in (i) series and
(ii) parallel.
3. What is electric power? Derive expression for the same. Give its SI unit
4. Derive expression for electric power in terms of potential difference, current.
5. Explain any three applications of heating effect of electric current.
6. What is electric potential and potential difference? How is it measured? Define SI unit of
(i)current (ii) potential difference (iii)resistance (iv) electric energy.
7. How many electrons make (i)1mA (ii) 1μA current ?
8. Draw a circuit diagram of an electric circuit containing a 9V cell, a key, an ammeter, a
resistor of 2Ω in series with a combination of two resistors 4Ω each in parallel and a
voltmeter across the parallel combination. Find the ammeter reading, voltmeter reading
and current through each resisto.r
9. A current of 1A flows in a series circuit containing an electric lamp and a conductor of
resistance 5Ω when connected to 10V battery. Find resistance of the lamp. (ii) If a 10Ω
resistor is connected in parallel with this series combination, what change in current
flowing through 5Ω conductor and potential difference across the lamp?
10. Three bulbs of 60W each are connected in series in an electric circuit. In a second circuit
same set of bulbs with parallel combination is connected to the same source (i) will the
bulbs in the two circuits glow with same brightness? Why? (ii) If one bulb in each circuit
gets fused, will the rest of the bulbs continue to glow in each case? Give reason.
One mark questions
1. Who discovered the fact that electricity and magnetism are interlinked?
2. What does the degree of closeness of the lines of force signify?
3. In a coil of wire, current flows in anticlockwise direction. Which magnetic pole will be
represented by the front face of the coil?
4. What is kept inside a solenoid to make an electromagnet?
5. Draw the magnetic field lines representing uniform magnetic field.
6. On what effect of an electric current does a fuse work?
7. Which rule is used to determine the direction of induced current produced in a conductor
moving in a magnetic field?
8. Which rule tells us about the direction of force experienced by a current carrying
conductor in a magnetic field?
9. A negatively charged particle moving downward enters at right angle to a magnetic field
from right. What will be the direction of its deflection?
10. Write principle of electric generator.
11. What is the frequency of AC (Alternating Current) in India?
12. An A.C has a frequency of 50 Hz. How many times does it change its direction in one
13. Name any two devices which use permanent magnets.
Two marks questions
1. List two factors which affect the strength of the solenoid’s magnetic field.
2. Draw the pattern of magnetic field lines of a current carrying straight conductor .On what
factors does the magnitude of magnetic field depend?
3. How can it be shown that magnetic field exists around a wire through which a direct
current is passing?
4. Give two uses of electromagnets.
5. A current-carrying straight conductor is placed in the east-west direction. What will be
the direction of the force experienced by this conductor due to earth’s magnetic field?
How will this force get affected on (a) reversing the direction of current (b) doubling the
magnitude of current?
6. Why is the earth pin thicker and longer than the live and the neutral pins?
7. A student performs an experiment to study the magnetic effect of current around a current
carrying straight conductor. He reports that
(i) The direction of deflection of the north pole of a compass needle kept at a given point
near the conductor remains unaffected even when the terminals of the battery sending current in
the wire are inter changed.
(ii) for a given battery, the degree of deflection of a N-pole decreases when
the compass is kept at a point farther away from the conductor.
Which of the above observations of the student is incorrect and why?
8. Two circular coils A and B are placed close to each other. If the current in the coil A is
changed, will some current be induced in the coil B? Give reason.
9. Explain what is short-circuiting and overloading in an electric supply?
10. What is the function of an earth wire? Why is it necessary to earth the metallic
11. Draw a sketch of the pattern of field lines due to a current flowing in a circular coil.
12. A circuit has a fuse of 5A. What is the maximum number of 100W, 220V bulbs that can
be safely used in the circuit?
13. What is magnetic field? How is the direction of magnetic field at a point determined?
14. Write two differences between AC and DC current and draw diagram also.
Three marks questions
1. Why does a current carrying conductor kept in a magnetic field experience force? On
what factors does the direction of this force depend? Name and state the rule used for
determination of direction of this force.
2. Draw the pattern of magnetic field lines of a current carrying solenoid. What does the
pattern inside the solenoid indicate? Write one application of magnetic field of current
carrying solenoid.
3. Draw a schematic diagram of domestic wiring system and write its main features.
4. Give three features of domestic electric wiring.
One mark questions
1. The cost of production of electricity in a thermal power station located in
Bihar/Jharkhand/Orissa is less than in Gujarat/Maharashtra. Do you agree? Justify
Your answer.
2. Which of the following sources of electricity involves more running expenses and
why? Thermal power station, Hydro power station, solar cells or Geothermal source.
3. Why is there so much emphasis on changing over from petrol/diesel driven
automobiles to CNG-driven vehicles?
4. Which of the following is not an example of the biomass energy source?
(a) Wood,(b) gobar gas,(c) atomic energy,(d)coal.
5. How is the supply of electricity maintained a)in a windmill when there is no wind?
b)In a solar panel when there is no sun?
6. Can any source of energy be pollution-free? Why or why not?
7. Why is biogas a better fuel than animal dung-cakes?
8. Though a hot iron emits radiation, yet it is not visible in the dark, why?
9. Define: OTE (ocean thermal energy).
10. H2 has been used as a rocket fuel. Would you consider it as a cleaner fuel than
CNG? Why or why not?
11.Name the components of bio-gas.
12. What is the product obtained when wood is burnt without much supply of
13. Name the materials used for making solar cells.
14.What is the basis of nuclear energy? Explain briefly.
15. “It was believed nuclear energy is only destructive’’ do you agree? Justify your
16.List the criteria for selecting a good fuel.
17. What is bio-mass?
18. Biogas is considered to be a boon to the farmers. Give reason.
19. Name one place in India where wind energy power station is installed.
20. What is the principle of solar cooker? Give two limitations and two advantages
of solar cooker.
21. Name the fuel for hydro power plant. Mention two advantages and disadvantages of
producing electricity at the hydro power plant.
22. What are the different types of energies obtained from sea? Explain.
23. What is a principle of Biogas? Explain its working in brief. Draw a labeled diagram
of biogas.
24. List problems associated with construction of dam?
25. What fraction of solar energy reaches the earths surface?
26. What is the use of black painted surface in solar heating devises.
27. How is the slurry left over after the generation of biogas in biogas plant used?
What is a source of energy.
29. Name some energy sources.
30. Differentiate renewable sources of energy and non renewable sources of energy.
31. What is the ultimate source of energy.
32. Name two applications in which solar energy is used (i) directly and (ii) indirectly.
33. Name two examples energy which do not relate to the sun
34. What is coke? what does it contain?
35. What is the main constituent of petroleum gas.
36. Name the constituent of natural gas.
37. What are fossil fuels?
38. Who discovered first nuclear reaction.
Two marks questions
39. What is a source of energy? What are its essential characteristics?
40. What is the composition of solar energy?
41. What is the cause of O.T.E.
42. What are the advantages of coke over coal?
43. What are fossil fuels ?How are these formed?
44. What is LPG? What are its advantages as a fuel?
Three marks questions
45. What is a hydroelectric power plant? Give advantages of hydro power plant over
thermal power and other plants
46. What is wind mill and how does it arise? What is wind energy?
47. What is tidal energy? How is it harnessed?
48. What is wave energy? What are its merits and limitations?
49. What is geothermal energy? What are its merits and demerits?
50. What is hydal power? Draw a schematic diagram of it?
51. Describe fixed dome type bio gas plant?