Evaluating measurement validity

Measurement Reliability and Validity
There are three things that contribute to a
respondent/individual’s score on a measure
 Three ‘components’
A true score component
 This is the good stuff
Non-systematic (‘random’) error (‘noise’)
Systematic error (‘bias’)
(Good) The ‘true score’ variance reflects the ‘correct’
placement of the individual on the measure. It
correctly reflects the individual’s level on the concept
being measured.
 (Kind of bad) The nonsystematic error variance
increases the distribution of scores around the true
score, but does not change the estimates of
population mean, percentages, etc.
(Very bad) Systematic error (bias) misleads
the researcher to believe that the population
mean, percentages, etc. are different from the
true value, that relationships exist that really
don’t (and vice versa).
Systematic error (bias)
Nonsystematic error
True score
Poor measure
Good measure
Let’s say you give someone a ruler and want them to measure
the height of preschoolers
 Because the measurer cannot simply line up the kids against
the ruler and read off the score (she must find where one foot
ends, hold that spot and move the ruler, etc.) error is
introduced into the scores (height measurements)
 Nonsystematic error is introduced if the measurer slips high
sometimes and low other times when moving the ruler
 Systematic error is introduced if she has a consistent tendency
to start the second foot at a point which is actually between 11
and 12 inches
When we want to measure some psychological trait
of people we have no obvious way of doing it. We
may come up with a list of questions meant to get at
the trait, but we know that no single question will
measure the trait as well as a ruler measures height.
So we combine a number of questions in hopes that
the total from multiple questions will be a better
measure than the score on any single question.
If the ‘score’ on the measure you use faithfully
records a person’s ‘real’ position on or amount
of the concept under study, then the measure is
 Does your measure of ‘fear of technology’ really
indicate the relative level of subjects on that
▪ Are other forces than ‘fear of technology’ determining
subjects scores?
If your method of measurement is not valid,
your whole research project is worthless
This is the reason careful explication
(conceptualization, operationalization) is so
There are a great number of threats to
measurement validity
They may come from:
 The measures themselves
 The administration of the measures
▪ Anything from lighting in the room to the attitude
exhibited by the interviewer
 The subjects
▪ How they approach the research
Reliability—if the measure is reliable, there
is greater reason to expect it to be valid
Tests of validity—a set of tests/approaches to
determining measurement validity
Outcome of the research—if the results of the
research resemble those predicted, there is
greater support for the measures
When a measurement procedure is reliable, it
will yield consistent scores when the
phenomenon being measured is not changing
 If the phenomenon is changing, the scores will
change in direct correspondence with the
Reliability is an estimate of the amount of
non-systematic error in scores produced by a
measurement procedure
 Often considered a minimum level of (or
“prerequisite for”) measurement validity
▪ Schutt
 Easier to measure than validity
▪ Statistical estimates of reliability are available
The same measure is applied to the same
sample of individuals at two points in time
 Example: Students are given the same survey to
complete two weeks apart. The results for each
respondent are compared.
▪ Two weeks should not be so short that the respondents
remember their answers to the questions nor so long that
history and their own biological maturation should
change their real scores
“When researchers use multiple items to measure a
single concept, they must be concerned with
interitem reliability (or internal consistency).
 For example, if we are to have confidence that a set of
questions . . . Reliably measures depression, the answers to
the questions should be highly associated with one another.
The stronger the association among the individual items and
the more items that are included, the higher the reliability of
the index. Cronbach’s alpha is a statistic commonly used to
measure interitem reliability.”
Researchers compare subjects’ answers to slightly
different versions of survey questions.
 Reverse order of response choices
 Modify question wording in minor ways
 Split-halves reliability: survey sample is divided into two
randomly. The two halves are administered the different
forms of the questionnaire. If the outcomes are very
similar, then the measure is reliable on this criterion.
Multiple observers apply the same method to
the same people, events, places or texts and
the results are compared.
 Most important when rating task is complex
 Content analysis very commonly uses this method
Measurement validity addresses the question
as to whether our measure actually is actually
measuring what we think it is
 We may actually be measuring something else or
nothing at all
Careful inspection of a measure to see if it it
seems valid—that it makes sense to someone
who is knowledgeable about the concept and
its measurement
 All measures should be evaluated in this way.
 Face validity is a weak form of validation. It is not
convincing on its own.
Content validity is a means to determine
whether the measure covers the entire range of
meaning of the concept and excludes
meanings not falling under the concept.
 Compare measure to the view of the concept
generated by a literature review
 Have experts in the area review the measure and
look for missing dimensions of concept or
inclusion of dimensions that it should not
Compare scores on the measure to those generated by
an already validated measure or the performance of a
group known to be high or low on the measure
 Concurrent validity: measure is compared to criterion at the
same time
 Predictive validity: scores on the measure are compared to
future performance of subjects
▪ Test of sales potential
Note: Many times proper criteria for test are not
Compare the performance of the measure
to the performance of other measures as
predicted by theory
 Two forms: Convergent validity and
Discriminant validity. Often combined in an
analysis of construct validity
Compare the results from your measure to
those generated using other measures of the
same concept
 They should be highly correlated
 Triangulation
Performance on the measure to be validated is
compared to scores on different but related
Correlations to measures should be low to
moderate. Too high a correlation indicates that
either the concepts are not distinct or else your
measure cannot tell them apart. Too low a
correlation indicates that your measure does not
measure your concept validly.
Source: Trochim, Research Methods Knowledge Base
If your measure generates predictable
statistical relationships with a number of
measures of concepts you can make a stronger
claim to the validity of the measure.
 One would not expect either non-systematic nor
systematic error variance to act in the way
predicted from your theory/model
A High
I Low