MGMT_341 Final_Presentation

Contributions by: Adam Kent, Josiah Meurer, Jessica
Weber, Hillary Nagy and Michael Doyle
Career Planning
• HRM in the GM Position
• GM Qualifications
• Preparation for GM Position
Max’s Value Statement
“At Max’s restaurant it is very important to not only serve
the community our products and service, but to also
take social responsibility and give back to the
Workforce Diversity
 Step 1
 Develop a non-discrimination statement.
 Step 2
 Provide ongoing diversity training to the current
 Step 3
 Diversity in the workplace will be reflected in job
descriptions and performance appraisals
 Step 4
 Incorporate a “buddy” system to lessen the resistance of
change and implementation of a diverse workplace
Disciplinary Action Process
 Training
 Verbal Counseling
 Official Reprimand (1)
 Official Reprimand (2)
 Employee Suspension
 Termination
HR Planning & Job Design
 Peak Hours
 Seasonal Workers
 Student Schedules
 Internship Program
 Referral Program
 Job Enrichment
 Promotion from Within
Employee Recruitment
 Internal Recruiting
 Offer positions to current employees first
 Increase employee retention
 External Recruiting
 Radio Advertising
 Newspaper Ads
 Job Fairs/Recruitment Agencies
 Internet classifieds
Employee Selection
 Selection Process for Hourly Applicants
 Submit Application and Resume
 Employment Test
 Structured Interview Conducted by Supervisor
 Realistic Job Preview
 Background and Reference Check
Employee Selection
 Supervisor Interview
 Situational Questions
 Job-Knowledge Questions
 Job-Sample Questions
 Worker Requirement Questions
Training and Development
for Order Taker Position
Three Step Process:
1. Determination of specific needs:
• Organizational Analysis- need to provide friendly, quality, and
consistent service for our customers
• Task Analysis- conducted through analysis of job descriptions focusing
on duties required to achieve the restaurant’s purpose
 Order Taker
• Personal Analysis-identified the need to train all new employees
2. Establishment and Development of objectives
• Training - Communication skills, Max’s policies and procedures and specific
position tasks
Training and Development Cont.
Establishment of training
• Day 1 – Instructor-led
• Day 2 – Role-playing activities
• Day 3 + two weeks – On- the-
job training
Week 1 – Observation
Week 2 – Take orders with help
from senior and evaluation.
 Final written test
Performance Appraisal
 Performance Objectives for Supervisor:
• Keep accurate employee timesheets
• Use Critical Incident Performance
• Open Max’s Restaurant at designated
 Performance Objectives for Prep Cooks:
• Always follow company policy and
foodborne illness safety laws when
cooking food
• Notify coworkers and management of
any shortage of specific items.
• Be Prepared and focused during
restaurant rush hours
Performance Appraisal Cont.
 Critical Incident Method- “Performance appraisal method
that requires a manager to keep written records of highly
favorable and unfavorable employee work actions” (Mondy,
 Examples of critical incidents for an Order Taker
Customer Orders
Customer Service
Customer Requests
Food Knowledge
Customer Checkout
Labor Market and Job Evaluation
• Labor Market for Managers
• Labor Market for Hourly Employees
• Ranking Method of Job Evaluation
• Supervisor
• Prep Cooks
• Order Taker
• Dishwasher
Nonfinancial Compensation
• Legally Required Benefits
• Discretionary Benefits
• Voluntary Benefits
• Workplace Flexibility
• Steps to Prevent Unionizing
• Address Employee Dissatisfaction with Management
• Standardization
• Positive Reinforcement/Continued Employment
Unionizing cont.
• Steps to Prevent Unionizing
• Ensure Commitment to Employee Satisfaction
• Provide Social Outlet
• Opportunities for Leadership
• Explain problems with unions
 Hall, S. (2011). How to avoid unions. eHow. Retrieved
 McCarty, G. (2010). Five steps to avoid unionization in
light of the EFCA. Personnel Concepts. Retrieved from
 Mondy, R. W. (2012). Human resource management.
(12th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
 Mondy, R. W. (2011). Human resource management.
(11th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.