Supporting Table S1: The clinical profile, hematological parameters and the seropositivity of the patients with Non Severe Dengue and Severe Dengue. Characteristics Gender Clinical Non- Severe Dengue (n=35) Severe Dengue (n=13) N (%) N (%) Male 15 (43) 7 (54) Female 20 (57.1) 6 (46.1) Positivity for tourniquet test 12 (34.3) 10 (76.9) # Petechiae 7 (20) 12 (92.3)# Third space collection (pleural/peritoneal) 4 (11.4) 3 (23.1)# Abdominal pain 8 (22.9) 4 (30.8) Vomiting 12 (34.3) 9 (69.2)# Headache 15 (42.9) 4 (30.8) Platelet count (cells/mm3) 50037.04 ± 25464.12 29076.92 ±21554.05# NS1 Ag 16 (45.7) 8 (61.5) Anti-dengue IgG antibody 28 (80.0) 12 (92.3) RT PCR (Viremia) 22 (62.9) 7(46.2) Anti-dengue IgM antibody 15 (42.9) 10 (76.9) Characteristics Hematological parameters Positivity for dengue # indicates p < 0.05 in comparison with non-severe dengue patients. Chi-square test was used to analyze the statistical differences between the clinical characteristics of the study subjects with non-severe dengue and severe dengue. To assess the difference between Platelet counts of study groups, Mann-Whitney U test was performed. Supporting Table S2: Levels of Ceruloplasmin at the Day of admission (DOA) and at the day of defervescence (DOD) in all dengue Fever patients with or without different clinical characteristics. Sl No 1. 2. Clinical characteristics Cases in numbers Ceruloplasmin Headache & Retro P = 30 30.06 ± 13.08 orbital pain A = 18 21.23 ± 11.64 Vomiting & P = 39 26.32 ± 12.14 Abdominal pain A =9 28.62 ± 17.69 P = 19 21.88 ± 13.66 A = 29 29.94 ± 12.01 P = 10 26.71 ± 13.70 A = 38 26.76 ± 13.20 P = 11 14.40 ± 6.59 N = 37 30.42 ± 12.40 P = 23 21.96 ± 12.94 N = 25 31.15 ± 11.97 P = 25 26.45 ± 14.29 N = 23 27.07 ± 12.12 3. Rash / Bleeding 4. Fluid accumulation 5. Tourniquet test 6 Thrombocytopenia 7 NS1 Antigen test levels at DOA P value 0.025 n.s Ceruloplasmin levels at DOD 34.04 ± 12.89 n.s 0.000 0.005 n.s 33.40 ± 7.15 33.09 ± 10.09 n.s 37.69 ± 11.93 36.94 ± 9.74 0.016 P value n.s 29.85 ± 9.75 35.43 ± 11.69 n.s 33.07 ± 9.88 39.04 ± 8.43 29.28 ± 9.60 35.30 ± 9.68 0.021 n.s 30.94 ± 11.07 n.s 34.82 ± 8.37 n.s 32.61 ± 12.02 Results were expressed as mean ± standard deviation. P value was calculated using Independent students’T’ test and Mann Whitney U test for normal and non normal distribution respectively. P< 0.05 considered as statisitcally significant. P: Presence of symptoms / Positive for test; A: absence of symptoms; N: Negative for test; DOA: Day of Admission; DOD: Day of Defervescence. n.s: non significance Supporting Table S3: Levels of Alpha 1 antitrypsin at the Day of Admission (DOA) and at the Day of defervescence (DOD) in all dengue fever patients with or without different clinical characteristics. Sl No 1. 2. 3. Cases in numbers Headache & Retro P = 30 123.70 ± 50.52 orbital pain A = 18 187.44 ± 97.79 Vomiting & P = 39 150.64 ± 86.19 Abdominal pain A =9 186.82 ± 56.55 P = 19 152.99 ± 60.11 A = 29 158.67 ± 107.28 P = 10 133.56 ± 43.60 A = 38 163.82 ± 93.09 P = 11 154.12 ± 65.40 N = 37 156.78 ± 97.69 P = 23 167.06 ± 96.60 N = 25 135.46 ± 49.44 P = 25 159.44 ± 62.69 N = 23 151.71 ± 101.92 Rash / Bleeding 4. Fluid accumulation 5. Tourniquet test 6 Thrombocytopenia 7. Alpha 1 antitrypsin Clinical characteristics NS1 Antigen test P value levels at DOA Alpha 1 antitrypsin P value levels at DOD n.s 207.13 ± 141.86 301.07 ± 203.84 n.s 232.73 ± 170.87 389.45 ± 195.08 n.s 252.89 ± 59.14 0.047 n.s 0.036 255.55 ± 263.90 n.s 203.89 ± 70.62 272.93 ± 203.23 n.s 265.74 ± 54.33 244.40 ± 240.50 n.s 281.50 ± 183.73 n.s 0.017 n.s 206.15 ± 168.00 n.s 270.72 ± 139.09 n.s 237.48 ± 215.82 Results were expressed as mean ± standard deviation. P value was calculated using Independent students’T’ test and Mann Whitney U test for normal and non normal distribution respectively. p< 0.05 considered as statisitcally significant. P: Presence of symptoms / Positive for test; A: absence of symptoms; N: Negative for test; DOA: Day of Admission; DOD: Day of Defervescence; n.s: non significance Supporting Table S4: Statistical differences of acute phase proteins using ROC analysis for differentiating severe and non-severe dengue disease at admission Variables AUC±S.E 95% CI (Lower limit – Upper limit) Cut-Off value Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%) P value Youde n Index +LR ─ LR 4.62 0.28 Ferritin 0.783 ± 0.103 0.558 – 0.928 >866.5 76.92 83.33 0.0005 0.602 Ceruloplasmin 0.758 ± 0.109 0.531 – 0.913 ≤ 13.3 46.15 100 0.0390 0.461 Alpha1 antitrypsin 0.558 ± 0.1323 0.334 – 0.767 >171.67 40 83.33 0.659 0.233 0.54 2.40 0.72 AUC: Area Under Curve; S. E: Standard Error; CI: Confidence Interval; LR: Likelihood Ratio. Supporting Table S5: Statistical differences of acute phase proteins using ROC analysis for differentiating severe and non-severe dengue disease at defervescence AUC ± S.E Asymptotic 95% CI (Lower limit – Upper limit) Cut-Off value Sensiti -vity (%) Specif -icity (%) P value Youden Index +LR ─ LR Ferritin 0.958 ± 0. 038 0.777 – 0.999 >722.9 90 91.67 <0.001 0.8167 10.80 0.11 Alpha1 antitrypsin 0.800 ± 0.112 0.577 – 0.938 >179.49 90 75 0.0076 0.6500 3.60 0.13 Ceruloplasmin 0.779 ± 0.101 0.553 – 0.926 >25.2 90 58.33 0.0059 0.4833 2.16 0.17 Variables AUC: Area Under Curve; S. E: Standard Error; CI: Confidence Interval; LR: Likelihood Ratio.