Lecture 1

Lecture 6
ASTR 111 – Section 002
The contents of Section 3
(Gravitaiton and the Waltz of the planets)
are identical to that from the notes for
Lecture 5
I will still post the solutions for the lecture
questions after class
• Mars goes retrograde later in the week (Exact on the
15th, 3:24 am EST), but many are already sensing a
cosmic winding down. Mars is in the water sign Cancer,
an intiating cardinal sign, but one that takes stealthy
sidesteps forward, feeling out every situation. In
retrograde, Mars stews in his emotional juices, so to
speak, and it may be harder to get things done. Some
might experience less energy, quick tempers, irrational
arguments and defensive overreacting. Mars here
amplifies Cancer's protective instinct, which brings out
both compassion for all of humanity, and its shadowy
twin, clannish "us against them" rationales. It's a chance
to integrate feeling into actions, and possibly a series
of lessons in anger management.
How would you
describe the size of
this object to
someone who does
not know about
degrees as a
measure of size?
For example, how
many moons wide
is this section of the
“This 34 by 20-degree
wide image provides
us with a view as
experienced by
amateur astronomers
around the world.”
1. Exam 1 Discussion
2. Quiz Discussion
3. Gravitation and the Waltz of the Planets
– through section 4.3 of text
First Exam
First Exam
Depends on what is covered on Thursday
• 9/29 (one week from today).
• Based on lecture notes, problems worked in
lecture, and quizzes. (Chapters 1 through 4.???
have more details on these subjects.)
• Approximately 50 questions.
• In the Testing and Tutoring Center in Sub II
(Student Union Building II)
• Exam will be administered via Blackboard
First Exam
• On 9/29, I will review from 9:00 am until
about 10:00 am.
• There will be a quiz on the material
covered today and Thursday that is due at
9:00 am on 9/29.
• You may take the exam anytime between
– 8 am and 7 pm on Tuesday, September 29th
– and 9 am to 6 pm on Wednesday, September
No make-up exams are given
Student Union Building II
Innovation Hall
Testing and Tutoring Center is
through here (first floor of Sub II)
Observing Sessions
Meet in lobby of Research I Building (enter here)
• 16" Dobsonian
• 2 Meade 12" SCTs
• 2 telescopes from Mason's original
Tuesday 29 September 2009: Start Time ~7:30 PM.
Tuesday 6 October 2009: Start Time ~7:15 PM.
Tuesday 20 October 2009: Start Time ~7:00 PM.
Tuesday 3 November 2009: Start Time ~5:45 PM.
Tuesday 17 November 2009: Start Time ~5:30 PM.
Tuesday 1 December 2009: Start Time ~5:30 PM.
1. Exam 1 Discussion
2. Quiz Discussion
3. Gravitation and the Waltz of the Planets
– through section 4.3 of text
Quiz 3
• Average was 83%
Quiz 3 questions
• Can you tell me where exactly the testing
center is at Mason. Do we have to bring
anything with us when we go take the
• How do we take the test?
• If I happened to miss one quiz, what would
the ramifications be on my grade?
Quiz 3 questions
• Did you have a good weekend Professor? :)
• How are you today?
• have you been enjoying the weather
• Would you be willing to simply give me all
the awnsers to all the exams we are taking
this semester beforehand? I feel it would
really help my studying?
• what's your favorite planet? mine's the sun!
always has been...
Quiz 3 questions
I’ll post solutions to this quiz before the exam
• I need explanations on questions 8, 9, and
15. i really did not understand them.
• question 8 and 14
• Can you please go over question 4 on this
quiz during class?
• question two confuses me when you say in
qs 3 that its dec 21st?
Quiz 3 questions
I’ll review the moon in its orbit on Tuesday, 9/29 (the day of the first exam)
i am also having a big problem when you see the moon at equator
at what time will you see the 1st moom rise from earth?
When the moon is visible from the equator
can we go over phases of the moon again before the exam?
questions about seeing the moon at the equator both full moon and
new moon
Could you please explain the rotation of the moon again? I'm confused
on the girl rotating and what part of the moon we see and don't see.
I dont understand all these questions about the equator.
I'm not sure of why the of the observer relative to the equator matters
for moon phases.
I'm kind of confused on the perspective of the moon from the equator
do lunar eclipses create a shadow effect?
COnfusing lecture regarding the phases of the moon.
Quiz 3 questions
• do you mind saying something about
people talking during lectures, they … were
very distracting.
Quiz 3 questions
• Does the plane that the moon is rotating on
ever change or is it at a constant degree?
because that would change things...
• Could you review the phases of the moon
one last time before the test.
Quiz 3 questions
• Do you know of a good tutor?
• When are your office hours? I am so
lost! After class or by appointment.
1. Exam 1 Discussion
2. Quiz Discussion
3. Gravitation and the Waltz of the Planets
– through section 4.3 of text
• Chapter 4 through section 4.3
• These slides are in the notes for Lecture 5.