UC14 Chap05 IM

Understanding Computers: Today and Tomorrow, 14th Edition
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Understanding Computers
Chapter Five: System Software: Operating Systems and Utility
A Guide to this Instructor’s Manual:
We have designed this Instructor’s Manual to supplement and enhance your teaching
experience through classroom activities and a cohesive chapter summary.
This document is organized chronologically, using the same heading in brown that you see in
the textbook. Under each heading you will find (in order): Lecture Notes that summarize the
section, all Figures and Boxes found in the section, Teacher Tips, and Classroom Activities. Pay
special attention to teaching tips and activities geared towards quizzing your students,
enhancing their critical thinking skills, and encouraging experimentation within the software.
In addition to this Instructor’s Manual, our Instructor’s Resources CD also contains PowerPoint
Presentations, Test Banks, and other supplements to aid in your teaching experience.
For your students:
Our latest online feature, CourseCasts, is a library of weekly podcasts designed to keep your
students up to date with the latest in technology news. Direct your students to
http://coursecasts.course.com, where they can download the most recent CourseCast onto their
mp3 player. Ken Baldauf, host of CourseCasts, is a faculty member of the Florida State
University Computer Science Department where he is responsible for teaching technology
classes to thousands of FSU students each year. Ken is an expert in the latest technology and
sorts through and aggregates the most pertinent news and information for CourseCasts so your
students can spend their time enjoying technology, rather than trying to figure it out. Open or
close your lecture with a discussion based on the latest CourseCast.
Table of Contents
Chapter Objectives
System Software vs. Application Software
The Operating System
Operating Systems for Personal Computers and Servers
Operating Systems for Mobile Phones and Other Devices
Operating Systems for Larger Computers
Utility Programs
The Future of Operating Systems
Glossary of Key Terms
End of Chapter Material
Chapter Quiz
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Chapter Objectives
Students will have mastered the material in Chapter Five when they can:
Understand the difference between system software and application software.
Explain the different functions of an operating system and discuss some ways that operating
systems enhance processing efficiency.
List several ways in which operating systems differ from one another.
Name today’s most widely used operating systems for personal computers and servers.
State several devices other than personal computers and servers that require an operating
system and list one possible operating system for each type of device.
Discuss the role of utility programs and outline several tasks that these programs perform.
Describe what the operating systems of the future might be like.
 Explain that the role of systems software is to act as a mediator between application programs
and the hardware resources of the computer system.
 Contrast operating systems with application software, which is designed to provide the tools
to perform particular tasks on a PC, such as writing a letter, processing orders, playing a
game, etc.
 Mention that this chapter focuses on operating systems and that application software is
covered in Chapter 6.
1. Group Activity: Break the class into two groups. Have each group work separately to compose
a list of common software programs. Each person in the group should suggest the name of an
operating system, utility program, or application software package to add to the list. Once the
lists are completed, take turns having one group read a program from their list and the other
group, as quickly as they can, identifying the program as an operating system, utility program,
or application program (help the groups out if they get stuck on an obscure program). Did
any of the programs fall in a gray area (such as an application program that is part of
Windows, for instance, or a suite that contains both utility and application components)?
Discuss with the class that sometimes programs are difficult to classify and are typically
classified based on their primary function.
2. Quick Quiz:
1. Programs that control a computer (such as enabling it to boot or launch a program) are
defined as _____________. (Answer: b)
a. application software
b. system software
c. Web browsers
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2. True or False: The distinction between system software and application software is always
clear cut. (Answer: False)
3. _____________ software allows a user to perform specific tasks on the computer, such as
writing a letter or surfing the Web. (Answer: Application)
 Remind students that an operating system is a collection of programs that manages the
activities of the computer system.
 Explain that the primary responsibilities of the operating system are management and
control. It makes sure each program request is scheduled for processing in an orderly fashion
and that the system’s resources are made available in an optimal way to run the programs.
 Discuss the basic functions of an operating system, such as interfacing with users, booting the
computer, configuration devices, managing resources, file management, and security.
 Mention that there are various techniques that can be used to increase efficiency and briefly
explain them (multitasking, multithreading, multiprocessing and parallel processing, memory
management, and buffering and spooling).
 Cover some differences between operating systems, such as the interface used, types of
operating systems, the processors and technologies supported, and support for virtualization
and other technologies.
 Trend: The Impact of Multi-Touch Input (pg. 187)
 Figure 5-1, Figure 5-2, Figure 5-3, Figure 5-4, Figure 5-5, Figure 5-6, Figure 5-7, Figure 5-8,
Figure 5-9, Figure 5-10, Figure 5-11
Use Figure 5-1 to illustrate that the operating system is the go-between, meshing the user’s
application program with the resources of the system.
1. Class Discussion: Discuss that spooling refers to using RAM or hard drive space (called a
buffer or queue) to store input on its way into the computer or output destined for a printer.
Using a PC connected to a computer projector, use the Control Panel to open the Printers
window for your default printer. Look at the options with your students and pause printing if
possible. Send several documents to the print queue to illustrate how the queue works. Have
the students try to figure out how the print jobs can be cancelled or rearranged, depending on
the options available for your system. (Don’t forget to resume printing afterwards if you’ve
paused it for this demonstration.)
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2. Quick Quiz:
1. Which of the following processing techniques allows a computer to work with more than
one program at a time? (Answer: c)
a. Parallel processing
b. Virtual memory
c. Multitasking
2. True or False: Most operating systems today use a command line interface. (Answer: False)
3. _____________ is the task included with operating systems that allows to you keep track
of the files stored on a PC. (Answer: File management)
3. Critical Thinking Activity: Explain that Windows and Macintosh computers use a graphical
interface. Ask students if they can define the term graphical interface (or define it for them),
and then discuss its merits. Why is a graphical interface easier to use than a text-based
system? Are there any advantages to text-based systems? If you have ever used DOS or
another text-based operating system, share your experience with the students. Discuss the
Windows desktop analogy and have students think of traditional personal organizational tools
(calculator, notepad, address book, photo albums, etc.) How many of these are built into
recent versions of Windows?
 Explain that most PCs today use a version of Windows or Mac OS, although Linux use is
 Discuss DOS. If you have experience with DOS, consider running through a few of the
commands shown in Figure 5-12 at a command prompt to show how they would be used.
 Run through a quick timeline of Windows, beginning with Windows 3.1 (an operating
environment) through Windows 7, and the next version, code-named Windows 8. Also
include Windows Server and Windows Home Server. What versions of Windows do students
have experience with?
 Explain that Mac OS is the operating system used with most Apple Macintosh computers. The
newest version is Mac OS X Snow Leopard. Look at Figure 5-16 with your students. Do they
see the similarity between Windows and Mac OS?
 Make sure students realize that Linux is a version of Unix originally created in 1991. Explain
that it is an open-source program and has been collaboratively modified by volunteer
programmers all over the world. Linux is the basis of the Android operating system used on
many smartphones and tablet PCs. Discuss the reasons many businesses are switching to
Linux (stability and lower cost, primarily).
 Ask the Expert: Tony Onorati, Former Naval Aviator and Former Commanding Officer,
Strike Fighter Weapons School Pacific, NAS Lemoore (pg. 190)
 Ask the Expert: Jim Zemlin, Executive Director, The Linux Foundation (pg. 194)
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 Figure 5-12, Figure 5-13, Figure 5-14, Figure 5-15, Figure 5-16, Figure 5-17
1. Class Discussion: Explain that Linux is a rapidly growing alternative for desktop PCs—
especially lower priced desktop PCs. It is also more frequently being used with consumer
devices, thin clients, and mainframe computers. Have the students consider the pricing
differences between Windows vs. Linux. What do they think? Would it be an incentive for
them to use Linux on a home PC? Why or why not? Have any students used a Linux PC
before? If so, ask them to share their experience.
2. Quick Quiz:
1. Which of the following is the most recent personal version of Windows? (Answer: a)
a. Windows 7
b. Windows Leopard
c. Windows XP
2. True or False: Linux is an open source operating system available for free via the Internet.
(Answer: True)
3. The operating system most commonly used on Apple PCs is ______________________.
(Answer: Mac OS)
 Make sure students realize that handheld PCs, smart phones, and other devices use an
operating system.
 Discuss the most widely used operating systems for these devices (Windows Embedded,
Windows Mobile (old), Windows Phone 7, Android, iOS, BlackBerry OS, BlackBerry Tablet
OS, HP webOS, and Symbian OS).
 Inside the Industry: Smart Cars (pg. 195)
 Figure 5-18
1. Class Discussion: Ask the students with mobile phones or mobile devices if they know which
operating systems their devices use. Refer the students to Figure 5-18. Can they recognize any
similarities between the interfaces shown on these devices and those used with desktop PCs?
For the students that have a mobile phone or mobile device, ask them to share their
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experiences using their device—what commands do their devices have in common with
desktop PC operating systems?
2. Quick Quiz:
1. Which version of Windows is designed for use with cash registers, ATM machines, and
other non-personal computer-based devices? (Answer: c)
a. Windows Phone 7
b. Windows Me
c. Windows Embedded
2. True or False: Android is an operating system frequently used with smartphones. (Answer:
3. Cars that use a variety of integrated computer components are sometimes referred to as
______________________ cars. (Answer: smart)
 Explain that, in the past, larger computers (mainframes and supercomputers, for instance)
typically used operating systems designed specifically for that type of system.
 Explain that today more commonly larger computers use versions of conventional operating
systems, such as Windows, UNIX, and Linux. Linux mainframes and supercomputers are
especially common today.
1. Critical Thinking Activity: Ask the students to consider how operating systems for
mainframe computers and supercomputers would need to differ from desktop or server
operating systems. What characteristics of larger computers would impact the operating
system used?
2. Quick Quiz:
1. Which of the following is an operating system designed for use with larger computers?
(Answer: c)
a. Windows Vista
b. Android
c. z/OS
2. True or False: Linux is rarely used with mainframe and supercomputers. (Answer: False)
3. The most powerful computers in the world are referred to as ______________________.
(Answer: supercomputers)
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 Explain that a utility program is a type of system program written to perform a specific
system task, usually related to managing or maintaining the system. Many utilities are built
into operating systems as well as being available as third-party programs.
 Review the basic concepts of file management (looking at the files on a storage medium,
copying files, deleting files, and so forth). If you have a PC with a computer projector
attached, demonstrate how to do these tasks using Windows Explorer.
 Describe search tools and diagnostic and disk management programs.
 Explain that file compression programs are commonly used for files that are to be exchanged
via the Internet. Some files are self-extracting, so only the sender needs a copy of the
program. Others require the recipient to have a compatible program in order to decompress
the files.
 Stress the importance of properly uninstalling programs.
 Discuss the use of Cleanup Utilities.
 Use this opportunity to also stress the importance of backing up. Ask students to share how (if
at all) they back up documents they prepare for this class or how they back up their PCs at
home. Have any students lost important files, due to poor or no backup routines?
 Define various types of security software such as antivirius, antispyware, and firewalls and
mention that they will be discussed in detail in Chapter 9.
If students will be storing files on their own personal storage devices or on a network drive for this
course, be sure to cover the file management tasks they will need to perform.
 How It Works: Downloading and Installing Programs (pg. 199)
 Ask the Expert: Mike Cobb, Director of Engineering, DriveSavers, Inc. (pg. 202)
 Technology And You: The Browser OS (pg. 205)
 Figure 5-19, Figure 5-20, Figure 5-21, Figure 5-22, Figure 5-23, Figure 5-24, Figure 5-25
1. Class Discussion: Ask students to share the types of utility programs that they use on a regular
basis, infrequent basis, or never at all. Make a list of these three categories on the board or
overhead. Are there programs that fall into more than one category? Which types of utility
programs are used most often? Least often? Are there any types of utility programs that
students feel they should use more often but don’t? If so, what would make them use that
program more often? Easier interface? A serious problem that they don’t want to repeat? Less
expensive software? Are there alternatives to these incentives that the students may not have
thought of before?
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2. Quick Quiz:
1. Which of the following is the type of utility program used to make a file smaller for
transfer over the Internet? (Answer: c)
a. Uninstall program
b. Antivirus program
c. File compression program
2. True or False: A file management program can be used to see the files located on a storage
medium. (Answer: True)
3. A(n) ______________________ is a duplicate copy of one or more files that can be used if
there is a problem with the original files. (Answer: backup)
 Mention that no one knows what the operating systems of the future may be like, but there is
some speculation.
 Explain that most people believe that in the future operating systems will likely keep getting
more user-friendly and may eventually be driven primarily by a voice interface. They will
likely be used to access an increasing number of Internet resources and multimedia
applications, as well as support the coordination of activities between the varieties of devices
an individual uses.
1. Class Discussion: Speculate with the students about what the operating systems of the future
may be like. What type of interface do the students think they will use? How will their
features need to differ from today’s operating systems? Will more types of operating systems
be needed?
2. Quick Quiz:
1. Which of the following will not likely be a feature of future operating systems? (Answer: c)
a. They will likely be more user-friendly.
b. They will likely include improved security features.
c. They will likely be less stable and need more interaction from the user when problems
2. True or False: It is known that devices in the future will not require operating systems.
(Answer: False)
3. It is possible that desktop and mobile operating systems will converge into a(n) _________
operating system. (Answer: single)
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Android (196)
Application software (177)
Backup (203)
BlackBerry OS (197)
Buffer (184)
Command line interface (185)
Device driver (180)
Disk Operating System (188)
DOS (188)
Embedded operating system (186)
File compression program (203)
File management program (198)
Graphical user interface (185)
GUI (185)
HP webOS (197)
iOS (197)
Kernel (179)
Linux (193)
Mac OS (192)
Mac OS X (192)
Mac OS X Server (193)
Mobile operating system (186)
Multitasking (182)
Operating system (178)
Personal operating system (185)
Search tool (201)
Server operating system (185)
Symbian OS (198)
System software (177)
UNIX (193)
Utility program (198)
Virtual memory (183)
Windows (188)
Windows 7 (190)
Windows Embedded (196)
Windows Explorer (198)
Windows Phone (196)
Windows Server (192)
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END OF CHAPTER MATERIAL (solutions for the Review Activities and Projects are located
in the Chapter 5 Solutions file)
Summary: Summarizes the main concepts of the chapter-by-chapter objective. Includes all bolded
key terms in the chapter.
Review Activities: Helps students test their knowledge of the chapter concepts. Includes the
 Key Term Matching. Includes 10 key terms from the chapter to match up with their
corresponding definitions.
 Self-Quiz. Includes five True/False and five Completion and/or Matching objective
questions. The answers to the Self-Quiz are included in the References and Resources
Guide at the end of the textbook.
 Exercises. Includes five Matching, Completion, and/or Short Answer questions.
 Discussion Question. Introduces a topic and some questions to start a class discussion
on that topic.
Projects: A total of six projects are included in the following seven categories. Projects that
require Internet access are marked with an Internet icon.
 Hot Topics. Includes a topic for students to research. Typically, they are asked to
submit a short summary of their findings.
 Short Answer/Research. Includes a topic for students to research. Typically, they are
asked to write a short summary of their findings.
 Hands On. Includes directions for a hands on activity that students need to perform.
Typically, they are asked to write a short summary of their experience.
 Ethics in Action. Includes a topic for students to research and form an opinion about.
Typically, they are asked to discuss their position in class, via an online class
discussion group, in a class chat room, or via a class blog, depending on the
instructor’s direction. They may also be asked to write a short paper expressing their
 Presentation/Demonstration. Provides students with a topic to research or an activity
to perform. They are asked to present their findings to the class in the form of a
presentation, as well as to submit a written summary, if instructed.
 Web Activities. Directs students to go to the Web site that accompanies this text and
work the Student Edition Labs and Crossword Puzzle; watch the Video Podcasts and
Online Videos associated with the chapter; and explore the Further Exploration links
and the Flashcards. They are also instructed to review the Online Study Guide, and
then test themselves with the Key Term Matching and Beat the Clock games, and
then taking the Interactive Quiz.
Reproducible Chapter Quiz
The Chapter Quiz on the following page may be reproduced to distribute to your students for
additional homework or an in-class quiz.
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Instructor: ______________
Chapter Quiz
Understanding Computers: Today and Tomorrow 14/e, Chapter 5
Instructions: Circle T if the statement is true or F if the statement is false.
T F 1.
Linux is an example of an operating system.
T F 2.
With sequential processing techniques, multiple tasks are performed at the exact same
T F 3.
The most recent version of Windows is Windows XP.
T F 4.
File management programs can be used to copy files from one storage medium to
T F 5.
Antivirus programs make files smaller so that they can be transmitted faster via the
Multiple Choice
Instructions: Select the best answer for each question and write the corresponding letter in the blank at
the left of each question.
______ 6.
Which is not a common function of an operating system?
a. booting the computer c. managing resources
e. security
b. compressing files
d. memory management
______ 7.
Which of the following would be the most appropriate operating system for a
a. Windows Vista
c. Android
e. Linux
b. DOS
d. z/OS
Instructions: Select the term that best matches each of the following statements and write the
corresponding letter in the blank at the left of each statement (all terms will not be used).
a. Linux
b. Mac OS
c. multitasking
d. iPhone OS
e. diagnostic program
______ 8.
An operating system available for free via the Internet.
______ 9.
A type of utility program.
______ 10. A personal operating system.
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