Word of the Day - Lake County Schools

Welcome students and staff.
Today is Tuesday, March 24, 2015.
Please stand for the pledge to the flag: "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of
America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and
justice for all." Please remain standing for a moment of silence. Thank you, please be seated.
 The next Drug and Alcohol class for students to get their learner’s permit will be on
April 8th. Please pick up and application from Coach Semento’s room, 6-213.
Completed applications are due by April 6th.
The student vs faculty basketball game is Thursday during school. You need a ticket to
attend the game and the price is $3.00. Tickets will be on sale in both lunches or you can see
Coach Glass to purchase one. You won’t be able to go without a ticket. So make sure to buy
one so you can be there to watch the teachers defeat the students!
 Key Club – T-Shirts are in - Please pick them up from Mrs. E. Volunteer opportunity –
Track meet today 3 to 5:30. DCM – Friday – 8 to 11 am see Mrs. Elwart for details.
Senior Scholarships
(Pick up forms on table in Guidance Office)
Academic Boosters Scholarships
Alpha Delta Kappa (for students who plan to become a teacher)
Ayo & Iken Children of Divorce Scholarship
BASE Scholarship (Engineering Scholarship for FAMU Students)
Bright House Leaders Scholarship
Coach Monty Boyd Memorial Scholarship (Must have attended TES, TMS, THS)
College Xpress www.collegeXpress.com
Criterion Civic Club
Edmond Amateis Foundation
Edwin Budge Mead Scholarship
Ellanora McGinty Scholarship
Florida A&M Alumni Association (Must attend FAMU)
Florida Engineering Foundation (http://www.fleng.org/scholarships.cfm)
Florida Credit Union
Florida School Counselor Association – Essay Contest
Frank Paulhamus Scholarship (agricultural field)
Historical Society of Central Florida
Italian – American Club Scholarship
James Durden Diversity Scholarship (Open to all seniors)
Johnson Foundation Scholarship (2 Scholarships)
1. For Children of UPS Employees or Retirees
2. Students with Disabilities
Lake County Education Association (LCEA members’ children & grandchildren)
Lake County Farm Bureau Livestock Exibitor Scholarship
Lake County Gator Club lakecountygatorclub@gmail.com
Lake County School Food Association
Lake Soil & Water Conservation District (major in an agricultural field)
LSSC Summer Scholarships http://lssc.scholarships.ngwebsolutions.com
Martin Charitable Trust
McKinney Charitable Trust
Mt. Dora Women’s Committee of Performing Arts
Mt. Dora Women’s Committee of Visual Arts
N K Charlie Collette Memorial Scholarship (Must attend Lake Tech)
NAEHCY Scholarship (for Homeless students)
Project Weather Scholarship (Students who excel in Science)
Scott Strong Scholarship
SECO (Students living in homes who get their electricity from SECO)
Silhouettes of Criterions Civic Club
Southern Scholarship (housing opportunities for FSU, FAMU, FGCU, TCC, Santa Fe & UF)
Student Scholarships (StudentScholarships.org )
Apr 15, 2015
Apr 8, 2015
May 1, 2015
Mar 31, 2015
April 30, 2015
Mar. 31, 2015
Mar. 27, 2015
Apr 10, 2015
Apr 15, 2015
Apr 6, 2015
Apr 15, 2015
Mar 20, 2015
Apr 3, 2015
Mar 19, 2015
Mar 13, 2015
May 1, 2015
Mar. 13, 2015
April 15, 2015
May 15, 2015
Mar 10, 2015
Apr 30, 2015
Apr 1, 2015
Apr 10, 2015
Mar. 19, 2015
Mar 31, 2015
Mar. 31, 2015
Mar. 31, 2015
Mar. 13, 2015
Mar. 13, 2015
Apr. 17, 2015
June 19, 2015
Mar. 27, 2015
Mar. 10, 2015
Apr. 3, 2015
April 24, 2015
SunTrust Sweepstakes suntrusteducation.com/scholarshipsweepstates
Tavares Elementary Scholarship (Must have attended TES)
The Kosove Society Scholarship (Must attend USF)
The Villages Opera Club (For Music Students)
May 15, 2015
Apr 30, 2015
Mar 14, 2015
Lake-Sumter State College Foundation Accepting
Applications for Summer Scholarships
Lake-Sumter State College Foundation, Inc. is accepting applications for student scholarships for the
Summer 2015 semester. The Foundation will be awarding $92,650 in scholarships for all types of
students. Applications are obtainable online at http://lssc.scholarships.ngwebsolutions.com. The
deadline for submitting applications is March 31, 2015 at 4:30 p.m. Classes begin Monday, May 4,
These scholarships are made possible through the generous support of donors from the community.
Lake-Sumter State College Foundation, Inc. is a non-profit 501 (c) 3 corporation which receives and
administers private gifts, bequests and donations to benefit LSSC students and to enhance the
quality of education at the College. Gifts may be awarded for specific purposes or given without
restrictions to the general scholarship fund. The scholarships may be named for the donor or may be
designated in honor or memory of an individual. Rosanne Brandeburg, Executive Director says, "I
welcome the opportunity to talk about how charitable giving to the LSSC Foundation can help make
a positive difference for our students and community, especially during these tough economic times.
Scholarships are vital to the success of our students, and it is our responsibility, to make every effort
to help support our students aspirations of higher education."
For more information about receiving a scholarship or scholarship donations please call (352) 3653539.
 There is a bulletin board in the Guidance Office with current volunteer opportunities. See Mrs.
Morgan or Mrs. Hoffman.
Word of the Day
Eyes of the Beholder Word of the Day:
This optical toy that produces symmetrical patterns gets its name from classical Greek, though the
Greeks never used the word themselves: it was coined by the toy's 19th century inventor, from
words meaning "look at beautiful forms."
On This Day in History
1379 - The Gelderse war ended.
1545 - German Parliament opened in Worms.
1550 - France and England signed the Peace of Boulogne.
1629 - The first game law was passed in the American colonies, by Virginia.
1664 - A charter to colonize Rhode Island was granted to Roger Williams in London.
1720 - In Paris, banking houses closed due to financial crisis.
1765 - Britain passed the Quartering Act that required the American colonies to house 10,000 British troops in public
and private buildings.
1792 - Benjamin West became the first American artist to be selected president of the Royal Academy of London.
1828 - The Philadelphia & Columbia Railway was authorized as the first state owned railway.
1832 - Mormon Joseph Smith was beaten, tarred and feathered in Ohio.
1837 - Canada gave blacks the right to vote
1848 - A state of siege was proclaimed in Amsterdam.
1868 - Metropolitan Life Insurance Company was formed.
1878 - The British frigate Eurydice sank killing 300.
1880 - The first "hail insurance company" was incorporated in Connecticut. It was known as Tobacco Growers’ Mutual
Insurance Company.
1882 - In Berlin, German scientist Robert Koch announced the discovery of the tuberculosis germ (bacillus).
1883 - The first telephone call between New York and Chicago took place.
1900 - Mayor Van Wyck of New York broke the ground for the New York subway tunnel that would link Manhattan
and Brooklyn.
1900 - In New Jersey, the Carnegie Steel Corporation was formed.
1904 - Vice Adm. Tojo sank seven Russian ships as the Japanese strengthened their blockade of Port Arthur.
1905 - In Crete, a group led by Eleutherios Venizelos claimed independence from Turkey.
1906 - In Mexico, the Tehuantepec Istmian Railroad opened as a rival to the Panama Canal.
1906 - The "Census of the British Empire" revealed that England ruled 1/5 of the world.
1911 - In Denmark, penal code reform abolished corporal punishment.
1920 - The first U.S. coast guard air station was established at Morehead City, NC.
1924 - Greece became a republic.
1927 - Chinese Communists seized Nanking and break with Chiang Kai-shek over the Nationalist goals.
1932 - Belle Baker hosted a radio variety show from a moving train. It was the first radio broadcast from a train.
1934 - U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt signed a bill granting future independence to the Philippines.
1938 - The U.S. asked that all powers help refugees fleeing from the Nazis.
1944 - In Rome, The Gestapo rounded up innocent Italians and shot them to death in response to a bomb attack that
killed 32 German policemen. Over 300 civilians were executed.
1946 - The Soviet Union announced that it was withdrawing its troops from Iran.
1947 - The U.S. Congress proposed the limitation of the presidency to two terms.
1954 - Britain opened trade talks with Hungary.
1955 - Tennessee Williams' play "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof" debuted on Broadway.
1955 - The first oil drill seagoing rig was put into service.
1960 - A U.S. appeals court ruled that the novel, "Lady Chatterly’s Lover", was not obscene and could be sent through
the mail.
1972 - Great Britain imposed direct rule over Northern Ireland.
1976 - The president of Argentina, Isabel Peron, was deposed by her country's military.
1980 - In San Salvador, Archbishop Oscar Arnulfo Romero was shot to death by gunmen as he celebrated Mass.
1981 - "Nightline" with Ted Koppel premiered.
1982 - Soviet leader Leonid L. Brezhnev stated that Russia was willing to resume border talks with China.
1985 - Thousands demonstrated in Madrid against the NATO presence in Spain.
1988 - Former national security aides Oliver L. North and John M. Poindexter and businessmen Richard V. Secord and
Albert Hakim pled innocent to Iran-Contra charges.
1989 - The Exxon Valdez spilled 240,000 barrels (11 million gallons) of oil in Alaska's Prince William Sound after it
ran aground.
1989 - The U.S. decided to send humanitarian aid to the Contras.
1990 - Indian troops left Sri Lanka.
1991 - The African nation of Benin held its first presidential elections in about 30 years.
1993 - In Israel, Ezer Weizman, an advocate of peace with neighboring Arab nations, was elected President.
1995 - Russian forces surrounded Achkoi-Martan. It was one of the few remaining strongholds of rebels in Chechenia.
1995 - The U.S. House of Representatives passed a welfare reform package that made the most changes in social
programs since the New Deal.
1997 - The Australian parliament overturned the world's first and only euthanasia law.
1998 - In Jonesboro, AR, two young boys open fire at students from woods near a school. Four students and a teacher
were killed and 10 others were injured. The two boys were 11 and 13 years old cousins.
1998 - A former FBI agent said papers found in James Earl Ray's car supports a conspiracy theory in the assassination
of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.
1999 - In Kenya, at least 31 people were killed when a passenger train derailed. Hundreds were injured.
1999 - NATO launched air strikes against Yugoslavia (Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo and Vojvodina). The attacks
marked the first time in its 50-year history that NATO attacked a sovereign country. The bombings were in response to
Serbia's refusal to sign a peace treaty with ethnic Albanians who were seeking independence for the province of
1999 - The 7-mile tunnel under Mont Blanc in France was an inferno after a truck carrying flour and margarine caught
on fire. At least 30 people were killed.
2001 - Apple Computer Inc's operating system MAC OS X went on sale.
2002 - Thieves stole five 17th century paintings from the Frans Hals Museum in the Dutch city of Haarlem. The
paintings were worth about $2.6 million. The paintings were works by Jan Steen, Cornelis Bega, Adriaan van Ostade
and Cornelis Dusart.
2005 - The government of Kyrgyzstan collapsed after opposition protesters took over President Askar Akayev's
presidential compound and government offices.
2005 - Sandra Bullock received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
2006 - In Spain, the Basque separatist group ETA announced a permanent cease-fire.
2014 - It was announced that the U.S. and its allies would exclude Russia from the G8 meeting and boycott a planned
summit in Sochi in response to Russia's takeover of Crimea.