Household Food Wraps Life Cycle Assessment Betsy Boatner Rob Frederick Hyung Chul Kim Yasmin Ullah April 12, 1999 Goal Definition Conduct a life cycle assessment of: • PVC (Reynolds Plastic Wrap) • PVDC (Saran Wrap) • PE (Handi-Wrap) • Al (Reynolds Aluminum Foil) Overview • Introduction • Life Cycle Inventory Analysis • Life Cycle Impact Assessment • Life Cycle Interpretation INTRODUCTION Performance Characteristics Consumer objective: coverage • Ability to seal/enclose • Cling • Resist tearing • Hot/cold, clarity, and gas permeability are outside of the scope LIFE CYCLE INVENTORY System Boundary Raw Material Extraction Manufacturing Use End of Life Input Bauxite Petroleum Al, PVC, PVDC, PE Production Film Manufacture Wrap Manufacture Output End of Life Wrap Use Human Health Wood Cardboard Pulp Production Tube & Box Manufacture Recycling Landfill Incineration Recycle PVC Food Wrap Production Mining Extraction Stabilizer Plasticizer Rock Salt Electrolysis Methane Cl2 Chlorination PVC Food Wrap VCM Calendering Emulsion Polymerisation Reaction PVDC Food Wrap Production Mining Extraction Rock salt Methane Electrolysis Cl2 Chlorination PVDC Calendering Food Wrap Vinyl Chlorination Chloride Emulsion Polymerisation Reaction Vinylidene Chloride PE Food Wrap Production Oil Well Drilling Refinery Water Steam Cracking Oil Stabilizers Rolling Ethylene Additives Polymerisation Extrusion Polyethylene Food Wrap Aluminum Foil Production Mining NaOH Mining Cathode/Anode Manufacture Limestone Bauxite Na-Al-Ca Fluoride Al oxide Manufacture Aluminum Foil Wrap Carbon Electrolysis Rolling/ Annealing Al metal Casting Cost Comparison $3.50 $3.09 $3.09 $3.00 $2.59 $2.50 $2.00 $1.65 $1.50 $1.00 $0.50 $0.00 PVC (Reynolds) 100 sq. ft. PVDC (Saran) 100 sq. ft. PE (Handi Wrap) 100 sq. ft. Al (Reynolds) 75 sq. ft. Weight Distribution 400 350 Tube Box Wrap 300 grams 250 200 150 100 50 0 PVC (Reynolds) 100 sq. ft. PVDC (Saran) 100 sq. ft. PE (Handi Wrap) 100 sq. ft. Al (Reynolds) 75 sq. ft. Material Consumption 1.4 Mass (kg) 1.2 1 0.8 crude oil/nat. gas rock salt limestone bauxite 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 PVC (Reynolds Plastic Wrap) PVDC (Saran Wrap) PE (Handi Wrap) Al (Reynolds Alum. Foil) Energy Consumption 70 Energy (MJ) 60 50 feedstock precomb.+ comb. 40 30 20 10 0 PVC PVDC (Reynolds (Saran Plastic Wrap) Wrap) PE (Handi Wrap) Al (Reynolds Alum. Foil) • Aluminum production has high electricity demands Air Emissions of Criteria Pollutants 25000 20000 PM VOC CO SOX NOX grams 15000 10000 5000 0 PVC (Reynolds) PVDC (Saran) PE (Handi-Wrap) Aluminum (Reynolds) Water Emissions Suspended Solids Aluminum (Reynolds) PE (Handi-Wrap) PVDC (Saran) PVC (Reynolds) 0 4000 8000 12000 16000 grams Nitrogen Aluminum (Reynolds) PE (Handi-Wrap) PVDC (Saran) PVC (Reynolds) 0 20 40 60 grams 80 100 Water Emissions (cont’d) Salts and Acids Aluminum (Reynolds) PE (Handi Wrap) PVDC (Saran) PVC (Reynolds) 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 grams Metals Aluminum (Reynolds) PE (Handi Wrap) PVDC (Saran) PVC (Reynolds) 0 20 40 60 80 grams 100 120 140 160 Water Emissions (cont’d) Total Organic Carbons Aluminum (Reynolds) PE (HandiWrap) PVDC (Saran) PVC (Reynolds) 0 50 100 150 grams 200 250 300 Energy (J/mile) for functional unit Transportation Energy 800 600 cardboard wrap 400 200 0 PVC (Reynolds Plastic Wrap) PVDC (Saran Wrap) PE (Handi Wrap) Al (Reynolds Alum. Foil) • Cardboard tube for plastic wrap weighs more than for aluminum Weight (g) per functional unit End of Life 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 recycled incinerated landfill PVC (Reynolds Plastic Wrap) PVDC (Saran Wrap) PE (Handi Wrap) Al (Reynolds Alum. Foil) • Aluminum foil has 9% recycle rate • Scrap aluminum foil is worth $1050 per ton / $0.85 per roll LIFE CYCLE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Critical Volume 35,000 100 m3 of polluted air 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 PVC PVDC (Saran) (Reynolds) PE (Handi Wrap) Aluminum (Reynolds) • Pollutants included are Fl, Cl, NH3, Pb, Hg, HCl, CO, SOX, NOX, Hydrocarbons, and Dust/Part. GWP100 Relative to CO2 3,000 kg of CO2 equivalent 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 PVC (Reynolds) PVDC (Saran) PE (Handi Wrap) Aluminum (Reynolds) • Greenhouse gases included are CO2, N20, CH4, and Halon-1301. Health Concerns: Manufacturing of PVC/ PVDC Dioxin - carcinogen, potential endocrine disruptor & teratogen - exposure linked to diabetes - Vinyl Institute: 24.3 g/year - Greenpeace: 283-565 g/year (Danish study in support) - EPA: insufficient data to evaluate claims Plasticizers - DEHA: potential human carcinogen, teratogen, mutagen, & endocrine disruptor - DEHP: potential human carcinogen, teratogen, & endocrine disruptor - Swedish study: testicular cancer & PVC exposure Health Concerns: Manufacturing of PVC/PVDC (cont’d) Vinyl Chloride Monomer (VCM) - human carcinogen - rare liver cancer, documented evidence from occupational exposure - lung, spleen, & brain cancer, degenerative bone disease Hydrogen Chloride Gas - "meat wrapper asthma" Equity - mean percent non-white 57% higher than national average in communities surrounding the 14 U.S. ethylene and/or vinyl chloride feedstock facilities Health Concerns: Use of PVDC/PVC Food Wrap Migration of Plasticizers: DEHA & DEHP - plasticizer content: average 16.3% - migration level varies depending on: content, surface contact, length of contact, fat content of food, & temperature - numerous studies: Consumers Union: 51-270 ppm (avg 153) in cheese - FDA: risk from DEHA and DEHP de minimus – not regulated - C.E.C.: DEHA migration limit of 18 ppm Health Concerns: End of Life of PVDC/PVC Food Wrap Incineration - Dioxin: hotly contested - Vinyl Industry: Rigo study - Greenpeace & others: strong criticism - EPA: jury is out (to lunch) Recycling Challenges - Volume, storage, & collection infrastructure - Additives act as contaminant preventing PVC recycling - Cross-resin contamination: * PVC & PET recycling: hydrochloric acid * different plastic films indistinguishable International Action to Reduce & Eliminate PVC-Based Products, with Focus on Food Packaging - Environmental Guidelines for Sydney Olympics: minimize and avoid use of PVC - German Parliament: recommended complete phase out - Switzerland: PVC containers are banned - Denmark: reduction in PVC packaging to 85% of weight in 1987 by 2000 - Japan: law passed requiring manufacturers to recycle toxic materials that produce dioxin when burned (2000) *American Public Health Association: call for timed phase-out Health Concerns: Use of Aluminum Foil Link to Alzheimers - Evidence of aluminum in brains of patients with disease - No evidence of direct correlation between disease & aluminum - Content ingested from foil and utensil innocuous; water primary source - used in purification Health Concerns: Aluminum Production & Recovery Production - Link between aluminum smelting & asthma & chronic airway disease - Acid mine drainage Recycling - Neurobehavioral, rheumatic, & respiratory impairments* (Al, Mn, VCM) LIFE CYCLE INTERPRETATION Report Card Material Intensiveness Energy Health Air Pollutants Water Pollutants GWP Critical Volume End of Life PVC + + + - PVDC - PE + + + + + + + - Al Recommendations • Examine changes in manufacturing techniques to reduce migration • Conduct more research on migration and health effects • Investigate alternative plasticizers (e.g., polymerized, benzoic acid based) • Recover and utilize chlorine discharges Recommendations (cont’d) • Reuse or recycle aluminum foil • Avoid use of heavy duty foil • Minimize contact of PVC/PVDC wrap with food Which would you choose?