Powerpoint - Monroe County School District

Wind Energy Cost Reduction
Florida Public Schools
W2E3, the Company
 Formed in 2008 as an LLC
 Joint Venture between….
– Franklin Thomas Company
– Technology Management Company
(Management & Marketing)
2009 Corporate Objectives
 Complete product, systems and manufacturing
engineering for the 1kW & 10kW models of the
MVAWT™ family of products.
 Perform field reliability and performance tests of
production prototypes in a range of conditions.
 Establish and maintain intellectual property rights
through US and international patents.
2009 Corporate Objectives
 Install, test and support up to 5 production-quality units at
FL pilot sites to confirm the efficiency, performance
characteristics & reliability of the production wind turbine
generator systems promised and provided (with client
support and shared funding).
 Build strong relationships with customers, industry experts,
governmental agencies, systems partners and suppliers.
 Have contracts for over $50M in committed sales within 18
months of first-customer-shipment (FCS) of the fullyengineered production unit(s).
The Product
10Kw Magnetic Vertical Access Wind Turbine
10Kw Model Specifications
 Dimensions: 3’W X 4’H
 Weight: Approx 300 lbs
 Wind Speed Operating Range:
2-150+ MPH (projected)
 Output: 12-96VDC (regulated & preset);
Current limited at Specified Amperage
 Materials: Primarily aircraft grade aluminum,
with joining done by rivets and/or welding
 Wind directors (Venturi effect)
– Depends of VAWT siting conditions
 Battery storage
– Unit complements existing PV solar energy
 Inverters, Charge Controllers
– Third party purchases
Why the W2E3 VAWT?
 High Reliability
– MagLev bearing technology
– Near frictionless, patent-pending Turbine Levitation System
with no electro-mechanical control systems or external power required
 All-Metal Construction & Solid-State Electronics
– Virtually maintenance-free.
 Large range of useable wind speeds
– Generates useable power at wind speeds as low as ~2 mph and as high
as 150mph (projected)
– Compare to propeller turbines which require higher wind levels to
operate (~ 12+ mph) and must be secured in “high wind” conditions
(typically >35 mph).
 Environmental Consideration
– Virtually silent operation; no environmental sound impact.
– No large exclusion zones required compared to propeller operational
units & their safety envelopes.
– Small footprint and site requirements result in reduced environmental
impact during construction and operation.
Why the W2E3 VAWT?
 Ease of location and installation
– Can be mounted at ground-level; tower not always required
– Lower governmental/zoning barriers expected
 Safety
– Not subject to catastrophic failure modes which plague propellerdriven wind turbines
– Significantly reduced danger to birds and wildlife.
W2E3 Management Team
 Steve Zolock
– Project Manager: FL Effort
– Director, Program Management, Int’l Project
Support Division
– Career USAF officer & pilot (25 years)
– Int’l Project Manager (15 years)
– Project Management Professional (PMP)
certification by Project Management Institute
– FSU graduate
W2E3 Management Team
 Joe Shepard
– Inventor of wind turbine
– Patented current VAWT design
 Magnetic levitation system
 Remote sensors for turbine data access
 Wind directors (Venturi effect)
– 20+ years as a S/W designer & consultant
– Education: Rochester Institute of Technology, Electrical
– Florida resident (Ormand Beach)
W2E3 Management Team
 Robert Hanfling
– President, W2E3
– Former Deputy Under Secretary for DoE
– 40 years experience in gov’t and commercial
energy policy and business/program
– Business experience includes management of
two technology venture capital funds
– Turnaround specialist for failing companies
– Bank Trustee for two energy companies
W2E3 Management Team
 Gregg Donley
– President of TMC
– Former vice president and general manager of
the Systems Support Group (SSG) at Northrop
Grumman’s Technical Services sector
– Former president of the Technical Services
business unit of Northrop Grumman’s
Information Technology sector
– 20 years experience in the services and
information systems marketplace.
W2E3 Management Team
 Robert Swanson
– Vice President, TMC Santa Fe Operations and Lab
– Former Professor, Engineering at Virginia Tech
– Former VP, Global Systems Group at Concurrent
Technologies Corporation
– More than 30 years of progressive experience in high
technology operations, with experience in general
management, operations, business development and
product commercialization.
– Consultant to over two hundred companies.
W2E3 Management Team
 Rock Reiser
– Director, Strategic Marketing for TMC
– Over 30 years experience as Strategic Policy Analyst
and technology integration expert.
– Served in DOE as Acting Deputy Secretary, Chief of
Staff, Special Assistant & Director for Policy and
Programs and Counsel to the Secretary.
– Provided expert support to DOE, DOD, DOI and other
government agencies.
– Served the top fifty Fortune Five Hundred, the top three
defense contractors and the national laboratories.
W2E3 Management Team
 Troy Cowan
– Chief, Marketing & Proposal Section for TMC
– 30+ years in program development, marketing
– Experienced in asset and budget management programs covering
multi-billion dollar inventories
– Performed large-scale project management and review functions
for contracts and projects funded in excess of $1.5 billion annually.
– Led enhancement programs covering the full gamut of
infrastructure issues: asset management, resource planning,
environmental planning, construction & operating budget
formulation, information systems analysis and design, supply
management, and data quality assurance
Florida K-12 Turbine Pilot Program
 W2E3/Florida Green Alliance sponsored Installation at five
selected locations in the state:
– One 10Kw unit each at NEFEC, PACE, HEC administration
– One 10Kw unit at FL School for the Deaf & Blind (St. Augustine)
– One 10Kw unit at Monroe County Charter School
 Data Measurement & Pilot Evaluation
– Pilot Design: Cooperative effort among W2E3, Florida Green
Alliance, FSU School of Engineering & facilities managers at
selected locations
– Program parameters: TBD
– Pilot participation in Michigan GREEN’s Project EverGREEN
Schools K-12 educational outreach program
– Report by Florida Green Alliance (in concert w/ W2E3, et al) on
Pilot Impact on Energy Consumption and Others for further action.
10Kw Preliminary Pilot Cost
 Five Wind Turbines, Model 3648-14: $50,000*
 Shipping & Installation, $15,000**
 Monitoring program, indirect costs & pilot
oversight: $35,000***
 Total grant or cost sharing funding required:
* Pre-production estimates discounted from market price of $3/Watt
** May vary according to site conditions & other factors TBD
*** Pilot goal is to involve the selected locations in the monitoring/evaluation process as
“in kind” contribution to minimize administrative burden
Florida Regulatory Issues
 Consumer owned renewable energy sources are permitted to “net
meter” in FL
 Pilot program will be designed to take advantage of the existing PSC
 Cooperative efforts with Seminole Electric Co-Op and other utilities in
the pilot service areas who are mandated in Florida to provide 20% of
their power from renewable energy by the year 2020
 No present unified federal or commercial policy standards for wind,
solar & other renewable energy sources
 Legislation proposed in the US & Florida to permit 3rd party owned
renewable energy programs
 Pilot results available, in coordination with W2E3, to Florida School
Boards Association, Florida Association of District School
Superintendents, the Governor’s Commission on Energy and other
statewide organizations to support appropriate policy & regulatory