You have as many days as you were absent to make up work. If you are absent one day, you have one additional day to make up work. Work from a truancy will not be accepted. Dates Agenda Monday September 2, 2013 NO SCHOOL – Labor Day Tuesday September 3, 2013 Sign Class Schedule Review Course Overview (handout) Goal Setting (handout) Whiparound HW: finish Goal Setting Wednesday September 4, 2013 Collect Goal Setting HW Spiral Notebook Requirements ME Circle Map Ticket Out the Door: Index Card HW: finish Circle Map Thursday September 5, 2013 Collect Circle Map Letter Writing (handout) HW: Letters due at the end of the period Friday Friday September 6, 2013 WD 10th Grade Packet (handout) Lesson 1 + flashcards 9th Grade List (handout) revise, rewrite, and attach goals to letter HW: Need Spiral Notebook MONDAY! Dates Agenda Write the date of your absence on the top of your work before turning it in to the late tray. You have as many days as you were absent to make up work. If you are absent one day, you have one additional day to make up work. Work from a truancy will not be accepted. Monday September 9, 2013 Seating Chart Spiral Notebook Setup (handouts…see table of contents & classroom sample) Unit 1: Plot & Setting Cornell Notes (handout) Boldfaced literary terms on pages 2-3, 44-45) (13) HW: Finish cornell notes Tuesday September 10, 2013 More spiral notebook setup (handouts) Warm Up #1 (12) Quickwrite (page 14 of spiral) from pg. 4 textbook Vocab Matrix (14) HW: Finish QW and Vocab Matrix Wednesday Warm Up #2 (12) Check out Night novel and pick up writing portfolios Independent Reading Assignment (handout) (15) September 11, 2013 HW: Thursday September 12, 2013 Warm Up #3 (12) Begin reading “Contents of the Dead Man’s Pocket” interactive reading packet (handout) with annotations HW: September 13, 2013 WD Lesson 2 (7) + flashcards Finish interactive reading Vocabulary & Comprehension (handout) HW: Dates Agenda Friday Write the date of your absence on the top of your work before turning it in to the late tray. You have as many days as you were absent to make up work. If you are absent one day, you have one additional day to make up work. Work from a truancy will not be accepted. Monday Warm up #4 (16) Finish reading and annotations September, 16, 2013 HW: complete packet Tuesday Warm up #5 (16) Vocabulary & Comprehension (handout) (14) Plot Diagram September 17, 2013 HW: Quiz tomorrow Wednesday September 18, 2013 Warm up #6 (16) Turn in annotations packet Reading Quiz Finish and turn in Plot Diagram HW: independent read & reading log Thursday Warm up #7 (16) “The Pedestrian” Quickwrite text page 46 …(17) Vocab Matrix(17) September 19, 2013 HW: finish QW and matrix WD lesson 3 + flashcards “The Pedestrian” read and answer guided reading Qs Friday September 20, 2013 HW: independent read & reading log Dates Agenda Write the date of your absence on the top of your work before turning it in to the late tray. You have as many days as you were absent to make up work. If you are absent one day, you have one additional day to make up work. Work from a truancy will not be accepted. Monday September 23, 2013 Tuesday warm up #8 (19) “The Pedestrian” finish guided reading cornell notes Vocabulary & Comprehension (handout) (17) HW: finish vocab &comp Study WD 1-3 [Quiz Friday] Workshop 1 due Friday Warm up #9 (19) “The Pedestrian” LRA page 53 #9 (template + rewrite) September 24, 2013 HW: “The Pedestrian” Quiz tomorrow Wednesday warm up #10 “The Pedestrian” QUIZ finish LRA September 25, 2013 HW: finish LRA Thursday September 26, 2013 warm up #11 Character Notes (20) page 74-75, 96-97 HW: study WD 1-3, finish workshop 1 Stamp Workshop 1 (18) WD Quiz 1-3 Finish Character Notes (21) 96-97 Friday September 27, 2013 HW: independent read Dates Agenda Write the date of your absence on the top of your work before turning it in to the late tray. You have as many days as you were absent to make up work. If you are absent one day, you have one additional day to make up work. Work from a truancy will not be accepted. Monday September 30, 2013 Warm Up #12 (22) “Two Kinds” page 98 Quickwrite (23) Vocabulary Matrix (23) WD 1-3 Retakes this week (5x each required) HW: finish vocab matrix, independent read Tuesday Warm Up #13 (22) “Two Kinds” Read story Dialectical Journal (handout) October 1, 2013 HW: independent read Wednesday October 2, 2013 Thursday October 3, 2013 Warm Up #14 (22) “Two Kinds” finish reading and dialectical journal Vocab/Comp (handout) (23) Character Head (handout) DUE FRIDAY Biographical Essay Pre-Write (24) HW: Choose Topic and Brainstorm Warm Up: PSAT presentation In-Class Essay…due at the end of the period HW: independent read WD Lesson 4 (7) “Two Kinds” Quiz Character Head due today Friday October 4, 2013 HW: independent read Dates Agenda Write the date of your absence on the top of your work before turning it in to the late tray. You have as many days as you were absent to make up work. If you are absent one day, you have one additional day to make up work. Work from a truancy will not be accepted. Monday October 7, 2013 warm up #15 (25) finish and turn in Character Head from Friday Study Guide for Unit Test HW: study literary terms Tuesday October 8, 2013 Wednesday October 9, 2013 Thursday October 10, 2013 warm up (25) PSAT Locations & bell schedule Unit Test HW: independent read warm up #16 (25) ERWC terminology Notes (26) (handout) HW: finish notes warm up #17 (25) ERWC packet (handout) activity #1 (Give one, Get one) activity #2 (Quickwrite, share) HW: independent read Friday October 11, 2013 Dates Monday HW: WD lesson 5 (7) flashcards ERWC activity #3 (Define Happiness) activity #4 (survey text) (handout article) Agenda warm up #18 (27) Write the date of your absence on the top of your work before turning it in to the late tray. You have as many days as you were absent to make up work. If you are absent one day, you have one additional day to make up work. Work from a truancy will not be accepted. October 14, 2013 Writing Prompt (one pager) due today Choose one article from two choices read and annotate article by tomorrow HW: finish reading and annotating Tuesday October 15, 2013 warm up #19 (27) Write Precis summary for article Turn in annotations and precis Activity #4: Survey Text Activity #5: HW: independent reading log Wednesday warm up #20 (27) PSAT testing October 16, 2013 HW: independent reading log Thursday warm up #21 (27) Activity 6 October 17, 2013 HW: independent reading log WD lesson 6 (4-6 Quiz next Friday) Activity 7 and 8 Friday October 18, 2013 HW: finish through activity 8 Dates Agenda Monday warm up #22 Stamp ERWC Activity Packet (1-8) Write the date of your absence on the top of your work before turning it in to the late tray. You have as many days as you were absent to make up work. If you are absent one day, you have one additional day to make up work. Work from a truancy will not be accepted. October 21, 2013 Activity 9 (discuss and answer Qs) Activity 10 (read article aloud, chunk, answer Qs) HW: independent reading project due Thursday Workshop 2 due Friday Study WD 4-6 and Review previous lessons Tuesday October 22, 2013 warm up #23 Finish Activity 10 Questions Activity 11 Activity 12 Activity 13 HW: independent reading project due Thursday Workshop 2 due Friday Study WD 4-6 and Review previous lessons Wednesday warm up #24 Activity 14 Turn in Packet (Formative Assessment) October 23, 2013 HW: independent reading project due Thursday Workshop 2 due Friday Study WD 4-6 and Review previous lessons Thursday October 24, 2013 Friday October 25, 2013 warm up #25 Turn in Book Project New Activity Packet (handout) HW: Stamp Workshop 2 WD QUIZ 4-6 HW: Write the date of your absence on the top of your work before turning it in to the late tray.