PHP and MySQL Two Useful Tools You Can’t Live Without by Jenny Mitchell SJSU CS157B Section 1 09-21-04 SJSU CS157B Dr. Lee 1 2004 Jenny Mitchell Putting Our Knowledge to Use • We are learning about databases, now what can we do with that knowledge? • Oracle – Large download and installation – Most of us used Oracle 9 in 157A • MySQL – Small download or use from web server – Same SQL syntax, run from command line or other application SJSU CS157B Dr. Lee 2 2004 Jenny Mitchell About MySQL • • • • • • GNU Free, open-source, multi-platform Implements the standard SQL language Relational DBMS Written in C and C++ Uses MyISAM B-tree disk tables Uses in-memory hash tables for temporary tables SJSU CS157B Dr. Lee 3 2004 Jenny Mitchell • Developer Zone: Downloads and Documentation • Available for Linux, Windows, Solaris, FreeBSD, and more SJSU CS157B Dr. Lee 4 2004 Jenny Mitchell MySQL Installation • Download 4.0 binary packages • Check installation documents to see what is automatically installed where • Add appropriate aliases and users • First start up in safe mode and test default tables • Run from shell or application SJSU CS157B Dr. Lee 5 2004 Jenny Mitchell MySQL Terminal Example SJSU CS157B Dr. Lee 6 2004 Jenny Mitchell MySQL Terminal Example In-Class Demo Insertion SJSU CS157B Dr. Lee 7 2004 Jenny Mitchell Building On MySQL • What languages can we use for building an application on MySQL? – ODBC Connector – JDBC Connector – .NET Connector – Web scripting languages • PHP, ASP, JSP SJSU CS157B Dr. Lee 8 2004 Jenny Mitchell PHP • PHP: Hypertext Processor • Open source scripting language for web developers to write dynamically generated webpages • Can download and install source and binaries from • Need your computer to act as a server – Apache, Tomcat are free downloads SJSU CS157B Dr. Lee 9 2004 Jenny Mitchell Basic PHP Scripting • Syntax similar to C and JavaScript • Not a compiled language, interpreted – You don’t know where an error is until you try to run it, and even then the line number doesn’t always tell you where the actual error is • Same logical structure - if/else, for, while • Variables have no type declaration SJSU CS157B Dr. Lee 10 2004 Jenny Mitchell Hello, World! <?php $world = true; if ($world) echo(“Hello World!”); else echo(“Hello Nobody”); ?> SJSU CS157B Dr. Lee 11 2004 Jenny Mitchell Hello Nobody <?php $world = false; if ($world) echo(“Hello World!”); else echo(“Hello Nobody”); ?> SJSU CS157B Dr. Lee 12 2004 Jenny Mitchell Uses of PHP and MySQL • Anything in a MySQL database can be viewed on a webpage • Any information which can be captured from a website can be stored into a database FORMS SJSU CS157B Dr. Lee 13 2004 Jenny Mitchell Connecting to MySQL from PHP /* Connection */ $username = ‘user’; $password = ’password'; $webhost = 'localhost'; $db = ’test'; // username // password // host (localhost or something on a web server) // the database $dbc = mysql_connect($webhost, $username, $password) or die("<p>Could not connect: <i>" . mysql_error()); @mysql_select_db($db) or die("<p>Could not find database - $db - <i>" . mysql_error() . "</i>"); SJSU CS157B Dr. Lee 14 2004 Jenny Mitchell Queries and Results /* Perform SQL query and catch data */ $query = "SELECT * from t1 WHERE email != ‘’ ORDER BY name ASC"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die("<p>Query failed: <i>" . mysql_error() . "</i>"); SJSU CS157B Dr. Lee 15 2004 Jenny Mitchell Displaying Results $num = (int)@mysql_num_rows($result); echo “<table border=2 cellspacing=3>”; echo "<tr><td><b>ID</b></td><td><b>Name</b></td><td><b>Email</b></td></tr>"; for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) { $line = mysql_fetch_array($result); echo "<tr>"; echo "<td>" . $line[id] . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . $line[name] . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . $line[email] . "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; } echo "</table>"; /* Housekeeping */ mysql_free_result($result); mysql_close($dbc); SJSU CS157B Dr. Lee 16 2004 Jenny Mitchell Selection and Variables • SQL Query statements can be built over time • PHP variables can be used in SQL Query statements • Variables can be generated based on input form values SJSU CS157B Dr. Lee 17 2004 Jenny Mitchell Selection and Variables Code HTML FORM CODE <form method=post action=testinputquery.php> <p>Enter a column name by which to sort: <input type=text size=8 maxlength=8 name=column> <p><input type=Submit value=Submit name=Submit><input type=Reset value=Reset> </form> SQL PROCESSING CODE /* Gather data from form variable */ $column = $_POST['column']; /* Perform SQL query to catch data */ $query = "SELECT * from t1 WHERE email != '' ORDER BY $column ASC"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die("<p>Query failed: <i>" . mysql_error() . "</i>"); SJSU CS157B Dr. Lee 18 2004 Jenny Mitchell Selection and Variables In-Class Demo Data Mining from Forms SJSU CS157B Dr. Lee 19 2004 Jenny Mitchell Insertion with Forms • Create form with all input variables you want, submit action to someform.php • PHP script grabs all “post”ed variables in the form $var = $_POST[‘var’]; • Note that empty variables are the empty string and not the null value SJSU CS157B Dr. Lee 20 2004 Jenny Mitchell Insertion with Forms Code HTML FORM CODE <form method=post action=testinsertion.php> <p>Insert some data into this database</p> <p><b>Name:</b> <input type=text name=name size=15 maxlength=20> <p><b>Email:</b> <input type=text name=email size=15 maxlength=25> <p><input type=Submit value=Submit name=Submit> <input type=Reset value=Reset name=Reset> </form> SQL PROCESSING CODE /* Gather data from form variable */ $name = $_POST['name']; $email = $_POST['email']; /* Perform SQL query to catch data */ $query = "INSERT INTO t1(name, email) values(\"$name\", \"$email\")"; mysql_query($query) or die("<p>Query failed: <i>" . mysql_error() . "</i>"); $num = mysql_affected_rows(); if ($num == '1') echo "<p>Data was inserted successfully"; SJSU CS157B Dr. Lee 21 2004 Jenny Mitchell Insertion with Forms In-Class Demo Inserting Data SJSU CS157B Dr. Lee 22 2004 Jenny Mitchell In Conclusion… • MySQL - relational database package which is free, small, easy to install • PHP - dynamic scripting language which is free, small, easy to install, and automatically works with MySQL • MySQL + PHP = affordable, portable, easily accessible database backend & application frontend SJSU CS157B Dr. Lee 23 2004 Jenny Mitchell What Are You Waiting For? • • GO BUILD! SJSU CS157B Dr. Lee 24 2004 Jenny Mitchell