Farmer Brown Lab Bean Seed Germination I. Problem: Using black

Farmer Brown Lab
Bean Seed Germination
I. Problem: Using black-eyed peas, pinto beans, kidney beans, lima beans, and
black beans, which bean seed will germinate first?
II. Research: Germination- early growth stage of embryo. (See drawings on
attached paper)
III. Hypothesis: If black-eyed peas, pinto beans, kidney beans, lima beans, and
black beans are planted, then __________ will germinate first because_______.
IV. Experiment:
A. Variables:
1. Independent Variable2. Dependent Variable3. Control4. Constants- amount of water on cotton ball, size of glove, cotton
ball, environment of gloves containing seeds
B. Materials:
1. 1 seed of black-eyed pea, pinto bean, kidney bean, lima bean,
and black bean
2. 1 clear glove
3. 5 cotton balls
4. 1 pipette full of water for each seed
B. Materials: (continued)
5. 1 Sharpie to label glove
6. Safety Goggles
C. Procedures:
1. Put on safety goggles
2. Gather materials
3. Label fingers of glove as shown: (Thumb) black-eyed pea, (1) pinto
Bean, (2) kidney bean, (3) lima bean, (4) black bean
4. Using pipette wet the cotton ball and place the cotton ball in
fingertip of glove for each seed
5. Place seed in glove on top of cotton ball
6. Fold top of glove and bring to Mrs. McCloy to hang
7. Observe daily and record (measurements, observations and
8. When seed sprouts, make note of days required to germinate for
each seed
D. Data: