Study Hall Student Contract PURPOSE OF STUDY HALL The purpose of study hall is to complete individual work for other classes. Students may use this time to work on homework, projects, and reading that is assigned in their core and elective classes. Students may be permitted to use classroom iPads for research, review, or enrichment. If you have a cell phone on you, it is only to be used as a calculator. If it is being used in any other way, it will be taken and held on to until the end of the day, and then it is your responsibility to come get it. Study hall passes are also permitted, depending on when the library is open. Up to 5 students at a time are allowed to go to the library. Students may not work in groups during study hall unless permission is given by the study hall teacher. Students are expected to bring enough work to keep busy for the entire period. Always bring an extra book to read in case you do not have any homework or if you finish your work early. Books are also available in the classroom and must be returned where you got them. Going back to your locker during study hall will not be permitted. Students may not use this time to freely talk or distract others. Regular classroom expectations are in effect (Be ON TIME, Be PREPARED, Be RESPECTFUL, Do your BEST). Students who fail to follow or recognize the purpose of study hall will be subject to the consequences of the classroom teacher or an administrator. In order to ensure student success, and prevent any misunderstandings in the future, a study hall contract has been created. The following are the Study Hall Expectations and Consequences: STUDY HALL EXPECTATIONS 1. ALL STUDENTS MUST be in their assigned seats and working when the bell rings or you will be marked as tardy. You may not wander around the room. 2. HAVE ALL your books, notebooks, reading books, and writing utensils available and ready. You will not be allowed to go to your locker once study hall begins. 3. ALL STUDENTS MUST bring work to study hall. If you do not have work, always bring a reading book! 4. If you borrow a book from the shelf, return it neatly as you found it, don’t just throw it back on the shelf. This keeps the bookshelf neat and organized for everyone. 5. Study hall will be a quiet, working study hall. If you are given permission to work or study with another student in the back of the room, quiet voices must be used. If you abuse this privilege you will no longer be permitted to work with others during study hall. 6. If you need to see another teacher, a pre-signed pass by that teacher must be shown to leave the room. 7. If you need to use the bathroom, one male and female is permitted to leave at a time. Please sign out and sign back in on the bathroom sign out sheet in the back of the room. 8. Going to the library is a privilege. Up to 5 students will be permitted to go to the library at a time when the library is open. One pass is sent at the start of study hall with student names. If you are failing 2 or more classes you will not have permission to go to the library. (In that case, your priority is getting your work caught up!) Be courteous and respectful when in the library. If you are removed from the library by the library staff, you may lose your privilege of going in the future! 9. You may bring a water bottle to study hall, but no other food or drinks is permitted. 10. Cell phones are only to be used as calculators. If they are being used for any other purpose, they will be taken away until the end of the school day. 11. You are welcome to use supplies from the supply cabinet, and are expected to return them neatly. If you need to borrow something, please ask first. 12. Basic classroom expectations will be enforced, as well as consequences. (Be ON TIME, Be PREPARED with work and writing utensils, Be RESPECTFUL of each other, and Do your BEST!) CONSEQUENCES Warnings Study hall report sheets filled out by students Parent Phone calls or emails Individual behavior contracts Referral to administrators *There will also be plenty of positive consequences too! (ROAR tickets, raffles, treats, study hall trivia, games, music playing, Friday Fun time, etc.) EXPECTATIONS OF MR. HAMLIN I am here to help you succeed. I will ensure that the classroom is a safe place (physical and emotional) where students can work and study with minimal distraction. I will check up on student’s grades to ensure that students are passing or doing what they need to improve their grades. I will be available to help students with their homework. I will help students who have low grades by checking with the student and the teacher to see if anything can be done to help the student succeed. (This may include but is not limited to: a locker cleanout, assistance in organizing a binder with folders for each class, and/or assistance with handing in late assignments to the teacher once they are complete.) By signing this handout, you acknowledge that both you and your child have read the information above and understand the expectations and consequences for study hall. Please keep this contract for your records. Extra copies are also available on my webpage under CONTACT information. Please cut off on the dotted line and return with your child. --------------------------------------------------------------Student Name(Print)________________________________Date__________ Parent Signature___________________________________Date__________ Questions, Comments, Concerns? Please write here or use the back: