Molecular Mass Spectrometry Mass Spectroscopy (MS) The elemental composition of matter of samples The structure of inorganic, organic and biological molecules The quantitative and qualitative composition of complex mixture Isotopic ratios of atoms in samples MS - Components Components of Mass Spectrometer GC/MS System Components MS - Ionization Gas phase ionization (103 D): Electron Impact (EI) – Energetic electron beam Chemical Ionization (CI) – Reagent gaseous ions Field Ionization (FI) – high potential electrode MS - Ionization Desorption Ionization (105 D): Field Desorption (FD) – Highpotential Electrode Electrospray Ionization (ESI) – High Electric Field (20 kV) Matrix – Assisted Desorption/Ionization (MALDI) Plasma desorption (PD) – Fission fragments from 252Cf Thermospray ionization (TS) – High temperature MS - Ionization Hard source – enough energy to rupture bonds and producing fragments (EI) Soft source – provides always molecular weight of the molecule (CI; ESI, MALDI) MS – Electron-Impact Ionization MS – Ionization Chamber MS – Ring Component Spectrum MS - Spectra CH2Cl2 MW=84 1-Pentanol MW=88 MS - Chromatogram MS – Isotopes Abundance Most H1 C12 N14 S32 Cl35 Br79 Si28 Other H2 C13 N15 S33 S34 Cl37 Br81 Si29 Si30 Percentage (%) 0.015 1.08 0.37 0.8 4.4 32.5 98.0 5.1 3.4 MS – Effect of Ionization Mode on Spectra EI Field Desorption Field Ionization Glutamic Acid HOOC-CHNH2 -CH2 – CH2 - COOH MS – Ionization Mode and Spectra Electron- Impact 1- Decanol MW = 158 Chemical Ionization MS – Chemical Ionization • Most often use reagent is CH4: • Electrons will form several ions: CH4+; CH3+; CH2+ • Reactions (MH – sample molecule): CH4+ + CH4 CH5+ + CH3 CH5+ + MH MH2+ + CH4 (M + 1) CH3+ + CH4 C2H5+ + H2 C2H5+ + MH M+ + C2H6 (M – 1) (M + 29) GC/MS – Jet Separator GC/LC/MS Sample Transfer MS – Direct Sample Introduction External Sample Introduction System Direct Sample Probe MS – Mass Analyzer • Resolution: Where: R = m/Dm m – mass of the first peak Dm – difference between two adjacent peaks Commercial MS have resolution 500 to 500,000 Dm = m/R MS Analyzer – Magnetic Sector MS – Electromagnetic Analyzer Quadrupole MS Analyzer MS – Quadrupole Filter MS - Ion Trap Analyzer MS – Time of Flight Analyser MS – Reflectron Time of Flight Analyzer MS – Fourier Transform Analyzer Ion Cyclotron Resonance Magnetic Field GCMS - Instrumentation MS - Instrumentation LCMS – Electrospray Ionization (ESI) MS – Capillary Electrophoresis MS – Supercritical Chromatography MS – Ion Detector MS/MS MS/MS Instrumentation MS - Cost Mass Spectrum MW 240 5-Ethyl-5n-hexyl barbituric acid MS - Chromatogram MS - Quantitative SIM – single ion monitoring Spectra mode Precision – 2% to 10% MS – Spectra Interpretation Base peaks and Relative Ion Intensities: Determine molecular ion mass. CI if needed. Elemental composition from isotopic abundance: Look for A+2 pattern elements (Cl, Br, S, Si, O) Check A+1 ratios for absence/presence of S and Si Use the nitrogen rule to determine number of N’s (If MW is even N=0 or even number. If MW is odd = odd number of nitrogen atoms Estimate number of H, F, I, and P from isotopic ratios and MW balance (P is multivalent; F=19; I=127 mass units) Check allowance for rings and double bonds. Number of double bonds or rings = x – 1/2y +1/2 z +1 (x=C, Si; y=H, F, Br, Cl; z=N, P, O, S) MS – Spectra Interpretation Use molecular ion fragmentation mechanism: Check fragment masses differences for expected losses (Cl = 35; Br=79; Me=15; Et=29 etc…) Look for expected substructures Look for stable neutral loss (CH2 == CHR) Look for products of known rearrangements Postulate structures: Search library data base Run hit compound on the same instrument to confirm Use MS/MS if further confirmation is needed MS - Applications