Tools Gender in Value Chains Wiki

Tools and Instruments Wiki
This presentation:
1. Justification
2. First attempts
3. Why a ‘wiki’?
4. The set-up of the wiki
5. The further development of the wiki
1. Justification
The need for tools and instruments was
expressed by 10-15 people when starting
the gender in value chain network.
Making existing T&I accessible
Sharing experiences
Developing new ones
2. First attempts
Listing literature and links unsatisfactory:
 Large documents
 Often only partially relevant
 Not practical enough
 Not interactive
 Navigation problems
3. Why a wiki?
Wiki’s allows for building collective knowledge (via
joint writing)
Based on the concepts of collective intelligence
(picking many brains)
Choice for:
 Wikipedia format
 Demand driven (not supply driven)
 Development practice starting point
The gender in VC wiki:
Theme: gender sensitive development of agro-value
chains in developing countries.
For whom?: practitioners (from local and
international development organisations).
What can be found?: This wiki will provide the
practitioner with a road map, to find him/herself a
way in the wealth of international available material.
At the same time this wiki intends to play a role in
harvesting unlocked material within organisations..
4. The set up follows the logic of the human
Spine & Head: Values, principles and agenda
Arms: Concepts and tools to work with
Legs: Practical information on experience
with programming (case descriptions)
Action learning
Furthermore the chapters of this wiki follow the
order of an action learning cycle:
Adjusted action
Outline/ table of content of the wiki:
Values and principles: justification for gender
sensitive value chain development
Selecting the sub-sector
Gender sensitive value chain analysis
Identifying and implementing upgrading strategies
Impact assessment
Case descriptions
5. The development of the wiki
The wiki will be managed by a learning group
of active Agri-ProFocus members.
We have made 7 stations / sheets on the wall picturing the 6
phases plus one on the system as a whole.
You are asked to:
join in groups of three
move from station to station
discuss the following questions
ánd writing the answers down on the sheets!
The questions are:
What do you think you should address in ... phase?
How are you currently finding an answer to these questions?
What is still lacking?
What are the insights?