World History Final Exam Review June 2015

World History Final Exam Review Sheet
June 2015
United Nations and Model United Nations:
Key terms and concepts:
United Nations
-Secretary General
-General Assembly
-structure of the UN (its organs)
human rights
-Declaration of Human Rights
Parliamentary Procedure
-speakers list
-moderated caucus
-unmoderated caucus
Essential Questions:
-Can human rights be protected? At what cost?
-How effective is the United Nations in solving world
-Is it the right or responsibility of a country to promote
its values around the world?
Guiding questions to study:
-What are the founding principles and goals of the
United Nations? Be prepared to address if and how the
UN is effective at meeting those goals.
-What is the purpose of the Declaration of Human
Rights? What are the rights that are protected?
-What are the protocols and parliamentary procedures
used in MUN? What purpose does each serve?
Key terms and concepts:
Raphael Lemkin
Genocide (geno-cide): define it
The Ten Stages of Genocide
-Nazi Party platform
-Final Solution
-Nuremberg Laws
-Concentration Camps
“ethnic cleansing”
Rwandan Genocide
Cambodian Genocide
Bosnian Genocide
Essential Questions:
-Why do people make distinctions between us and
- How does society influence our identity?
- What influences peoples’ choices when faced with
- What circumstances make genocide possible?
- Can there be reconciliation after genocide?
Guiding questions to study:
Ten Stages of Genocide
-know/recognize/describe each stages
-what’s the purpose of the Stages?
-effects of Holocaust?
What role does/should the international community
and the UN take in identifying, preventing, stopping
What are the similarities and differences between two
20th century genocides?
How does the Pyramid of Hate help us understand the
escalation of human behavior?
Israel and Palestine:
Key terms and concepts:
Essential Questions:
Regarding the creation of Israel:
-Jewish diaspora
-Balfour Declaration
-1947 UN Partition Agreement
-declaration/formation of the State of Israel
The Palestinians:
-territory: Gaza and the West Bank
Challenges to the nation of Israel:
-Independence War
-Suez Crisis
-Six Day War
-Yom Kippur War
-first and second intifadas
Challenges to Palestinians:
-right of return/land rights
-claims to holy sites in Jerusalem
-Jewish settlements in the West Bank
--refugees, living in camps/other countries
Palestinian organizations and their agendas:
-Yasser Arafat
-Palestinian Authority (PA)
-West bank
-Sinai Peninsula
-Suez Canal
-Can people live in peace together when deeply held beliefs
and views are in conflict?
-Should the international community play a role in helping
countries establish self-determination?
-Is it ever OK for victims to become the persecutors?
-Is violence justified when access to resources is cut off?
-Does the Holocaust excuse Israel from overreaching
partition boundaries with Palestine?
Guiding questions to study:
-What is the history of the founding of State of Israel?
-What are the agendas of competing Israeli political parties?
excellent link to explanations of the many parties:
-Explain the challenge of the emphasis of Israel’s
government: Secular? Jewish culture? democracy?
-Who has/gets Israeli citizenship?
-What does it mean to be Palestinian? Is it a nationality? An
ethnicity? A religion? What do the Palestinians want?
-What is the controversy surrounding Jewish settlements in
the West Bank? How do they contribute to regional tension?
-What is the relationship between Palestinians and other
Arab nations in the region?
-What is the relationship between Israel and surrounding
Arab nations in the region?
-What is the US relationship with Israel over time?
-What attempts have been made to bring peace to the
region? What successes have they had? Why have there
been failures?
Revolution and the Cuban Revolution:
Key terms and concepts:
Essential Questions:
The Fever Model of Revolution and its stages
Define Revolution; causes and characteristics
Fidel Castro; leadership style, goals for Cuba
-Who should decide what is best for ‘the people’?
-What justifies a revolution?
-What makes a revolution successful?
-What compels people to pursue change in society?
-Was the Cuban Revolution inevitable?
Guiding questions to study:
-What were the political, social, and economic causes of revolutions in general and in Cuba in particular?
-Describe how the corruption/oppression of Fulgencio Batista’s regime and the rise of Fidel Castro align with the Fever
-Why did Cuba become Communist?
-How has the US/Cuban relationship changed over time?
-What role did Cuba play in the Cold War? And how has Cuba’s status changed since the Cold War ended?