Week 1 - Friends of Age Exchange

Arty Facts
ArtyFacts @ Blackheath
Rosalind Whyte – NADFAS-Accredited Lecturer,
Guide and Lecturer at Tate Britain, Tate Modern and the Royal Academy
9-week series of illustrated lectures on ‘Art and Empire’ – designed to fit in with
exhibitions that are on at the Royal Academy and Tate Britain in autumn
Where: The Bakehouse Theatre, Age Exchange, 11 Blackheath Village, SE3 9LA
Thursdays 7.00 pm to 8.30 pm Repeated on …
Fridays 10.00 am to 12 noon, including a coffee break
£15 per person per week
Week 1 – Thursday 3 and Friday 4 September
Week 2 – Friday 11 and Thursday 17 September
Week 3 – Friday 18 and Thursday 24 September
Week 4 – Thursday 1 and Friday 2 October
Week 5 – Thursday 15 and Friday 16 October
Week 6 – Thursday 22 and Friday 23 October
Week 7 – Thursday 5 and Friday 6 November
Week 8 – Thursday 12 and Friday 13 November
Week 9 – Thursday 19 and Friday 20 November
JMW Turner Snow Storm: Hannibal and his Army
Crossing the Alps exhib 1812 Tate
Week 1 will cover two themes, firstly the legendary rivalry between the Carthaginian and Roman
Empires, which inspired many artists, particularly JMW Turner; then the Spanish Empire in South
American and the influence of European artists on indigenous art there.
Week 2 will return us to Europe, to look at British and French artists exploring the shores of the
Mediterranean as their respective countries expanded their spheres of influence into North Africa.
Week 3 Explores the Napoleonic wars, with a focus on the extraordinary 13 metre wide Waterloo
Cartoon by Daniel Maclise which will be exhibited at the Royal Academy from 2 September – only
the second time it has been seen in public since 1922.
Weeks 4 to 6 will follow the expansion of the British Empire; how artists portrayed British
colonialists in the East and how they portrayed ‘The Exotic Other’. We’ll look Westwards as well,
following the abominable Slave Trade, the imagery relating to it and the Abolitionist Movement.
Weeks 7 to 9 continue the Empire theme, looking specifically at the Artist and Empire exhibition
at Tate Britain and exploring further the imagery of colonialism and post-colonialism, and its
legacy amongst modern and contemporary artists in the Commonwealth and Britain.
For more information please contact Rosalind Whyte at Artyfacts …
Tel: 020 8318 9906
07816 988016