
11-Middle Childhood – Biosocial
6-11 yrs. Elementary School
How can I determine which person is
How can I determine which person is
BMI (Body Mass Index) Chart
This represents which level of injury
This represents which level of injury
Tertiary – Child has asthma (reduces existing condition)
What is this measuring?
What is this measuring?
Reaction time
These images are related to what concept?
These images are related to what concept?
Selective attention
What is this measuring?
What is this measuring?
Aptitude (Potential) for college
This Psychology exam is what type of test?
This Psychology exam is what type of test?
Achievement test
Who’s theory of intelligence?
Who’s theory of intelligence?
Robert Sternberg’s
What type of student is this process
designed to help?
What type of student is this process
designed to help?
Special needs children
A child with autism who manifests
close to normal speech, is detail
oriented, and shy is displaying:
A. echolalia.
B. Asperger syndrome.
C. characteristics of a savant.
D. all of the above.
A child with autism who manifests
close to normal speech, is detail
oriented, and shy is displaying:
A. echolalia.
B. Asperger syndrome.
C. characteristics of a savant.
D. all of the above.
Johnny is hyperactive, and when given
amphetamines (stimulants) he tends to…
A. Become more stimulated and active
B. Calm down
C. Become depressed
D. Hallucinate
E. Become easily angered
Johnny is hyperactive, and when given
amphetamines (stimulants) he tends to…
A. Become more stimulated and active
B. Calm down
C. Become depressed
D. Hallucinate
E. Become easily angered
The most effective means of helping
a child with ADHD is:
A. psychological therapy.
B. changes in the school and
family environment.
C. medication.
D. a combination of the above.
The most effective means of helping
a child with ADHD is:
A. psychological therapy.
B. changes in the school and
family environment.
C. medication.
D. a combination of the above.
Video: Middle Childhood-Biosocial
What do you need help with?
What topics do you need help with?
• A. Obesity and BMI
• B. Prevention of health problems
– Primary, secondary, and tertiary
• C. Changes in brain development
– Reaction time, selective attention, &
• D. Measuring the mind
– Aptitude, Achievement, & IQ tests
• E. I understand
What topics do you need help with?
A. Multiple intelligences
B. Special needs – IEP
C. ADHD & stimulants
D. Asperger’s syndrome
E. I understand
• When Matt was 6 years old...
• Matt seems to be having a new round of colds and stomach aches, and
has had to miss several days of school this fall.
• A. You recognize this is part of the normal process of building up
immunities, and do nothing special other than to care for Matt when he is
• B. You recognize that a lot of exposure to school and day-care increases
the chances of colds, so you arrange to have Matt picked up after school
at 2:30 and taken care of at home by a babysitter or relative.
• C. You think it is important for Matt not to miss school. You resolve to keep
him home only one day with each illness, and send him to school on the
second day.
You are the parent of a six year old whom you want to
take a nap because he appears tired and cranky.
When you tell him to take a nap he screams, turns
away and goes into a fetal position. The harder you
push the harder he resists. What do you do?
What is a good way to give praise and approval?
How do you teach children to respect you?
Active play is particularly important
in middle childhood for all of the
following reasons, EXCEPT:
A. it improves problem-solving skills.
B. it reduces obesity.
C. it teaches respect for teammates
and opponents of different
D. it reinforces prejudices and
Active play is particularly important
in middle childhood for all of the
following reasons, EXCEPT:
A. it improves problem-solving skills.
B. it reduces obesity.
C. it teaches respect for teammates
and opponents of different
D. it reinforces prejudices and
Regarding IQ testing, it is most
accurate to say that:
A. a single test measures
B. a single test measures
C. humans have many types of
D. intelligence does not change
over time.
Regarding IQ testing, it is most
accurate to say that:
A. a single test measures
B. a single test measures
C. humans have many types of
D. intelligence does not change
over time.
Sally’s 8-year-old son is 30 percent
over his ideal weight. Sally can best
help her son by:
A. having her son watch TV shows on
B. putting her son on a strict diet.
C. signing her son up to play on a
soccer team.
D. taking walks and going swimming
with her son on a regular basis.
Sally’s 8-year-old son is 30 percent
over his ideal weight. Sally can best
help her son by:
A. having her son watch TV shows on
B. putting her son on a strict diet.
C. signing her son up to play on a
soccer team.
D. taking walks and going swimming
with her son on a regular basis.