1. Aromatic hydrocarbon oxidation 2. Uncertainty analysis Mike Pilling University of Leeds, UK 2nd December 2004 MCM meeting Leeds Oxidation mechanisms initiated by OH • Most NMHCs: – Abstraction or addition followed by addition of O2 to form peroxy radical. – Peroxy radical reacts with NO to form an alkoxy, which reacts to form HO2. Reaction with NO regenerates OH. – NO NO2 from peroxy reactions O3 • Aromatics: – HO-aromatic-O2 is short lived, regenerating reactants. Adduct is too short lived to react with NO under normal atmospheric conditions. – Intermediates are generally short lived cf parent 2nd December 2004 MCM meeting Leeds 2 Oxidation Routes for Toluene + OH/O2 O2 HO2 HO2 OH O OH NO2 NO HO2 O2 O OH O O O b-Hydroxy Peroxy + O2 O2 O OH O2 O O2 HO2 NO2 HO2 O O O O O O O + + O OH O O NO O O O Peroxide Bicyclic 2nd December 2004 O Epoxy-Oxy Products Phenol Products Oxepin Also routes to: Benzaldehyde via abstraction MeBenzoquinone via 1,4 addition MCM1: Peroxide Bicyclic Route, predominantly producing butenedial + methylglyoxal MCM2: Oxepin Route, predominantly producing muconaldehyde type products MCM3.1 – latest mechanism MCM meeting Leeds 3 Mechanism for toluene oxidation • Reviewed up to ~2000 by Calvert et al. • Main contributions to mechanism from the groups of Atkinson, Becker and Seinfeld • ~6% via abstraction from –CH3 • Rest via HO-toluene-O2 adduct: – ~12% via retention of aromatic ring – Addition of O2 to form bridged bicyclic compound that leads to ring opening. – Role of NO not clear • Mass balance only ~50% 2nd December 2004 MCM meeting Leeds 4 Subsequent key results from EUPHORE: Spectroscopic expts using DOAS • Glyoxal, formed from the formation of the bicyclic compound and ring opening is a primary product only. (Volkamer et al, J Phys Chem, 2001, 105, 7865) • Measurements of substituted phenol yields and demonstration of the need to work at low NOx (Volkamer et al , PCCP, 2002, 4, 1598) 2nd December 2004 MCM meeting Leeds 5 EXACT consortium Effects of oxidation of aromatic compounds in the troposphere (EU, Framework 5) • Kinetics of elementary reactions in initial stages (Bordeaux, Hanover) • Kinetics and mechanisms of secondary chemistry (Cork, Wuppertal) • Development and testing of overall mechanism. Design of EUPHORE experiments. (Leeds, Imperial College) • Synthesis of intermediates (Newcastle) • Secondary aerosol formation (Wuppertal, Imperial College) • Photochemical chamber studies at EUPHORE (Valencia, Wuppertal, Cork) • Coordination (Leeds) 2nd December 2004 MCM meeting Leeds 6 Chamber measurements at Wuppertal and Cork on kinetics of intermediates ln([reactant]t /[reactant]t]-kwall,dill.t 0 OH kOHa,b kNO3b,c Ortho 20.81.7 9.60.5 Meta 22.31.7 10.30.4 para 20.91.0 OH 1,0 CH3 OH 0,8 OH 0,6 CH3 OH OH 0,4 0,2 0,0 0,0 tolualdehyde 0,1 0,2 0,3 ln([reference]t0/[reference]t) - kdillt NO3 reactions, relative to 2,3 dimethyl 3 butene (17, 15, 10)x10-11 cm3 s-1 9.60.4 0,4 a :10-12 cm3 molecule-1 s-1 vs butyl ether and 1,2,4 trimethylbenzene b : 2s errors c : 10-15 cm3 molecule-1 s-1 vs tetrahydrofuran Also extensive measurements of products in reactions of intermediates, especially of hydroxyarenes (Olariu et al) Photolysis rates and mechanisms for g –dicarbonyls (Thuener et al) 2nd December 2004 MCM meeting Leeds 7 Toluene Oxidation Routes in MCMv3.1 + OH 7% 18% O2 HO2 OH Low ozone formation route HO O2 O O 65% . NO O2 NO2 HO2 10% HO Products O2 +O2 PHENOL O2 O O O Little ring opening along phenol route Successive addition of OH, NO3. Leads to formation of nitrophenols O HO HO H-ABSTACTION O NO O2 O2 NO2 Ring opening routes are most active photochemically and dominate ozone formation HO2 HO2 O O O O O O + O O O O + O O EPOXY-OXY PEROXIDE BICYCLIC 2nd December 2004 MCM meeting Leeds 8 CEAM Labs, Valencia FTIR: Aromatics, O3, HCO2H,HCHO, HNO3 Absorption spectroscopy: O3 Chemiluminescence: NO DOAS: NO2, Glyoxal LIF: OH, HO2 GC-ECD: PAN, Methylglyoxal, PAN GC-FID: Aromatics HPLC/UV: Cresols, Benzaldehyde 2nd December 2004 CO-Monitor: CO 2D-GC: carbonyls PFBHA: intermediates Derivatisation: Oxepin (Triazolin) Glyoxal, Methylglyoxal (Diaminobenzol) Filterradiometer:J(NO2) SMPS: Particle size distribution MCM meeting Leeds 9 Quantitative GCxGC of Toluene Oxidation Products 27/09/01 TOLUENE - LOW NOx EXPERIMENT Difficult to detect appropriate amounts of coproducts of glyoxal and Meglyoxal 0.18 6 Concentration (ppb) Concentration (ppb)- PROVISIONAL 0.20 8 Benzaldehyde 4 0.16 Angelica/oxopentenal 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.08 0.06 2 0.04 0.02 0 0.00 Chamber opened Chamber opened -0.02 9 10 11 13 14 15 9 10 Time at end of sampling (hrs) 1.0 11 12 13 14 15 Measurements also made by GC/ECD Time at end of sampling (hrs zulu) 600 0.8 Tolueneconc Me-benzoquinone Concentration (ppb) Concentration (ppb)- PROVISIONAL 12 0.6 0.4 0.2 500 400 Chamber opened 300 0.0 Chamber opened 9 10 11 12 200 13 14 15 Time at end of sampling (hrs) 9 10 11 12 13 Time at end of sampling (hrs) 14 15 Angelica lactone /oxopentanal Benzaldehyde Me-benzoquinone 0.0 0.5 1.0 Toluene row 1.5 2.0 unknown 2.5 3.0 Maleic anhydride 3.5 2nd December 2004 0 5 MCM meeting Leeds 10 15 col 20 25 10 5 1400 4 1200 3 1000 2 800 1 600 0 400 10 Measured [OH] (LIF) 12 13 14 15 16 17 -1 200 -2 0 Time / hrs UT 5 R ( = [OH]LIF / [OH]Hydrocarbon Decay ) Test of [OH] LIF calibration 11 Benzene vmr / ppbv 7 Inferred [OH] Guggenheim (1926) k' = ln (c2 / c1) / (t2 - t1) [OH]HC = (k' - kdil) / kOH+HC [OH] / 10 molecule cm -3 Hydrocarbon concentration 4 3 2 1 0 (1) Toluene (2) 1,3,5-TMB (3) Toluene (4) Ethene (5a) o-Cresol FTIR (5b) o-Cresol HPLC (6) p-Xylene (7) Benzene (8) Benzene (9) p-Xylene Hydrocarbon Species 2nd December 2004 MCM meeting Leeds 11 Test of HO2 calibration HO2 concentration evolution in the dark and second-order decay analysis 5.E+09 5.E-09 [HO2] 1/[HO2] Regression 4.E+09 4.E-09 -1 1/[HO2] /molec cm [HO2] /molec cm -3 3 UV Light 3.E+09 3.E-09 HCHO photolysis No NOx 2.E+09 2.E-09 1.E+09 1.E-09 0.E+00 0.E+00 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Time / s From decay analysis k(HO2+HO2) = 3.0 x 10-12 molecule-1cm3s-1 Literature (JPL 97-4) k(HO2+HO2) = 2.8 x 10-12 molecule-1cm3s-1 2nd December 2004 MCM meeting Leeds 12 Toluene Oxidation Routes in MCMv3.1 + OH 7% 18% O2 HO2 OH Low ozone formation route HO O2 O O 65% . NO O2 NO2 HO2 10% HO Products O2 +O2 PHENOL O2 O O O Little ring opening along phenol route Successive addition of OH, NO3. Leads to formation of nitrophenols O HO HO H-ABSTACTION O NO O2 O2 NO2 Ring opening routes are most active photochemically and dominate ozone formation HO2 HO2 O O O O O O + O O O O + O O EPOXY-OXY PEROXIDE BICYCLIC 2nd December 2004 MCM meeting Leeds 13 Design of chamber experiments Ozone Isopleth Plot for Toluene Chamber Experiments 1000 Initial NOx [ppb] 800 3 600 0 2 24 560 400 120 200 450 340 230 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Initial Toluene [ppb] 2nd December 2004 MCM meeting Leeds 14 Comparison of MCM3.1 to Toluene Chamber Experiment (27/09/01) 400 Experiment MCM3.1 500 300 400 O3 [ppb] Toluene [ppb] 450 350 300 200 100 250 200 0 150 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Time [h] Time [h] 100 140 120 100 NO [ppb] NO2 [ppb] 75 50 25 80 60 40 20 0 0 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Time [h] Time [h] 2nd December 2004 MCM meeting Leeds Conclusions: - Ozone overpredicted but OH is too low. Need early OH source that doesn’t produce O3 - NO2 is not rapidly enough - Co-products of glyoxal/ Me glyoxal not detected in sufficient concn 15 g-dicarbonyls. Photolysis (NO = 0) and ‘photosmog’ experiments (with NO)(Cork, Valencia measurements) experiment MCMv3.1 200 600 150 100 50 400 250 400 200 0 11.0 11.2 200 300 150 200 O3 [ppb] 800 experiment MCMv3 MCMv3.1 Butenedial (04/07/02) Butenedial[ppb] 250 HO2 [ppt] Butenedial [ppb] Butenedial (16/07/02) 100 0 0 11.4 11.0 Time [h] 11.2 100 50 11.4 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 11 Time [h] Time [h] 12 13 14 15 14 15 14 15 Time [h] 60 140 8 50 6 20 10 2 40 NO [ppb] 30 100 4 NO2 [ppb] Glyoxal [ppb] 40 CO [ppb] 120 60 20 0 11.2 11.4 11.0 Time [h] 11.2 10 11.4 12 13 14 15 10 11 Time [h] 12 13 Time [h] 15 2(5H)-Furanone 8 1.0x10 Maleicanyhdride 250 7 20 -3 5 0 11.0 11.2 200 11.4 Time [h] 7 6.0x10 7 4.0x10 7 2.0x10 11.0 11.2 11.4 10 Time [h] 100 0 11 12 13 Time [h] MCM meeting Leeds 150 50 0.0 photolysis December 2004 HO2 [ppt] 40 8.0x10 10 OH[molecule cm ] 60 0 2nd 11 Time [h] MALANHY [ppb] BZFUONE [ppb] 80 40 0 -2 11.0 60 20 0 0 80 14 15 10 11 12 13 Time [h] photosmog 16 Butenedial O O hv 0.4 0.6 O O O O + HO2 + RO2 + HO2 0.7 0.3 0.6 O O 5H-Furan-2-one CH3 0.4 O O O + HO2 maleic anhydride glyoxal O 0.29 O O 0.71 O OH O O OH O + HO2 + CO + CO2 O H O or O O h R R CO O ketene + O C R= H: acrolein O R= CH3: methylvinylketone R O O 2(5H)furanone R O O O 2(3H)furanone O + MCM v3.1 photolysis mechanism vs photolysis observations HCHO O maleic anhydride 2nd December 2004 MCM meeting Leeds 17 Searching for an OH production route • Alkyl peroxy radicals isomerise / dissociate to from OH only at high T • Modification of the peroxy can lead to low T production of OH: e.g. CH3CO + O2 → CH3CO3* → OH + CH2CO2 CH3CO3* + M → CH3CO3 • Can such routes operate in aromatic chemistry? H O H O H O O H O H OH O H H O O + O2 OO H O H OH O O H O O OH O H O O O H O OH + O O O + OH O O 2nd December 2004 MCM meeting Leeds 18 EXACT-1 : Attempts to improve the model performance by including an NO2 aerosol sink /HONO source and an early source of OH Alternative mechanisms are also feasible, e.g. Volkamer, O3 + furanones Toluene (27/09/01) 8 4.0x10 200 0.0 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 3 O3 [ppb] Toluene [ppb] 8 8.0x10 300 experiment MCMv3.1 NO2 conversion on aerosol OH source in early stages aerosol surface area 300 2 9 1.2x10 400 400 aerosol surface area [nm /cm ] 9 1.6x10 500 200 100 0 10 11 Time [h] 12 13 14 15 16 Time [h] 100 40 120 80 100 30 40 20 HONO [ppb] 80 NO [ppb] NO2 [ppb] 60 60 40 20 0 0 10 11 12 13 Time [h] 2nd December 2004 14 15 16 20 10 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Time [h] MCM meeting Leeds 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Time [h] 19 Current status of aromatic mechanisms • • • • • • • • Mechanism underestimates total radical production rates by a factor of ~2 at short and long times. At the same time, mechanism overestimates O3 formation – need route to radical formation that doesn’t give NO to NO2 conversion. NOx removed from system more rapidly than mechanism indicates Identification of glyoxal co-products ( g dicarbonyls) via GCxGC and GC/ECD with synthesis of targets – yields very low. Photochemistry and photosmog experiments on g dicarbonyls are incompatible in terms of radical yields – need new chemistry. Further extensive experiments on other aromatics – benzene, p-xylene, 1,3,5 trimethyl benzene, hydroxy aromatics, using both EUPHORE and small chambers for kinetics. Provide detailed mechanistic and kinetic data, but problems remain. Need new detailed experiments, e.g. by laser flash photolysis or discharge flow on targeted intermediates: – OH and HO2 formation – O3 + g-dicarbonyls / furanones Improved detection methods for glyoxal co-products 2nd December 2004 MCM meeting Leeds 20 Comparison of ethene measurements and simulations 1400 700 1200 600 1000 500 C2H4 [ppb] C2H4 [ppb] Ethene experiments used to refine the auxiliary chamber mechanism 800 600 400 300 200 200 0 10:00 400 100 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 0 10:00 Time [h] 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 Time [h] 2s measurement uncertainty (grey bands) 2s uncertainties from Monte-Carlo simulations (error bars) 2nd December 2004 MCM meeting Leeds 21 600 800 700 500 600 500 O3 [ppb] O3 [ppb] 400 300 400 300 200 200 100 0 10:00 100 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 0 10:00 16:00 11:00 12:00 Time [h] 14:00 15:00 16:00 15:00 16:00 Time [h] 500 300 250 HCHO [ppb] 400 HCHO [ppb] 13:00 300 200 200 150 100 100 0 10:00 50 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 0 10:00 Time [h] 2nd December 2004 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 Time [h] MCM meeting Leeds 22 Uncertainty contributions, ethene, low and high NOx OH + NO2 = HNO3 HOCH2CH2O2 + NO = HOCH2CH2O + NO2 OH + NO2 = HNO3 HCHO = CO + 2 HO2 NO2 = NO + O HOCH2CHO + OH = HOCH2CO3 HOCH2CH2O2 + NO = HOCH2CH2O + NO2 HOCH2CH2O = HO2 + 2 HCHO C2H4 + OH = HOCH2CH2O2 NO + O3 = NO2 HO2 + O3 = OH NO2 = NO + O C2H4 + O3 = HCHO + CH2OOA NO + O3 = NO2 HO2 + NO = OH + NO2 HOCH2CH2O = HO2 + HOCH2CHO HOCH2CH2O = HO2 + 2 HCHO HOCH2CH2O2 + HO2 = HOCH2CH2O2H C2H4 + OH = HOCH2CH2O2 HO2 + NO = OH + NO2 HOCH2C(O)O2NO2 = HOCH2CO3 + NO2 HOCH2CH2O = HO2 + HOCH2CHO NO2 = HONO HOCH2CO3 + NO = NO2 + HO2 + HCHO HOCH2CH2O2 + HO2 = HOCH2CH2O2H HOCH2CH2O2 + NO = HOCH2CH2NO3 HOCH2CO3 + NO2 = HOCH2C(O)O2NO2 HO2 + O3 = OH HOCH2HC2O2H + OH = HOCH2CHO + OH 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 0 Contribution to the total uncertainty [%] 2nd December 2004 MCM meeting Leeds 10 20 30 40 50 Contribution to the total uncertainty [%] 23 Morris method – (MOAT analysis), high NOx Effects of individual rate constants on peak O3 concentration 40 HOCH2CH2O2 + NO = HOCH2CH2O + NO2 OH + NO2 = HNO3 40 HCHO = CO + HO2 + HO2 35 HOCH2CHO + OH = HOCH2CO3 HOCH2CH2O = HO2 + 2 HCHO 30 HOCH2CH2O = HO2 + HCHO + HCHO HOCH2CHO + OH = HOCH2CO3 25 HO2 + O3 = OH 20 Standard Deviation [ppb] Standard Deviation [ppb] HOCH2CH2O2 + NO = HOCH2CH2O + NO2 NO2 = HONO C2H4 + OH = HOCH2CH2O2 HOCH2CH2O = HO2 + HOCH2CHO HOCH2CH2O2 + NO = ETHOHNO3 HOCH2CO3 + NO = NO2 + HO2 + HCHO HO2 + NO = OH + NO2 15 NO2 = NO + O NO + O3 = NO2 HOCH2CH2O2 + HO2 = HYETHO2H 10 HCHO = H2 + CO 5 HOCH2CH2O = HO2 + HOCH2CHO 30 HO2 + O3 = OH HOCH2C(O)O2NO2 = HOCH2CO3 + NO2 OH + NO2 = HNO3 20 HOCH2CH2O2 + NO = HOCH2CH2NO3 NO2 = NO + O HOCH2CO3 + NO = NO2 + HO2 + HCHO 10 NO + O3 = NO2 HOCH2CH2O2 + HO2 = HOCH2CH2O2H HOCH2CO3 + NO2 = HOCH2C(O)O2NO2 C2H4 + O3 = HCHO + CH2OOA HO2 + NO = OH + NO2 C2H4 + OH = HOCH2CH2O2 NO2 = HONO 0 0 50 100 150 Mean [ppb] 200 250 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Mean [ppb] 2nd December 2004 MCM meeting Leeds 24