IT AC DTIP - Web Ready

Information Technology of Automation of Control
of Discrete Technological and Information Processes
1. Purpose and essence of Technology
IT AC DTIP (further — Technology) is a new network science-intensive
technology with many applications designed to solve problems of effective
control of discrete processes for different purposes, which are usually called
processes with clearly separated states. It allows to find optimal strategies of
control of many discrete technological and information processes (DTIPs) that
can be endless stationary, limited in time, and even instant processes of options
The essence of Technology is that it is based on a uniform scientific
methodology of numerical optimization of abstract stationary discrete service
processes (DSP), to which reduce original real DTIPs. It has the practical
advantage that is applicable to a very broad class of DTIPs occurring in many
areas of human activity and allows to manage the complexity of synthesis of
optimal control strategies for them.
All necessary information about Technology is available on the website
"Центр продвижения ИТ АУ ДТИП (Promotion center of IT AC DTIP)“ and the
results of its practical implementation — on the website "Центр внедрения ИТ
АУ ДТИП (Implementation center of IT AC DTIP)". Its founder — Burlakov
Michael, D.Eng. (Kiev, Ukraine).
2. Prospects of Technology
There are listed below five main arguments in favor of the fact that Technology has a
high practical value and great commercial prospect.
1. Discrete technological and information processes are widespread in various areas of human activity.
In real life they meet not more rarely than continuous processes for the control of which has long been
successfully used the well-known technology of automation of technological processes control (it is
practically implemented through the automated process control systems — APCS).
2. There is a great need for practice in effective control of DTIPs, because each of them is characterized,
as a rule, by limited resources used in processing of discrete process objects, as well as quantitative
efficiency criterion of this processing.
3. There is currently no other similar operative technology for discrete processes control, in this
connection for them most often used in practice non-optimal (heuristic) control strategy, since the
development of optimal (best) strategies usually requires too much time and cost.
4. Technology is networking. This means that it allows to remotely solve tasks of effective control of
specific DTIPs regardless of their location. Furthermore, the presence of universal software tools for
optimizing DTIPs allows to provide network services through the Internet in their wide practical use.
The introduction in practice of Technology will surely give impetus to the development of entirely new
direction in commercial use of the Internet in finding to any interested network user the best solution in
the area of his interests. It now allows to do this in relation to the control of a variety of discrete
5. Implementation of IT AC DTIP will undoubtedly lead to the creation on its base of a number of
promising innovative technologies of specific applications in many fields of human activity, as we now
have developed the key optimizing software tools for several such technologies, and offered detailed
concept of the last.
3. Areas of Technology use
Below are listed alphabetically possible application areas of the Technology (marked with asterisks
those for which the optimizing software tools for DTIPs of relevant purposes already created):
* budgeting based on program-target planning;
* customer service in catering (particularly, in restaurants);
* delivery of a passenger by public transport to his destination;
* expenditure of money to various goods and services;
impatient customers service;
* investment of money in different sources of income;
loading and unloading operations;
maintenance of calls by emergency city services;
* maintenance of geographically distributed objects;
* network planning in project management;
* planning of business operations in production and business;
processing of workpiece on machines with changeover;
* purchase of housing;
reconstruction of existing facilities;
repair of process equipment;
storage and processing of perishable products;
* trade in real estate;
* trade online;
transmission of digital messages in communication networks;
* transportation.
The section "Продвижение технологии (Promotion of Technology) > Области внедрения
технологии (Technology implementation areas)" of the website "Центр продвижения ИТ АУ
ДТИП (Promotion center of IT AC DTIP)“ lists the major classes of discrete processes relating to
these application areas.
4. Complex expertise of Technology
For an objective evaluation of the commercial prospects of both Technology
and created on its basis the optimizing software tools for DTIPs of various
purposes, needs an independent complex expertise. It is proposed to entrust
some famous consulting company in the field of information and computer
technologies that would inspire confidence in any investor really interested in
this project and is ready to finance or directly participate in it. A sample list of
questions for this expertise (as well as the subjective responses to them) are
prepared by the Technology founder (see section "Продвижение технологии
(Promotion of Technology) > Комплексная экспертиза (Complex expertise)" of
the website "Центр продвижения ИТ АУ ДТИП (Promotion center of IT AC
Such expertise is necessary for two reasons:
1) to obtain qualitative and quantitative indicators of this innovative project,
which is a science-intensive technology with many applications, for which
any interested investor could make an informed decision about the feasibility
of investing funds, as well as to determine their value;
2) to minimize the risk of investment in this project.
5. Ways to promote Technology
The main and most promising way of Technology promotion is the creation
of a specialized production company for implementation of it (PCIT). It is
proposed that this company consisted of the Center of software tools
development (CSTD) and of the network of Centers for automation of control
(CAC) for implementation directions (see section "Общие сведения о
технологии (Overview of Technology) > Презентация технологии
(Presentation of Technology)" of the website "Центр продвижения ИТ АУ
ДТИП (Promotion center of IT AC DTIP)".
The aim of the operation of a separate CAC is the development and
implementation of highly efficient control strategies for DTIPs in a particular
application area. Such strategies are proposed to provide consumers in two
1) through mass network services on the basis of universal software tools for
optimizing the control of narrow classes of widespread DTIPs of different
2) through individual software products for optimizing the control of specific
processes that will be developed for a specific customer.
This approach will allow in the shortest possible time to master the market of
all those tasks for effective control of DTIPs of various purposes, for which
Technology is intended.
6. What has been done for Technology
1. There has been developed a uniform scientific methodology of Technology.
2. There has been elaborated one application direction of Technology relating to the effectiveness of the standard
investments [Бурлаков М.В. Как достичь эффективности инвестиций (How to achieve the efficiency of
investments). — Москва: Экономика, 2010].
3. There has been published a monograph on the basics of Technology [Бурлаков М.В. Основы технологии
автоматизации управления дискретными технологическими и информационными процессами (Basics of
technology of automation of control of discrete technological and information processes). — Киев: Університет
"Україна", 2010].
4. There has been prepared a training course on the basics of Technology, which was read twice in the regional
Gorlovka Institute of the Open International University of Human Development "Ukraine" in the academic years
2010-2011 and 2011-2012.
5. There have been created nine network instrumental systems (NISs) for optimizing the control of DTIPs of various
purposes, ready for mass use, which allow to solve tasks in the following application areas: 1) budgeting of the
Ministry; 2) network planning; 3) standard investments; 4) expenses; 5) investment in housing; 6) investment in
real estate; 7) online shopping; 8) transportation; 9) delivery of a passenger by public transport.
6. There have been developed two programs for optimizing remote and ordinary orders of customers in a
7. On the basis of IT AC DTIP there have been offered the concepts of creating four specific innovative technologies
used in the following application areas: 1) online trade, 2) trade in real estate, 3) restaurant business and 4)
project management (the first two of them are perfect), and has been developed the key software tools for this
8. There has been created and published the website "Центр продвижения ИТ АУ ДТИП (Promotion center of IT
AC DTIP)", containing all necessary information about Technology and developed on its basis 11 software tools
for optimizing DTIPs.
9. There has been created and published the website "Центр внедрения ИТ АУ ДТИП (Implementation center of IT
AC DTIP)" which focuses on the practical implementation of Technology. It dedicates to 18 categories of persons
directly related to discrete processes of various purposes and interested in effective control of them. For 16 of
these categories already exists optimizing software tools available for free use in the test mode.
7. Future Plans of the Technology founder
1. Search for an interested investor to finance an independent ands
comprehensive expertise of Technology and already created on its basis the
software tools for optimizing the control of DTIPs of various purposes.
2. Bringing to Technology a wide public attention and especially the attention of
leading IT-companies and ambitious individuals of required professions
(businessmen, programmers, managers, marketers and translators), which
would wish to take part in the introduction in practice of this major innovative
project with many applications, Including as co-founders of the future
production company for implementation of Technology. After all, we plan to
create a world-class PCIT that would better of all its potential competitors
solve the tasks of effective control of various discrete processes. The
grounds for such optimistic expectations is high science-intensiveness of
Technology as well as received by us practical results in the form of 11
optimizing software tools to implement a mass service on the effective
control of DTIPs in many spheres of human activity.