International Accounting Standard 1 Presentation of Financial Statements Bhupendra Mantri, FCA, Kalani & Co., Chartered Accountants, Jaipur (India) Mobile: 91 98298 88810 Email: Website: Objective Basis for presentation of general purpose financial statements to ensure comparability with the entity’s financial statements of previous periods and with the financial statements of other entities Overall requirements for presentation of financial statements, guidelines for their structure and minimum requirements for their content Scope Financial Statements in accordance with IFRS Interim Financial Reporting (IAS 34) – Only Para 15-35 applies All entities – CSF / SFS (IAS 27) Terminology used suitable for profit oriented entities Entities not having equity – FS presentation of members’ or unitholders’ interests List of IFRS IFRS 1 IFRS 2 First Time Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards Share based Payment IFRS 3 Business Combination IFRS 4 Insurance Contracts IFRS 5 Non current assets held for sale and discontinued operations IFRS 6 Exploration for and Evaluation of Mineral Resources IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosure IFRS 8 Operating Segments IAS 1 IAS 2 IAS 7 IAS 8 List of IFRS (IAS) IAS 10 Presentation of Financial Statements Inventories Statement of Cash Flows Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors Events after Reporting Periods IAS 11 IAS 12 Construction Contracts Income Taxes IAS 16 IAS 17 IAS 18 Property, Plant and Equipment Leases Revenue IAS 19 Employee Benefits IAS 20 Accounting for Governemnt Grants and Disclosure of Government Assistance List of IFRS (IAS) IAS 21 IAS 23 The Effect of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates Borrowing Costs IAS 24 IAS 26 Related Party Disclosure Accounting and Reporting by Retire Benefit Plans IAS 27 Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements IAS 28 IAS 29 Investment in Associates Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies IAS 31 IAS 32 Interests in Joint Ventures Financial Instruments: Presentation IAS 33 IAS 34 Earnings Per Share Interim Financial Reporting IAS 36 IAS 37 Impairment of Assets Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets List of IFRS (IAS) IAS 38 Intangible Assets IAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement IAS 40 Investment Property IAS 41 Agriculture Definitions General Purpose Those intended to meet the needs of users who are Financial not in a position to require an entity to prepare Statements reports tailored to their particular information needs Impracticable Applying a requirement is impracticable when the entity cannot apply it after making every reasonable effort do so. IFRSs Standards and Interpretations adopted by the IASB. They comprises: IFRS, IAS, Interpretation by IFRIC, SIC. Material Omissions Are materail if they could, individually or collectively, or misstatements influence the economic decisions that users make on the of items basis of financial statements. Notes Contain information in addition to that presented in the statement of financial position, statement of comprehensive income, separate income statement(if presented), statement of changes in equity and statement of cash flows. Other comprehensive income Comprises items of income and expense (including reclassification adjustments) that are not recognized in profit or loss as required or permitted by other IFRSs. Components of other comprehensive income Changes in revaluation surplus (IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment and IAS 38 Intangible Asset) Actuarial gains and losses on defined benefit plans recognized in accordance with para 93A of IAS 19 Employee Benefits Gains and losses arising from translating the financial statements of foreign operations (IAS 21 The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates Gain and losses on remeasuring available for sale financial assets (IAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement) The effective portion of gains and losses on hedging instruments in cash flow hedge (IAS 39) Definitions Owners Are holders of instruments classified as equity. Profit or Loss Is the total of income less expenses, excluding the components of other comprehensive income. Reclassification adjustments are amounts reclassified to profit or loss in the current period that were recognized in the current or previous periods. Total Comprehensive Is the change in equity during a period resulting from Income transactions and other events, other than those changes resulting from transactions with owners in their capacity as owners. Total comprehensive income comprises all components of ‘profit or loss’ and of ‘other comprehensive income’. Complete set of financial statements A statement of financial position as at the end of the period A statement of comprehensive income for the period A statement of changes in equity for the period A statement of cash flow for the period Notes, comprising a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information A statement of financial position as at the beginning of the earliest comparative period General Features Fair presentation and compliance with IFRSs Going Concern Accrual basis of accounting Materiality and aggregation Offsetting Frequency of reporting Comparative Information Consistency of presentation Fair presentation and compliance with IFRS Financial position, financial performance and cash flow Explicit and unreserved statement of compliance Selection and application of Accounting policies (IAS 8), presenting information to provide relevant, reliable, comparable and understandable information and Additional Information Inappropriate Accounting Policies Fair presentation and compliance with IFRS Departure from IFRS – Extreme Circumstances' (Disclosure) • Management conclusion about fair presentation • Compliance with IFRS, except departure from particular requirement to achieve fair presentation • Title of departed IFRS, nature of departure, treatment IFRS requires, reason why treatment would mislead • Financial effect of the departure on each item Departure from requirement of IFRS in prior period Departure from IFRS but regulatory framework prohibits departure • Title of IFRS, nature of the requirement, reason • The adjustments to each item in the financial statements that management has concluded would be necessary to achieve fair presentation Going Concern Assessment of entity’s ability by management Disclosure when financial statements are not on going concern basis GCB unless contrary intention or no realistic alternative to liquidation Disclosure of Uncertainties Accrual Basis of Accounting An entity shall prepare its financial statements, except for cash flow information using the accrual basis of accounting. Materiality and aggregation An entity shall present separately each material class of similar items. It shall present separately items of a dissimilar nature or function unless they are immaterial. Offsetting An entity shall not offset assets and liabilities or income and expense, unless required or permitted by an IFRS except: When offsetting reflects substance of the transaction or other event Detracts from ability of users both to understand the transaction, other events and conditions that have occurred and to assess the entity’s future cash flows. Frequency of reporting At least annually In case change in end of reporting period and presents financial statement for period longer or shorter than one year – disclosure • The reason for using a longer or shorter period • The fact that amounts presented in the financial statements are not entirely comparable Comparative Information For all amounts reported in current period’s financial statements except when IFRSs permit or require otherwise When the entity changes the presentation or classification of items – Reclassification of comparative amounts – Disclosure: When impracticable to reclassify comparative amounts, an entity shall disclose: • The nature of transaction • The amount of each item or class of items that is reclassified; and • The reason for reclassification • The reason for not reclassifying the amounts; • The nature of adjustments that would have been made if the amounts had been reclassified Consistency of presentation An entity shall retain the • It is apparent, following a significant presentation change in the nature of the entity’s operations or a review of its financial and statements, that another presentation classification or classification would be more of items in appropriate having regard to the criteria financial for the selection and appropriation of accounting policies in IAS 8 or statements • An IFRS requires a change in from on presentation period to the next unless: Structure and content Introduction Identification of the financial statements Statement of financial position Statement of comprehensive income Statement of changes in equity Statement of cash flows Notes Other disclosures Identification of the financial statements An entity shall clearly identify • the financial statements and distinguish them from other information in the same published document • each financial statement and the notes. Display of information prominently, and repeat it when necessary for the information presented to be understandable: • The name of reporting entity or other means of identification, and changes in that information from the end of the preceding reporting period • Whether the financial statements are of an individual entity or a group of entities • The date of the end of the reporting period or the period covered by the set of financial statements or notes • The presentation currency, as defined in IAS 21; and • The level of rounding used in presenting amounts in the financial statements. Statement of financial position Information to be presented in the statement of financial position Current / non current distinction Current liabilities Current assets Information to be presented either in the statement of financial position or in the notes Information to be presented in the statement of financial position Property, plant and equipment Investment property Intangible assets Financial asses Investments accounted for using the equity method Biological assets Trade and other receivables Cash and cash equivalents Non current assets held for sale and discontinued operations Trade and other payables Provisions Financial liabilities Liabilities and assets for current tax as defined in IAS 12 Deferred tax liabilities and deferred tax assets as defined in IAS 12 Liabilities included in disposal group classified as held for sale Non controlling interests, presented within equity; and Issued capital and reserves attributable to owners of the parent Information to be presented in the statement of financial position Additional Line items, heading and subtotals in the statement of financial position when such presentation is relevant to an understanding of the entity Deferred tax assets (liabilities) not to be classified as current assets (liabilities) Current / non current distinction Presentation of financial position by classification in current and non current assets, and current and non-current liabilities except: • when a presentation based on liquidity provides information that is reliable and more relevant. • When exception applies, in order of liquidity. Disclose amount expected to be recovered or settled after more than twelve months for each asset and liability line item that combines amounts expected to be recovered or settled: • No more than twelve months after the reporting period, and • More than twelve months after the reporting period Current assets Entity expects to realize the asset, or intends to sell or consume, in its normal operating cycle; It holds the asset primarily for the purpose of trading; It expects to realize the asset within twelve months after reporting period; or The asset is cash or cash equivalent (IAS 7) unless the asset is restricted from being exchanged or used to settle a liability for at least twelve months after the reporting period All other assets as non current Current liabilities Entity expects to settle the liability in its normal operating cycle; It holds the liability primarily for the purpose of trading; The liability is due to be settled within twelve months after reporting period; or The entity does not have an unconditional right to defer settlement of liability for at least twelve months after the reporting period All other liabilities as non current Specific Discussion (Para 70-76) Trade payables, accrual for employees and other operating costs – Normal operating cycle Other current liabilities – financial liabilities, bank overdrafts, current portion of NCL, dividends payable, income taxes and other non trade payables – Whether due for settlement within twelve months. Original term of liability, refinance, reschedule agreement after reporting period Discretion of entity to refinance / roll over obligation Breach of provision of long term loan arrangement Events after the Reporting Period (IAS 1) Information to be presented either in the statement of financial position or in the notes Entity shall disclose, either in the statement of financial position or in the notes, further sub classification of the line items presented, classified in a manner appropriate to the entity’s operations. Sub-classification depends on the requirement of IFRSs, size, nature, functions of the amounts involved. Information to be disclosed for each class of share capital Description of the nature and purpose of each reserve within equity Statement of comprehensive income • Information to be presented in the statement of comprehensive income • Profit or loss for the period • Other comprehensive income for the period • Information to be presented in the statement of comprehensive income or in notes Analysis of Expenses • ‘Nature of expenses’ method • ‘Function of expenses’ method Statement of Changes in equity • Total comprehensive income for the period • Effect of retrospective application or retrospective restatement (IAS 8) • Reconciliation between the carrying amount at the beginning and the end of the period • Dividend distributed per share Statement of cash flows – IAS 7 Notes • • • • • Structure Disclosure of Accounting Policies Sources of estimation uncertainty Capital Other disclosures Notes - Structure • Basis of preparation of the financial statements and the specific accounting policies • Information required by IFRSs that is not presented elsewhere in the financial statements • Information relevant to an understanding of financial statements • Systemic manner, cross reference Notes: Disclosure of Accounting Policies • Measurement basis used in preparing the financial statements • Other accounting policies used that are relevant to an understanding of FS • Judgments that management has made in the process of applying the entity’s accounting policies Notes: Sources of estimation uncertainty • Information about the assumption • Major sources of estimation uncertainty Capital An entity shall disclose information that enables users of its financial statements to evaluate the entity’s objectives, policies and processes for managing capital Notes: Other disclosures • An entity shall disclose in the notes: – Dividend proposed or declared – Amount of any cumulative preference dividends not recognized • Domicile and legal form of the entity, its country of incorporation and the address of its registered office • Description of nature of the entity’s operations and its principal activities • Name of the parent and the ultimate parent of the group