Family Handbook - Saint Bernadette Catholic Church

GIFT (Growing In Faith Together!)
Our Family Faith Formation Program
2014-2015 Family GIFT Handbook
We, the Catholic Community of Saint Bernadette, seek to strengthen our relationship with God and all
people through acts of charity, justice and love, proclaiming the Gospel, sharing the Eucharist and
developing our ministries.
Monday-Friday: 8:15 am
Saturday: 5:00 pm
Sunday: 8:30 am and 11:00 am
Communion Service
Tuesday: 7:00 pm
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday: 3:30 pm
Rev. Terry L. Bradshaw
Jerry Buehner
Dr. Patrick D. Harris
J. David Zorn
Kathy Easley
Bob Sugrue
Robert Hale
Nancy Falls
Jill Mullaney
Tina LaTulippe
Ed Hovan
Debbie Kovarovic
Permanent Deacon
Permanent Deacon
Worship & Music
Pastoral Associate
Adult Formation
Youth Ministry
Admin Assistant (To make appt. w Fr Terry)
Parish and School Business Manager
Parish Administrative Support Team
Children's Formation
Saint Bernadette Catholic Church
6500 Saint Bernadette Ave.
Prospect, KY 40059
(502) 425-2210
Parish Center Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30 am-4:30 pm
2014-2015 GIFT Catechists and Volunteers
GIFT Grade
7/Confirmation Prep
Confirmation /8
Spec Needs
Youth Minister
Silvia Espinola
Assistant: Connie Mejias
Heather Morgan
Assistant: Kaelyn Harris
Terri Harrison
Martha Wagner
Brittany McGill
Assistant: Madeleine Geis
Kathy Hoffman
Assistant: Cindy Whinnery
Leslie Peak
Assistant: Angela Ponzio
Carrie & Phil Ransdell
Jeanene Clark
Assistant: Mary Burns
Kim Clifford
Cheryl Stewart
Assistant: Olivia Clifford
Rebecca Glauber
Assistant: Bill Nieport
Denise Pikowski
Assistant: Mary Thompson
Wes Harris
Assistant: Scott Smith
Teri & Wade Wing
Scott Crawford
Tessa Ramsey
Cathy Helms
Assistant: Olivia Hummel
TOB: Jim Shields
Gary Montgomery
Chris & Jill Leachman
Cindy Davis
Bruce Davis
Hall Monitor Coordinator
Middle School Youth
Group Coordinators
Amy Collins
Deborah Stakelum
Tessa Ramsey
Children’s Formation
(Adult Bible Basics)
(Why Catholic)
Debbie Kovarovic
Therese Allen
Assistant: Nancy Hahn
Therese Allen
Assistant: Nancy Hahn
Larry Sabo
Deacon Pat Harris
Barb Jones
Contact through Debbie Kovarovic.
Kathy Easley/Robert Hale
RCIA w/children,
Sacramental Prep
Lead Hall Monitor
Please request contact info
from Debbie Kovarovic.
(W) 815-3108
Please request contact info from Deb.
Faith Formation is for the Whole Family
God's first provision to us is our family. Parents/guardians are truly the primary catechists of their children. They
prepare the soil and plant the first seeds of faith. It is within the family that we first learn about love and forgiveness.
Therefore, our religious education program at Saint Bernadette attempts to nurture the whole family on their faith
journey, especially since growing in faith is a never-ending process.
We need you!
All parents/guardians are asked to sign up for at least one Sunday during the year to visit your child's class. In
classrooms that contain only one catechist, we'll need all the Sundays covered so that we meet Safe Environment
standards. Your child will be the star of the week when you come! They'll get to introduce you to the class and have
other privileges as determined by their catechist. Please contact your child’s catechist/room parent to sign up for a
We'll have 3 "Family GIFT Days" this year: Sundays that are designed for the whole family to come together. They
include an All Saints Day Celebration, Reconciliation Learning Event and May Crowning. On these days, students will
arrive with their families in the Gym or Church to celebrate and grow together.
HS and ADULT Classes & Catechist Opportunities
There are GIFT classes for all ages offered at the same time, allowing for everyone in the family to be growing in faith
together. We are especially looking to build our HS/College Age Group.
GIFT Theme This Year: Faith for your Family
From the United States Council of Catholic Bishops: "Catechesis that involves the whole family is a particularly effective
method of catechesis for young children because it helps parents to become more confident in sharing their faith with
their children which encourages their children's emerging faith.”
This will help tie us into the focus of our universal church. The Vatican’s Synod on the Family in October 2014 will be
highlighting what it means to be and live as a Catholic family. Then, the World Meeting of Families is scheduled for
September 2015 in Philadelphia when Pope Francis is expected to be in attendance.
God, Almighty Father,
May the example of the Holy Family,
with the aid of your Holy Spirit,
guide all families, especially those most troubled,
to be homes of communion and prayer
and to always seek your truth and live in your love.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph, pray for us!
Our Curriculum
The Pflaum Gospel Weeklies Faith Formation Program differs from other programs in a number of significant ways. A
catechism handbook and weekly take-home lessons replace the traditional textbook. Lessons flow from the Sunday
Gospels so children learn their faith within the rhythms of the liturgical year. That’s another reason Mass is important.
Hearing those readings before or after they’re discussed in class really makes an impact. Check out Pflaum at: There is also a free parent newsletter you can receive!
Each week, children should bring home materials they worked on in class, including the student handouts from Pflaum.
Since there is usually so much to do & so little time, it’s unlikely that a class can get through all of the material. This is
your chance to read and do activities together at home. If you find that your student rarely arrives home with a copy of
the Pflaum material, please let your catechist know.
Grade Level Art Projects
Having religious objects in the home is important for children because they provide visual reminders of faith and
tangible representations of learning. Therefore, this year we hope to establish a nice project per grade.
Important Information for Families
Arrival - 9:40 am
Students will meet their class in the cafeteria in Saint Mary Academy. As soon as most of the class arrives (no later than
9:45 am), catechists will lead their students to the classroom to begin in prayer. Please arrive a few minutes early to
allow your child their entire class time.
Dismissal – 10:45 am
Preschool, Kindergarten, and 1st graders are picked up in the classroom by parents.
2nd – Confirmation/8th are escorted to the cafeteria, unless other arrangements have been made by the
catechist. We ask that parents wait for their children in the cafeteria, not in their cars in the parking lot.
Safe Parking for GIFT Families
Please park in a parking space when dropping off of picking up your children; then, escort them to the cafeteria.
The advantages of this include ensuring their safety as well as to make contact with their catechist.
If no parking spaces are available, parents who are picking up from GIFT -- because they have already attended Sat
night/8:30a Mass & dropped off their children for class -- should park parallel and adjacent to the grassy fields. No
parking against yellow lines in front of SMA, even if just for a minute. This poses a danger to your children &
Please park, then walk to the cafeteria to meet your children. Escort them out to your car using the door at the side
of the building with the circle. The side door of the building should only be used for all those families who are
leaving the campus after GIFT, so as to avoid oncoming vehicles who will be arriving for Mass.
If the driver is a mother with baby, elderly or with special needs, they may use the circle to pick up their children
provided a written notice is turned in to Children’s Formation.
First of all, Mass is a priority. Did you know this is the most important meal we can share with our families? Help your
child to be as faithful as possible about attending GIFT too.
If you know your child will be absent, please notify your child’s catechist in writing/email the week before the
anticipated absence. We worry about kids who miss class; and sometimes we have special events planned. One GIFT
family submitted their entire schedule at the beginning of the GIFT year. Easy way to do it!
**There are specific attendance requirements especially for those children who are in a sacramental prep year such as
First Eucharist or Confirmation. Every class is so important while preparing to receive a sacrament; therefore, if your
student misses a class, it will be important for you to request make up work from your catechist. **
***There are also specific attendance requirements for those who participate in a Saint Mary Academy sponsored sport.
For a full explanation, please see the page in this handbook entitled “Policy Concerning GIFT Students Playing Saint Mary
Academy Sponsored Sports.”***
Illness or Injury
We are not permitted to administer any form of medication to students. Sudden medical emergencies will be handled
by calling 911 if necessary, and also by calling the emergency contact information you provided at registration. Please
remember to keep us up to date on any changes.
Dress code
While we do not have a rigid dress code, we do expect appropriate attire to be worn by students.
Inclement Weather & Snow Days
Our greatest concern is your safety. The Director of Children’s Formation will make the decision on snow closings and
will communicate through email, Remind and a pre-recorded message on the Formation line, if possible. Call 815-3108
after 9:00 am to find out if classes have been cancelled due to inclement weather. Classes cancelled due to inclement
weather will not be made up. Classroom materials from the cancelled week should be sent home with the students the
following week, so that you can use it at home.
Remind is a free text app that is safe and easy. It enables us to safely and efficiently communicate with our families
about important information relating to GIFT, including inclement weather cancellations or special reminders
Enter this number: (502) 694-1051
Text this message: @saintbe
OR visit this link to get messages via
email or text:
Saint Mary Academy
Being blessed with the use of these wonderful classrooms means an added level of responsibility. At all times we will
respect personal, classroom and church property.
The words “discipline” & “disciple” come from the same Latin word, discere, which means “to learn”. Our goal is to
foster self-discipline—to help students to make good choices and behave appropriately. Therefore, we will make every
effort to use positive statements, structure the environment, reinforce good behavior, redirect and be consistent. We
expect respect and cooperation from every student. If problems in the classroom arise and can’t be resolved, the child
may be removed from the classroom setting. They will then work on GIFT classroom materials while being moderated
by the GIFT Coordinator or adult volunteer.
Sacramental Preparation
Preparation for the sacraments of First Reconciliation, First Eucharist, and Confirmation will take place during GIFT
classes in the 2nd and Confirmation Preparation (8th) grades respectively. A year of formal faith formation is expected
prior to the Sacramental preparation year. A picture or scanned copy of the Baptismal certificate must be sent to
Debbie Kovarovic for First Reconciliation/Eucharist ( and Kathy Easley for Confirmation
( Your prompt handling of this is appreciated, as the parish office must have these items in order
to fulfill Archdiocesan requirements.
Parent Meetings and/or Sponsor Meetings (Attendance is expected.)
 Provide parents/sponsors with information regarding the theology of the sacrament;
 Are an opportunity for you to share your faith experiences; and
 Allow families to receive information, and to ask questions.
2014-2015 Sacramental Dates
For a complete list of dates, please check our website
First Reconciliation – Sunday, December 7, 2014; 2-3:30 pm All parish children, those enrolled in GIFT as well as
those enrolled in St. Mary Academy, celebrate together at this service. Parents and family are encouraged to
celebrate the sacrament too.
First Eucharist – Sunday, April 26, 2015; 2-3:30 pm All parish children—GIFT & SMA students—celebrate together!
Contact Debbie Kovarovic with any questions about Reconciliation or First Eucharist, debbiek@stb2008 .org.
Confirmation –Wednesday, April 15, 2015 at 7:00 pm. Archbishop Joseph Kurtz usually presides at this
liturgy. Confirmation candidates are expected to fulfill certain requirements as part of their preparation for this
sacrament, including the completion of major service projects, attendance at various retreats and activities, and
exploration of their faith and baptismal call along with a sponsor they have chosen. A year of formal faith formation
is expected prior to enrolling in the Confirmation process.
Questions/concerns can be directed to Kathy Easley, Confirmation Coordinator,
Finally, it’s important that your child continue to attend GIFT classes even after the parish celebration of the
sacrament. There will be classroom follow-up and discussion, and your child will benefit greatly by continuing to attend
GIFT classes.
Not in 2nd or 8th Grade? Still need Sacraments?
Older children who have not yet celebrated Eucharist for the first time will join Sacramental Prep Program for children
beginning in February through March to prepare for receiving full initiation. This process works best when parents are
also present. Let us know of your desire as soon as possible.
Policy Concerning GIFT Students
Playing Saint Mary Academy Sponsored Sports
Saint Mary Academy offers a variety of programs for the development of the mind, body, and spirit that includes Saint
Bernadette parish members. Understanding that our spiritual formation is the primary goal of the parish, the following
policy will be observed regarding our parish children.
The purpose of this policy is to ensure those children who are registered members in the parish, but not attending Saint
Mary Academy, and who wish to participate in sports, are receiving the benefit of continuing religious formation
through the GIFT program.
In order for a child to participate in a Saint Mary Academy sponsored sport:
1. The child must be enrolled in and consistently attend the parish GIFT faith formation program
2. The child’s parent must be registered members of Saint Bernadette parish.
3. The child must be a baptized Catholic having completed the sacraments of initiation appropriate to his/her age.
Misc Notes
GIFT attendance will be monitored.
The Formation Office will be given copies of all sports sign-up sheets for the entire year beginning with summer
sports sign-ups.
Any child who misses 10% or more of the scheduled GIFT classes for the school year will be dropped from the
team. In addition, that child will be ineligible to play in any other Saint Mary Academy sponsored sport for the
remainder of the current school year. This will also affect the child’s eligibility to participate in next year’s Saint
Mary Academy sports program.
If a child who is enrolled in the GIFT Program misses two (2) consecutive weeks of classes without an excused
absence, the child’s coach will be notified, and that child will sit out the next scheduled league game.
In order to continue eligibility for the current and next year, the child must continue to attend the GIFT Program
even after the season’s conclusion of the particular sport in which the child has played. Any child who fails to
continue to participate in the GIFT Program after the conclusion of the sport in which the child has played, will be
ineligible to participate in the sports program the next year.