It is a systematic attempt to look ahead in future to foresee opportunities; by forecasting the likely possibilities and scenarios at different times and then devising means and actions to be taken to take advantage from them. Planning advance: is an exercise that determines in a. The ends (What is to be done or achieved?) b. The means (How it is to be done?) c. The timing (When to do what?) d. The responsibility (Who should do what?) e. The reason (Why it should be done?) Planning is primary function of management Planning is an intellectual process Planning is goal oriented Planning is future oriented and involves forecasting Planning needs to be dynamic in nature (flexible) Planning involves choosing from among alternatives Planning and control are inseparable Direction Setting Provides a Holistic Picture Planning Avoids Haphazard Actions Planning brings Economy in Operations Planning can minimize risk and uncertainties Estimation of the needed resources Facilitates Teamwork 1. Environmental Scanning 2. Determining Planning Premise 3. Forecasting Outcomes & Events 4. Determination of Objectives 5. Searching Alternatives 6. Evaluating Alternatives 7.Choosing the best alternative 8. Detailed planning 9. Implementation 10. Review BASED 1. 2. 3. ON TIME FRAME: Long term (over a period of 5 yrs) Middle term (over a period of 3-5 yrs) Short term (within a year) BASED ON BREADTH: 1. Strategic (Vision, mission, objectives) 2. Tactical (Middle level) 3. Operational (Monthly, weekly, day-to-day) BASED ON USE: 1. Single use Plans(designed to meet the needs of a unique situation) Eg: Programs, projects, budgets. 2. Standing plans (provide guidance for the activities that are performed repeatedly) These plans provide readymade answers to some situations. Lack of Accurate Information Time Consuming Process Expensive Inflexibility False Sense of Security Laziness Resistance to change Environmental Constraints