Irrungen und Wirrungen in der Vitamin D – Forschung Hello Dr. Mercola, I had the impression, that in your talk with Dr. Kate Rheaume-Bleue in Minute 27:3o ff of the video the statement was a little bit foggy for people with a Vitamin D 3 intake of let's say 10.000 I.U. Vitamin D3 per day. In case, You personally would take this amount, how much Vitamin K Menachinon-7 (MK-7) would You personally supplement? „8.000 I.U. of Vitamin D3 as a daily supplementation need 1.000 Mikrograms (=1 mg) of Vitamin K Menachinon-7 (MK-7)" = Statement from Minute 27:30 in Dr. Mercolas Interview with Dr. Kate RheaumeBleue = - Danke. Es beweist mir erneut, daß die Forderung nach "evidence" in der Medizin wahrscheinlich einer der größten Fehlgriffe in der Medizingeschichte war. Die persönliche Erfahrung wie bei Ihnen oder bei den Brasilianern sollte viel mehr Gewicht haben - natürlich kann es schon aus ethischen Gründen in Brasilien niemals ein RCT geben. Was für ein vorzüglich organisierter Schwachsinn ist doch unser krankheitsverursachendes gesetzliches System, mit dümmlichen DGE-Präsidenten an der Spitze. Dr. Strunz schrieb mir einmal: "Recht haben oder glücklich leben." - Ich entscheide mich für Letzteres. Wir sehen uns dann in Düsseldorf. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Volker H. Schendel - Ministerialrat a.D. Freier Wissenschaftsjournalist Langrederhof 5 1 30455 Hannover Tel.: 0511 / 215 99 44 (mit AB) Vitamin D - Research: Von: Volker Schmiedel [] Gesendet: Dienstag, 25. März 2014 19:05 An: Volker H. Schendel Betreff: Aw: MS - Heilung ? Ich würde ihn optimal mit Selen, Vitamin D und vor allem mit Omega-3 einstellen. In dieser Kombination glaube ich, größere Erfolge zu erzielen, als nur einen Stoff in einer Mega-Dosis zu geben. Um zu beweisen, ob ein solches Programm funktioniert, brauchen wir 5 Jahre Zeit und 30 Millionen Euro für eine entsprechende große kontrollierte Studie. Das Geld hat keiner, der in diesem Bereich arbeitet, deshalb wird es eine solche Studie nicht geben. Insofern muss jeder erst einmal das tun, was ihn am meisten überzeugt und woran er am meisten glaubt. LG, Dr. Volker Schmiedel Gesendet: Dienstag, 25. März 2014 um 18:27 Uhr Von: "Volker H. Schendel" <> An: "'Volker Schmiedel'" <> Betreff: MS - Heilung ? Hallo Dr. Schmiedel, danke für die Rückmeldung. Was würden Sie aber machen, wenn ein MS Patient zu Ihnen käme um geheilt zu werden, weil er von der Methode von Prof. Dr. Cícero Galli Coimbra an der University of São Paulo, UNIFESP
President am Autoimmunity Investigation and Research Institute gehört hat? Bliebe da nur das "Wegschicken" und wenn ja , was würde das eigentlich bedeuten? Mit freundlichen Grüßen 2 Volker H. Schendel - Ministerialrat a.D. Freier Wissenschaftsjournalist Langrederhof 5 30455 Hannover Tel.: 0511 / 215 99 44 (mit AB) Vitamin D - Research: Von: Volker Schmiedel [] Gesendet: Dienstag, 25. März 2014 18:16 An: Volker H. Schendel Betreff: Aw: AW: F.O.M. Kongreß 12. April 2014 - CCD Congress Center Düsseldorf (Messegelände) : Thema: "Immunmodulation" Sehr geehrter Herr Schendel, mit "Mega-Dosen" von Vitamin D habe ich keine Erfahrung. Ich versuche derzeit, meine Patienten (von Rheuma bis MS) auf vermutlich optimale Spiegel von 40-60 ng/ml zu bringen. Wenn wir das schaffen würden, wäre schon viel erreicht. Ob noch viel höhere Spiegel noch viel mehr bringen, vermag ich nicht zu sagen und warte ab, bis ich bessere Informationen habe. Zu Vitamin K kann ich gar nichts sagen (jedenfalls nicht bei MS). Herzliche Grüße, Dr. Volker Schmiedel Gesendet: Montag, 24. März 2014 um 13:32 Uhr Von: "Volker H. Schendel" <> An: "'Volker Schmiedel'" <> Betreff: AW: F.O.M. Kongreß 12. April 2014 - CCD Congress Center Düsseldorf (Messegelände) : Thema: "Immunmodulation" Hallo Dr. Schmiedel, …. Ich bin sehr an Ihrer Meinung zur MS Heilung in Brasilien und der K2 Thematik interessiert. 3 Mit freundlichen Grüßen Volker H. Schendel - Ministerialrat a.D. Freier Wissenschaftsjournalist Langrederhof 5 30455 Hannover Tel.: 0511 / 215 99 44 (mit AB) Vitamin D - Research: Kiene H, Hamre HJ, Kienle GS. In support of clinical case reports: A system of causality assessment. Global Adv Health Med 2013;2(2):28-39. Abstract (PubMed) Volltext (PDF) Kienle GS, Kiene H. From Reductionism to Holism: Systems-oriented Approaches in Cancer Research. Global Adv Health Med 2012;1(5):68-77. Volltext (PDF) Gagnier JJ, Kienle G, Altman DG, Moher D, Sox H, Riley D, the CARE group. The CARE guidelines: consensus-based clinical case report guideline development. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 2014;67(1):46-51. DOI 10.1016/j.jclinepi.2013.08.003. Epub 2013 Sep 12. PubMed PMID: 24035173. Abstract (PubMed) Abstract (HTML) Gagnier JJ, Kienle G, Altman DG, Moher D, Sox H, Riley D, the CARE Group. The CARE guidelines: consensus-based clinical case reporting guideline development. Journal of Medical Case Reports 2013;7:223. Abstract (PubMed) Volltext (PDF) Gagnier JJ, Kienle G, Altman DG, Moher D, Sox H, Riley D, CARE Group. The CARE guidelines: consensus-based clinical case reporting guideline development. Headache. 2013 Nov-Dec;53(10):1541-7. DOI 10.1111/head.12246. PubMed PMID: 24266334. Abstract (PubMed) Gagnier JJ, Kienle G, Altman DG, Moher D, Sox H, Riley D, CARE Group. The CARE guidelines: consensus-based clinical case report guideline development. J Diet Suppl. 2013 Dec;10(4):381-90. DOI 10.3109/19390211.2013.830679. PubMed PMID: 24237192. Abstract (PubMed) Gagnier JJ, Kienle G, Altman DG, Moher D, Sox H, Riley D, CARE Group. The CARE guidelines: consensus-based clinical case reporting guideline development. BMJ Case Rep. 2013 Oct 23;2013. pii: bcr2013201554. DOI 10.1136/bcr2013-201554. PubMed PMID: 24155002. Abstract (PubMed) 4 Kiene H, Kalisch M. Wissenschaftliche Dogmen bei der Nachzulassung von Arzneimitteln in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. 1. Ausgabe. Baden-Baden: Aurelia Verlag; 1995, 78 S. ISBN 3-922907-41-5. · Kienle GS. Der sogenannte Placeboeffekt. Illusion, Fakten, Realität. Stuttgart: Schattauer Verlag; 1995, 95 S. ISBN 37945-1687-7 Kiene H. Kritik der klinischen Doppelblindstudie. München: MMV Medizin Verlag GmbH; 1993, 70 S. ISBN 3-8208-12148. Der Wirksamkeitsnachweis für Arzneimittel - Analyse einer Illusion [Taschenbuch] Gerhard; Burkhardt, Rainer Kienle (Autor) - Verlag: Stuttgart: Urachhaus, 1983 - 432 Seiten - 2.) Arzneimittelsicherheit und Gesellschaft. Eine kritische Untersuchung [Broschiert] Gerhard Kienle (Autor) - 412 Seiten - ISBN-13: 978-3794503735 Verlag: Schattauer GmbH; Auflage: 1 (Januar 1988) - ISBN-10: 3794503732 - s.a. Hello Helmut, 5 I suppose You're right. But there is a little bit of Medical - Science available, unfortunately only in German: 1.) Der Wirksamkeitsnachweis für Arzneimittel - Analyse einer Illusion [Taschenbuch] Gerhard; Burkhardt, Rainer Kienle (Autor) - Verlag: Stuttgart: Urachhaus, 1983 - 432 Seiten - 2.) Arzneimittelsicherheit und Gesellschaft. Eine kritische Untersuchung [Broschiert] Gerhard Kienle (Autor) - 412 Seiten ISBN-13: 978-3794503735 Verlag: Schattauer GmbH; Auflage: 1 (Januar 1988) - ISBN-10: 3794503732 - - Mit freundlichen Grüßen Volker H. Schendel - Ministerialrat a.D. Freier Wissenschaftsjournalist Langrederhof 5 30455 Hannover Tel.: 0511 / 215 99 44 (mit AB) Vitamin D - Research: Von: Helmut Butzkueven [] Gesendet: Donnerstag, 20. März 2014 11:33 An: Volker H. Schendel Betreff: *** GMX Spamverdacht *** Re: AW: AW: MS and Vitamin D 3 Dear Volker Very philosophical, but as we are now talking about diametrically opposed world views, that’s a better conversation over a beer than by email. 6 Best of luck with your further explorations Helmut From: "Volker H. Schendel" <> Date: Thursday, 20 March 2014 8:12 pm To: Site License <> Cc: "" <>, "" <> Subject: AW: AW: MS and Vitamin D 3 Hello Helmut, I think, the main problem could be, that Medical approaches are only been studied in clinical trials. But the idea, that science is a cumulatively enriched stock of Knowledge is not necessarily true. Our knowledge of the world would be thus - at least as far as it goes at present - irrevocable and uncorrectable. If the development of the historiography of science and the Philosophy of science of the past had earnings , then it this , that the cumulative view of the scientific process could be wrong . Due to the nature of scientific ways , the Consensus - building processes are not satisfying, because we have not in any Discipline a fundamental theory, which we definitely know, that it is true. Historically extraordinarily successful Theories end up being wrong. If then doctors in Brasil help with MS. What should be the international reaction in the medical establishment? - Mit freundlichen Grüßen Volker H. Schendel - Ministerialrat a.D. Freier Wissenschaftsjournalist Langrederhof 5 30455 Hannover Tel.: 0511 / 215 99 44 (mit AB) Vitamin D - Research: Von: Helmut Butzkueven [] Gesendet: Donnerstag, 20. März 2014 05:04 An: Volker H. Schendel Betreff: Re: AW: MS and Vitamin D 3 actuallythat’s easy too, we have in fact done a similar thingaiming for SERUM level of vitamin D – (check our Neurology paper) you could do the same think aiming to avoid hypercalcemia The hard thing is funding and willing partners- ittook us 3 years. From: "Volker H. Schendel" <> Date: Thursday, 20 March 2014 5:30 am To: Site License <> Subject: AW: MS and Vitamin D 3 7 Hello Helmut, I Suppose, now I have to disagree - if the treatment of the MS patients has an individual approach - meaning every patient gets his or her maximised dosage in the area between 50.000 I.U. Vitamin D 3 per day for six months controlled individually against hypercalcemia and supplemented for example with 360 mcg Vitamin K 2 (personal advice of Dr. Cees Vermeer from the research group in Maastricht, Holland, Netherlands) how could you formulate a design protocol, if a general applied dose of Vitamin D 3 in the verum-group is forbidden? Mit freundlichen Grüßen Volker H. Schendel - Ministerialrat a.D. Freier Wissenschaftsjournalist Langrederhof 5 30455 Hannover Tel.: 0511 / 215 99 44 (mit AB) Von: Helmut Butzkueven [] Gesendet: Mittwoch, 19. März 2014 19:02 An: Volker H. Schendel Betreff: Re: MS and Vitamin D 3 Dear Volker- completely disagree- trial design really easy, but it takes commitmentand money etc. Wehavebased our design on all available quality evidence, theprotocol was evolved over 2 years and the trial has started so this is not exactly modifiable now. Best Helmut From: "Volker H. Schendel" <> Date: Thursday, 20 March 2014 3:17 am To: Site License <> Subject: MS and Vitamin D 3 Hello Helmut, according to my preliminary research results, the protocol of research by Dr. Coimbra in Brazil is designed to supplement vitamin D 3 (probably supplemented by high doses of K2) in the maximum individual dosis for each patient from 50,000 IU D3 or higher every day consecutively for more than 6 months, strictly administered with constant controls against hypercalcemia. From this research approach this is totally unsuitable for anything other than personal health and healing reports. 8 Scientific studies could not follow a Research Design of this kind.. This means IMHO that Dr. Coimbra rated higher the success in healing his patients than RCT standards. As you can see , there's the ethical problem? - All the Australian and New Zealand MS Studies with Vitamin D 3 are probably much too low in the daily dose. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Volker H. Schendel - Ministerialrat a.D. Freier Wissenschaftsjournalist Langrederhof 5 30455 Hannover Tel.: 0511 / 215 99 44 (mit AB) Sehr geehrter Herr Schendel, vielen Dank für Ihre Anfrage. Leider kann ich diese Aussage bzgl. 25(OH)Vit. D weder bestätigen noch ausschließen, weil wir die LC-MS Messung nicht als Analysemethode benutzen und somit keinen direkten Vergleich haben. Wir benutzen die Bestimmung durch ein Immunoassay der Firma Diasorin. Es gibt jedoch Literatur über den Vergleich von verschiedenen LC-MS mit verschiedenen anderen Methoden (RIA, Immunoassays). In der Studie von Farrell CJL et al, State-of-the-Art Vitamin D Assays, Clinical Chemistry, 58:3, 531-542, 2012 hat der Immunoassay von Diasorin die beste Vergleichbarkeit mit der LC-MS (superior agreement). Weiterhin wurde die Aussage bestätigt, dass die Immunoassays keine guten Ergebnisse bei niedrigen Vit. DKonzentrationen bringen, allerdings nur bei Werten unter 8 µg/l (8 ng/ml), die nicht so sehr klinisch relevant sind. Diesen Artikel schicke ich Ihnen im Anhang. Für weitere Fragen stehe ich Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Hippokratis Messaritakis FA für Mikrobiologie, Virologie und Infektionsepidemiologie 9 +++ Aktuelle News und Infos +++ GANZIMMUN Diagnostics AG Hans-Böckler-Straße 109 55128 Mainz Tel: 0049 6131 7205-0 Fax: 0049 6131 7205-100 Vorstand Dr. med. Ralf Kirkamm Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates Dr. med. Ralf Jochem Amtsgericht Mainz HRB 6622 Steuernummer: 26/656/0298/3 Diese E-Mail enthält vertrauliche und/oder rechtlich geschützte Informationen. Wenn Sie nicht der richtige Adressat sind oder diese E-Mail irrtümlich erhalten haben, informieren Sie bitte sofort den Absender und vernichten Sie diese Mail. Das unerlaubte Kopieren sowie die unbefugte Weitergabe dieser Mail ist nicht gestattet. This e-mail may contain confidential and/or privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient (or have received this e-mail in error) please notify the sender immediately and destroy this e-mail. Any unauthorized copying, disclosure or distribution of the material in this e-mail is strictly forbidden. Hallo Herr Geßwein, habe heute vormittag mein 25 = OH Vitamin D3 in zwei verschiedenen Labors testen lassen Labor 1: 36 ng / ml - ich glaube EIA Immuno Assay Labor 2: 44 ng/ml - Elecsys Immuno Assay von Roche Ganz schöne Streubreite bei nur 9o Minuten zwischen den beiden Blutabnahmen. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Volker H. Schendel - Ministerialrat a.D. Freier Wissenschaftsjournalist Langrederhof 5 30455 Hannover Tel.: 0511 / 215 99 44 (mit AB) 10 Von: Lorenz Gesswein [] Gesendet: Montag, 17. März 2014 16:24 An: 'Volker Schendel' Betreff: WG: WG: Presseanfrage zur Genauigkeit von Immuno - Assays Hallo Herr Schindel, ich gebe Ihnen noch kurz vor dem 12.04. bekannt, ob ich nach Düsseldorf kommen kann! Dann wäre um 13.00 Uhr am Stand der Husaren-Apothke gut. - Siehe auch unten Antwort von Herrn Geiger, Prof. für Klinische Chemie (früher Uni München). Herzliche Grüße, Lorenz Geßwein Lorenz Geßwein Heilpraktiker Am Zinnbruch 34 53129 Bonn Telefon: (0228) 360 25 733 Telefax: (0228) 360 25 734 E-Mail: Internet: Aktuelles Interview: Von: [] Gesendet: Sonntag, 16. März 2014 17:15 An: Lorenz Gesswein Betreff: Re: WG: Presseanfrage zur Genauigkeit von Immuno - Assays 11 Lieber Herr Geßwein, vielen Dank für die Information. Wie ich Ihnen ja schon angedeutet habe, gibt es bei den Immunoassays immer noch keine Standardisierung bzw. Normierung, und Sie sehen es ja selbst in der Information. Da wir bei der RD möglichst mit validen Tests arbeiten, bin ich immer auf der Suche nach Informationen über die Tests. Vor kurzem habe ich eine Literaturstelle gefunden, die auch einen Vergleich zwischen den kommerziell erhältlichen Tests beschrieben hat, und wir sind mit dem Test, den wir anwenden, "ganz gut weggekommen !". Also, es empfiehlt sich, den Test eigentlich immer im ausgewählten Labor zu machen. Dann relativieren sich die Einflüsse und man erhält Werte, die man vergleichen kann. Noch ein schönes Restwochenende und beste Grüsse Ihr Reinhard Geiger "Lorenz Gesswein" <> schrieb: Lieber Herr Geiger, noch einmal kurz etwas zu Ihrer Info (die Anlage). Herzliche Grüße, Lorenz Geßwein Lorenz Geßwein Heilpraktiker Am Zinnbruch 34 53129 Bonn Telefon: (0228) 360 25 733 Telefax: (0228) 360 25 734 E-Mail: Internet: Aktuelles Interview: 12 Von: Volker H. Schendel [] Gesendet: Donnerstag, 13. März 2014 18:53 An: Volker H. Schendel Betreff: WG: Presseanfrage zur Genauigkeit von Immuno - Assays zu Ihrer Information. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Volker H. Schendel - Ministerialrat a.D. Freier Wissenschaftsjournalist Langrederhof 5 30455 Hannover Tel.: 0511 / 215 99 44 (mit AB) Von: Kramer, Jan [] Gesendet: Donnerstag, 13. März 2014 10:05 An: Betreff: WG: Presseanfrage zur Genauigkeit von Immuno - Assays Sehr geehrter Herr Schendel, herzlichen Dank für Ihre Anfrage. Tatsächlich gibt es Inter-Assay Varianzen zwischen unterschiedlichen Methoden. Der freigegebene direkte Messbereich des von uns verwendeten Tests liegt bei 10-375 nmol/l. Die Intra-Assay Varianz bei 0,1-3,8%. Somit ist die Aussage, wird immer dieses gleiche Testverfahren verwendet, auch für z.B. das Therapie-Monitoring sehr gut. Die Inter-Assay Varianz beträgt 6,0-9,8%. Zur Varianz der Testverfahren untereinander habe ich Ihnen auch eine kurze Präsentation von mir beigelegt (Folie 1 und 2). Aus meiner Sicht relativ akademische Diskussion und wer legt denn eigentlich wirklich den „Goldstandard“ fest? Auch wenn aktuell sicherlich die Bestimmung des 25-Vitamin D als Aussagekräftigster Parameter für den Vitamin D Status eines Menschen gelten kann, stellt sich dennoch die Frage, ob in Zukunft bessere Parameter, wie das freie „bioverfügabere“ Vitamin D gemessen werden sollte. Siehe auch Folie 3 meiner Präsentation sowie zur gesamten Thematik „Challenges in describing vitamin D status and activity“ auch Vogeser et al., 2014 J Lab Med 38(1): 1-10. Aktuell zeigen allerdings die noch nicht-automatisiert verfügbaren Teste untereinander eine Varianz von >20% für das freie Vitamin D. Auch die Intra-Assay Varianz dieser Teste ist noch nicht abschließend für die Routine getestet. Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Jan Kramer Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Jan Kramer Facharzt für Innere Medizin, Hämostaseologie Facharzt für Laboratoriumsmedizin 13 LADR GmbH • Ihr Labor vor Ort! Medizinisches Versorgungszentrum Dr. Kramer und Kollegen Lauenburger Str. 67 • 21502 Geesthacht Tel.: 04152 803-105 • Fax: 04152-803-45-105 Mobil: 0163-580-3834 und Geschäftsführer: Dr. med. Detlef Kramer, PD Dr. med. J. Kramer, Dr. med. O. Bätz, T. Wolff Amtsgericht Lübeck HRB 779 GE Steuernummer: 22 294 44214 USt.-Id.-Nr.: DE 265891768 Vertraulichkeitshinweis: Diese Nachricht ist ausschließlich für die Personen bestimmt, an die sie adressiert ist. Sie kann vertrauliche und/oder nur für den/die Empfänger bestimmte Informationen enthalten. Sollten Sie nicht der bestimmungsgemäße Empfänger sein, kontaktieren Sie bitte den Absender und löschen Sie die Mitteilung. Jegliche unbefugte Verwendung der Informationen in dieser Nachricht ist untersagt. Confidentiality Note: This message is intended only for the use of the named recipient(s) and may contain confidential and/or privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and delete the message. Any unauthorized use of the information contained in this message is prohibited. Von: Kurtz, Jessica Gesendet: Mittwoch, 12. März 2014 16:01 An: Kramer, Jan Cc: Wollenberg, Peter Betreff: WG: Presseanfrage zur Genauigkeit von Immuno - Assays Mit freundlichen Grüßen Vanessa Kleeschulte Assistentin der Geschäftsleitung LADR GmbH • Ihr Labor vor Ort! Medizinisches Versorgungszentrum Dr. Kramer und Kollegen Lauenburger Str. 67 • 21502 Geesthacht Tel.: 04152 803-117 • Fax: 04152-76731 und Geschäftsführer: Dr. med. Detlef Kramer, PD Dr. med. J. Kramer, Dr. med. O. Bätz, T. Wolff Amtsgericht Lübeck HRB 779 GE Steuernummer: 22 294 44214 USt.-Id.-Nr.: DE 265891768 Vertraulichkeitshinweis: Diese Nachricht ist ausschließlich für die Personen bestimmt, an die sie adressiert ist. Sie kann vertrauliche und/oder nur für den/die Empfänger bestimmte Informationen enthalten. Sollten Sie nicht der bestimmungsgemäße Empfänger sein, kontaktieren Sie bitte den Absender und löschen Sie die Mitteilung. Jegliche unbefugte Verwendung der Informationen in dieser Nachricht ist untersagt. 14 Confidentiality Note: This message is intended only for the use of the named recipient(s) and may contain confidential and/or privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender and delete the message. Any unauthorized use of the information contained in this message is prohibited. Von:Volker H. Schendel [] Gesendet: Mittwoch, 12. März 2014 10:53 An: #-Info-Adressen Betreff: Presseanfrage zur Genauigkeit von Immuno - Assays Sehr geeehrte Damen und Herren, In einem hiesigen Labor erhielt ich die Information, daß Immuno-Assays bei sehr niedrigen 25-OH-Vitamin D3 Blutwerten Probleme machen können hinsichtlich der Meßgenauigkeit, während ab ca. 50 ng/ml = 125 nmol/l die Ergebnisse dicht am LC-MS/MS Meßwert liegen. Haben Sie diesbezüglich ähnliche Erfahrungen. Zur Erläuterung: bei der Referenzmethode LC-MS/MS wird der Analyt vor der eigentlichen Bestimmung des Vitamin D aus dem Serum bzw. Plasma extrahiert, so dass mögliche Effekte durch die (Protein)matrix eliminiert werden. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Volker H. Schendel - Ministerialrat a.D. Freier Wissenschaftsjournalist Langrederhof 5 30455 Hannover Tel.: 0511 / 215 99 44 (mit AB) -RD Laboratorien GmbH Mühlstr. 8, D 86911 Diessen Tel. 08807-911 51 Fax 08807-911 53 Geschäftsführer: Prof. Dr. Dr. Reinhard Erich Geiger Amtsgericht Augsburg; HRB-Nr. 14562 That was my impression too. But considering the pain spared for his patients - for me , thats human science - remains the hope, that the message goes around the world. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Volker H. Schendel - Ministerialrat a.D. Freier Wissenschaftsjournalist Langrederhof 5 30455 Hannover Tel.: 0511 / 215 99 44 (mit AB) 15 Von: Brant Cebulla [] Gesendet: Mittwoch, 19. März 2014 00:05 An: 'Volker H. Schendel' Betreff: RE: Research in Multiple Sklerose (MS) cure by the brasilian Reearch Group araound Dr. Cicero Coimbra with daily intake of 50.000 I.U. Vitamin D 3 Volker, I believe the strategy of Dr. Coimbra’s is to supplement as high as he can without inducing hypercalcemia. All he’s trying to do is supplement with vitamin D as high as he can, without any harmful effects. He’s not saying that a certain dose works but certain other doses do not. Brant Cebulla Development Director Office: (805) 439-1075 Connect with us From: Volker H. Schendel [] Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2014 11:06 AM To: 'Brant Cebulla' Subject: AW: Research in Multiple Sklerose (MS) cure by the brasilian Reearch Group araound Dr. Cicero Coimbra with daily intake of 50.000 I.U. Vitamin D 3 Hello Brant Cebulla does that mean, they supplement with 50.000 I.U. per day and consecutive in 6 months and cure their patients from MS - they just don't have a theory - but when they supplement with less than 50.000 I.U., their patients remain ill? Mit freundlichen Grüßen Volker H. Schendel - Ministerialrat a.D. Freier Wissenschaftsjournalist Langrederhof 5 30455 Hannover Tel.: 0511 / 215 99 44 (mit AB) 16 Von: Brant Cebulla [] Gesendet: Dienstag, 18. März 2014 18:44 An: 'Volker H. Schendel' Betreff: RE: Research in Multiple Sklerose (MS) cure by the brasilian Reearch Group araound Dr. Cicero Coimbra with daily intake of 50.000 I.U. Vitamin D 3 Volker, We have exchanged emails with Dr. Coimbra. They don’t know why 50,000 IU is important any more than we do. They have access to all the same literature we do. Regards, Brant Cebulla Development Director Office: (805) 439-1075 Connect with us From: Volker H. Schendel [] Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2014 7:02 AM To: 'Brant Cebulla' Subject: AW: Research in Multiple Sklerose (MS) cure by the brasilian Reearch Group araound Dr. Cicero Coimbra with daily intake of 50.000 I.U. Vitamin D 3 Hello Brant Cebulla, do you have direct communication with the Brasilian Researchers, because according to the video-documentation , they seem to know, why 50.000 I.U. per day for more than 6 consecutive months is important, to cure MS. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Volker H. Schendel - Ministerialrat a.D. Freier Wissenschaftsjournalist Langrederhof 5 30455 Hannover Tel.: 0511 / 215 99 44 (mit AB) 17 Von: Brant Cebulla [] Gesendet: Montag, 17. März 2014 20:01 An: 'Volker H. Schendel' Betreff: RE: Research in Multiple Sklerose (MS) cure by the brasilian Reearch Group araound Dr. Cicero Coimbra with daily intake of 50.000 I.U. Vitamin D 3 Volker, I think vitamin D is very important in MS. Dr. Coimbra is doing interesting work with some very interesting and hopeful case reports. He hasn’t published much of his data to date, unfortunately, but he and his patients report remarkable results. I would love to see some pilot trials to quantify the effect of extremely high dose vitamin D in MS. Until then, it’s hard to know if there is any extra benefit in supplementing with extremely high doses verse just 5-10,000 IU/day. Cheers, Brant Cebulla Development Director Office: (805) 439-1075 Connect with us From: Volker H. Schendel [] Sent: Monday, March 17, 2014 5:43 AM To: Subject: Research in Multiple Sklerose (MS) cure by the brasilian Reearch Group araound Dr. Cicero Coimbra with daily intake of 50.000 I.U. Vitamin D 3 Hello, could I get a comment from You to the Research in Multiple Sclerosis (MS) cure by the Brasilian Research Group around Dr. Cicero Coimbra with daily intake of 50.000 I.U. Vitamin D 3 documented here: 18 Sincerely Volker H. Schendel - Ministerialrat a.D. Freier Wissenschaftsjournalist Langrederhof 5 30455 Hannover Tel.: 0511 / 215 99 44 (mit AB) Admittedly, it was only 12 patients with MS, but Vieth et al pushed it up to 40,000iu/day and saw no adverse effects on calcium levels etc. however, longer term safety concerns have been raised, e.g. Cardiac artery calcification. Safety of vitamin D3 in adults with multiple sclerosis. Kimball SM1, Ursell MR, O'Connor P, Vieth R.Am J Clin Nutr. 2007 Sep;86(3):645-51. Author information Abstract BACKGROUND: Vitamin D3 may have therapeutic potential in several diseases, including multiple sclerosis. High doses of vitamin D(3) may be required for therapeutic efficacy, and yet tolerability--in the present context, defined as the serum concentration of 25hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] that does not cause hypercalcemia--remains poorly characterized. OBJECTIVE: The objective of the study was to characterize the calcemic response to specific serum 25(OH)D concentrations. DESIGN: In a 28-wk protocol, 12 patients in an active phase of multiple sclerosis were given 1200 mg elemental Ca/d along with progressively increasing doses of vitamin D3: from 700 to 7000 microg/wk (from 28 000 to 280 000 IU/wk). RESULTS: Mean (+/- SD) serum concentrations of 25(OH)D initially were 78 +/- 35 nmol/L and rose to 386 +/- 157 nmol/L (P < 0.001). Serum calcium concentrations and the urinary ratio of calcium to creatinine neither increased in mean values nor exceeded reference values for any participant (2.1-2.6 mmol/L and <1.0, respectively). Liver enzymes, serum creatinine, electrolytes, serum protein, and parathyroid hormone did not change according to Bonferroni repeated-measures statistics, although parathyroid hormone did decline significantly according to the paired t test. Disease progression and activity were not affected, but the number of gadolinium-enhancing lesions per patient (assessed with a nuclear magnetic brain scan) decreased from the initial mean of 1.75 to the end-of-study mean of 0.83 (P = 0.03). CONCLUSIONS: Patients' serum 25(OH)D concentrations reached twice the top of the physiologic range without eliciting hypercalcemia or hypercalciuria. The data support the feasibility of pharmacologic doses of vitamin D3 for clinical research, and they provide objective evidence that vitamin D intake beyond the current upper limit is safe by a large margin. From: "Volker H. Schendel" <> Date: Wednesday, 19 March 2014 7:25 am To: Site License <> Subject: AW: AW: AW: AW: WG: Research in Multiple Sklerose (MS) cure by the brasilian Reearch Group araound Dr. Cicero Coimbra with daily intake of 50.000 I.U. Vitamin D 3 19 I'd like to agree, that Vitamin D is pretty safe - but I'm not a member of the Medical Profession - and in this profession, You'd not find many colleagues, who would say, that 50.000 I.U. of Vitamin D 3 every day for more than six months to cure MS is a safe protocol. And then, MS to cure might not fall in the category " come and gone" - isn't it an ethical task, to find out, wether these bloody Brasilians got the breakthrough? Mit freundlichen Grüßen Volker H. Schendel - Ministerialrat a.D. Freier Wissenschaftsjournalist Langrederhof 5 30455 Hannover Tel.: 0511 / 215 99 44 (mit AB) Von: Helmut Butzkueven [] Gesendet: Dienstag, 18. März 2014 21:02 An: Volker H. Schendel Betreff: Re: AW: AW: AW: WG: Research in Multiple Sklerose (MS) cure by the brasilian Reearch Group araound Dr. Cicero Coimbra with daily intake of 50.000 I.U. Vitamin D 3 Firstly, it’s pretty safe and availableand cheap so anyone who wants to can just take it? I prefer to generate evidence. Remember so many “cures’ have come and gone…. From: "Volker H. Schendel" <> Date: Wednesday, 19 March 2014 5:14 am To: Site License <> Subject: AW: AW: AW: WG: Research in Multiple Sklerose (MS) cure by the brasilian Reearch Group araound Dr. Cicero Coimbrawith daily intake of 50.000 I.U. Vitamin D 3 Hello Helmut, I'm pretty sure , there is no chance for a RCT with Dr. Cicero Coimbra's approach. But then, according to the President of the German official Chamber of the Medical Profession (Bundesärztekammer), only 40 % of the official medicine is evidence based. " Professor Dr. Jörg-Dietrich Hoppe, Präsident der Bundesärztekammer, auf dem Dialogforum Pluralismus in der Medizin: - …Maximal 40 Prozent der Medizin sei evidenzbasiert und finde sich früher oder später in wissenschaftlichen Leitlinien wieder, sagte Hoppe bei der Feier zum zehnjährigen Jubiläum des Forums in der Hauptstadt. " So let's assume, there never will be RCT to cure MS with the brasilian approach. Where does that leave the patients, who are ill and don't know, that in Brasil, they would be cured? 20 Mit freundlichen Grüßen Volker H. Schendel - Ministerialrat a.D. Freier Wissenschaftsjournalist Langrederhof 5 30455 Hannover Tel.: 0511 / 215 99 44 (mit AB) Von: Helmut Butzkueven [] Gesendet: Dienstag, 18. März 2014 16:22 An: Volker H. Schendel Betreff: Re: AW: AW: WG: Research in Multiple Sklerose (MS) cure by the brasilian Reearch Group araound Dr. Cicero Coimbra with daily intake of 50.000 I.U. Vitamin D 3 Hi Volker Do you know if Dr Coimbra has published any results? (not on youtube, but in the medical literature/medicalconferences) Ortrialdesigns? Ours are in the international trial registries. Ifyougoogle “curefor MS” there are today 63,300,000 hits. If youadd “curefor MS vitamin D, you still get 2,200,000 So the task of knowing all informationsourcesand pieces of data is very hard- actuallyimpossible. Maybe a better task for a journalist than an MS researchdoctor Best Helmut From: "Volker H. Schendel" <> Date: Wednesday, 19 March 2014 2:06 am To: Site License <> Subject: AW: AW: WG: Research in Multiple Sklerose (MS) cure by the brasilian Reearch Group araound Dr. Cicero Coimbrawithdaily intake of 50.000 I.U. Vitamin D 3 Hello Helmut, that's what I expected. Being a Journalist and not a member of the medical Profession. Wouldn't it be a sensible idea, to get into contact with Dr. Cicero Coimbra, considering, that the film reports total cure of MS? MitfreundlichenGrüßen Volker H. Schendel - Ministerialrat a.D. 21 Freier Wissenschaftsjournalist Langrederhof 5 30455 Hannover Tel.: 0511 / 215 99 44 (mit AB) Von: Helmut Butzkueven [] Gesendet: Dienstag, 18. März 2014 15:58 An: Volker H. Schendel Cc: Lisa Melton Betreff: Re: AW: WG: Research in Multiple Sklerose (MS) cure by the brasilian Reearch Group araound Dr. Cicero Coimbra with daily intake of 50.000 I.U. Vitamin D 3 Hi Volker Weareexaminingdaily doses of 1000,5000 or 10000 versus placebo, in a standard randomised, controlled design. There is a french group with a similartrial design (endpoint- new lesions/relapses )examining 100,000 units/every 2 weeks versus placebo. So no, no data on doses of 50,000 IU/day will be generated from these trials. Best helmut From: "Volker H. Schendel" <> Date: Wednesday, 19 March 2014 12:53 am To: Site License <> Subject: AW: WG: Research in Multiple Sklerose (MS) cure by the brasilian Reearch Group araound Dr. Cicero Coimbrawithdailyintake of 50.000 I.U. Vitamin D 3 Hello Helmut, Is my assumption correct, that Your Australian approach is miles away and below from the Brasilian Medical Approach with the Intention to cure MS with 50.000 I.U. per day for six consecutive months ? Mit freundlichen Grüßen Volker H. Schendel - Ministerialrat a.D. Freier Wissenschaftsjournalist Langrederhof 5 30455 Hannover Tel.: 0511 / 215 99 44 (mit AB) 22 Von: Helmut Butzkueven [] Gesendet: Dienstag, 18. März 2014 02:59 An: Volker H. Schendel Cc: Lisa Melton Betreff: Re: WG: Research in Multiple Sklerose (MS) curebythebrasilianReearch Group araound Dr. Cicero Coimbra with dailyintake of 50.000 I.U. Vitamin D 3 DearMr Schendel MS research Australia is conducting a trialof different doses of vitamin D to suppressdiseaseactivity in early MS. The MSRA coordinator is Lisa Melton, she can provide you with press information ifyouwish. Best Helmut From: "Volker H. Schendel" <> Date: Monday, 17 March 2014 11:45 pm To: Site License <> Subject: WG: Research in Multiple Sklerose (MS) cure by the brasilian Reearch Group araound Dr. Cicero Coimbrawithdailyintakeof 50.000 I.U. Vitamin D 3 Hello, could I get a comment from You to the Research in Multiple Sclerosis (MS) cure by the Brasilian Research Group around Dr. Cicero Coimbra with daily intake of 50.000 I.U. Vitamin D 3 documentedhere: Sincerely Volker H. Schendel - Ministerialrat a.D. Freier Wissenschaftsjournalist Langrederhof 5 23 30455 Hannover Tel.: 0511 / 215 99 44 (mit AB) Sehr geehrter Herr Messaritakis danke für das Feedback. Nach meinen vorläufigen Rechercheergebnissen ist das Protokoll der Forschung von Dr. Coimbra in Brasilien so angelegt, daß er Vitamin D 3 (vermutlich ergänzt um hohe Dosen von K2) in der individuell bei jedem Patienten maximalen Supplementierungsdosis von möglichst 50.000 I.U. D3 oder höher jeden Tag konsekutiv für idR mehr als Monate verabreicht mit ständigen Kontrollen gegen Hypercalcemia. Vom Forschungsansatz ungeeignet für etwas Anderes als individuelle Kranken- und Heilungsberichte. Wissenschaftliche Studien könnten so nicht vorgehen. Das bedeutet m.E. , daß er Heilerfolge bei seinen Patienten höher bewertet, als RCT Standards. Wie sehen Sie das ethisch? - Die von Ihnen in Bezug genommenen neuen Versuche liegen vermutlich deutlich zu niedrig im Dosisbereich. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Volker H. Schendel - Ministerialrat a.D. Freier Wissenschaftsjournalist Langrederhof 5 30455 Hannover Tel.: 0511 / 215 99 44 (mit AB) Von: Messaritakis Hippokratis [] Gesendet: Mittwoch, 19. März 2014 11:22 An: Volker H. Schendel Betreff: AW: Ihre Anfrage vom 12.03.2014 bzgl. Vit. D Sehr geehrter Herr Schendel, 24 es könnte sein, dass das Vitamin D hochdosiert zusammen mit einer Interferon-Therapie eine Wirkung bei Patienten mit MS zeigt. Das wird aber gerade jetzt untersucht durch die SOLAR-Studie. Die Ergebnisse liegen noch nicht vor. Diesbezüglich schicke ich Ihnen im Anhang einen Artikel aus dem Deutschen Ärzteblatt. Ist also ein Thema, worüber noch diskutiert wird, und ich glaube dass wir bald aussagekräftige Ergebnisse haben werden. Was das Vitamin D allgemein angeht, gibt es genügend Hinweise, dass eine Gabe von Vitamin D keinen Einfluss auf Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen und Krebs hat. Den entsprechenden Artikel schicke ich Ihnen auch noch dazu. Es sieht also danach aus, dass das Vitamin D nur bei bestimmten Situationen helfen kann. Eine sicher Indikation wäre z.B. die Osteodystrophie bei chronischen Nierenpatienten, wo allerdings die aktive Form 1,25(OH)2-Vit. D verabreicht wird. Weitere Fragen beantworte ich Ihnen gerne. Viele Grüße Hippokratis Messaritakis FA für Mikrobiologie, Virologie und Infektionsepidemiologie Von: Volker H. Schendel [] Gesendet: Dienstag, 18. März 2014 15:27 An: Messaritakis Hippokratis Betreff: AW: Ihre Anfrage vom 12.03.2014 bzgl. Vit. D Hallo Herr Messaritakis, wie finden Sie the Research in Multiple Sclerosis (MS) cure by the Brasilian Research Group around Dr. Cicero Coimbra with daily intake of 50.000 I.U. Vitamin D 3 documented here: Mit freundlichen Grüßen Volker H. Schendel - Ministerialrat a.D. Freier Wissenschaftsjournalist Langrederhof 5 30455 Hannover Tel.: 0511 / 215 99 44 (mit AB) Von: Messaritakis Hippokratis [] Gesendet: Donnerstag, 13. März 2014 13:26 25 An: Betreff: Ihre Anfrage vom 12.03.2014 bzgl. Vit. D Sehr geehrter Herr Schendel, vielen Dank für Ihre Anfrage. Leider kann ich diese Aussage bzgl. 25(OH)Vit. D weder bestätigen noch ausschließen, weil wir die LC-MS Messung nicht als Analysemethode benutzen und somit keinen direkten Vergleich haben. Wir benutzen die Bestimmung durch ein Immunoassay der Firma Diasorin. Es gibt jedoch Literatur über den Vergleich von verschiedenen LC-MS mit verschiedenen anderen Methoden (RIA, Immunoassays). In der Studie von Farrell CJL et al, State-of-the-Art Vitamin D Assays, Clinical Chemistry, 58:3, 531-542, 2012 hat der Immunoassay von Diasorin die beste Vergleichbarkeit mit der LC-MS (superior agreement). Weiterhin wurde die Aussage bestätigt, dass die Immunoassays keine guten Ergebnisse bei niedrigen Vit. DKonzentrationen bringen, allerdings nur bei Werten unter 8 µg/l (8 ng/ml), die nicht so sehr klinisch relevant sind. Diesen Artikel schicke ich Ihnen im Anhang. Für weitere Fragen stehe ich Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Hippokratis Messaritakis FA für Mikrobiologie, Virologie und Infektionsepidemiologie +++ Aktuelle News und Infos +++ GANZIMMUN Diagnostics AG Hans-Böckler-Straße 109 55128 Mainz Tel: 0049 6131 7205-0 Fax: 0049 6131 7205-100 Vorstand Dr. med. Ralf Kirkamm Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates Dr. med. Ralf Jochem Amtsgericht Mainz HRB 6622 Steuernummer: 26/656/0298/3 Diese E-Mail enthält vertrauliche und/oder rechtlich geschützte Informationen. Wenn Sie nicht der richtige Adressat sind oder diese E-Mail irrtümlich erhalten haben, informieren Sie bitte sofort den Absender und vernichten Sie diese Mail. Das unerlaubte Kopieren sowie die unbefugte Weitergabe dieser Mail ist nicht gestattet. 26 This e-mail may contain confidential and/or privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient (or have received this e-mail in error) please notify the sender immediately and destroy this e-mail. Any unauthorized copying, disclosure or distribution of the material in this e-mail is strictly forbidden. -This email was Anti Virus checked by Astaro Security Gateway. Hello Helmut, I Suppose, now I have to disagree - if the treatment of the MS patients has an individual approach - meaning every patient gets his or her maximised dosage in the area between 50.000 I.U. Vitamin D 3 per day for six months controlled individually against hypercalcemia and supplemented for example with 360 mcg Vitamin K 2 (personal advice of Dr. Cees Vermeer from the research group in Maastricht, Holland, Netherlands) how could you formulate a design protocol, if a general applied dose of Vitamin D 3 in the verum-group is forbidden? Mit freundlichen Grüßen Volker H. Schendel - Ministerialrat a.D. Freier Wissenschaftsjournalist Langrederhof 5 30455 Hannover Tel.: 0511 / 215 99 44 (mit AB) Von: Helmut Butzkueven [] Gesendet: Mittwoch, 19. März 2014 19:02 An: Volker H. Schendel Betreff: Re: MS and Vitamin D 3 Dear Volker- completely disagree- trial design really easy, but it takes commitment and money etc. We have based our design on all available quality evidence, the protocol was evolved over 2 years and the trial has started so this is not exactly modifiable now. Best Helmut From: "Volker H. Schendel" <> Date: Thursday, 20 March 2014 3:17 am To: Site License <> Subject: MS and Vitamin D 3 27 Hello Helmut, according to my preliminary research results, the protocol of research by Dr. Coimbra in Brazil is designed to supplement vitamin D 3 (probably supplemented by high doses of K2) in the maximum individual dosis for each patient from 50,000 IU D3 or higher every day consecutively for more than 6 months, strictly administered with constant controls against hypercalcemia. From this research approach this is totally unsuitable for anything other than personal health and healing reports. Scientific studies could not follow a Research Design of this kind.. This means IMHO that Dr. Coimbra rated higher the success in healing his patients than RCT standards. As you can see , there's the ethical problem? - All the Australian and New Zealand MS Studies with Vitamin D 3 are probably much too low in the daily dose. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Volker H. Schendel - Ministerialrat a.D. Freier Wissenschaftsjournalist Langrederhof 5 30455 Hannover Tel.: 0511 / 215 99 44 (mit AB) Dear Volker Schendel , Thank you for your recent correspondence. It is important to constantly evaluate emerging research and allow our understanding of nature to remain fluid and dynamic. As our understanding of nutrition and physiology evolves, paradigm shifts may change our understanding of scientific theory as it applies to human health. Anecdotes and case reports serve a role in allowing us to question accepted norms, but should not represent the basis or rationale for making suggestions regarding safe and responsible healthcare or disease prevention. The collective body of scientific evidence should always be considered when reviewing individual reports regarding health. As we discussed in a prior email correspondence, although certain cases of excessive Vitamin D ingestion suggest that such dosages may be tolerable for many people over a short term, they do not suggest that it would be safe or necessary for most people to ingest such quantities long-term. 25-hydroxy vitamin D blood levels exceeding 100 ng/dL have been linked to increased risk of cardiovascular events. Life Extension suggests 25-hydroxy-vitamin D levels be maintained between 50 and 80 ng/dL. Most people require between 5000-8000 IU of Vitamin D3 daily to attain this level. In rare instances, doses of less than 5,000 IU result in blood levels greater than 100 ng/mL. In other instances, some people may require doses higher than 8000 IU daily to achieve optimal levels. All individuals react differently to particular dosages of any compound. Vitamin D may not always be fully absorbed or metabolized effectively and differences in body weight and vitamin D storage may also affect blood concentrations. Regular blood work is important to ensure vitamin D blood concentrations stay within a safe range. While the aforementioned adverse outcomes are not always seen in every individual, they are still potential risks. A risks and benefits analysis should always be conducted prior to any therapeutic intervention. Here is an article Life Extension published regarding the potential dangers of excessive Vitamin D blood levels: 28 If you have any additional questions, please email us or call the advisor helpline at (800) 226-2370; international customers Dear Volker Schendel , Thank you for your recent correspondence. The first document you provided is simply a collection of user-generated reviews for the eBook you previously linked to. Life Extension has not reviewed the content of the eBook by Jeff T Bowles. Based on the description of the book, it appears to be a report about the author’s self-administration of extremely high doses of vitamin D. We were not able to locate any peer-reviewed studies by the author that might validate or support his book’s contents. Vitamin D has a significant amount of research regarding its role in immune regulation. As Multiple Sclerosis is a disease characterized by autoimmune-related demyelination of nerve cells, it is not surprising that Vitamin D may play a supportive role in nerve function. In our Multiple Sclerosis protocol, we write the following: “Mainstream medicine has failed to recognize the pivotal role of vitamin D in regulating the overactive immune system in MS patients. Greater than 30 years have passed since vitamin D was originally hypothesized to be an important environmental determinant of the prevalence of MS (Goldberg 1974; Craelius 1978). During the three decades following the initial linking of vitamin D and MS, evidence has continued to mount. It is now known that MS occurs more frequently in individuals with lower blood levels of vitamin D. A study published in the prestigious Journal of the American Medical Association found that, compared to those with the highest vitamin D blood levels, those with the lowest blood levels were 62% more likely to develop MS. MS attacks occur less frequently during seasons corresponding with the highest exposure to sunlight; since vitamin D synthesis depends upon exposure of the skin to sunlight, the summer months also bring the highest blood levels of vitamin D (Tremlett 2008). A recent study has quantified the impact of vitamin D blood levels on risk for MS relapse – for each 4 ng/ml increase in 25-hydroxy vitamin D in the blood, the risk for MS relapse is reduced by 12%. The investigators who conducted this study concluded that “Clinically, raising 25-hydroxy vitamin D levels by [20 ng/ml] could halve the hazard of a relapse” (Simpson 2010). Vitamin D mediates these disease-modifying effects through complex and powerful interactions with the immune system. Hostile immune cells, which attack the myelin sheath, are calmed upon exposure to vitamin D. In fact, when aggressive immune cells taken directly from MS patients are exposed to the active form of vitamin D, the cells divide and reproduce much more slowly, indicating that vitamin D has the ability to impede the aberrant autoimmunity that is a driving force in MS. However, vitamin D does more than just arrest damaging immune cells; it also supercharges protective immune cells. T-reg cells are specialized components of the immune system that help keep immunity balanced. If too few T-reg cells are present, the immune system becomes overactive, as in autoimmune diseases like MS. Vitamin D increases the number of protective T-reg cells, restoring equilibrium to an overactive immune system (Correale 2009). In a randomized controlled trial, supplementation with doses of vitamin D ranging from 10,000 IU to 40,000 IU daily over the course of 52 weeks resulted in a reduction in relapses and a reduction in the number of aggressive immune cells in patients with MS (Burton 2010). Despite robust findings across a range of studies on the link between vitamin D and MS, mainstream medicine and the federal government have only just recently begun to realize the need to initiate federally funded trials. A large scale, randomized, controlled clinical trial to assess the effects of vitamin D in MS is now recruiting; the study is expected to be complete in 2014 ( [NCT01285401]).” The above information and cited studies may be referenced from our protocol, available at the following link: It is important to constantly evaluate emerging research and allow our understanding of nature to remain fluid and dynamic. As our understanding of nutrition and physiology evolves, paradigm shifts may change our understanding of scientific theory as it applies to human health. Anecdotes and case reports serve a role in allowing us to question accepted norms, but should not represent the basis or rationale for making suggestions regarding safe and responsible healthcare or disease prevention. The collective body of scientific evidence should always be considered when reviewing individual reports regarding health. 29 As we discussed in a prior email correspondence, although certain cases of excessive Vitamin D ingestion suggest that such dosages may be tolerable for many people over a short term, they do not suggest that it would be safe or necessary for most people to ingest such quantities long-term. 25-hydroxy vitamin D blood levels exceeding 100 ng/dL have been linked to increased risk of cardiovascular events. Life Extension suggests 25-hydroxy-vitamin D levels be maintained between 50 and 80 ng/dL. Most people require between 5000-8000 IU of Vitamin D3 daily to attain this level. In rare instances, doses of less than 5,000 IU result in blood levels greater than 100 ng/mL. In other instances, some people may require doses higher than 8000 IU daily to achieve optimal levels. All individuals react differently to particular dosages of any compound. Vitamin D may not always be fully absorbed or metabolized effectively and differences in body weight and vitamin D storage may also affect blood concentrations. Regular blood work is important to ensure vitamin D blood concentrations stay within a safe range. While the aforementioned adverse outcomes are not always seen in every individual, they are still potential risks. A risks and benefits analysis should always be conducted prior to any therapeutic intervention. Here is an article Life Extension published regarding the potential dangers of excessive Vitamin D blood levels: Thanks for Your ideas. " the basis or rationale for making suggestions regarding safe and responsible healthcare or disease prevention" is naturally also a question of the Philosophy of Science. In that "Anything Goes" in the Sense of Prof. Paul Feyerabend might be more leading to a good future. Scientific evidence in medicine, often according to the rules of RCT's might be misleading. But I agree totally to " Regular blood work is important to ensure vitamin D blood concentrations stay within a safe range." The problem in so called scientific medicine is the neglecting of the personal experience of the doctors. which is more worth, than statistic. But there we might not come to a consensus. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Volker H. Schendel - Ministerialrat a.D. Freier Wissenschaftsjournalist Langrederhof 5 30455 Hannover Tel.: 0511 / 215 99 44 (mit AB) Von: [] Gesendet: Mittwoch, 19. März 2014 20:17 An: Betreff: Case:[2860999] - AW: Supplementing Vitamin D3 Dear Volker Schendel , Thank you for your recent correspondence. 30 It is important to constantly evaluate emerging research and allow our understanding of nature to remain fluid and dynamic. As our understanding of nutrition and physiology evolves, paradigm shifts may change our understanding of scientific theory as it applies to human health. Anecdotes and case reports serve a role in allowing us to question accepted norms, but should not represent the basis or rationale for making suggestions regarding safe and responsible healthcare or disease prevention . The collective body of scientific evidence should always be considered when reviewing individual reports regarding health. As we discussed in a prior email correspondence, although certain cases of excessive Vitamin D ingestion suggest that such dosages may be tolerable for many people over a short term, they do not suggest that it would be safe or necessary for most people to ingest such quantities long-term. 25-hydroxy vitamin D blood levels exceeding 100 ng/dL have been linked to increased risk of cardiovascular events. Life Extension suggests 25-hydroxy-vitamin D levels be maintained between 50 and 80 ng/dL. Most people require between 5000-8000 IU of Vitamin D3 daily to attain this level. In rare instances, doses of less than 5,000 IU result in blood levels greater than 100 ng/mL. In other instances, some people may require doses higher than 8000 IU daily to achieve optimal levels. All individuals react differently to particular dosages of any compound. Vitamin D may not always be fully absorbed or metabolized effectively and differences in body weight and vitamin D storage may also affect blood concentrations. Regular blood work is important to ensure vitamin D blood concentrations stay within a safe range. While the aforementioned adverse outcomes are not always seen in every individual, they are still potential risks. A risks and benefits analysis should always be conducted prior to any therapeutic intervention. Here is an article Life Extension published regarding the potential dangers of excessive Vitamin D blood levels: If you have any additional questions, please email us or call the advisor helpline at (800) 226-2370; international customers dial 001-954-202-7660. We will be happy to assist you. Hello and thanks. According to my preliminary research results, the protocol of research by Dr. Coimbra in Brazil is designed to supplement vitamin D 3 (probably supplemented by high doses of K2) in the maximum individual dosis for each patient from 50,000 IU D3 or higher every day consecutively for more than 6 months, strictly administered with constant controls against hypercalcemia. From this research approach this is totally unsuitable for any research studyy design other than personal health and healing reports. Scientific studies could not follow a Research Design of this kind.. This means probably that Dr. Coimbra rated higher the success in healing his patients than RCT standards. As you can see , there's the ethical problem? - I doubt , there is a chance for a RCT with Dr. Cicero Coimbra's approach. But then, according to the President of the German official Chamber of the Medical Profession (Bundesärztekammer), only 40 % of the official medicine is evidence based. " Professor Dr. Jörg-Dietrich Hoppe, Präsident der Bundesärztekammer, auf dem Dialogforum Pluralismus in der Medizin: - …Maximal 40 Prozent der Medizin sei evidenzbasiert und finde sich früher oder später in wissenschaftlichen Leitlinien wieder, sagte Hoppe bei der Feier zum zehnjährigen Jubiläum des Forums in der Hauptstadt. " If the treatment of the MS patients has an individual approach - meaning every patient gets his or her maximised dosage in the area between 50.000 I.U. Vitamin D 3 per day for six months controlled individually against hypercalcemia and supplemented for example with 360 mcg Vitamin K 2 (personal advice of Dr. Cees Vermeer from the research group in Maastricht, Holland, Netherlands in his internet interview with Dr. Mercola) how valid could this research be, if a general applied dose of Vitamin D 3 in the verum-group is forbidden? 31 But could it be, that the healing of MS patients in Brasil is more important than following scientific rules and should this be a reason for Lifeextension to get into contact with the Brasilian Doctors? Mit freundlichen Grüßen Volker H. Schendel - Ministerialrat a.D. Freier Wissenschaftsjournalist Langrederhof 5 30455 Hannover Tel.: 0511 / 215 99 44 (mit AB) Von: [] Gesendet: Mittwoch, 19. März 2014 20:32 An: Betreff: *** GMX Spamverdacht *** Case:[2859507] - WG: Presseanfrage zur Supplementierung von Vitamin D3 Dear Volker Schendel , Thank you for your recent correspondence. The first document you provided is simply a collection of user-generated reviews for the eBook you previously linked to. Life Extension has not reviewed the content of the eBook by Jeff T Bowles. Based on the description of the book, it appears to be a report about the author’s self-administration of extremely high doses of vitamin D. We were not able to locate any peer-reviewed studies by the author that might validate or support his book’s contents. Vitamin D has a significant amount of research regarding its role in immune regulation. As Multiple Sclerosis is a disease characterized by autoimmune-related demyelination of nerve cells, it is not surprising that Vitamin D may play a supportive role in nerve function. In our Multiple Sclerosis protocol, we write the following: “Mainstream medicine has failed to recognize the pivotal role of vitamin D in regulating the overactive immune system in MS patients. Greater than 30 years have passed since vitamin D was originally hypothesized to be an important environmental determinant of the prevalence of MS (Goldberg 1974; Craelius 1978). During the three decades following the initial linking of vitamin D and MS, evidence has continued to mount. It is now known that MS occurs more frequently in individuals with lower blood levels of vitamin D. A study published in the prestigious Journal of the American Medical Association found that, compared to those with the highest vitamin D blood levels, those with the lowest blood levels were 62% more likely to develop MS. MS attacks occur less frequently during seasons corresponding with the highest exposure to sunlight; since vitamin D synthesis depends upon exposure of the skin to sunlight, the summer months also bring the highest blood levels of vitamin D (Tremlett 2008). A recent study has quantified the impact of vitamin D blood levels on risk for MS relapse – for each 4 ng/ml increase in 25-hydroxy vitamin D in the blood, the risk for MS relapse is reduced by 12%. The investigators who conducted this study concluded that “Clinically, raising 25-hydroxy vitamin D levels by [20 ng/ml] could halve the hazard of a relapse” (Simpson 2010). Vitamin D mediates these disease-modifying effects through complex and powerful interactions with the immune system. Hostile immune cells, which attack the myelin sheath, are calmed upon exposure to vitamin D. In fact, when aggressive immune cells taken directly from MS patients are exposed to the active form of vitamin D, the cells divide and reproduce much more slowly, indicating that vitamin D has the ability to impede the aberrant autoimmunity that is a driving force in MS. However, vitamin D does more than just arrest damaging immune cells; it also supercharges protective immune cells. 32 T-reg cells are specialized components of the immune system that help keep immunity balanced. If too few T-reg cells are present, the immune system becomes overactive, as in autoimmune diseases like MS. Vitamin D increases the number of protective T-reg cells, restoring equilibrium to an overactive immune system (Correale 2009). In a randomized controlled trial, supplementation with doses of vitamin D ranging from 10,000 IU to 40,000 IU daily over the course of 52 weeks resulted in a reduction in relapses and a reduction in the number of aggressive immune cells in patients with MS (Burton 2010). Despite robust findings across a range of studies on the link between vitamin D and MS, mainstream medicine and the federal government have only just recently begun to realize the need to initiate federally funded trials. A large scale, randomized, controlled clinical trial to assess the effects of vitamin D in MS is now recruiting; the study is expected to be complete in 2014 ( [NCT01285401]).” The above information and cited studies may be referenced from our protocol, available at the following link: It is important to constantly evaluate emerging research and allow our understanding of nature to remain fluid and dynamic. As our understanding of nutrition and physiology evolves, paradigm shifts may change our understanding of scientific theory as it applies to human health. Anecdotes and case reports serve a role in allowing us to question accepted norms, but should not represent the basis or rationale for making suggestions regarding safe and responsible healthcare or disease prevention. The collective body of scientific evidence should always be considered when reviewing individual reports regarding health. As we discussed in a prior email correspondence, although certain cases of excessive Vitamin D ingestion suggest that such dosages may be tolerable for many people over a short term, they do not suggest that it would be safe or necessary for most people to ingest such quantities long-term. 25-hydroxy vitamin D blood levels exceeding 100 ng/dL have been linked to increased risk of cardiovascular events. Life Extension suggests 25-hydroxy-vitamin D levels be maintained between 50 and 80 ng/dL. Most people require between 5000-8000 IU of Vitamin D3 daily to attain this level. In rare instances, doses of less than 5,000 IU result in blood levels greater than 100 ng/mL. In other instances, some people may require doses higher than 8000 IU daily to achieve optimal levels. All individuals react differently to particular dosages of any compound. Vitamin D may not always be fully absorbed or metabolized effectively and differences in body weight and vitamin D storage may also affect blood concentrations. Regular blood work is important to ensure vitamin D blood concentrations stay within a safe range. While the aforementioned adverse outcomes are not always seen in every individual, they are still potential risks. A risks and benefits analysis should always be conducted prior to any therapeutic intervention. Here is an article Life Extension published regarding the potential dangers of excessive Vitamin D blood levels: If you have any additional questions, please email us or call the advisor helpline at (800) 226-2370; international customers dial 001-954-202-7660. We will be happy to assist yo Hello Lisa, thanks for Your feedback. The basis or rationale for making suggestions regarding safe and responsible healthcare or disease prevention is naturally also a question of the Philosophy of Science. In that "Anything Goes" in the Sense of Prof. Paul Feyerabend might be more leading to a good future. - Scientific evidence in medicine, often according to the rules of RCT's might be misleading. - But I agree totally to " Regular blood work is important to ensure vitamin D blood concentrations stay within a safe range." - The problem in so called scientific medicine is the neglecting of the personal experience of the doctors. which is more worth, than statistic. But there we might not come to a consensus. I doubt , there is a chance for a RCT with Dr. Cicero Coimbra's approach. But then, according to the President of the German official Chamber of the Medical Profession (Bundesärztekammer), only 40 % of the official medicine is evidence based. " Professor Dr. Jörg-Dietrich Hoppe, Präsident der Bundesärztekammer, auf dem Dialogforum Pluralismus in der Medizin: - - …Maximal 40 Prozent der Medizin sei 33 evidenzbasiert und finde sich früher oder später in wissenschaftlichen Leitlinien wieder, sagte Hoppe bei der Feier zum zehnjährigen Jubiläum des Forums in der Hauptstadt. " If the treatment of the MS patients has an individual approach - meaning every patient gets his or her maximised dosage in the area between 50.000 I.U. Vitamin D 3 per day for six months controlled individually against hypercalcemia and supplemented for example with 360 mcg Vitamin K 2 (personal advice of Dr. Cees Vermeer from the research group in Maastricht, Holland, Netherlands in his internet interview with Dr. Mercola) how valid could this research be, if a general applied dose of Vitamin D 3 in the verum-group is forbidden? - But could it be, that the healing of MS patients in Brasil is more important than following scientific rules and should this be a reason for you and your team to get into direct contact with the Brasilian Doctors? Mit freundlichen Grüßen Volker H. Schendel - Ministerialrat a.D. Freier Wissenschaftsjournalist Langrederhof 5 30455 Hannover Tel.: 0511 / 215 99 44 (mit AB) Von: Lisa Melton [] Gesendet: Donnerstag, 20. März 2014 00:00 An: 'Volker H. Schendel' Cc: Helmut Butzkueven Betreff: RE: Research in Multiple Sklerose (MS) cure by the brasilian Reearch Group araound Dr. Cicero Coimbra with daily intake of 50.000 I.U. Vitamin D 3 Dear Volker In relation to MS, there is a great deal of evidence to suggest that both sun exposure and vitamin D levels independently affect the risk of developing MS. The data is very much correlative/circumstantial. To date there have been no clinical trials of sufficient size and good design to provide the necessary evidence that vitamin D can prevent MS in those at high risk, or treat MS for those with established disease. Despite this there is a great deal of advice (both on the web and from GPs etc) that people with MS should take vitamin D supplements. However, without properly designed clinical trials we cannot know whether vitamin D supplements are safe and effective in reducing a person's risk of developing MS or whether it can reduce the risk and severity of relapses in people with established MS. And we also don't know what is the most appropriate dose of vitamin D for people with MS. As a result of this, MS Research Australia, together with a consortium of highly experienced MS neurologists, endocrinologists and epidemiologists is now running a clinical trial in Australia and New Zealand to determine whether vitamin D can reduce the risk of developing MS (in people with a first demyelinating event), whether it is safe and what is the correct dose ( ). The PrevANZ trial has been very carefully designed and is based on previous data from other smaller clinical trials and on a pilot study conducted in Australia. With the doses being tested we expect to raise the serum vitamin D of the majority of participants by a clinically significant level. We will be correlating the outcomes both with the dose taken and the serum level achieved to obtain an accurate understanding of what serum level is necessary to achieve a therapeutic benefit. In parallel we will also be controlling for sun exposure, diet and lifestyle factors that may confound the results. As Helmut mentioned there is also a trial underway in France with a similar approach, but using a dosing regimen of 100,000 I.U. per fortnight. It is not clear from the information you have sent whether Dr Coimbra is conducting a randomised controlled trial of his treatment protocol. However, this is what would be required to obtain evidence for the safety and efficacy of this approach. Kind regards Lisa 34 Dr Lisa Melton BSc, PhD Research Development Manager MS Research Australia 02 8484 1306 • 1300 356 467 • Level 26 Northpoint • 100 Miller Street • North Sydney NSW 2060 From: Volker H. Schendel [] Sent: Thursday, 20 March 2014 3:19 AM To: Lisa Melton Subject: Research in Multiple Sklerose (MS) cure by the brasilian Reearch Group araound Dr. Cicero Coimbra with daily intake of 50.000 I.U. Vitamin D 3 Hello Lisa, according to my preliminary research results, the protocol of research by Dr. Coimbra in Brazil is designed to supplement vitamin D 3 (probably supplemented by high doses of K2) in the maximum individual dosis for each patient from 50,000 IU D3 or higher every day consecutively for more than 6 months, strictly administered with constant controls against hypercalcemia. From this research approach this is totally unsuitable for anything other than personal health and healing reports. Scientific studies could not follow a Research Design of this kind.. This means IMHO that Dr. Coimbra rated higher the success in healing his patients than RCT standards. As you can see , there's the ethical problem? - All the Australian and New Zealand MS Studies with Vitamin D 3 are probably much too low in the daily dose. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Volker H. Schendel - Ministerialrat a.D. Freier Wissenschaftsjournalist Langrederhof 5 30455 Hannover Tel.: 0511 / 215 99 44 (mit AB) 35 Von: Lisa Melton [] Gesendet: Mittwoch, 19. März 2014 05:57 An: 'Helmut Butzkueven'; Volker H. Schendel Betreff: RE: AW: WG: Research in Multiple Sklerose (MS) cure by the brasilian Reearch Group araound Dr. Cicero Coimbra with daily intake of 50.000 I.U. Vitamin D 3 Dear Volker You can read more details of our Australian vitamin D trial here Let me know if you have any further questions, that I might be able to help with Regards Lisa Dr Lisa Melton BSc, PhD Research Development Manager MS Research Australia 02 8484 1306 • 1300 356 467 • Level 26 Northpoint • 100 Miller Street • North Sydney NSW 2060 From: Helmut Butzkueven [] Sent: Wednesday, 19 March 2014 1:58 AM To: Volker H. Schendel Cc: Lisa Melton Subject: Re: AW: WG: Research in Multiple Sklerose (MS) cure by the brasilian Reearch Group araound Dr. Cicero Coimbra with daily intake of 50.000 I.U. Vitamin D 3 Hi Volker We are examining daily doses of 1000,5000 or 10000 versus placebo, in a standard randomised, controlled design. There is a french group with a similar trial design (endpoint- new lesions/relapses ) examining 100,000 units/every 2 weeks versus placebo. So no, no data on doses of 50,000 IU/day will be generated from these trials. 36 Best helmut From: "Volker H. Schendel" <> Date: Wednesday, 19 March 2014 12:53 am To: Site License <> Subject: AW: WG: Research in Multiple Sklerose (MS) cure by the brasilian Reearch Group araound Dr. Cicero Coimbra with daily intake of 50.000 I.U. Vitamin D 3 Hello Helmut, Is my assumption correct, that Your Australian approach is miles away and below from the Brasilian Medical Approach with the Intention to cure MS with 50.000 I.U. per day for six consecutive months ? Mit freundlichen Grüßen Volker H. Schendel - Ministerialrat a.D. Freier Wissenschaftsjournalist Langrederhof 5 30455 Hannover Tel.: 0511 / 215 99 44 (mit AB) Von: Helmut Butzkueven [] Gesendet: Dienstag, 18. März 2014 02:59 An: Volker H. Schendel Cc: Lisa Melton Betreff: Re: WG: Research in Multiple Sklerose (MS) cureby the brasilian Reearch Group araound Dr. Cicero Coimbra with daily intake of 50.000 I.U. Vitamin D 3 DearMr Schendel MS research Australia is conducting a trialof different doses of vitamin D to suppress disease activity in early MS. The MSRA coordinator is Lisa Melton, she can provide you with press information ifyou wish. Best Helmut From: "Volker H. Schendel" <> Date: Monday, 17 March 2014 11:45 pm 37 To: Site License <> Subject: WG: Research in Multiple Sklerose (MS) cure by the brasilian Reearch Group araound Dr. Cicero Coimbrawith daily intake of 50.000 I.U. Vitamin D 3 Hello, could I get a comment from You to the Research in Multiple Sclerosis (MS) cure by the Brasilian Research Group around Dr. Cicero Coimbra with daily intake of 50.000 I.U. Vitamin D 3 documentedhere: Sincerely Volker H. Schendel - Ministerialrat a.D. Freier Wissenschaftsjournalist Langrederhof 5 30455 Hannover Tel.: 0511 / 215 99 44 (mit AB) Hallo Herr Schendel, Vitamin D3 hat eine sehr breite Wirkung. Abgesehen davon, dass manche Leute bei medizinischen Erfolgsberichten zum Übertreiben neigen, gehe ich davon aus, dass diese positiven Berichte wahrheitsgemäß sind! J Wissen Sie, was Midi-Chlorianer sind? J „Midi-Chlorianer sind eine mikroskopisch kleine Lebensform, die sich in allen lebenden Zellen befindet. Und wir leben in Symbiose mit ihnen. Das sind Lebensformen, die zum gegenseitigen Vorteil eng miteinander leben. Ohne die Midi-Chlorianer könnte kein Leben existieren und wir hätten auch keine Kenntnis von der 38 Macht. Ohne Unterlass sprechen sie zu uns und teilen uns den Willen der Macht mit. Wenn du gelernt hast deine Gedanken zum Schweigen zu bringen, wirst du auch hören, was sie sagen.“ — Qui-Gon Jinn zu Anakin Skywalker (Quelle) Midi-Chlorianer sind sozusagen die intrazellulären Rezeptoren Der Macht. Hochdosiertes Vitamin D3 erhöht die Anzahl der Midi-Chlorianer (ebenso wie S-Acetylglutahion). Es stärkt also auch Jedis! Herzlicher Gruß, Lorenz Geßwein Many Thanks for Your feedback.. What Do you think of the here reported Cases: = and could I get a comment from You to the Research in Multiple Sclerosis (MS) cure by the Brasilian Research Group around Dr. Cicero Coimbra with daily intake of 50.000 I.U. Vitamin D 3 for more than 6 consecutive months documented here: Mit freundlichen Grüßen Volker H. Schendel - Ministerialrat a.D. Freier Wissenschaftsjournalist Langrederhof 5 30455 Hannover Tel.: 0511 / 215 99 44 (mit AB) Von: [] Gesendet: Montag, 17. März 2014 22:07 An: Betreff: *** GMX Spamverdacht *** Case:[2859507] - WG: Presseanfrage zur Supplementierung von Vitamin D3 39 Dear Volker Schendel , Thank you for your recent correspondence. Although these cases of excessive Vitamin D ingestion suggest that such dosages may be tolerable for many people over a one or two year period, they do not suggest that it would be safe or necessary for most people to ingest such quantities long-term. 25-hydroxy vitamin D blood levels exceeding 100 ng/dL have been linked to increased risk of cardiovascular events. Life Extension suggests 25-hydroxy-vitamin D levels be maintained between 50 and 80 ng/dL. Most people require between 5000-8000 IU of Vitamin D3 daily to attain this level. In rare instances, doses of less than 5,000 IU result in blood levels greater than 100 ng/mL. In other instances, some people may require doses higher than 8000 IU daily to achieve optimal levels. Regular blood work is important to ensure vitamin D blood concentrations stay within a safe range. Here is an article Life Extension published regarding the potential dangers of excessive Vitamin D blood levels: Life Extension has not reviewed the content of the eBook by Jeff T Bowles. Based on the description of the book, it appears to be a report about the author’s self-administration of extremely high doses of vitamin D. We were not able to locate any peer-reviewed studies by the author that might validate or support his book’s contents. Dear Volker Schendel , Thank you for your recent correspondence. Although these cases of excessive Vitamin D ingestion suggest that such dosages may be tolerable for many people over a one or two year period, they do not suggest that it would be safe or necessary for most people to ingest such quantities long-term. 25-hydroxy vitamin D blood levels exceeding 100 ng/dL have been linked to increased risk of cardiovascular events. Life Extension suggests 25-hydroxy-vitamin D levels be maintained between 50 and 80 ng/dL. Most people require between 50008000 IU of Vitamin D3 daily to attain this level. In rare instances, doses of less than 5,000 IU result in blood levels greater than 100 ng/mL. In other instances, some people may require doses higher than 8000 IU daily to achieve optimal levels. Regular blood work is important to ensure vitamin D blood concentrations stay within a safe range. Here is an article Life Extension published regarding the potential dangers of excessive Vitamin D blood levels: Life Extension has not reviewed the content of the eBook by Jeff T Bowles. Based on the description of the book, it appears to be a report about the author’s self-administration of extremely high doses of vitamin D. We were not able to locate any peerreviewed studies by the author that might validate or support his book’s contents. If you have any additional questions, please email us or call the advisor helpline at (800) 226-2370; international customers dial 001-954-202-7660. We will be happy to assist you. Hallo Herr Schendel, … „angemessene Schlussfolgerungen“? Die habe ich für meine Praxis gezogen. Aber die allermeisten Patienten folgen mir nicht. Ich bin nur HP, und „2.000 IE Vitamin D3 ist ja schon doppelt so viel wie die Standarddosis, die Ärzte empfehlen!“ Ich sage dann immer: „Unser Kinderarzt hat unseren Kindern vor 30 Jahren, als sie Säuglinge waren, 1.000 IE Vitamin D3 pro Tag verordnet. Denken Sie mal darüber nach.“ Auch das hier wird von mir dringendst empfohlen. Wer bei der Bestellung meinen Namen erwähnt, bekommt sogar 30% Rabatt auf den Nettopreis. Wer befolgt meinen Rat? Fast keiner! Die Leute haben ein schlafendes Bewusstsein! Die träumen auch noch von diesem Ideal! Grundlegender dargestellt hier! 40 Herzliche Grüße, Lorenz Geßwein Lorenz Geßwein Heilpraktiker Am Zinnbruch 34 53129 Bonn Telefon: (0228) 360 25 733 Telefax: (0228) 360 25 734 E-Mail: Internet: Aktuelles Interview: Von: Volker H. Schendel [] Gesendet: Dienstag, 18. März 2014 15:22 An: 'Lorenz Gesswein' Betreff: AW: Fallberichte zu monatelangen extrem hohen Supplementierungen von Vitamin D 3 Hallo Herr Geßwein, wenn diese Fälle echt sind, wer zieht dann die angemessenen Schlußfolgerungen? Mit freundlichen Grüßen Volker H. Schendel - Ministerialrat a.D. Freier Wissenschaftsjournalist Langrederhof 5 30455 Hannover Tel.: 0511 / 215 99 44 (mit AB) 41 Von: Lorenz Gesswein [] Gesendet: Montag, 17. März 2014 17:12 An: 'Volker H. Schendel' Betreff: AW: Fallberichte zu monatelangen extrem hohen Supplementierungen von Vitamin D 3 Hallo Herr Schendel, Vitamin D3 hat eine sehr breite Wirkung. Abgesehen davon, dass manche Leute bei medizinischen Erfolgsberichten zum Übertreiben neigen, gehe ich davon aus, dass diese positiven Berichte wahrheitsgemäß sind! J Wissen Sie, was Midi-Chlorianer sind? J „Midi-Chlorianer sind eine mikroskopisch kleine Lebensform, die sich in allen lebenden Zellen befindet. Und wir leben in Symbiose mit ihnen. Das sind Lebensformen, die zum gegenseitigen Vorteil eng miteinander leben. Ohne die Midi-Chlorianer könnte kein Leben existieren und wir hätten auch keine Kenntnis von der Macht. Ohne Unterlass sprechen sie zu uns und teilen uns den Willen der Macht mit. Wenn du gelernt hast deine Gedanken zum Schweigen zu bringen, wirst du auch hören, was sie sagen.“ — Qui-Gon Jinn zu Anakin Skywalker (Quelle) Midi-Chlorianer sind sozusagen die intrazellulären Rezeptoren Der Macht. Hochdosiertes Vitamin D3 erhöht die Anzahl der Midi-Chlorianer (ebenso wie S-Acetylglutahion). Es stärkt also auch Jedis! Herzlicher Gruß, Lorenz Geßwein Lorenz Geßwein Heilpraktiker Am Zinnbruch 34 53129 Bonn Telefon: (0228) 360 25 733 Telefax: (0228) 360 25 734 E-Mail: 42 Internet: Aktuelles Interview: Von: Volker H. Schendel [] Gesendet: Montag, 17. März 2014 16:36 An: Udo Böhm Betreff: Fallberichte zu monatelangen extrem hohen Supplementierungen von Vitamin D 3 Hallo Dr. Böhm, würden Sie solche Fallberichte: Fallberichte: = ernst nehmen? Mit freundlichen Grüßen Volker H. Schendel - Ministerialrat a.D. Freier Wissenschaftsjournalist Langrederhof 5 30455 Hannover Tel.: 0511 / 215 99 44 (mit AB) 43