Philip II and the Papacy

Philip II and the Papacy
Richard Fitzsimmons
Strathallan School
Relations with the Papacy …
Philip’s relations with the Papacy were often stormy …
• Philip’s control of the Spanish Church worried the Papacy, particularly his
determination to keep Papal influence to a minimum
• Philip was unwilling to relinquish rights and privileges he had inherited from
Charles, and the earlier Catholic monarchs (Ferdinand and Isabella)
• For Philip, royal control of the Church had led to victories over both Jews and
Moors, and also preventing heresy in the Spanish mainland – accordingly he
was reluctant to allow the Papacy influence over the Spanish church
• The Papacy had not exactly been forthcoming with much support in putting
down heresy in the Low Countries, nor had its support been significant in the
struggle against the Ottomans in the Mediterranean
• The Papacy saw Philip’s control over the Spanish church as a challenge to its
authority and, in the wake of the Council of Trent, wanted to emphasise the
primacy of the Papacy over all secular rulers …
Tensions over … the Spanish church
• Both Philip and Pope Pius IV clashed over a dispute involving
Archbishop Bartolomé Carranza from Toledo (Spain’s religious
Carranza was arrested and suspended in
1559 on charges of heresy – he was accused
of being a Protestant because of statements
made in his book on the Catechism
He was kept in prison for 7 years before
being sent to Rome.
The case dragged on for another 9 years
before he was acquitted of being a heretic,
though condemned for putting forward some
‘highly suspect’ propositions
The Inquisition played a large part in
bringing Carranza down
Pius IV had insisted that the case be referred
to Rome
1563, Philip withdrew his ambassador to
Rome so Pius refused to renew the servicio
on the Spanish Church
When the case went to Rome, Philip’s
representatives (members of the Inquisition)
stalled the case
No other appeals to Rome were allowed in
Philip’s reign
Pius V issued an edict in 1567 against bullfighting, but Philip and his bishops ignored
the decree
Tensions over … Foreign Policy
• Both Philip’s, and Papal, foreign policy were constantly in
conflict, except for the brief period of the Holy League …
1556-59, Pope Paul IV was allied
with the French against Philip – he
had in fact also excommunicated
Papacy was alarmed at growing
Spanish influence in Italy, and tried
to counteract this by backing Spain’s
e.g. when Henri of Navarre looked as
if he would inherit the French throne,
Pope Sixtus V and Clement VIII
initially said he could not, then they
realised that the next in line was
Philip’s daughter; so, in 1595,
Clement VIII officially recognised
Henri IV as king of France
Philip blocked efforts by Pius IV to
excommunicate Elizabeth (1561,
1563). Even in 1570 he tried to prevent
the Bull of excommunication, hoping
for an anti-French alliance
As the heir to the English throne was
Mary Queen of Scots, and likely to
have a French alliance, Philip resisted
calls from the Papacy in the 1570s to
invade England
When, in 1588, Philip did get round to
invading England, Sixtus V was
constantly complaining at Philip’s
Why were relations so bad ?
• Power politics played an important part in relations – Popes played
Spain off against other Catholic powers, e.g. France
• But, as Spain was the most powerful nation in Europe, the Papacy
resented having to rely on Spanish arms for its security against both
the Ottoman and the Protestant threat
• Even though Philip exercised significant control over the Church in
Spain, and he often exploited this financial benefit, he was also
conscientious in maintaining and seeking to improve religious
• Philip saw himself as God’s representative on earth, not as an agent
of the Pope – although both had the same objectives, they had
different priorities
• Philip believed that the council of Trent had not done enough to
tackle the growing Calvinist threat, and had instead sought to loosen
his control over the Spanish Church. This later caused
disagreements, but Philip still issued the canons of the Trent Council
after 1563.
What historians think …
G. Woodward, ‘Spanish-papal relations had been at best uneasy, and at times hostile … The
Papacy believed Philip had confused what was best for the Church with what was best for
Pope Sixtus V (1589), ‘The King of Spain, as a temporal sovereign, is anxious above all to
safeguard and to increase his dominions...The preservation of the Catholic religion which is
the principal aim of the Pope is only a pretext for His majesty whose principal aim is the
security and aggrandisement of his dominions.’
C. Pendrill, ‘From the papacy’s point of view, Philip’s control over the Church in Spain was
seen as an affront to the power of the papacy. In this period of Counter-reformation, the
papacy liked to emphasise the supremacy of the Pope above all other earthly powers.’
D. McKinnon-Bell, ‘The reality was that the Papacy feared a triumphant Spain which would
be dominant in Europe, and therefore trod a delicate line between supporting Europe’s most
ardent defender of Catholicism whilst avoiding becoming a Spanish client.’
J. Lynch, ‘The conflict between Philip and the papacy over France summarises the essential
issue between the two. Philip believed he had the right to tell the Pope what was best for the
Church. The Pope believed that Philip was confusing what was best for the Church with what
was best for Spanish interests.’
Exercise …
Why were relations between Philip II and Papacy so difficult ?
• Make notes under the following headings, then answer the
above essay question:
- tensions over the Spanish Church
- tensions over foreign policy, particularly with reference to
England & France
- disagreements over priorities
- power politics
- personal animosity between Philip and individual Popes
Suggested Reading …
H. Kamen, Spain 1469-1714: A Society of Conflict.
H. Kamen, The Spanish Inquisition.
J. Kilsby, Spain: Rise and Decline, 1474 - 1643.
J. Lynch, Spain 1516 - 98; From Nation State to World Empire. pp. 369-385
D. McKinnon-Bell, Philip II. pp. 69-72
D. McKinnon-Bell, ‘Philip II: the champion of Catholicism.’ History Review
I. A. A. Thompson, War and Society in Hapsburg Spain.
G.Woodward, Philip II. pp.55-57
A. D. Wright, Catholicism and Spanish Society under the Reign of Philip II, 1555-98
and Philip III, 1598-1621.