Philip II and the Papacy


Philip II of




Richard Fitzsimmons

Strathallan School

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Overview …

• Philip II of Spain has had a chequered reputation among historians, many of them polarised over his character, his policies and his legacy

• For some, Philip’s reign was a ‘golden age’, and he was Spain’s greatest monarch

• For others, Philip personified everything that was most sinister about Counter-Reformation


• But, it is not only the man who invites controversy – the rest of this course concentrates on the policies he pursued and the consequences of his actions – equally controversial and the subject of historical debate

Philip’s early life

• Born in 1527, brought up in a large household of 191 – rarely alone

– raised strictly by his mother (Isabel of Portugal) until her death in 1539 – father, Charles V rarely there (away 1529-33,

1535-6, 1539-41, 1543-57)

• From 1535 he had his own household under his ‘governor’, Don

Juan de Zuniga

• A sickly child –very ill in 1535 with gastric problems – dogged him for the rest of his life – became obsessed with his health

• Brought up a very devout Roman Catholic – legacy of his mother to play an important role in later life – sometimes he confused what was for God’s cause with his own … partic. in foreign policy

• Given a sense of duty and responsibility as Charles’ heir – dynastic concerns – attended Council meetings from age 12 –

Regent of Spain at 16

Philip’s upbringing … 1

• Educated by tutor Juan

Martinez de Siliceo – governor Juan de Zuniga – skilful at hiding his feelings

• Primarily a Spanish emphasis in his learning – maths, architecture, geography, history, classical langs, but no contemporary langs – lack of skill in foreign langs plagued him throughout his reign.

Philip’s upbringing … 2

• He preferred hunting to study.

• At age 14, given his own secretary – Gonzalo Perez

• 1542 – made his first ‘progress’ – travelling round Castile and


• 1543 – Charles left for Germany, leaving Philip behind as Regent, aided by a group of highly experienced men including the

Duke of Alva, Cardinal Juan de

Tavera and Francisco de Los


• 1543 - Philip married Maria of

Portugal (she died in July 1545 in childbirth)

Philip’s character …

• Assessments of Philip’s character have often been influenced by historians’ own prejudices

– J. L. Motley – ‘grossly licentious, cruel … a consummate tyrant’

– Henry Kamen – ‘Philip was by temperament tranquil, subdued and always in control of himself … as a person he was more gentle. He disliked war and violence…’

• They have concentrated on alleged character defects - cruelty, ambition, war-mongering, his religious obsession, his indecision etc, and rarely have achieved a balanced summary

Philip’s character … ‘zero-defects mentality’ or procrastinator?

• One area that has been most raked over has been

Philip’s seeming inability to make decisions, particularly in foreign policy.

• Geoffrey Parker advances one potential explanation for this – what he calls Philip’s ‘Zerodefects mentality’

• i.e. an obsessive drive not to make mistakes, and a fear of failure – may help explain why he had an almost pathological desire to control decisions

• wanted to prove himself worthy of his father Charles V, and to avoid the disgrace of failure

• this could lead to periods of deep depression e.g. over the

Netherlands in 1574-5, and Armada 1588.

Philip’s character …

• How far did he depend slavishly on the advice of his father ?

• He tended to withhold information from his ministers – led to confusion and perhaps competing advice

• Not good at delegation – tended to be overwhelmed by the sheer volume of government business

• BUT, did work very long hours conscientiously, sometimes at the expense of his own health

Philip’s inheritance …

• Philip was King of Spain, but also separately

King of Aragon and Castile

• Duke of Milan

• King of Naples and Sicily

• Ruler of Sardinia

• Ruler of Franche-comte

• Netherlands – multiple titles depending on each province (17)

• Philip’s dominions were huge and, essentially, ungovernable as a unitary state.

Philip’s inheritance … problems

• Philip’s dominions were huge and, essentially, ungovernable as a unitary state.

• He had different titles in each state, and consequently different powers

• He had to deal with a number of representative assemblies –

Cortes in Castile and Aragon, States-General in the


• Each territory guarded its ‘privileges’ jealously – made collection of taxation and use of military force difficult in his many wars

• The size of his empire, and the distances involved, made direct governance basically impossible and communication was extremely slow

Charles V’s legacy …

• Charles gave Philip four sets of instructions, advising him in the art of government

– Nov 1539

– May 1543

– Jan 1548

– 1556

• Of these, the 1543 instructions were probably the most important and certainly the most comprehensive

• Laid down precise rules for government

• Gave advice on anticipated problems individual councillors any particular faction at court, or any individual

State of the Empire, 1556 …

• In 1556 Charles V left an on-going war with Valois

France under Henry II – not going well on the

Netherlands border

• War in the Mediterranean against the Turks – in uneasy abeyance in 1550s

• An imperial treasury strained by almost 40 years of continuous warfare – bankruptcy was declared in 1557 (national debt 25.5 million ducats – annual income 3 million)

• Military forces stretched throughout the Empire

Further Reading

• J. Casey, ‘Philip II of Spain, the prudent King’ Teaching History 1997

• H. Kamen, Spain 1469-1714: A Society of Conflict.

• H. Kamen, Philip II of Spain.

• H. Kamen, The Spanish Inquisition.

• J. Kilsby, Spain: Rise and Decline, 1474 - 1643. (Hodder)

• A. W. Lovett, Early Habsburg Spain, 1517-1598.

• J. Lynch, Spain 1516 - 98; From Nation State to World Empire.

• D. McKinnon-Bell, Philip II (Hodder)

• N. G. Parker, ‘Philip II of Spain – a reappraisal.’ History Today 1979

• N. G. Parker, The Grand Strategy of Philip II.

• I. Thompson, War and Society in Hapsburg Spain.

• G.Woodward, Philip II. (Longman, Seminar Studies)

