1.SYLLABUS CE6503 ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING –I LTPC 3003 OBJECTIVES: To make the students conversant with principles of water supply, treatment and distribution UNIT I PLANNING FOR WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM 8 Public water supply system -Planning - Objectives -Design period - Population forecasting -Water demand -Sources of water and their characteristics -Surface and Groundwater- Impounding Reservoir Well hydraulics -Development and selection of source - Water quality - Characterization and standardsImpact of climate change. UNIT II CONVEYANCE SYSTEM 7 Water supply -intake structures -Functions and drawings -Pipes and conduits for water- Pipe materials Hydraulics of flow in pipes -Transmission main design -Laying, jointing and testing of pipes - Drawings appurtenances - Types and capacity of pumps -Selection of pumps and pipe materials. UNIT III WATER TREATMENT 12 Objectives - Unit operations and processes - Principles, functions design and drawing of Chemical feeding, Flash mixers, flocculators, sedimentation tanks and sand filters - Disinfection- Residue Management - Construction and Operation & Maintenance aspects of Water Treatment Plants. UNIT IV ADVANCED WATER TREATMENT 9 Principles and functions of Aeration - Iron and manganese removal, Defluoridation and demineralization -Water softening - Desalination - Membrane Systems - Recent advances. UNITV WATER DISTRIBUTION AND SUPPLY TO BUILDINGS 9 Requirements of water distribution -Components -Service reservoirs -Functions and drawings -Network design -Economics -Computer applications -Analysis of distribution networks -Appurtenances -operation and maintenance -Leak detection, Methods. Principles of design of water supply in buildings -House service connection -Fixtures and fittings -Systems of plumbing and drawings of types of plumbing. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: The students completing the course will have An insight into the structure of drinking water supply systems, including water transport, treatment and distribution. An understanding of water quality criteria and standards, and their relation to public health, The ability to design and evaluate water supply project alternatives on basis of chosen selection criteria. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Garg, S.K., "Environmental Engineering", Vol.1 Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 2005. 2. Modi, P.N. "Water Supply Engineering", Vol. I Standard Book House, New Delhi, 2005. 3. Punmia, B.C., Ashok K Jain and Arun K Jain, "Water Supply Engineering", Laxmi Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2005 REFERENCES: 1. Government of India, "Manual on Water Supply and Treatment", CPHEEO, Ministry of Urban Development, New Delhi, 2003 2. Syed R. Qasim and Edward M. Motley Guang Zhu, "Water Works Engineering Planning", Design and Operation, Prentice Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi, 2006.